Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 15


The guys and I followed the ladies down to the hotel bar. We stayed back, so they didn’t think we were spying on them. I’ve heard stories of Sin City, and the thought of something happening to any of them has me on edge. When they left the hotel to explore the strip, it took every ounce of willpower I could muster not to trail along behind them. Since then, I’ve checked my phone what feels like a million times waiting for a text from McKenna.

The three of us decided to stay here. We thought it made more sense to let the ladies know where we would be if they needed us. The bar at our hotel made the most sense. Besides, this is the place where we’re meeting up with them to finish the night out as a group.

“It’s been twenty minutes,” I say, taking a drink of my lukewarm beer. It’s only my second of the night. I’m taking it slow until the girls are with us again. The last thing I need is to be sloppy drunk, and McKenna or my sister to call and need me. Not on my watch. Not until they’re with me.

“They’re still at the casino down the street,” Colby says, staring at his phone.

“That”—I point to his phone—“is genius.”

“Yeah, and it was Lara’s idea. She read an article that this app saved a guy working on a ranch a few towns over. He wasn’t answering, and his wife was worried, so she pulled up the app and located him. She was able to go to his exact location and call for help. He’d fallen and broken his leg or something. I don’t really remember the details, but Laramie was insistent that we get the app.”

“We’re getting that,” I mutter to myself.

“We’re?” Corbin asks.


“What’s up with that?” Colby asks. “Are the two of you together?”

“We will be.”

“What does that mean?” Corbin laughs.

“It means I’m working on it,” I say as my phone vibrates in my hand.

McKenna:We’re still at the casino

It’s followed by a picture of the three of them. Laramie is wearing a crown of some sort on her head with a sash that says Bride. McKenna and Sara are wearing sashes as well that say Bride Tribe. I can’t help but smile. All three of them are lookers, their eyes glassy, and their smiles are wide. They definitely look like they’re having a good time.

“What are you smiling at over there?” Corbin asks.

I turn my phone to show him, and then Colby. “They’re living it up.” I chuckle.

“I’m glad she’s having fun, but I’m ready for them to come back,” Corbin says, taking a drink of his beer.

“What about you?” I ask Corbin. “You missing your girl?”

“I’m not obsessing like the two of you, but I wouldn’t mind sharing a drink or two with her.” He’s trying to act cool and nonchalant, but he’s been my best friend my entire life. I know better.

“You can admit it. You’re into her.”

“Yeah, I mean, I like her, but I’m not ready to propose marriage like this guy.” He motions toward his brother. “Or make her install an app so I can track her like you.” He points at me.

“Hey, don’t judge. I just want to keep her safe. It was his idea.” I lift my chin toward Colby.

“No. It was your sister’s idea, and to be honest, I’ve not really used it. I did a couple of times planning a surprise dinner for her at the house, so I could see how close she was. Tonight is really the first time I’ve used it to track her location.”

“Y’all sound like creepers.”

“Love will do that to you,” Colby replies.

“That what this is, man? With Mac? Are you in love with her?”

“I could be.” That’s a lie. I’m pretty sure the way my heart races when she’s close, or even if I just hear her name, and the way my palms itch to touch her, or maybe the way she’s the first and last thought I have every single day says I’m well on my way to love, if not already there. I’ve known her for years, and this… crush that I have isn’t new. I’ve just been biding my time, and that time is now.

I’m going all in to get the girl.

“Come on, man, you’ve always had a thing for her,” Corbin reminds me.

“Yep.” There’s no use in denying it.

“Are we talking marriage and babies and all that?” Corbin inquires.

A picture of McKenna walking toward me in white with her belly swollen with our child pops in my head, and it’s an image I very much want to see in real life. “If she’ll have me.”

“What happened to all this ‘I’m only getting married once’ bullshit? It’s not going to be a snap decision?” Colby asks.

“This isn’t a snap decision.” Not by a long shot.

“Do you realize what you’re saying, Rip? That you’re ready to marry this girl. As in, she’s it for you for the rest of your life.”


“Wow,” Colby breathes. “Your sister is going to be ecstatic.”

“It’s not happening next week or anything,” I remind them. “Kenna and I are still working things out. We’ll get to be where you are,” I tell him.

“You sure you’re ready for this, man? One woman for the rest of your life?” Corbin asks his brother.

I don’t take offense to it. It’s not a dig toward me or my sister, just a question in general, one that’s asked more times than not, I would assume, by the friends of the groom.

“I’m ready.”

“You’re already acting like a married man,” Corbin teases.

“And you’re not?” Colby challenges.

“Well, I’m not single so….” He lets that little slither of information hang between us.

“It’s official?” I ask.

“Yep. As of a few days ago. I really like her.”

“Happy for you.” I slap a hand on his shoulder, and Colby does the same from the other side of the table.

“Here we are, our women out living the high life, and we’ve barely consumed a six-pack between us the entire night.” Colby shakes his head.

“Rather be with her,” I mumble under my breath while I type a message back to McKenna.

