Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 14


“Do we really have to split up? I didn’t even want a bachelor party. We should all just hang out,” Colby suggests. There’s tension in his voice.

We’re all sitting in Colby and Laramie’s suite in Vegas, making plans for our first night here. Our plane landed two hours ago, and we came straight to the hotel to check in. Currently, Colby is in freak-out mode that we girls are going to be walking around by ourselves. It’s sweet, but we’re big girls, and none of us plan on getting completely trashed. Well, maybe Laramie, this is her bachelorette party after all. Sara and I talked about it on the plane, and she needs to have a good time.

Speaking of Sara, I really like her. I need to find time to pull Corbin aside and let him know that he better hang onto her. Although, since she’s here, I’m thinking that’s something he already knows.

“Colbs, we’ll be fine. We’re big girls,” Laramie says soothingly.

“I agree,” Rip speaks up. His eyes find mine. “I don’t think I’ll be able to have a good time worrying about you ladies.” He includes all of us, but his eyes are locked on mine.

The intensity of his gaze causes goose bumps to travel down my arms. One day I’m going to be brave and ask him why he’s been giving me all the sexy looks, soft touches, and kisses. God, that man can kiss.

“We’re three adult women who can handle ourselves. Besides, Sara and I already talked about it. We’re not going to get wasted. This is Laramie’s weekend. We’ll keep an eye on her.”

“Is that supposed to make me feel better about this?” Colby asks.

“How about we all do our own thing, then meet up later?” Sara suggests.

I turn to look at her and tell her that I agree with the plan. Colby can take over watching Laramie, and she and I can have some fun. Only I stop when I see Corbin pull her into his arms and whisper in her ear. Oh, yeah, he’s got it bad. I’m happy for him. Corbin is goofy as hell, but he’s a good guy.

“That’s a good idea,” I agree with her, turning back to Colby and Laramie.

“That’s perfect. You go do manly things. We’re going to do girly things and meet up later.” Laramie kisses Colby on the cheek and stands from the couch. “Now, we need to get ready.” She glances at the clock on the wall. “Ladies, let’s meet back here at seven. That gives us an hour to change and get spruced up for the night.”

“Spruced up? Babe, why do you need to get spruced up?” Colby sounds panicked. He should be. I helped my best friend pack. I know that arsenal she has in her suitcase by way of wardrobe.

“It’s Vegas, baby!” Laramie cheers and rushes off to the bedroom.

“Colby, Sara and I will watch out for her. You guys go have fun. We’ll meet back here at seven, and then what, again at eleven or so?”

“That long?” he asks, sounding defeated.

“We’ll start with eleven and see how the night goes,” I tell him gently.

“Why in the fuck did I agree to this?” Colby asks, tilting his head back, resting it on the couch.

“Kenna?” Rip speaks up. I turn to look at him. There’s something in his gaze that I can’t name. He opens his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

“Rip, we’re going to be fine. I’ll keep my phone on all night. Check in with us as much as you want. I promise I’ll keep your sister safe.” He gives me a curt nod and leaves it at that.

“Well, we’re going to go get ready. See you all in an hour,” Corbin announces, waving over his shoulder as they exit the suite.

“I should go too. I’ll see you both soon.” I wave and turn to walk away when I hear Rip tell Colby he’s going to walk with me.

He doesn’t say a word as he falls in step beside me while I make my way to my suite at the other end of the hall. We decided to go all out for this trip, and the rooms are huge and breathtaking. Stopping at my door, I tap my room key, waiting for the light to turn green. Turning the handle, I push open the door and then face Rip. He’s standing so close that I bump into him.

“I’ll see you soon,” I say, knowing I should step back, but I like being this close to him.

“Kenna.” The way he says my name sends tingles down my spine. He lifts his hand to my face, and the warmth of his skin does nothing to cool my desire for him.

I’m not exactly sure how it happens, but we end up walking into my room, the door closing with an audible click behind us. “I-I need to get ready,” I say, stumbling over my words. I can’t decipher his expression, but it’s hot as fuck, and I do not want to be all worked up over Rip before a night out on the town.

“I know. But I need something from you first.”


He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. He gives me no warning when his lips mold with mine. The kiss is more urgent than any that we’ve shared before, and like the others, it leaves me completely breathless. I should pull back. I should stop this, whatever it is, but I can’t. I’m not strong enough to resist him. Instead, I grip his shirt, holding him close to me.

Eventually, he slows the kiss, resting his forehead against mine. “I don’t like the idea of you being in this city alone.”

“I won’t be alone.”

“You know what I mean.” His voice is soft and sweet when he says, “Can you do me a favor?”

“What?” I’m ready to tell him I’d do anything for him, which is true, but this is Laramie’s bachelorette party, and no way am I giving him permission to come with us.

“Let me come with you,” he suggests.

“No can do, buddy.” I pat my hands against his chest.

He pulls back and grins at me. “I thought that you might say that. So, instead, how about you keep me in the loop, yeah? Let me know where you guys are?”

“Sure, I can do that. As long as you promise not to barge in on us until our agreed upon time.”


I smile up at him. “Should we shake on it?” I ask awkwardly, holding my hand between us, even though he’s still holding my body close to his.

“No, baby, you and I don’t shake on it. There’s only one thing that can seal this deal,” he says huskily.

“And what’s that?” I ask breathlessly.

He doesn’t answer, not with words. Instead, he lowers his head and kisses me slow and deep. His tongue invades my mouth, and all I can do is tighten my grip on his shirt and enjoy the ride.

