Alicia’s Vengeance by Lila Fox

Chapter Seventeen


Stone groaned when someone tried to shake him awake. “What the fuck, man?” he said and squinted up at Runner.

“Man, she saw you.”

“Who saw me?”

“Alicia saw you with the naked whore on your chest.”

Stone glanced down, and it was the first time he noticed Cherry asleep on his chest. “Fuck,” he cursed and tried to push the woman off his chest. “What the fuck are you doing, whore?”

Cherry woke up. “You were so sad last night, I wanted to make you feel better, but you fell asleep.”

“Get the fuck off me.”

He brutally pushed her off onto the floor when she didn’t move fast enough. “Don’t you ever fucking do that again, you fucking cunt.”

The woman scampered away as Stone sat up and rested his head in his hands. Oh, fuck. It felt like his head was about to explode. He couldn’t remember being this drunk before in his life.

“Is there anything you want me to do?” Runner asked.

“Get me a cup of coffee.”

“You got it.”

Within a few minutes, a cup was in front of him, and he gratefully took it. He took several sips before he was able to look up at Runner. “Did she say anything?”

“Yeah. I told her it looked bad, but it wasn’t what she thought. She told me it didn’t matter.”

“Fuck,” Stone said and pressed on one of his temples where it throbbed.

“I told her you were really drunk, and I doubted you even knew Cherry was on you. I said I’d never seen you that drunk before. She said she thought you did know, but it didn’t matter because she’d be gone within a week.”

Like hell, she’d be gone. Stone drained his cup and set it aside. “What then?”

“I asked where she was going, and she said, Colorado. I reminded her that Rock was still out there and alive and wanted her so she couldn’t leave. She asked why. I said he’d kill her.” Runner stopped and wiped a hand down his face.

“Tell me the rest,” Stone said.

“She said it didn’t matter and that she expected to be dead already. I told her that probably was why you drank, and she said she didn’t give a fuck. She’s still upstairs. I watched the stairs the rest of the night so she wouldn’t slip away.”

Stone stood and patted Runner on the shoulder. “I owe you.”

“What are you going to do?” Runner asked.

“I’ve no idea.” Stone walked upstairs and saw Chains passed out on the floor. Fuck, he’d never put Chains in charge again.

Stone kicked him.

Chain sputtered and sat up. “What the fuck, man?”

“You were supposed to keep her in the room.”

“Yeah, I’ve been here all night.”

“She walked right by you and caught a naked whore on me after I passed out.”

“Oh, fuck. Dude, I’m sorry.” Chains stood.

Stone pressed the bridge of his nose. “I want you to stand in front of her door while I shower. Can you not fuck this up?”

“I got it,” Chains said and leaned against her door so she wouldn’t be able to get out without him knowing because he’d fall into the room.

Stone hurried through a shower and brushing his teeth before downing a few aspirins. It helped get rid of some of the headache and the fogginess. He walked back to his room and pulled on a clean pair of jeans before making his way back to Alicia’s room.

“Thanks, Chains. I got it from here.”

Stone waited until the man left before he opened the door and slipped inside. His first look at her wretched his heart at the same time it gave him hope. Her eyes were swollen and red from crying, so he surmised she must care about him at least a little bit.

He lifted her in his arms and took her back to his room. Once there, he carefully closed the door with his heel and then walked to his bed and put her in the middle before tearing off his clothes and sliding in beside her. The blanket had come loose so he could push it off her. But she still had her panties and shirt she’d worn the night before.

He grabbed a knife out of his nightstand and cut it off her. Hell, he was already in deep shit, he didn’t think he could get any deeper.

He curled his body around hers and went to sleep.

He had no idea how long they’d slept before she turned onto her back and started to struggle to get away from him. “Get your fucking hands off me, you asshole.”

“No. You’re going to listen to me even if I have to tie you to the fucking bed. It’s your choice, babe.”

She growled and then lay still. “So talk.”

He balanced himself on his elbow and placed a hand on her stomach. “You’re really pushing it. I’d watch the attitude.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Fuck no, I’m not. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“Oh, fucking a whore and then coming to me is all right?”

“That’s what we need to talk about,” he said. “I did not fuck her. I passed out, and she climbed on me. It’s as simple as that.”

She snorted. “Right … simple. Simple for who?”

“Both of us. Last night I got drunker than I ever have before.”


“Because the thought of you getting killed and actually knowing what’s going to happen and you still were going into their club. It fucked me up.”

“I don’t see why. This was temporary, right?”

“Fuck no. Where’d you get that shit from?”

“You were talking to another man. Remember, it was in the hallway? He asked if he had a chance with me.”

“Oh, fuck. Yeah, I remember. You listened at the door?” he asked.


“Well, what I said was bullshit. I just didn’t want to get into anything with him. We are in a committed relationship, and soon, I’ll make you my old lady.”

“Oh, wow,” she said and rolled her eyes.

“I don’t like you being so flippant about it. It’s important to us bikers. It’s the equivalent of being married.”

Her eyes widened. “Hell, I just thought it meant we’re girlfriend and boyfriend.”

“No.” He studied her for a moment. “Are you going to believe me about the whore?”

She sighed and nodded. “Yeah. Only because I saw you were still dressed.”

“Good.” He bent and pressed lips to hers. “I need you to promise me that you’ll never again go into a dangerous situation.”


“No, babe. It’s really fucking with me. I want you with me. I’ve never had another human care about me like Kristina does Striker.” He looked away for a moment and then back. “Do you think you’d care about me like that someday?”

She cupped his cheek in her hand. “Yes. I can absolutely see that happening.”

He closed his eyes and pressed a kiss to the palm of her hand. “Good. Now promise you won’t take that away from me. This is my only chance at having a family of my own.”

She nodded. “I’ll be here.”

He rolled on top of her and kissed her like he was starved for her. “Jesus, woman, you are going to keep me on my toes.”

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, I’m surely going to try.”

His hips twisted to make room for him between her thighs, and then he pressed his hard cock against her slit. “I need you,” he murmured as he licked and sucked his way down her neck to her breast.

“Then take me,” she whispered.

“Oh, I’ll take you all right. Forever.”