Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 10


Standing in my bedroom after a quick shower, I’m trying to decide what to wear. I don’t know what tonight is. I don’t know if it’s just two old friends getting together, or if it’s more. It feels like more. However, that could only be my perception of wanting it to be more.

Glancing at the clock, I see that I have exactly fifteen minutes before Rip is supposed to be here. If I know anything about him, even the younger version, he’s always punctual. Reaching into my drawer, I pull out a lacey red bra and panty set. They’re sexy, and they make me feel that way. It doesn’t matter that no one gets to see them but me. They do their job of boosting my confidence. In the back of my mind, I can’t help but wonder if maybe tonight someone will see them? If maybe Rip will see them. I quickly shake off the idea.

I don’t want to look like I tried too hard, yet I don’t want to look frumpy either. Gah! Why am I making this so damn difficult? Flipping through the hangers, I decide on a sundress. It’s a dark brown with small white embroidered flowers on the bust and at the hem of the bottom. It hits just above my knees. Slipping it over my head, I look at my reflection, releasing my hair from the pin it’s been held up in all day. I run my hands through my locks, pleased they look tousled and sexy. Perfect. At least my hair is cooperating.

The doorbell rings. Shit. “Mac!” Grams calls out. “Rip’s here.”

“I’ll be right down!” I call back to her.

Grabbing my mascara, I add a quick coat before tossing it back onto my dresser. Next is a quick layer of shimmer gloss to my lips, and I call it good. I don’t have time for more accessories. Instead, I grab a pair of white flip-flops from the bottom of my closet and slide my feet into them as I unplug my phone and grab my purse. This is as good as it gets. With a deep breath, I open my bedroom door and descend the stairs. I don’t know if this is a date, but it sure feels like one.

“There she is,” Gramps says.

All eyes turn to me. Rip’s eyes turn to me. My body heats as he slowly takes his time looking over every inch of me. When his eyes finally meet mine, a slow sexy smile tilts his lips. “Kenna, you look beautiful.” He steps forward and offers me his hand, assisting me with the final step. Not that I needed the help, but I’m not going to turn down a chance to touch him. “These are for you.” He presents me with a small bouquet of wildflowers I hadn’t noticed.

“Thank you. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Let the man buy you flowers,” Gramps says with a wink.

“I’ll just put them in some water,” I tell him.

“I’ve got that.” Gram steps forward and takes the flowers from my hands.

“I guess I’ll see you two in a little while,” I tell my grandparents.

“Make sure she relaxes. She works too hard,” Gramps tells Rip. “Just let us know if you’re not coming home.”

“I’ll be h—” I start when Rip talks over me.

“I’ll be sure to have her let you know. She’s safe with me,” he tells them.

“Oh, we know that,” Gram says. Her smile is blinding. “You two kids have fun.”

“I guess that’s our cue to leave,” I say with a nervous chuckle.

“After you.” Rip places his hand on the small of my back and leads me to the front door and out to his truck.

“How was your day?” I ask once he’s behind the wheel and we're headed to his place. It’s not even a two-minute drive, but I need the distraction of conversation. I can still feel the heat of his touch on my back.

“Better now,” he says, pulling into his driveway.

I ignore his confession, but my heart is doing this splutter thing in my chest. “What are we having?” I ask as I reach for the door handle.

“Stay there.” He points his index finger at me as he jumps out of the truck and jogs to my door. He offers me his hand and helps me out. Instead of releasing his grip, he laces his fingers through mine as we make our way up the steps of the wraparound porch.

“I love this house. I love this porch.”

He nods. “You’ve always loved wraparound porches.”

I turn to look at him, but his eyes are focused on guiding us into his house. I don’t know how he knows that about me. Well, I mean, he’s known me for years. What’s more unbelievable is that he remembered something that simple about me.

When we reach the kitchen, he turns to look at me, a sheepish smile on his handsome face. “I don’t know if it’s still your favorite, but I made chicken alfredo.”

“Yum. I’m starving,” I admit as my belly growls at the thought of a nice warm plate of chicken alfredo. “And yes, it’s still my favorite.” This, too, is not something I ever expected Rip to remember about me. Sure, we’re friends, but I’m his sister's best friend.