“You better get ready.” He pulls away and moves further inside the room, taking a seat on the small couch.

I suck in a few deep breaths before I feel as though I can speak. “What are you doing?” I ask.

“Waiting for you to get ready.”

“I don’t need help.”

His heated gaze trails over me, making me feel open and exposed. “You might need me to zip your dress or something,” he finally says when his eyes find mine.

“I can manage.”

“I’m not leaving. Time’s wasting,” he says with a smirk.

I don’t have it in me to argue with him for multiple reasons. The two biggest are the fact that he just kissed me stupid, and I know I’m in no shape mentally to go to battle with him. And two, I’ll take all the time he’s willing to give me. I’m secretly thrilled that he wants to be here, so instead of arguing, I make my way to my bedroom, shutting the door behind me to get ready to go out on the town to help my best friend celebrate the last few days of being single before she marries the love of her life.

* * *


That’s the first word out of Rip’s mouth when I walk back into the small living area of my suite. “What do you mean, no?” I tilt my head to the side.

“You can’t wear that, Kenna.”

I look down at the purple sundress I’m wearing. It’s low cut with spaghetti straps and stops about midthigh. I’ve paired it with my cowboy boots. Sara and Laramie are going to be wearing the same thing. When we learned Sara was coming on the trip, we wanted her to feel included, so we reached out, and the three of us went shopping. It was Laramie’s idea that we dress alike, and Sara and I readily agreed. She chose these, and we tried to argue that she should be the only one wearing white. She then told us that these were the exact outfits she wanted us to wear to the wedding when we both stood up with her. There were lots of tears, and of course, we bought the dresses.

“You don’t get to decide that,” I counter.

“McKenna,” he says. His voice is a low growl. “You can’t wear that. How in the fuck am I supposed to let you walk around Vegas looking like a wet dream?” He runs his fingers through his long hair.

I can’t explain what his words make me feel. I’m all gushy inside and speaking of wet…. I shake out of that train of thought and focus on the fact that although he looks pained, his eyes haven’t stopped taking me in. Almost as if he’s trying to catalog the exact image in his memory for a later date.

“I’m sorry to break it to you, buddy, but your sister picked this outfit. All three of us are wearing the exact same thing, so you’re just going to have to deal.” Not only that, but he doesn't have a say so, regardless of what he thinks. He’s not mine. I’m not his. Even if I want to be.

He stands from the couch and doesn’t hide the fact that he grabs his crotch and adjusts before stalking toward me. “And this,” he says, gliding his fingers over the hair of my side ponytail. “How am I supposed to resist you like this?” He leans in and presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth. He blows out a heavy breath, closing his eyes. “Are you ready to go?” he asks.

“Yes. Do you need to change or anything?”

“You think I should?” he asks.

I take in his black fitted T-shirt, worn jeans, and cowboy boots. “No.” I shake my head. “You look fine.” I step away from him, needing a little space. I grab my small crossbody, making sure I have my ID, cash, room key, and cell phone.

He grins wickedly. “Come on, let’s get this night over with.” With his hand on the small of my back, he leads me to the door. We don’t speak as we make our way down the hall to Laramie and Colby’s room. We reach their door, and I raise my hand to knock, but I’m frozen when his lips find their way next to my ear.

“You look beautiful, McKenna. I didn’t get the chance to say it, but you take my breath away,” he says softly. My hand drops to my side, and he chuckles, reaching around me to knock on the door. His hands land on my hips as we wait.

A few seconds later, Colby answers the door. He sees me and shakes his head. “Not you too,” he groans.

“Right?” Rip asks, guiding us into the suite.

“I’m so excited!” Laramie exclaims when she sees me.

“It’s not a good idea.” I hear from behind us.

Turning to look, all I see is Rip’s chest, so I lean to the side to look around him. Corbin and Sara are standing in the doorway, and he’s not looking thrilled.

“What the bride wants, the bride gets.” Sara shrugs.

“Change of plans,” Colby announces. “We’re all going out. One big party,” he informs us.

“Good,” Rip agrees.

“Perfect,” Corbin says.

“No. No, we’re not. This is not how it’s supposed to work. The girls are going out, and you guys are going out, and we’re going to meet up here in the hotel lobby at eleven.” Laramie kisses Colby quickly before grabbing her purse. She looks inside, and I know she’s going through the same mental checklist that I went through. “Ladies?” she says, heading toward the door.

I pull away from Rip or try to; his grip on my hips is tight. “Keep me posted,” he says, his lips next to my ear, causing a shiver to race down my spine.

“Promise.” I smile up at him, trying to reassure him. It’s nice to know that he cares. That all three of them care.

He leans in close and kisses me. Just a soft peck on the lips, but it’s the first time he’s done this in front of our friends, other than the bonfire at our own fake wedding. Well, our second fake wedding. “Be safe. You call me if you need me.”

“Okay.” It’s lame as far as replies go, but that’s all that I’ve got. He releases me, and I follow Laramie and Sara out of the suite. I assume they had their own goodbyes and were too busy to see mine.

“What was that?” Laramie asks.

“That was hot,” Sara replies.

“It was a peck on the lips.” I downplay their comments.

“It might have just been a peck, but he looked like he wanted to eat you alive.” This from Sara, with Laramie nodding her agreement.

I wanted him too.“Nah, just nervous about us going out on our own.”

“I know my brother. He wants you,” Laramie says, adamant that she’s correct.

I wish she was. “Enough about Rip. This is your bachelorette party. Let’s do this.” Luckily all conversation about Rip and me halts, and we make our way to the hotel bar to get this night started.