How Much I Love by Marie Force



We’re moving into our gorgeous new home today, and the entire family has come to help us. Wyatt had his first week at Miami-Dade and loves his new coworkers and patients. He thinks he’s going to be very happy there, which is a huge relief to me. I want him to be happy in his new hometown. I want him to be as happy as I am since we came home to Miami to stay.

Ever since the night in the desert, when the universe sent us a sign, Wyatt hasn’t once mentioned any worries about the future. We’re too busy loving the present to spend any of our precious time being concerned about things we can’t control.

Maria told me Marcus is making progress in rehab, which is good news. Despite what happened between us, I want only good things for him.

When my parents come to help us move in, my mom hands me a letter sent to their house. I can tell it’s from Marcus, but I haven’t opened it yet. Today is about new beginnings, and I don’t want to bring my painful past into it. I’ll read it later.

“Where do you want this box?” Milo asks, carrying one of the many boxes my cousin Domenic sent from my former apartment in New York.

“In the kitchen, please.”

“You got it.”

Jason and Austin help Wyatt and Nico move the sofa from Phoenix to three different locations in the great room before I find the perfect spot.

“Thank God,” Nico says, scowling at me.

“What? I wanted to get it right while we have the help.” I’m worried about Wyatt doing too much, but I’d never say that to him. He wouldn’t appreciate it.

We arrange the furniture from his place in Phoenix, put away the items we’ve purchased locally in the last week and unpack boxes from my New York apartment. Nona and Abuela take over the kitchen, and I happily defer to the experts. My mom and Aunt V make our bed while Uncle V and my dad put together Wyatt’s desk from Phoenix in the room we’re planning to use as an office.

My mom is feeling much better since she ended her course of antibiotics. She insisted on coming to help today, and I’m thankful she felt up to it.

Carmen and Maria help me set up the master bathroom and put away the towels from his house and my apartment.

“It’s cool that your towels match his,” Maria says, noting that the pattern in mine complements the navy in his.

“Is it normal to be so happy that you feel like you’re going to burst?” I ask them.

“Entirely normal,” Maria replies. “I still feel that way with Austin. Like it’s too much to contain inside one heart.”

I’m relieved to have her put it into words for me. “Yes, it’s just like that.”

“For me, too,” Carmen says. “When I’m with Jason and even when I’m not. That’s how I knew at the beginning that he was special.”

“Are you going to read the letter from Marcus?” Maria asks.

I had to tell them about it. “Eventually. I’m sure it’s another apology, which is nice, but it’s all in the past now.”

“I heard Bianca’s friend Tara has been to see him a few times.”

“I remember her! She’s a nice girl.”

“I suppose he deserves a nice girl after being married to the skank,” Maria says begrudgingly.

We share a good laugh, and it amazes me that a conversation that would’ve hurt so much not that long ago has no impact on me whatsoever. I’ve found my happily ever after with Wyatt, and I want Marcus to find his. Despite the pain he caused me, I’m rooting for him and his sobriety.

It’s a long day, but we make a considerable dent in turning our house into a home.

At dinnertime, Wyatt passes his phone around for a massive takeout order for all our helpers. We eat Mexican outside by the pool, sitting on furniture he put together last night after it arrived in six different boxes.

I’m thrilled to have my family at my house for dinner. That they seem to love Wyatt as much as I do makes the first day in our new home one of the best of my life.

“We should all do a weekend away somewhere,” Carmen says as she sips her second margarita. She and Jason brought the drink mix and tequila along with a super fancy blender as a housewarming gift.

“Oh, we should,” Maria says. “Before Austin’s season starts.”

“My season has already started, babe,” Austin says.

They left Everly with his parents today so they could help us.

“I know, but not the regular season. You’ll have at least one weekend free between now and the official start, won’t you?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Where should we go?” Jason asks.

“Key West,” Carmen says. “Or Islamorada. Either would be awesome.”

“I’m down with that,” Wyatt says. “We need a vacation after moving.”

“I wanna go,” Milo says.

“Me, too,” Nico adds. “I’ll bring Sofia and Mateo. He’d love to play with Everly.”

I can’t believe Nico drops that so casually, as if him bringing Sofia and Mateo on a getaway wouldn’t be a big deal.

“Just when we thought we’d hired our way out of working all the time, she’s already planning a vacation,” Vincent says with a teasing smile.

“Jeez, I never even thought of work,” I tell him.

“It’s so hard to get good help these days,” Vivian says, and we all share a laugh.

“I promise I’d make sure everything is fully covered if I took off for a weekend,” I tell my new “bosses.”