“I made it. Now, come sit.” He gives my hand a small tug and leads me into the dining room. It’s set up with two place settings, fresh flowers, and a candle that’s unlit in the middle.

“Kenna,” he says, his voice husky as he drops my hand and pulls a seat out for me.

I smile at him but don’t reply. I can’t seem to form words. I don’t know what’s happening here.

Am I dreaming?

I watch as he grabs one of those lighters that you use to light candles and smiles when the candle is lit.

“I have sweet tea, wine, beer, water, milk,” he rattles off all of my drink choices.


He grins. “Good choice. I’ll be right back.”

“Do you need some help?” I call out to him, craning my neck to see into the kitchen.

“No. I’m all set.” He appears in the doorway with two bottles of beer. He hands me one and sets the other in front of his plate. He dashes back to the kitchen and comes back with a bubbling-hot casserole dish, filled with my favorite meal.

“You made this?” I ask in awe. It smells delicious.

“Yep,” he says proudly.

“Where did you learn how to make it? It smells just like Gram’s.”

“That’s because it’s her recipe. She taught me,” he confesses.

“What? What do you mean she taught you?”

“I might have mentioned a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about you coming home that I was thinking about making you dinner. I told her I wanted to make your favorite, and she offered to help me.”

“Am I living in the twilight zone?” I question.

His head tilts back as his deep rumble of laughter fills the room around us. “No. You’re not living in the twilight zone.” He takes a minute to get his laughter under control before grabbing my plate and adding a huge helping of the creamy alfredo. “Dig in.” He places my plate in front of me and gives himself double what he gave me.

After grabbing my fork, I take a bite and can’t stop the moan that escapes my lips. “Rip.” I sigh. “This is so good. Are you sure Gram didn’t make this?” I ask, going in for another bite.

“All me.” He smiles affectionately. “How is studying going?” he asks.

“Good. My brain is working overtime.” I laugh. “I’ll be glad to never have to pick up another textbook or take another test in my lifetime.”

“I’m sure.” He smiles.

“Your home is beautiful. I can’t believe you did all of this on your own.”

“It kept me busy. Feels like home, though, you know? I love that it has my personal touch, and that’s it on the family farm. I’m close to Mom and Dad, yet still far enough away to have my privacy.”

“You should be proud. You did an amazing job.”

“Thank you.” He takes a drink of beer. “How are you feeling about the test?”

“Terrified,” I confess.

“What?” There’s blatant surprise in his voice.

“I’ve wanted this for so long, and it’s right there within my reach. There’s nothing but this stupid exam in my way.”

“McKenna, you’re brilliant. You’re going to ace this thing and be the best damn lawyer this town has ever seen. No offense to Harold, of course.” He laughs.

“I don’t know about brilliant, but I have put everything I am into this.”

“That’s all that matters. You’re going to do great.” He reaches over and places his hand over mine, giving it a gentle squeeze before picking his fork back up and continuing to eat.

“How are things with you? With the farm?” I ask, moving the conversation along. It’s not that I don’t want this sexy man to tell me he thinks I’m brilliant, but I need to steer the conversation to something that will make my heart flutter less. He doesn’t even know how his words affect me.

“The farm is good. Dad and I are still splitting duties. He wants to retire, but I think he’d be bored, and I know he would drive Mom crazy.”

“You’re probably right,” I agree. “Are Laramie and Colby going to build here on the farm too?” I ask him.

“I don’t really know. Hell, I’m not sure they know,” he comments. “Lara has nothing but wedding on the brain.”

“I’m sure they’ll figure it out. And yes, she’s so excited. I’m happy for them.”

“Yeah,” he agrees.

“You said you did all the work yourself. Anything you would change? On the house, I mean?” I’m fumbling for safe conversation topics.

“Nah, I thought long and hard about every room, every step of the renovation.”

“And what if your future wife doesn’t approve?” I don’t know why I ask the question. I guess spending time with him has me wishing that things were different, and that this home might be ours one day. That maybe one day, he might choose me for real.

He sits back in his chair and crosses his arms over his chest. His eyes bore into mine. “As I recall, we’re married,” he says. He’s not teasing. His face is stone-serious.

“Come on now.” I laugh.

“Tell me, McKenna. As my wife, what do you think about living here?” He swallows hard, almost as if he’s afraid of what my answer will be.

