The Wolf’s Forbidden Mate by Layla Silver

Chapter 10 — Waverly

I didn’t want to leave his lap. But when Oliver knocked on the staff room door—to my relief, he knocked—I hopped over to the couch like a teenager trying to avoid getting caught doing something naughty.

I mean, some of it was naughty. Some of it was emotional, too. After Travis handled some business with Oliver, he returned, sinking into the couch next to me with his hands pressed to his knees. He looked nervous. That usually darling smile was now sheepish, a bit weak, and wavering as if he was on a first date.


His sun-kissed meadow gaze fell on me. Warmth radiated throughout his features and his tense muscles relaxed. “Yeah, hi.”


“Sorry about that. It was cat business.”

I smirked. “Cat business interests me. I’m also curious how you hid your, uh…” I coughed as I glanced at his pants, “Happiness.”

“Oh, that? I picked up a few tricks here and there.”

“Tell me.”

Crimson patches blotched his cheeks. “I tucked it into my waistband.”

“So, it’s not gone?” I scooted toward him, my hand entering the space between us and traveling toward the nearest leg. He moved his hand from his knee as if to prepare for my arrival. “Are you still happy?”

“Beyond happy, Waverly.”

I grinned mischievously. “I get like that, too, though mine isn’t as obvious.”

A purr vibrated from his throat. “Oh, I think it’s plenty obvious.”


“You get…” He licked his lips carefully, meeting my gaze with pupils that were quickly expanding. “Warm. You get very warm.”

I nodded. “It means I like you.”

“I like you, too.”

“Then, why aren’t you kissing me right now?”

The shock of my query seemed to rattle him briefly, causing his cheeks and neck to flush with crimson patches. I loved seeing him blush. I loved seeing him a stammering mess in front of me, all the power my wolf exerted seeming to draw him into a special mindset. It made him affectionate and willing to do just about anything for me.

And that was a sign for me that told me this couldn’t possibly end. Travis had courted me—he was courting me—in ways I hadn’t previously anticipated. They were ways I hadn’t experienced, especially not when Mark was doing his best back in Florida. Mark wasn’t at fault—his heart wasn’t in it.

But Travis? His heart seemed to beat extra in my presence, the very proximity of my body sending heated signals to his skin and drawing goosebumps to the surface. He fell into me, mouth parted and lips ready to join with mine. As he swept his hands up and down my back, the air shifted around us, crackling with electrical intensity that jolted my body. He devoured my mouth in staged waves, whimpering as I brushed the front of his jeans with a curious hand. He bucked to meet my fingers and whined when I withdrew.

I smirked as I broke the kiss. “What?”

“Please, touch me, baby.”

“But it’s so much more fun to tease you.”

His cheeks flushed bright red, enhancing the freckles that splattered over his nose. I licked his lower lip slowly as I outlined the shape of his erection on his jeans. Words failed him as I peeled back the layers of his pants to reveal his stiff member that twitched under my feathery touch.

His breath blew hot against my ear. “Baby, please…”

“You pleased me so much on our first night.”

“I want to do that again.”

A sinister smile crossed my lips as I gripped his shaft, satisfaction trickling through every limb at the sound of him hissing. “It’s my turn.”


Before he could protest, I dropped to my knees in front of him and sucked the head of his erection into my mouth. A round of curses echoed from Travis that he cut short, humming instead to keep himself from crying too loudly in the staff room. Sound echoed in here. We didn’t want anyone catching us.

Or do we?

Excitement bubbled in my stomach as I traced the length of him with my extended tongue, allowing my lips to encircle his length all the way to the base. His fingers tangled into my curls and gripped a chunk as I drew back. He bowed forward and pressed on my head. “No, don’t stop.”

I chuckled, the sound vibrating in my throat and translating through my lips, providing an extra layer of pleasure to his cock. The resulting purr from Travis made me shiver. Just hearing his vocalized approval encouraged me to do more, to suck dutifully and tenderly. I did my best with what little experience I had. Mark never let me do this. He always insisted on just penetrating me and getting off.

But I knew Travis. I knew his feelings. I knew he liked what I was doing. And the more I did it, the more he bucked, greeting me with fervent thrusts that spoke of his approval. His breathing labored and shifted to ragged panting, our rhythmic movements synchronizing as I brought him close to the edge.