“We’re not worried about it, honey,” Vincent says. “It’ll take a while for us to get used to not working all the time. We’re around.”

“You guys are taking the trip to Italy this fall, though, right?” Carmen asks her dad.

Her parents and mine booked the trip for September, with everyone hoping my mom’s treatments will be completed by then. They need something to look forward to, other than Maria and Austin’s wedding in November, and we couldn’t be more excited for them.

“Hell yes. It’s on. Two weeks in Tuscany, a week at Amalfi and another week in Sicily.”

“I’m so jealous,” Wyatt says. “That sounds amazing.”

I decide right then and there to start saving up to take him to Italy as soon as possible.

“I have big news.” When Nona has everyone’s attention, she smiles as big as I’ve ever seen her smile. “I start my flying lessons tomorrow afternoon.”

“That’s great, Nona,” Carmen says. “We’re so proud of you.”

“I don’t know about this.” My dad glances at Vincent. “Are you sure about this, Mother?”

“I’m very sure,” Nona says. “I can’t wait.”

“Leave her alone and be happy for her, Lorenzo,” Abuela says. “She’s wanted to do this for as long as I’ve known her.”

“How do you know that, but her sons don’t?” Vincent asks.

“Because she told me, and she didn’t tell you because she didn’t want you to worry about her doing something that’ll bring her joy.”

“This is all your fault,” my dad tells Vincent. “You decided everyone needed to get a life outside of work, and now our mother is taking flying lessons.”

Vincent laughs at his brother’s good-natured jab. “I’ll take the blame if it makes her happy.”

“Thank you, Vincent,” Nona says. “I haven’t been this excited about anything in years.”

“That’s sweet, Nona,” Milo says. “I can’t wait to see you fly.”

She smiles lovingly at him. We joke that he’s her favorite. “Thank you, honey.”

“Speaking of getting a life, how’s Mr. Muñoz, Abuela?” Carmen asks.

Abuela gives her a withering look. “Mind your own business.”

“Since when is your business not my business?” Carmen asks with an innocent expression.

“Since she started dating Mr. Muñoz,” I say, earning a scowl from Abuela.

“Where did we go wrong with these children?” Abuela asks our parents. “They’re so impertinent.”

“That's her vocabulary word of the week,” Nona says.

Ever since Carmen’s parents took Abuela and her sister back to Cuba for a visit that’d broken their hearts, Abuela has been determined to speak only English. She’s accepted she’s never going “home” again.

“It’s funny how it’s impertinence when we want to know her business, but it’s not impertinence when she wants to know ours,” Maria says, making everyone laugh.

“Talk about someone else.” Abuela waves her hand. “Nothing to see here.”

“Where there’s smoke, there’s fire,” Jason says.

“And here I thought I liked you,” Abuela says, making us howl with laughter.

The family leaves around eight with promises to be back tomorrow after brunch to help us finish unpacking. I head for the shower with every muscle in my body aching after working nonstop for most of the day.

When I emerge from the shower, I find a gift bag on the counter that Wyatt must’ve put there. I look around the corner into the bedroom, but I don’t see him. There’s a card in the bag that I open first. It says, “Congratulations on your new home! May you know only love and joy as you make new memories.”

We’re so, so, SO happy for you and Wyatt, and we wanted to help you enjoy your first night in your new home. We love you so much, and we’re thrilled to have you here with us where you belong! Love you both! Car and Mari

I have tears in my eyes as I pull the tissue paper out of the gift bag to find a sexy silk nightgown in the palest shade of pink, a scented candle and a bottle of champagne.

My girls are the best, and I couldn’t be happier to be living close to them again. I put on the nightgown and bring the candle and champagne with me into the bedroom where I find another gift, this one a big white box with a red ribbon on it.


He comes into the bedroom and stops short at the sight of me standing next to the bed, his eyes gone hot with desire. “What have we here?”

I strike a pose. “This old thing? Just a gift from my sister and cousin.”

Walking toward me, he flashes the warm, sexy grin I love so much. “Have I mentioned how much I adore your sister and cousin?”

“I do, too. They also gave us this yummy-smelling candle and a bottle of champagne.”

He kisses me. “Stay put. I need to grab a shower, and then I’ll find a lighter and some glasses.”

“What’s in that box?”

Over his shoulder, he says, “You’ll have to open it to find out.”

“I didn’t get you anything.”

He stops and turns to me, looking at me in a way that makes my knees go weak. “Please, Dee. You’ve given me everything.”

“Right back atcha.”

“Don’t go anywhere.”

