Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 21


It’s just before midnight, and although I’ve enjoyed hanging with the guys, I’m ready to get McKenna home. I need to strip down out of these clothes and cuddle the shit out of her. Those were our original plans for the night, and I hope she’s not too tired for us to follow through.

“I’m out,” I say, finishing off my bottle of water and tossing it in a nearby trash can.

“Yeah, me too,” Corbin agrees. His eyes flash to where the girls are sitting, and I know my best friend—he and I have the same thing on our minds.

“Yep.” Colby tilts his water bottle back and drains in, tossing it in the trash.

We all stopped drinking after two beers. Tonight was girls’ night, so we let them indulge, and as the dutiful boyfriends that we are, we’ll see that they get home safe. And by home, I mean my home, at least for McKenna. Hell, I’ve been trying to think of ways all week to ask her to move in with me. Sure, this is new, but I’ve known her for years. It’s not like we’re strangers, and she’s it for me. Why not move forward with our life together?

I’m sold, but I know getting McKenna on board will be a little more difficult. Although, I have managed to get her to spend every night with me since we’ve been home from Vegas. Maybe I’m wrong, and it won’t be as difficult as I thought.

The three of us make our way to their table. I block everyone out but McKenna. “You about ready to head out?” I ask, leaning over her shoulder and pressing a kiss to her neck.

“Yes.” She turns to look at me over her shoulder. “You good to drive?”

“I am. I had two beers when we first got here and nothing but water since.”

She nods. “Take me home, cowboy.”

I can’t stop my chuckle at the nickname. We were making dinner earlier this week, and I called her lawyer girl as we were debating about the best way to slice vegetables for stir-fry. She countered with the name of cowboy. That’s the thing with McKenna. She’s fun. There’s never a moment of unease or awkwardness between us. I don’t know if it’s because we were friends before or if it’s the fact that my heart is already so invested.

“We’ll see you all later,” Corbin says as he tugs Sara’s chair back from the table to help her stand. He’s pulling out all the stops with this one. I’ve never seen him act this way with a woman.

“Drive safe,” McKenna tells him as she scoots back and stands to give Sara, then Corbin a hug. Laramie is next, then she and McKenna share a hug. “One more week, Lara.” McKenna smiles at her.

“Seven days too long,” Colby says, pulling my sister into his arms.

“I can’t believe it’s finally happening,” McKenna says as she leans into my embrace.

“Oh, it’s happening,” Colby assures her, making us all laugh.

“We’ll see you later,” I say, guiding my girl out of the bar. “You hungry?” I ask as I open the door of the truck.

“No, we snacked on pretzel bites and nachos.”

“Home then?” I ask once she’s settled.

“Yeah.” She turns her head to look at me. “Take me home, cowboy.” Leaning in close, I press my lips to hers. There’s nothing in this world like the feeling of kissing McKenna.

“Anything you want, lawyer girl.” I tickle her side before quickly pulling away and shutting her door. Rushing around to my side of the truck, I’m quick to start the engine and pull out of the lot. The ride is silent, but not uncomfortably so. It’s just the two of us being together, that feeling of being with the right person at any given moment. She’s that person for me, no matter where we are.

She’s my McKenna.

* * *

Not fifteen minutes after we’re home, we’re lying in my bed, snuggled under the covers, making out like teenagers. My cock is hard, as always, when I’m anywhere near her. However, I’ve not pushed us to take this further. I know we already had sex, and bits of pieces of that night come back to me at random times, but I still can’t remember everything.

I know I’ve come on strong, and I’m making this her choice. I’m not just with her to get my dick wet, don’t misunderstand. I want that very much, but having McKenna know that I’m with her for more than sex is important. Especially for how fast we’ve progressed since she’s been home. In just a month, I’m calling her mine, she’s calling me hers, and she’s in my bed in my arms every night. That’s a win for me.

“Where are you going?” I ask when she pulls away from me. I reach for her, snagging the hem of my shirt, trying to pull her back to me, making her giggle.

“B-Bathroom,” she stutters with laughter.

“Fine,” I sigh dramatically. “I’ll miss you.”

“You’re crazy,” she says, pulling away and climbing out of bed. In the darkness of my bedroom, she makes her way to the bathroom. When the door clicks closed, the light comes on.

Lying back on the pillow, I can’t help but smile. I’ve been doing that a lot lately. Not that I was unhappy before McKenna came home, but I am definitely happier with her here. Not just here in my house and in my bed, but back home in Texas.

I see the light click off, so I pull the covers back to welcome her back to bed. She climbs back in, and I pull the covers up over us before reaching for her. Expecting to find my T-shirt, I’m surprised when it is silky smooth skin that my fingertips slide over. “Kenna?”

“I think you’re wearing too many clothes, cowboy.”

“Fuck,” I mutter as I slide my boxer briefs over my hips, using my feet to pull them down my legs and kick them off somewhere under the covers. “Come here, baby,” I say, my voice husky with need.