He yanked my head back and pressed his forehead to mine. “Baby, wait.”


“Sit on me.”

I grinned as saliva trickled down my chin. I lapped at it slowly with my tongue, watching his eyes focus on the movement with such concentration that it became its own hypnotic spell. He extended his tongue to lave the rest, following the trail to my mouth and dipping between my lips.

I hummed hungrily as he drew me onto his lap. He worked away my jeans, held my hips steady, and waited for me to position myself over the head of his cock. As he rested his head back, his eyelids fluttered, lips parted and ready to be stolen again.

I hadn’t understood romantic bonds in the past. I saw them as familial obligations—mates being the sort of couples who have genuine interest in each other, but having interests that mutually match what their families need. But with Travis, things were different. Our bond was utterly addictive, a divine connection that put every encounter I had ever tried to enjoy to shame.

The wolf inside me whined as I dragged my slit over his length. Travis bucked in response, a groan mixed with a whimper sliding from his lips and circling the space around us. His eyes darted to the door. I smirked as I drew his gaze back to me, shaking my head slightly to tell him not to look anywhere else. I wanted his attention—all of it.

As I welcomed the head of his cock into my slit, I watched him bite his lip. He growled, the low, gruff sound tickling my ears as I swallowed his length, taking him inch by achingly slow inch. His eyebrows knitted together, loosened, and tightened again in quick succession. It seemed he was having trouble controlling himself.

That comforted me. Seeing him lose dominion over his own faculties told me he felt the same as I did—which meant maybe he wouldn’t want any of this to end. His hands traced a path up my back and hooked over my shoulders. He grunted as he bowed forward, arching me against him as he stole control.

“Fuck,” I hissed.

His chuckle was mischievous. “What?”

I shook my head, choosing to focus on his hips rolling into my thighs like gentle waves. His length filled me up and his girth widened my legs, inspiring my head to loll back. He easily caught my head and cradled it, nestling into my breasts as he pierced me with tensile thrusts. The cotton of his shirt prevented my exploration of his skin. It maddened me not to have every inch of me exposed to him. How could we possibly keep making love like this?

But all expectations to get completely nude were out the window before I knew it. His cock rocked me, drawing warmth from every corner of my body to where our skin met perpetually in heated bliss. My fingers tingled and my lips went numb as his thrusts doubled, an urgency causing him to teeter forward.

I clutched his shoulders as he hugged me back into his lap and rested against the couch, working diligently to plunge into me. I could feel him tensing, tightening, every muscle in his body aching for release. I cupped his face, feeling a sense of bliss that was unknown to me up until this moment, my eruption so close that I could already taste the moans on my lips.

As I joined his rhythm, I heard the couch creak beneath us. I felt him shiver, the tingling pleasure transferring to my body and resulting in a series of shudders that overwhelmed me. I didn’t want to lose this. It was a striking thought to have mid-fuck, but it was true. Travis meant more to me than I had originally planned—and somehow, that didn’t exactly bother me.

His forehead joined mine and I focused on our mutual satisfaction as I rolled my hips harder. The base of his shaft rubbed against my clit, providing an extra layer of pleasure that sent me over the edge. I mewled and covered my mouth, trying to keep myself from vocalizing too much. Again, sound echoed in here. I didn’t want anyone hearing us.

Or catching us.

My eyes rolled back as he replaced my hand with his hand. I groaned into his palm, allowing the balloon that had expanded in my gut to burst. Rigid thrusts erupted from my hips that he easily matched, struggling to keep his moans to silent huffs that sounded like music to my ears. He released my mouth, grabbed my hips, and buried himself deep, collapsing against my breasts as he twitched and throbbed inside me.

Hot as it was to fuck like this, I knew I was pushing my limits with Travis. We were merely joined together for a mutually concerning cause: to make sure these cats wouldn’t lose their home.

But something about the way Travis lifted his head and smiled weakly up at me made me reconsider the thought. When he kissed my lips, the thought was banished entirely.

“Mine,” he whispered as his fingers traced the outline of my mouth. “I’m claiming this.”

Did he really mean that? And if he did, what the hell was I going to do about it?