Smoke Bomb by Abbi Glines



Three sundresses, one hoodie, and a pair of jeans were all the clothing I’d been brought from my apartment. Everything else had been destroyed. Gage had brought me a box full of clothes and said I could have whatever I wanted out of it. Problem with those clothes was, they fit in my waist and most in my chest, but the butt and hips were an issue.

Standing in front of the mirror, I chewed on my bottom lip, wondering if Huck was going to be okay with this. The shorts I had were all going to fit me the same. They weren’t mine. Two of my three sundresses were too dressy for things downstairs. That left me with the one hot-pink sundress that was low-cut and short, but it did cover my butt. After all, that had been his complaint. It was ninety-three degrees today. Wearing a hoodie and jeans was not happening.

I was a ball of nerves. I had agreed to what Huck had said because I was worried about what would happen if I didn’t. Every man downstairs was scary and intimidating. Huck might not like me, but I knew he was hell-bent on protecting me for Hayes’s sake. He had seemed like the safe choice because he had already made it clear he didn’t want me sexually. I wasn’t in danger of being raped by him—not that it would be rape. Sadly, I had used the memory of what he’d done to me in the basement to pleasure myself more times than I could count. Although sticking my fingers inside myself had done nothing for me.

Not to mention, the more I was around him and watched his large, muscular, tattooed body move, the more fascinated I became. He was so hard not to look at and want. What female wouldn’t want a man like that taking control of her body? He made me think about naughty things without even speaking.

Squeezing my eyes closed tightly, I took several deep breaths, then headed back downstairs. Huck hadn’t said where to go or if he would meet me. I wasn’t even sure he planned on doing more than just telling people we were together. He’d just wanted me to change my clothing. Deciding to walk to the living room so he could see me before ducking back into the kitchen to hide, I hoped I was doing the right thing.

The living room was full of people. It seemed like more had appeared since I had gone upstairs. I scanned the room to see Huck in the large leather chair that sat to the right side of the room. A blonde with boobs falling out of her … bra—was she just wearing a bra?—sat on the armrest beside him. Her hand was on the back of his neck, rubbing it.

Okay, well, I wasn’t wanted in here, it would seem. Instead of waiting on him to notice me, I decided to walk behind the crowd and go to the kitchen entrance. In this strange world I was now in, did it mean he could claim me as his, but still let half-naked women hang all over him? I wasn’t sure us being together was believable if he had other women pawing at him. But what did I know?

I was almost past the bar when a deep voice carried over the crowd. “Trinity.”

Huck had seen me. I stopped and turned to look at him. He was leaning back with his left ankle resting on his right knee. A cigar was between his lips, and I hated smoking, but why did that look so sexy? His gaze traveled down my body, and then he held out a hand toward me. Obediently, I went to him, careful not to make eye contact with the blonde beside him. That was just awkward.

When I reached him, I stared down at his hand, then back at him. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I lifted my hand slowly before placing it in his. I sure hoped that was what he was wanting. His large fingers wrapped around my hand, and he tugged me toward him. He took the cigar out of his mouth with his free hand.

“You can go, Destiny,” Huck said, not taking his eyes from me.

The blonde stood, but I didn’t dare look at her. Huck tugged me closer before reaching up and grabbing my hips with the one hand to pull me down to his lap.

Oh. Okay.

“Relax,” he said near my ear, and I leaned back against his chest in hopes that it was what he considered relaxed.

My body was tense, and I knew it. But he smelled like cigar, whiskey, and spice. I was torn between snuggling closer and inhaling or jumping up and running.

Huck brushed his lips against my ear. The heat from his breath made me tremble. I felt like he could swallow me whole, and unfortunately, I would go willingly.

“I don’t bite unless you ask me to.” His voice was low and husky.

I managed a nod and tried to loosen up. Act like this was normal. Huck’s hand moved to my leg, then slid up and under my sundress before moving it between my thighs. I stopped breathing.

“You’re too tense. No one here will think I’m taking that cunt if you look ready to bolt,” he told me.

“I’m trying,” I whispered, looking down at his hand between my thighs.

“Open them up just a little,” he urged me.

My breathing was so erratic that even I could see my chest rising and falling too fast and hard. “My legs?” I asked in a whisper.

“Mmhmm,” he murmured in my ear.

This man ran hot and cold. Mostly cold, but Lord help me when he ran hot. I felt like I was already burned, and he’d not even done anything yet. I eased my legs open enough so that his hand could slide further up. I didn’t breathe, waiting for him to touch the silky crotch of my panties, but he didn’t go that far.

