The Wolf’s Forbidden Mate by Layla Silver

Chapter 12 — Travis

“I have some great news,” I stated to the mirror. I grimaced at the sight of my shit-eating grin. “No, not that big. Tone it down. Okay, that’s better.”

I sighed as I practiced my lines with my reflection in the bathroom. Though it might have been embarrassing if someone else was around, I didn’t care because I didn’t want to stumble over my words in Waverly’s presence. The sight of her put a spell on me. It’s just what she did. I wanted to make sure that when I delivered the news, it was done so with perfection—and enough affection to inspire a kiss. Or a make-out session. Or even more than that.

“Let’s just start with the news first,” I told myself nervously. I adjusted the collar of my sweater, practically squirming in my own skin. It was too hot for this thing. I whipped it off and tossed it on the bed, pacing the length of the floorboards from the end of my bed to the front door. “Just checking,” I told myself as I peeked out the window.

My driveway hosted my car and nothing else. Waverly hadn’t arrived. I glanced at my phone, checking to see if she had texted about being on her way or running late. Nothing—she hadn’t said a thing since the previous night.

I tapped my palm with the back of my phone, pacing again. The kitchen smelled heavenly, the scent of roast beef with sauteed Brussels sprouts invading my nostrils as I wandered past the stove. I cooked for her again. And why wouldn’t I? I loved her. I finally realized that when Milton delivered the good news to me.

We had an investor. I wasn’t confident it would ever happen, and I wasn’t sure what would happen if it did happen, but we had an investor and my feelings for Waverly were still the same. I was sure she was my mate. Every arrow pointed in her direction. My heart swelled when I thought of her and my limbs melted like caramel in a hot pan whenever she was near me.

And the sex? She blew me away. We only had to make a few minor adjustments while playing together. It was easy to communicate with her, to tell her my needs, and she was so receptive to my touch that it felt like she had been made just for me. And me for her.

I blew out a loud breath as I circled back to the front door. I peeked out the curtain, my heart hammering in my chest as I imagined her pulling into the driveway and walking inside. Undoubtedly, her magnificent nose would smell dinner before she even reached the porch. We would flirt, tease each other, I would deliver the news, and we would probably bang before we had a chance to eat.

But the longer I spent waiting, the more disappointment inched its way into my bones. I tried not to let it get to me. I tried to send her a few texts. I even called once or twice just to be sure that she hadn’t intentionally forgotten—or downright ghosted—our plans.

I held my breath. What if she ditched me?

The resulting ache in my heart was too much to handle. I shook my head as I went to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of water. I gulped it down, forcing the liquid into my body so it could work on cooling me down. I was heating up again, but now it was fear instead of anxiety. And it was just as gripping.

A knock echoed from the door. I set the glass on the counter and rushed to answer it, my relieved smile fading when I discovered one of Allegra’s goons standing on my doorstep. He was incredibly tall with massive shoulders that nearly took up the doorway and a smile as sinister as Allegra herself.

“Let me guess,” I said, biting back the ire in my voice, “Allegra wants to see me?”

“You would be guessing correctly, champ.”

I cringed at the nickname, but disregarded it in favor of not pissing him off. “Thanks, Stanley.”

I started closing the door only to find his massive hand stopping the action. “We’ll take my car. Bundle up.”

I couldn’t argue. If I did, Stanley would drag me by the nape of my neck all the way across town. I wanted to avoid making a scene. The less drama I inserted into the situation, the less ammo Allegra had against me. It was best not to argue. I bundled up as instructed into my sweater and a light coat, then followed Stanley to the black SUV blocking my car into the driveway.

When I did finally see Waverly, whenever that was, I was going to have a fun story to tell her. I was sure of it. And I was entirely sure that my thoughts were soaked with sarcasm that would soon ooze from my ears if I thought anymore about the fun encounter I had ahead of me.


The silver-haired alpha was perched on a damask couch scooted close to the fireplace. Gentle flames licked at the red brick, spiraling up from a single log. One of her lackeys, a man who looked far too young for her, brushed her hair, combing the long strands of silver in slow, steady strokes that caused the alpha to purr. When she noticed me walk into the room at the behest of the giant, Stanley, she knocked the lackey’s hand away and sat upright.

“Travis,” she greeted, not a damn hint of mischief in her voice at all, and gestured to the couch across from her, “Sit down, sweetheart.”

I walked deeper into the living room, turning to seat myself directly next to my best friend. Milton—what was he doing here? The sorrowful look in his eyes told me exactly what I needed to know. Without sitting, I turned my heated gaze to my alpha, avoiding eye contact.

“I know everything,” she stated as she scooted to the edge of the couch. She didn’t stand up. Instead, she allowed the silver satin dress draped over her form to slip over her knees and drift to her bare feet. Her toenails were painted a rich cherry red. “So, whatever excuses you think you can come up with are useless. You can’t lie to me.”

She was right—I couldn’t lie to my alpha. I could sneak things behind her back and even get away with a few fibs under her nose, but she would always be able to sniff out a downright lie. As much as I had trained myself to be in control of my emotions around her, my reflexes automatically shifted into fight or flight.

She held up a hand. “Don’t even think about that either. Stanley isn’t leaving us.”

I tightened my hands into fists at my sides. I glanced at Milton who held out his palms in a gesture of surrender. “I’m sorry, man. I swear, I didn’t tell her anything. She found out on her own.”

“Yes, because I know my pride so well,” Allegra added, the silk of her voice matching that of her dress.

