How Much I Love by Marie Force

Chapter 19


I’ve never felt anything even close to what happens when I’m with him. During the long week apart, I had a few moments of concern about whether I’m doing the right thing, diving into this thing with him without any of the usual care and concern I’d typically put into such a big decision. The sense of urgency attached to his situation has caused me to skip right over the due diligence my accountant dad taught me.

Due diligence is about doing my research, making sure the decision is sound and practical, that it makes sense in the context of the rest of my life.

Dad and I did a cost-benefit analysis before college in New York and then another when I decided to stay after graduation. We made a list of all my expenses and came up with a salary range I needed to live there independently. He says I have the mind of an accountant with the way I analyze everything to death.

This is what makes my behavior with Wyatt so out of character.

I don’t care about due diligence. I haven’t spent one minute trying to track down a social media presence for him or looking beyond the initial google searches I did before I knew his whole story. I don’t care about who he’s dated before or who his Facebook friends are.

I only care about being with him.

Nothing else matters, except my new job and my family, but even they suddenly matter less than he does.

I ought to be scared out of my mind. I ought to be questioning everything. I ought to be panicking.

I’m not. I’m too busy feeling fully alive for the first time in my life to worry about things such as due diligence.

As I take in the desert topography out the window, I just want him.

My belly is full of butterflies. The giddy anticipation reminds me of Christmas morning as a child when the excitement threatened to consume me. This is just like that, only better. So much better.

By the time he pulls into his condo complex, I’m practically bouncing in my seat.

While he grabs my bag, I wait for him in the blistering sun that feels so much hotter than it does in Florida, even though the temperature is comparable. He takes my hand and leads me up the stairs to the front door of a white townhouse with a blue door.

“Just a heads-up that my mom and sister helped pick out the furniture, and anything that’s even kind of nice is thanks to them.”

“Good to know before I give you credit for your lovely home.”

“I don’t deserve any credit.”

While the furnishings are mostly neutral colors, it’s the artwork that catches my attention. “I love the art.”

“It’s from a local artist who specializes in desert landscapes.”

“It’s beautiful.”

“I’m glad you like it. We’ll pick a few favorites to bring to Miami.”

“I want to see your artwork, too.”

“I’ll show you everything.” He drops my suitcase by the stairs and puts his arms around me. Staring down at me, he smiles and says, “Hi.”


“Welcome to my place.”

I curl my arms around his neck and go up on tiptoes to kiss him. “Thanks for having me.”

“Definitely my pleasure. Can I get you anything? I got some of that iced tea you like.”

“That’s very sweet of you. I’ll have some later.” I look to the stairs. “What’s up there?”


“Show me.”

“Happy to.” He keeps one arm around me and picks up my suitcase with his free hand as we go up the stairs. “To the right.”

We pass two other bedrooms and a bathroom on the way to the master, including an en suite bathroom.

“Nice crib, Doc.”

“I liked it a lot until I saw that house in Miami, and now I can’t wait to live there with you.”

“I’m still trying to believe this is happening. You’re moving to Miami, and we’re buying a house together. Someone, please pinch me. I must be dreaming.”

His hand slides down my back before he pinches my ass. “Not dreaming, although it feels like a dream in some ways. How could something this amazing be real? But it’s so real, and you were right. It would’ve been tragic to miss out on this, so thanks for making me fall in love with you. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

“I enjoy being right.”

“Haha, I’ll be sure to remember that going forward.”

“See that you do.” I love who I am with him. I say whatever comes to mind and never take even so much as a second to ask myself whether I should say it. There’s no self-editing, no worries about him taking something the wrong way. It’s so freeing. “Can I tell you something?”

He puts my suitcase down next to his dresser. “Anything.”

“When I was with Marcus, I used to worry about what I said to him and how he would take it. I don’t have to do that with you, and it’s a huge relief to me. I thought you might like to know that.”

“I love knowing that, and I feel the same way. Being with you is easy like breathing.”

“I realize that’s the way it should be.”

“It’s everything,” he whispers in the second before he kisses me.

While I’m in his arms, the whole world fades away until there’s only him and me and us and this room. The afternoon sun filters in to cast a warm rosy glow over the king-sized bed. This, right here with him, is the single best moment of my entire life so far. As we slowly and reverently undress each other, I have a feeling we’ll top this many times over.

Wyatt lowers me to the bed and comes down on top of me, all without breaking the kiss that makes every other kiss I’ve ever had, even with him, seem shabby by comparison. His tongue tangles with mine. I strain to get closer to him. I want everything, and I want it right now. That sense of urgency makes the desire sharper and more intense than it’s ever been before.

“Easy,” he whispers as he breaks the kiss to focus on my neck.

His lips against my sensitive skin send shivers down my spine and heighten the need to almost unbearable levels.

He cups my breasts and teases my nipples with his tongue and fingers. “So fucking sexy,” he whispers against my nipple.

I grasp a handful of his hair, needing something to hold on to, while he seems intent on kissing me everywhere. How can something so elemental be so different with him than it was with the man I used to love? It’s almost confusing that with Wyatt, I feel like I finally understand what it means to make love.

His hands, lips and tongue take me to the edge of release before backing off and starting over. He does this several times, leaving me a trembling, quivering mess by the time he pushes into me and triggers an orgasm that rockets through me like an out-of-control wildfire.

I think I scream, which has never happened, except with him.

Good thing he lives in an end unit, which is my first thought when I come down from the highest of highs to discover he’s still hard and moving in me and not at all finished. Holy crap, he’s going to kill me with his stamina. Heart problems? What heart problems?

I flatten my hands on his back and slide them down to cup his muscular backside, giving a squeeze that makes him groan. “Turn over.”


I give his shoulder a gentle push.

He reaches under me, and with his hands on my ass, he turns us over without losing our connection.

I sit up and push my hair back from my face. “Impressive.”

His eyes go hot with desire as he stares at my breasts. “You liked that?”

Nodding, I pivot my hips and draw another deep groan from him.

“God, that’s so good. It’s so fucking good.” His fingers dig into my hips as I move on top of him.

Since his eyes are closed, I take him by surprise when I lean forward to bite down gently on his nipple.

He comes with a shout as he surges into me.

I land on his chest, and he wraps his arms around me.

“I really, really love you, Dee Giordino.”

“I really, really love you, too, Wyatt Blake.”

“That makes me happier than anything ever has.”

“Me, too.”

We shift to our sides, so we’re facing each other. The ceiling fan sends a steady stream of cool air over us that makes me shiver as my body recovers from the exertion.

Wyatt pulls a blanket over us, snuggling up to me with an arm around my waist and a leg between mine. “Comfy?”

“Very. I may never want to leave this bed again.”

He runs his fingers through my hair. “I’d be fine with that.”

I’m suddenly exhausted after getting up before five to make my seven o’clock flight. My eyes won’t stay open, but sleep is the last thing I want to do after counting the minutes until I could see him. I open my eyes to find him watching me. “Sorry. I’m super sleepy all of a sudden.”

“Take a nap. We’ve got all the time in the world.”

I really hope that’s true.