She moves in close, her hands resting on my abs. “There are eight of them. You’re aware of that, right?” she asks playfully.

“I’m aware.”

“Small memories of our night together are coming back to me.”

“Me too.”

“I remember us helping one another strip, and I remember you hugging me, your naked body pressed against mine. I remember lots of touching and kissing, but nothing else.”

“I remember all of that, and I remember staring down at you. Your hair was spread out on the pillow, and you were beautiful.” I run my lips over her neck as we let the details of our first night together, the ones we’re slowly piecing together, settle in our minds. My lips travel to her naked breasts, and I pull one tight bud into my mouth.

“Rip,” she breathes.“Show me.”

“Show you what, baby?”

“Show me what we can’t remember. I want to remember. I want to know what it’s like to have you inside me.”

Her words are like fire coursing through my veins—hot, scorching flames of desire for her. “You sure about this?”

“Do you want me?”

“More than my next breath.”

“Then show me.”

“My fucking pleasure,” I growl.

In one swift move, I’m resting on the bed between her spread thighs. The blanket pools around my waist, which causes her to shiver with nothing to protect her naked skin from the cold air of the air-conditioned room. “Sorry, baby.” Reaching for the cover, I pull it over my head and over her body. Sure, I’d rather see her, all of her for this, but we have a lifetime for that.

Her hands under the covers find their way to my hair. I wiggle my shoulders between her legs, bringing my face close to her pussy. I can smell her arousal, and my dick is so hard I’m surprised there’s not a hole in the mattress. Moving her legs over my shoulders and holding her open with my hands, my tongue caresses her clit. Just a few soft strokes to give us both our first taste.

Her hands tighten in my hair, and her hips lift off the bed. My mouth goes to work, licking, sucking, and tasting her. Her legs begin to tremble, and I want her there. I need her to come because I’m not so sure I won’t shoot off like a damn rocket as soon as I’m surrounded by her heat. Adjusting my position, I slide one finger inside, making a come-hither motion, and that sets her off. She’s full-on pulling my hair as her moans of pleasure greet me, even under the covers. I lazily stroke my finger in and out of her as I softly kiss her clit.

It’s not until her hands release their hold on me and the covers fly over my head do I pull my mouth away. “You okay, lawyer girl?”

“Can’t move,” she pants.

Gently placing McKenna’s legs on the bed, I kiss my way up her body until I’m smiling down at her. I can’t make out her features, but the light glow of the moonlight tells me her eyes are closed. “Kenna,” I whisper. My voice is gravelly, and my heart is pounding in my chest. I go to move beside her, but she stops me with her hands on my arms.

“What are you doing?”

“Giving you some time.”

“No. No. No, I don’t want time, Rip. I want you. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve wondered what it would be like to be with you. To know that we shared a night together that we can’t remember, well, that sucks,” she says, making me laugh. “I want you, Rip Callahan. I want my boyfriend to fuck me.”

“I can’t fuck you, Kenna, but I can make love to you. Will you let me do that, baby? Will you let me make love to you?”

“Is there a difference? However you say it, you inside me is the end game, so yeah, whatever play on words you want to use, I’m ready for more. More of you.”

Moving off her, I reach into the nightstand and grab the new, unopened box of condoms I stored there just a week ago. Ripping open the box, I pull out a foil packet and cover my dick. Then, I’m back where I belong, hovering over my girl, the warmth of her body calling to me like a beacon in the night.

“There’s a difference, Kenna. You see, saying that you’re fucking someone has no feelings involved. Making love, whether it’s sweet—” I press a tender kiss to her lips. “—or dirty,” I say, pushing inside her in one swift thrust. “…when your heart is involved, it’s always making love. No matter what we do in this bed, I’ll never be fucking you. Understand?”

“I-Is your heart involved?”

I pull out almost all the way and push back in. “My heart’s involved, Kenna. My heart, my mind, my body. Everything I am is yours.”

“Rip—” She shudders, and I find a rhythm, rocking my hips into hers.

“You’re mine, McKenna. I want you for a lifetime. I want to make love to you for years to come. Fuck me. I want to make love to you for the rest of my life. You’re made for me. Your pussy loves my cock,” I say when I feel her pulsing around me. “You own me, all of me,” I say, kissing her slow and deep. Her nails dig into my back, and I welcome the pain. Finally, we’re where we’re supposed to be.

While I’ve always cared for her, over the last month spending time together, and then after this week, all the time we’ve spent together, her agreeing to be my girlfriend, I know how this ends.

Mrs. McKenna Callahan.

I’ve given her my heart.

I want to give her my name.

I want to give her my babies.

I want her future.

“More,” she gasps. I rest my head on her shoulder and let loose. I give her everything I have. “R-Rip, Oh, I’m close. Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop.”

“Come for me, Kenna. I’m close, baby, and I need you to come again. Let me have it,” I growl.

Over and over again, I bring our hips together until she cries out my name. With one final thrust, I still as I spill over inside her.