I kept staring at my best friend, fury working beneath the surface of my skin. I couldn’t be mad at him. He was telling the truth. And as much as my paranoia wanted to convince me that Milton hadn’t lied when he joked about potentially throwing me under the bus, I had no choice but to believe him. Allegra had ways of stealing truth from your lips. That was how it was in our pride.

“I trust you,” I told Milton, “even though it’s hard.”

“I’m still really sorry, man.” He started to stand, but a sharp glance from Allegra pinned him back in place. He hung his head forward. I could practically see his panther tail tucking so far between his legs that he could eat the tip of it. “I’m sorry,” he whispered again.

Heat filled my cheeks as I turned back to Allegra, all my ire on her. I bristled with annoyance and an inkling of fear as I didn’t meet her gaze, not quite. It was too easy for that to be considered a challenge. So, I directed my hateful stare at the hem of her satin gown.

She clicked her tongue a few times, shaking her head as she stood up. “I’m so disappointed in you.”

I remained quiet, biting my tongue to keep my frustrated quips from flying. I could say the same about you, Allegra. You let us down. You sold out your son. He was right to denounce you and join the wolf pack. I could have said it. I could have easily injured her, but then I would pay for it in ways that I couldn’t afford.

I shuddered under her gaze. Even though my shuddering was an attempt to keep my anger from flying, I let her think the shaking was out of fear instead of pure rage. Her resulting coo told me that it worked.

“The gall you had of betraying us so,” she stated as she approached me, “and the nerve of choosing someone outside your species.” She shook her head. “I find you having sex with a wolf abhorrent and unnatural.”

My gaze swept up to hers before I could stop it. How did she know?

Yet instead of being offended, the menacing grin on her lips sprouted into sheer satisfaction. She got a head trip out of catching people off-guard. I had to control myself or I would give too much away. Again.

At this point, was there anything left to give away? If she knew everything…

I lowered my eyes back to the ground.

“Thus, I removed the thing that made you an improper panther. Maybe now you’ll think about your actions before you take them.”

“What do you mean?”

The amused chortle that drifted from her crimson-painted lips put me on edge. My senses soared. My heart picked up a new rhythm, a frantic rattle that nearly vibrated my chest open.

“I’m also shutting down your little pet shelter.”

I squared my gaze on her again. To hell with manners. “You can’t do that!”

“I can. And I will.”

“It belongs to me. You have no right, Allegra.”

She narrowed her eyes to pinpoints that pricked each inch of me they studied on the way to my pocket, landing perfectly still just as my phone rang. She was anticipating that. The fucking bitch had set this whole thing up and she had timed it beautifully.

Well, I wouldn’t exactly call this beautiful.

“You should probably answer that,” her tone conveyed a knowing lilt that made me want to barf, “I think it might be important.”

I pulled out my phone, eyes widening as I realized Oliver was calling. And what could he possibly be calling me about at this hour?

I answered the call with a soft voice, saying, “Oliver?”

“Hey, man. There’s a bunch of—” Cats yowled in the background. “—bad people here at the shelter and they’re taking the cats—Hey, put him down!” Commotion erupted on the other side of the line. I listened with a heavy heart as I heard Oliver struggle against an unknown force. Who was I kidding? I knew it was Allegra’s goons. Oliver recovered and hissed, “Don’t do that again, man.”

“Oliver, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, but the cats are scared, Travis. Who are these people? They say they’re collecting a debt.”

Allegra bristled with pride as she whispered, “A great debt, indeed.”

“Oliver,” I said into the phone, “don’t fight them, okay?”

“I’m trying, boss.”

I shook my head. “Just don’t fight. I’m sorting it out. Stay put.”

“You have two choices, Travis, and I hope you choose wisely,” Allegra said as I lowered the phone from my ear. A couple of the cats were whining. My heart lurched at the sound of them suffering. She was hitting me in just the right spot, twisting the knife enough to hurt me without leaving any lasting damage—not yet. “Either you choose the shelter and I stop the operation,” she continued as she steepled her fingers, “Or you choose that pathetic wolf girl and you’ll never see your cats again.”

I tightened my grip on my phone.

Her smile stretched across her face. “And no funny business, Travis. Eyes. Everywhere.” She winked.

She had lodged the knife deep with enough words to make me aware of the gravity of the situation. I could save my shelter or I could have my mate—and there was absolutely no way I could have both. I thought about Waverly showing up to an empty house, knocking on the door, and then stepping away when she realized I wasn’t going to answer.

And my car was in the driveway, so she would likely assume I was ignoring her on purpose.

Yes, Allegra had put her pawns into play so well that I didn’t even realize we were playing at all. This must have started as soon as I had the idea to raise funds for the shelter. She probably had Stanley follow me around, the gigantic fucker.

I kept my eyes on my phone as I stated, “I choose the shelter.”

“Wonderful.” Allegra clasped her hands together in a show of victory and wiggled her nose at Stanley. Stanley left the room, sneaking into another part of the home to likely make the phone call that would end the disruption at the shelter. “You won’t regret this.”

“Travis? Hey, boss?” Oliver’s voice was a tiny ray of hope in the darkness that was swallowing me. “They’re...They’re leaving!”

I sighed, told Oliver I would be there shortly, and disconnected the call.

“You won’t regret it,” Allegra repeated. “Your pride is your number one priority. I hope you remember that from now on.”

“Yes, Alpha,” I said in a meek voice. “It won’t happen again.”