Great. I was going to be panting like a dog in heat. This was a bad idea. Maybe Gage … no, Levi—he was less threatening-looking. Levi could pretend we were together. I didn’t get all wet and bothered by Levi or even Gage. Huck seemed to hold that power exclusively.

“You come down here in a fucking short dress with those big tits about to fall out, and I’m gonna play. Everyone in here would expect it. I’ve been sucked off in front of these men. I’ve fucked in front of them. Destiny and others have bounced on my dick on days like this. So, if we are going to be believable, then you’re gonna have to let me touch you.”

I inhaled sharply. I was not having sex in front of people. Or sucking him off. This was a bad idea. “I won’t do those things,” I said, moving to get up. His one hand held me firmly in place.

“What won’t you do? Bounce on my cock or do it in public? Because we both know you’d have bounced real fucking easy when I had my face in your cunt.”

My entire body felt like a live wire. I should be mad at him. I should get up and walk away. I should not be getting wet because of the way he had been talking to me. But the memory of his tongue pleasuring me wasn’t one I would forget anytime soon.

“In public,” I replied. No point in saying I wouldn’t let him screw me. It had been clear downstairs that I was willing to do whatever he wanted.

“What, a stripper who won’t fuck in public? I thought you’d get off on it.” His voice was cruel. I could hear the disgust in it.

“This was a bad idea. Maybe Levi would be a better choice to pretend with.”

I had barely gotten the words out of my mouth when Huck’s hand gripped the inside of my thigh so tightly that I let out a whimper.

“No. Not Levi. Me,” he growled, then took a nip at my ear with his teeth. “I won’t let anyone see your cunt, but I’m going to fucking touch it.”

His hand moved up then, jerking the fabric covering me away before sliding two fingers along the wet folds. My hand went to his arm, and I squeezed, which only got a low, deep chuckle from him.

“You sure are fucking wet,” he said as he kissed my neck. “Makes me think you liked the idea of fucking with an audience.”

I shook my head, but I couldn’t form words. Huck’s fingers continued to slide back and forth inside my panties.

“The crab dip is incredible.” Gage’s voice broke into my lust haze, and I lifted my eyes to see him standing beside us, eating from a plate in his hand.

Huck didn’t stop. In fact, he pressed the tip of his finger inside me just barely. I made a noise and tried very hard not to show on my face what was happening. Although if Gage looked down, he’d see Huck’s hand between my legs.

“Th-th-thanks,” I replied, trying to smile.

“Easy, just relax,” Huck said against my ear.

“Levi’s gonna have competition after tonight,” Gage said with a laugh. “He might need to put a ring on it fast.”

Huck shoved his finger inside me fully then, and I turned my head away from Gage to bury my cry in Huck’s chest.

“She’s not available,” Huck said.

“Oh?” Gage’s tone was amused.

“Mine. Make sure they all know,” Huck replied.

Gage laughed then. “Oh, brother. There’s not a fucker in here that doesn’t know now.”

I squeezed my eyes closed, and the pleasure was mixed with humiliation. Huck lifted his hand holding the cigar toward his mouth, and I tried to calm my heartbeat. The man wasn’t even affected by this. He was casually smoking his cigar while he played with my vagina.

Just when I was sure I couldn’t take much more teasing, he stopped and moved his hand down and rested his large palm on top of my thigh. “Legs together,” he told me.

I quickly did as I had been told because I needed to ease the ache he’d created. I glanced at him to see his eyes were on the television. Scanning the room, I realized everyone’s eyes were on the horse racing up on the big screen. Finally, I was about to relax. When I shifted so that I could see the television better, Huck’s hand tightened its grip on my leg.

“I’m just trying to see the race,” I explained.

“Be careful where you wiggle that ass,” he warned.

I was no longer relaxed.

The people around me cheered, yelled, and talked about what was happening on the screen. I tried to focus on it, but Huck made it hard, just by breathing. Some man he’d called Red was sitting on the sofa with a woman in his lap. When the room erupted in cheers, she pulled her top off and swung it around in circles over her head before tossing it. The man laughed and pressed his face in between her now-naked breasts.

I dropped my gaze to my hands, wondering how much longer I had to sit here. It was clear the horse they’d wanted to win had won. The celebrating was beginning. Destiny, the blonde who had been beside Huck earlier, stood and took off her bra, then flashed a smile at Huck before straddling Levi.