“Nowhere else I’d rather be than right here with you.”

After he goes into the bathroom to shower, I push the box toward the center of the bed and discover it’s lighter than expected. I get into bed and wait for him, taking a look around at the big, beautiful room we’ll share. I can’t believe this is my home, that this is my life, that he is my life.

While I have a second to myself, I decide to read Marcus’s letter. Not that it matters what he has to say, but since he took the time to write it, the least I can do is read it. His familiar handwriting takes me right back in time to when I thought I was going to spend my life with him.


I’m sorry. If I say that a million times, it still won’t be enough. I’m deeply, profoundly sorry for what I did to you and us with my thoughtless behavior. I’m sure you’ve heard by now that I’m in rehab, getting treatment for what became full-blown alcoholism over the last few years. And yes, I hid that from you. I never wanted you to know how messed up I was. I’m trying to fix that now and also trying to accept that I can never fix the mess I made with you, the most precious person in my life.

I’m sorry for what I did, that you had to hear it from others and that I never reached out to you. I was so appalled and ashamed of myself that I couldn’t bring myself to contact you. I was a coward, Dee. I couldn’t bear to know how badly I must’ve hurt you.

I heard you met someone else, and you’re happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you. I hope if we see each other again someday, we can be friends or at least be cordial. That might be more than I deserve, but I’ll hope for it anyway.

Please accept my apology and know that I love you very much. I always will.


I’m deeply moved by his heartfelt words and relieved to hear directly from him about how he feels about me and what happened. It doesn’t change anything, but it’s nice to hear after all this time. I put the letter in my bedside drawer and return my focus to the present, where it belongs.

Ten minutes later, Wyatt comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. “Stand by for fire and glass.”

“Standing by.”

He returns with the glasses and a fire striker we bought when we went to Home Depot for batteries, trash cans and other household necessities. While he opens the champagne, I light the “Home Sweet Home” candle that puts out a sweet, spicy scent.

Wyatt sits on the edge of the bed and hands me a glass. “Here’s to home sweet home and happily ever after.”

I touch my glass to his, more than willing to drink to that.

He surprises me when he takes a sip of champagne.

“Are you breaking another rule?”

“Just one sip to be polite.” He puts his glass on the table and takes mine to put it next to his. “Open your present.”

I reach for the box and bring it toward me. “When did you do this?”

“The other night when I had to ‘work late.’”

“Ah, so you’re already lying to me, huh?”

His grin is big and goofy and adorable. “Yep.”

“I’ll allow it anytime gifts are involved.” I pull the bow off the box and open it to find nothing but tissue paper that I pull out until I uncover another smaller package wrapped in shiny silver paper. I’m all thumbs as I try to get the paper off, and my heart nearly stops when I reveal a navy blue velvet box. “Wyatt…”

He takes the box from me, gets down on his knees next to the bed and takes hold of my hand.

My heart is beating so fast that I fear I might hyperventilate. “Wh-what’re you doing?”

Wyatt kisses the back of my hand. “I was so thrilled when Jason asked me to be in his wedding. He’s one of the best friends I’ve ever had, and I was looking forward to sharing his big day with him. But I had no idea whatsoever how that weekend in Miami would change my life forever. I spent one day and one night with you, and all I knew was I needed more of you. When Jason told me there was an opening at his hospital, he was joking around. Wishful thinking, he said. He never expected me to jump on it and ask him to get me an interview because he didn’t know yet that I’d fallen hard for his wife’s cousin.”

“Wyatt.” I use my free hand to wipe tears from my face.

“You can’t begin to know what you’ve done for me, Dee, how you’ve given me things I never dared to dream possible for myself. Before I knew you, I was living half a life, and now…” His voice catches, and he takes a second to deal with his emotions. “Now, my new heart doesn’t have enough room for all the love I have for you and the life we’re building together. When I said you gave me everything, I meant it. You’ve shown me that the things I denied myself are the very best things, the things that make life worth living. I know it’s all happened fast, but as you said, we have no time to waste. I already know what I want, and that’s to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, Dee?”

Yes! Oh my God, Wyatt! Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes.”

Smiling, he pushes himself up and onto the bed to kiss and hug me so tightly, I can barely breathe. “Thank you for everything. I can’t wait to marry you.”

I pull back so I can see his gorgeous face. “You say I’ve given you so much, but you’ve done the same for me. When I think about the place I was in that Friday night when you came back to Miami, that seems like another lifetime after everything that’s happened since then.”