Me:You’re beautiful.

McKenna:Are you trying to flatter me, Rip Callahan?

Me:Depends. Is it working?

McKenna:I don’t know. You’re all I can think about. What do you think?

I grip my phone tightly in my fist as I shift in my seat. I want to race down the street to where she is and pull her into my arms, kiss the hell out of her, and drag her back to my room, or hell even hers. I’m not picky. I just… need her.

Me:Glad it’s not just me.

McKenna:You think about me?

Me:Every second of every day.

I have no idea how much alcohol she’s consumed by this point, so she might not remember this. There will, however, be our chat that she can go back and read when she’s sober.

McKenna: That’s a lot.

I chuckle out loud.

“Who are you texting?” Corbin asks.

“McKenna. They’re still at the casino.”

Me:It is.

McKenna:We’re headed back now, so we don’t break curfew.

Her text is followed by an emoji with its tongue sticking out.

Me:See you soon, beautiful.

“They’re on their way back,” I tell my friends, draining my warm beer. They both look up from their phones and nod. We’re all wearing matching grins. It’s telling that three guys can’t have fun in the one city that’s known for exactly that without the women in our lives.

Without a word, the three of us stand and make our way to the lobby. My heart kicks up its pace in my chest, just like it always does when I know that I’m going to get to see her.


I’ve waited so long for a chance with her, and I’m taking it. I need to tell her exactly what I’m thinking. I need to tell her that I want to give us a real shot. I’ve been teasing her, dropping hints, stealing touches and kisses, but it’s not enough.

I need more.

Standing shoulder to shoulder, the three of us wait in the lobby, our eyes glued to the door. When I see them, when I see her, my body reacts, something I’m used to at this point when it comes to McKenna. Laramie rushes to Colby, jumping in his arms, and Corbin doesn’t give Sara the chance as he scoops her up and spins her around. And my girl? She saunters toward me, killing me in that sundress and those cowboy boots.

“Hey, handsome.” She stops just out of reach, and that just won’t do.

I take one stride so that we’re toe to toe and wrap my arms around her. I pull her into a hug so fierce I’m sure she’s struggling to breathe, but damn it, I just need to hold her. “Hey,” I finally say, easing up on the hug.

“Rip Callahan, did you miss me?” She giggles, her eyes glassy from her buzz, and I can’t help but think she looks cute as hell.

“So much,” I murmur as I press my lips to hers.

“Hey, you’re not drinking?” she asks when I pull back.

“I’ve had a couple,” I admit.

“Oh, no, that won’t do. We’re celebrating.” With her hand laced in mine, she starts to tug me toward the bar. “Let’s go, ladies. We have to get some drinks into these fuddy-duddies,” she calls over her shoulder.

I hear my sister squeal and then Sara’s laughter as they encourage Colby and Corbin to follow us. I don’t have to look back to know my friends are following along behind their girls just like I am. There isn’t anything we wouldn’t do for them.

An hour or so later, we’re all sitting around a table at the hotel bar, trying to decide where to go next. It’s just after midnight, but this city doesn’t seem to ever sleep, and we’re here to celebrate so that’s what we’re going to do.

“Oh! I love this song,” my sister says, pulling Colby from his chair next to her and out to the dance floor.

My hand that’s resting under the table on McKenna’s thigh gives her a gentle squeeze when she does a little shimmy in her chair. I open my mouth to ask her if she wants to dance when she pushes her chair back.

McKenna stands and reaches for my hand. “Dance with me.”

She’s a little wobbly on her feet, and I’m feeling my buzz pretty heavy. That doesn’t stop me from sliding my arm around her waist and pulling her into the middle of the bar, wrapping my arms around her.

“Rip, this is a fast song,” she says, smiling up at me.

“I want to hold you.”

“Yeah, but this song is sexy.” She sways her hips, turning in my arms, pressing her back to my front. Reaching back, her hands clamp around my neck, and I bend my head, kissing her neck. “Oh.” I hear her say when she grinds against my hard cock.

“That’s all you, Kenna,” I whisper in her ear. My hands grip her hips, and I pull her close, making sure there’s no question as to what I’m referring to.

I can’t tell you the name of the song or even the words. What I can tell you is that McKenna sways her hips to the beat, and she’s driving me wild. I wrap my arms around her waist, holding her close.

Damn this woman.

I allow myself to get lost in her. We’re the only two people in the room. Just me and McKenna savoring the feel of our bodies pressed close. My lips trail up her neck, and the taste of her skin explodes on my tongue. Drink after drink, song after song, we dance the night away. I lose track of time as the six of us hop from bar to bar and club to club. I don’t take my hands off of her the entire night. Part of me has to be touching her. I crave the feel of her skin. Even with the buzz of alcohol thrumming through my veins, I know this will forever be the best night of my life. The night I finally got to treat her like she was mine. Not behind closed doors. Out for the world to see.

There is no coming back from this. I no longer have to pretend, and that’s freeing. Tonight marks the night that McKenna Dawson becomes mine.