“Rip—” I start, but he interrupts me.

“Humor me.”

“Fine.” I heave out a sigh, reaching for my beer and taking a long pull. “If I… if I were your wife, I would love nothing more than to live here. I love this house and everything you’ve done to it. The kitchen is incredible, one I’ve always dreamed of, and you know I love the wraparound porch. However, I’ve always loved this farm. It feels as much like home to me as Gram and Gramps' place.

“I spent a lot of time running these fields with you and your sister, and this place holds special memories for me. Life, before I came here, was grim, and meeting your sister, and by association you, that was one of the best highlights of my childhood.” I clamp my mouth closed. I didn’t mean to say all of that, but once I parted my lips, words just started spewing out of me.

I keep my eyes on my lap. I can’t believe I just said all of that.

“Kenna.” His voice is soft. I know he wants me to look at him, but I can’t. It’s not until I feel his index finger under my chin that I give in and lift my gaze to his. His brown eyes flash to my mouth, and I lick my lips.

I think he’s going to kiss me. I really want him to kiss me.

He leans in a little closer. “I really want to kiss you,” he says, his voice gravelly.

“Yes, please,” I reply, breathless with anticipation.

He moves in closer. He’s so close yet so far away. I’ve missed him and his kisses. His lips molded to mine for longer than I can even remember. I lean in, and he curses under his breath before pressing his lips to mine. They're soft and tentative. I’m about to reach out and hold him to me when a knock at the door has us pulling apart.

He gives me a smoldering look before pushing back in his chair and standing. I watch his every move so I don’t miss it when he adjusts his hard length before making his way to the door. “What’s up?” I hear him ask.

“Let’s go grab dinner,” Corbin says. “I was passing by on my way home,” he says, explaining why he’s here.

“Can’t. I’m in the middle of something.”

“Well, finish up, and we can go.”

“Nah, I already ate.”

“Then come with me. We can catch up.”

“I have a lot of paperwork to finish.”

“What’s going on, Rip?” Corbin asks.

“Nothing. I have company,” he confesses. “We’ll grab dinner at the Silver Star tomorrow. First round’s on me.”

“Fine. See you then, old man.” Corbin chuckles. I listen for the door to close and stand to start clearing the table. I don’t know why, but I wanted him to tell Corbin he was with me. I know that our friends would be fine with it. Hell, Laramie already suspects, and she’s happy for me. For us. But that’s just it. If “us” is really what Rip wants, then why wouldn’t he tell Corbin? Maybe he isn’t as sure about us as he wants me to believe. Maybe I’m jumping into this too fast because it’s what I’ve always wanted. I definitely need to slow down and protect my heart. He’s just proven that. He was caught up in the moment. He’s being nice by making me dinner, and it’s a romantic setting. We both got lost in the moment. That’s on me. I wanted him to kiss me—more than I’ve ever wanted anything.

“You don’t have to do that,” Rip says, taking our now empty plates out of my hand.

“Of course, I do. You made dinner. I clean up. It’s the least that I can do.”

“No, Kenna. That’s not how this is going to go.” He places the dishes in the sink. Turning, he rests against the counter, his hands braced on either side of him. “The dishes can wait. You’re taking the night off, remember?”

I nod. “Thank you for dinner.” Turning on my heels, I head for the door. A walk home is exactly what I need to clear my head. I’m so focused on leaving, on my foolish heart for thinking that this was something that it wasn’t, I don’t hear him until he has his arms around my waist, pulling my body into his.

“Stay.” One word whispered into my ear, and I’m putty in his hands. A single nod and he releases me, but not fully. His hand on the small of my back guides me to the couch. We sit, with him pulling me into his arms and handing me the remote. “You pick.”

“It’s your house.”

“Your choice, Kenna.”

I don’t care what we watch. I won’t be able to pay attention anyway with his arms around me, holding me close. I settle on Law and Order, and he chuckles when he takes the remote and sets it on the table next to us.

Pulling my bare feet up on the couch, I’m careful to cover my legs with my dress. Once I’m settled, he pulls me a little further into him. “Better,” he murmurs, kissing my temple.

I try to focus on the television, but I can feel my eyes getting heavy. I barely slept last night, so excited for dinner with him, and now, here in his arms, with a full belly, I don’t ever remember a time I felt more content.