“None of it would’ve happened if you hadn’t been the strongest, most courageous person I’ve ever met. You never blinked an eye when I told you about my situation. You just grabbed me by the hand and demanded I live as fully as possible for as long as I can.”

“And you… You’ve restored my faith and put me back together.”

He shakes his head. “You did that on your own. That’s why you were ready for me when I came along.”

“I like the way I look to you.”

“I love the way you look to me.” Flashing a dirty grin, he runs his hand down my back to cup my ass and pulls me in tight against his erection. “Wait! We forgot the ring!”

I dissolve into laughter. Once upon a time, the ring might’ve been the most important part of this moment. Not anymore. Not with him.

He finds the velvet box and opens it to reveal a stunning diamond ring that he slides onto the third finger of my left hand, holding it up to admire how it looks. “What do you think?”

I can’t believe we’re engaged or how gorgeous the ring is. “I love it, Wyatt. Almost as much as I love you.”

“Carmen and Jason helped me pick it out.”

She knew about this and didn’t tell me?

“I swore her to secrecy. I wanted us always to remember the first night we spent in our new home.”

“Safe to say I’ll never forget it.”

“Let’s make sure, shall we?”

When he kisses me, I wrap my arms and legs around him, wanting him and our life together more than I’ve ever wanted anything. For however long it may last, being loved by him makes me feel like the luckiest woman who’s ever lived.

* * *

Thank you for reading How Much I Love! I hope you enjoyed this new installment in my Miami Nights Series. I’m having ALL THE FUN with this family and these stories. I hope to continue this series with more books, so make sure you’re on my newsletter mailing list at to hear about future books. Also, keep an eye on the Miami Nights Reader Group at for information about upcoming books, and join the How Much I Love Reader Group at to discuss Dee and Wyatt’s story with spoilers allowed. We have some fun Miami Nights merchandise in the store, including series boxes offered with and without the books. Check out the collection.

I loved what my beta reader Dinorah said to me in her note about the book: “Thank you for this amazing series. You had me crying, laughing and feeling hopeful all in just a few hours. I think this is a great book for everyone to read, especially during what everyone has just gone through with this pandemic. We need to remember that we need to live each day to the fullest and not worry too much about what may or may not happen. The future is not ours to see. Que será, será.” I’m so glad she took that message from Dee and Wyatt’s story because it’s the truth. As Dee says, all we have is right now. If this last year has taught us anything, it’s that we have to enjoy every moment to the best of our ability.

It takes a village to write and publish books, and I’m incredibly thankful for mine. A big thank you to Dan, Emily and Jake for always championing my author career, as well as the team that supports me every day: Julie Cupp, Lisa Cafferty, Tia Kelly, Jean Mello, Andrea Buschel, Ashley Lopez and Nikki Haley, as well as my wonderful editors, Linda Ingmanson and Joyce Lamb. Kristina Brinton, thank you for the gorgeous covers for the Miami Series. I love them!

I’m thankful to so many people who help me behind the scenes. Mona Abramesco, a long-time Miami resident, helped me figure out a fun day for Dee and Wyatt that led to their fishing outing from Black Point Marina. Sarah Hewitt, family nurse practitioner, was a huge help in making sure I got the particulars of Wyatt’s situation right. I did tons of research into the experiences of heart transplant patients and read so many inspiring stories. I’ll probably never again take a healthy, beating heart for granted after having written this book. A huge thank you to my first-team beta readers Anne Woodall, Kara Conrad and Tracey Suppo, and to the Miami Series betas Mona Abramesco, Dinorah Shoben, Miriam Ayala, Emma Melero Juarez, Carmen Morejon, Stephanie Behill and Angelica Maya.

And to the readers who follow me wherever the muse may take me, even to South Florida, thank you so much for coming along for this wonderful ride. You make everything so much fun, and I appreciate every one of you!



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Other Books By Marie Force

Contemporary Romances Available from Marie Force

The Miami Nights Series

Book 1: How Much I Feel

(Carmen & Jason)

Book 2: How Much I Care

(Maria & Austin)

Book 3: How Much I Love

(Dee & Wyatt)

The Gansett Island Series

Book 1: Maid for Love

(Maddie & Mac)

Book 2: Fool for Love

(Joe & Janey)

Book 3: Ready for Love

(Luke & Sydney)

Book 4: Falling for Love

(Grant & Stephanie)

Book 5: Hoping for Love

(Evan & Grace)

Book 6: Season for Love

(Owen & Laura)

Book 7: Longing for Love

(Blaine & Tiffany)

Book 8: Waiting for Love

(Adam & Abby)

Book 9: Time for Love

(David & Daisy)