It was clear she wanted Huck, and this was her way of getting his attention. I glanced back at him, and he was watching her with the cigar between his lips. A knot of something I did not want to admit curled in my stomach. He liked her body. She had a perfect one. I didn’t want to look her way again though. It stung, and that was just sad. I shouldn’t care. So what? Huck didn’t want me like he did her. He didn’t like that I hadn’t been good enough for Hayes. Well, Hayes had loved me.

Hayes had been a good man. He’d just wanted me. Granted, we had never done more than kiss, and even I had kissed him first. The few times I’d tried to get him to do more, he would stop me, reminding me we had to wait until marriage.

Gage walked over toward where Destiny was straddling Levi’s lap. I could tell he was watching them. The interest in his gaze was clear. He stopped behind Levi and reached forward to squeeze Destiny’s breasts. She threw her head back and moaned.

When was I going to get to escape upstairs? I didn’t want to watch this. Huck placed his hand on my stomach and moved me back further against him. The hard ridge of his erection pressed between my butt cheeks. A tingle ran through me before it hit me that his erection had nothing to do with me. He was turned on from a topless Destiny.

I was done here. He couldn’t make me watch this. I tried to get up, but he was surprisingly strong with one arm.

“Let me up,” I hissed.

“No,” was his response.

Destiny cried out Levi’s name, and I was almost positive they were having sex now. I must have missed when he had unzipped his pants. I struggled to get up again.

“Be still.” It was yet another command from Huck.

I fisted my hands in my lap. “I don’t want to watch live-action porn,” I told him angrily.

He let out a low chuckle. “You forget I know you worked at a strip club. Stop with your virtuous bullshit.”

I glared at him. “I didn’t claim to be virtuous. I just don’t want to sit on your lap with your hard-on pressed against my bottom while you watch some girl screw your friends.”

He pulled the cigar from his mouth and laid it in an ashtray on the table beside him. “My hard dick has nothing to do with Destiny’s performance. I’ve seen it many times. She’s bounced on my dick just like that.”

I was the one who laughed this time. “Yeah, okay. Whatever.” I rolled my eyes. I now had an image of that in my head, and I was mad that he had put it there.

He grabbed my face with his hand and held me still. I stared at him, afraid he was going to bruise my face if I moved. My breathing became quick, short breaths. It was times like this he scared me and excited me at the same time.

“Don’t roll your eyes at me,” he warned.

I started to be obedient when I heard Destiny yell the word fuck, then squeal loudly.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” I shot back at him.

His grip on my face tightened, and two things happened. It hurt—bad. And I felt a small jolt of pleasure between my legs. What was wrong with me? I needed to be slapped.

“Are you trying to see how far you can push me, Trinity?” His voice sounded deadly.

I was an idiot. “No,” I whispered, hoping he’d let me go before he broke my jaw.

He studied me for a moment, then let go of my face and grabbed my waist to stand me up. I stumbled by the sudden movement, but Huck was standing up in front of me, and his hands steadied me before he wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me through the people. I had no option but to follow him. As we passed behind Gage, going toward the door I’d entered the room from, his hooded eyes turned to meet mine, then flickered to Huck’s.

The grip Huck had on my arm tightened, and I hurried to keep up before he pulled my arm out of the socket. I doubted I’d get to see a doctor if it happened. I would have to make my own arm sling and hope for the best. Good news was, I knew how. Tabitha had twisted my arm once until something cracked. I was twelve. For three months, I had to wear a sling I’d made for myself with an old T-shirt when I was at home. In public, I hadn’t been allowed to wear it and had to pretend as if I wasn’t in pain.

Huck hauled me up the stairs, and I realized he was taking me to my room to get rid of me. Perhaps he was next in line with Destiny. Why I was sour about that, I didn’t want to examine. If he wouldn’t touch me like he had downstairs, then maybe I could stop thinking about him sexually.

We walked down the hallway to the room he’d assigned to me. I didn’t call it mine because nothing was mine. Remembering that was the best way to protect myself. There was no use in pretending.

Huck shoved the door open and then pushed me inside. I almost fell from the force of it but caught myself on the bedframe. Crossing my arms over my chest, I waited until the door closed behind me. I didn’t want to look back at him. There was a moment’s pause, and I began to think he was either going to say something or join me.

Before my body could get too excited, the door slammed, and I listened as his footsteps retreated down the hallway. Turning then, I sank onto the edge of the bed and stared at the closed door. I was tempted to take my sandal off and throw it at the wall, door, something.

Instead, I stood back up to go get a bath and try not to masturbate to Huck Kingston.