Book 10: Meant for Love

(Jenny & Alex)

Book 10.5: Chance for Love, A Gansett Island Novella(Jared & Lizzie)

Book 11: Gansett After Dark

(Owen & Laura)

Book 12: Kisses After Dark

(Shane & Katie)

Book 13: Love After Dark

(Paul & Hope)

Book 14: Celebration After Dark

(Big Mac & Linda)

Book 15: Desire After Dark

(Slim & Erin)

Book 16: Light After Dark

(Mallory & Quinn)

Book 17: Victoria & Shannon (Episode 1)

Book 18: Kevin & Chelsea (Episode 2)

A Gansett Island Christmas Novella

Book 19: Mine After Dark

(Riley & Nikki)

Book 20: Yours After Dark

(Finn & Chloe)

Book 21: Trouble After Dark

(Deacon & Julia)

Book 22: Rescue After Dark

(Mason & Jordan)

Book 23: Blackout After Dark

(Full Cast)

Book 24: Temptation After Dark

(Gigi & Cooper)

Get the entire Gansett Island Series

Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 1-3

Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 4-6

Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 7-9

Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 10-12

Gansett Island Boxed Set, Books 13-16

Gansett Island Series Boxed Set, Books 17-20

The Green Mountain Series

Book 1: All You Need Is Love

(Will & Cameron)

Book 2: I Want to Hold Your Hand

(Nolan & Hannah)

Book 3: I Saw Her Standing There

(Colton & Lucy)

Book 4: And I Love Her

(Hunter & Megan)

Novella: You'll Be Mine

(Will & Cam’s Wedding)

Book 5: It's Only Love

(Gavin & Ella)

Book 6: Ain’t She Sweet

(Tyler & Charlotte)

Get the entire Green Mountain Series

The Butler, Vermont Series

(Continuation of Green Mountain)

Book 1: Every Little Thing

(Grayson & Emma)

Book 2: Can’t Buy Me Love

(Mary & Patrick)

Book 3: Here Comes the Sun

(Wade & Mia)

Book 4: Till There Was You

(Lucas & Dani)

Book 5: All My Loving

(Landon & Amanda)

Book 6: Let It Be

(Lincoln & Molly)

Book 7: Come Together

(Noah & Brianna)

The Butler, Vermont Series Boxed Set: Books 1-4

The Quantum Series

Book 1: Virtuous

(Flynn & Natalie)

Book 2: Valorous

(Flynn & Natalie)

Book 3: Victorious

(Flynn & Natalie)

Book 4: Rapturous

(Addie & Hayden)

Book 5: Ravenous

(Jasper & Ellie)

Book 6: Delirious

(Kristian & Aileen)

Book 7: Outrageous

(Emmett & Leah)

Book 8: Famous

(Marlowe & Sebastian)

Quantum Boxed Set: The Complete Series

Tame Quantum Series

All the romance, none of the kink…

Box Set 1, Books 1-3

Box Set 2, Books 4-6

The Treading Water Series

Book 1: Treading Water

Book 2: Marking Time

Book 3: Starting Over

Book 4: Coming Home

Book 5: Finding Forever

Treading Water Boxed Set: The Complete Series

Single Titles

Five Years Gone

One Year Home

Sex Machine

Sex God

Georgia on My Mind

True North

The Fall

The Wreck

Everyone Loves a Hero

Love at First Flight

Line of Scrimmage

Beach Reads Boxed Set

Love Always Boxed Set, First Books in Four of Marie’s Bestselling Series

Romantic Suspense Novels Available from Marie Force

The Fatal Series

One Night With You, A Fatal Series Prequel Novella

Book 1: Fatal Affair

Book 2: Fatal Justice

Book 3: Fatal Consequences

Book 3.5: Fatal DestinyThe Wedding Novella

Book 4: Fatal Flaw

Book 5: Fatal Deception

Book 6: Fatal Mistake

Book 7: Fatal Jeopardy

Book 8: Fatal Scandal

Book 9: Fatal Frenzy

Book 10: Fatal Identity

Book 11: Fatal Threat

Book 12: Fatal Chaos

Book 13: Fatal Invasion

Book 14: Fatal Reckoning

Book 15: Fatal Accusation

Book 16: Fatal Fraud

The First Family Series

Book 1: State of Affairs

Book 2: State of Grace

The Wild Widows Series—a Fatal and First Family Series Spin-Off

Book 1: Someone Like You

Historical Romance Available from Marie Force

The Gilded Series

Book 1: Duchess by Deception

Book 2: Deceived by Desire