Forever After All by Kaylee Ryan

Chapter 2


My knees wobble, but that’s okay because Rip has his big, strong arms wrapped around me, holding me tight. His mouth is pressed against mine, and I meet his tongue stroke for stroke.

I’m kissing Rip!

This man, he’s nothing like the boy who stole my first kiss all those years ago, but then again, he is. He’s still my best friend’s older brother. He’s still in control, and I’m still falling for his charms. His hair is longer, falling just shy of his shoulders, and his body is more defined, and I know he’s put on some muscle. I can feel the difference beneath the palm of my hands that rest on his chest. The day I left for college, he gave me a big hug telling me to be safe and to chase my dreams. Rip five years ago was buff. Rip today is a work of sculpted perfection.

I can’t stop the moan that pulls from deep in my chest from escaping, and in turn, Rip produces one of his own. His arms tug me closer, and I go willingly. Rip Callahan has always been my kryptonite. I just never told him. Sure, I confessed to my best friend that I kinda sorta had a thing for her older brother in high school. Laramie begged me to let her set me up with him. She claimed she could see it in his eyes that he had a thing for me as well. However, I knew that I was going off to college and that there was a very strong possibility that if I let myself fall into Rip, I would never leave.

He slows the kiss and presses his forehead against mine. Neither one of us speak while we both try to catch our breath.

“Damn, bro.” Corbin steps next to us and places his hand on Rip’s shoulder. “That’s what I’m talking about.” He cheers before dropping his hand and disappearing.

“You good?” Rip asks quietly.

My hands move to hold him around his waist. Sliding my hand under his T-shirt, I feel the smooth, warm skin of his back. I melt into him, needing to be closer. “Never been better. You?” I ask, pulling back so I can look into his eyes. Rip and I have never shied away from touching one another. I’ve always felt comfortable around him. However, tonight this is more than comfortable. It feels right.

His eyes soften. “Never been better,” he tosses my words back at me. As if he needs to mimic my every move, his fingers slip under the hem of my shirt, just above the waistline of my shorts. I shiver at the contact of his skin against mine.

I don’t know how long we stand here, staring into each other’s eyes, testing the waters, feeling one another, but the spell is somehow broken when Laramie tackles us both in a hug.

“Academy Award, right there.” She chuckles. “That was awesome.”

My eyes are still locked on him, and the corner of his mouth tilts in a smile. “Go love on your fiancé,” he tells his sister with zero malice or heat.

“Oh, I’m going to love on him all right.” Laramie laughs when Rip shakes his head.

“Come here you.” Colby slides his arm around her waist and leads them to a chair, where he proceeds to pull her into his lap.

I stand frozen, my arms motionless around Rip, his arms still around me. Neither one of us willing nor ready to break this connection between us.

“I gotta piss,” Corbin states as he clumsily walks toward the front of his truck.

“You all right, man?” Rip asks him. He’s always been the one taking care of our little group.

Corbin waves him off.

“Don’t worry, I have his keys,” Colby tells us.

“McKenna, come sit. I miss you,” my best friend calls over to us.

Rip smiles at me and moves to stand beside me. His entire hand slides up the back of my shirt as he guides me to the lawn chair that’s next to his sister and Colby. He doesn’t move his hand until he takes the chair, and to my surprise, he tugs me down onto his lap. He wraps his strong arms around me, and just like nothing happened, Laramie starts firing off questions, just like she did when I arrived at her parents’ place yesterday afternoon to surprise her.

“Tell me about this bar exam,” she says, snuggling into Colby’s embrace.

“Lara, you just got engaged. I’m sure you don’t want to talk about my boring summer internship.”

“We could talk about that kiss and this.” She points her finger at me, snuggled in her brother’s lap.

I lean forward to stand, but Rip’s hold is firm. “Stay,” he whispers, his lips next to my ear. A shiver races through me from the feel of his hot breath against my skin. Reaching down beside the chair, he grabs my bottle of Boone’s Farm and hands it to me.

“I take the test in two weeks. I can’t actually practice law until I pass, but I’ll still be helping Gramps out at the firm until then. I can do everything but represent a client,” I explain. “I should really be studying right now,” I confess.

“That’s what I thought.” Laramie grins.

“So, how long does it take to get your test results?” Colby asks.

“It just depends. I’ve heard anywhere from six to twelve weeks. I think it depends on how many are taking it at any given time. Right now, there are a lot of graduates, so my guess is closer to twelve weeks.”

“You know you’re going to nail it, right?” Laramie asks.

My shoulders slump. “I hope so.”

Rip's arms tighten around me, and I turn to look at him. I lose my breath when he leans in and kisses my bare shoulder. “You’ve got this, Kenna,” he says softly. His words are just for me, and they make my insides flutter.

Glancing at the bottle of Boone’s Farm in my hands, I place it on the ground. I think I’ve had enough. My mind and my body are starting to play tricks on me. I’m starting to think that Rip might actually be interested. At least for tonight. I could never have just one night with him, so it’s time for me to slow my roll where the alcohol consumption is concerned. Although, that kiss was toe curling, and now he’s holding me. We might have hugged, and not shied away from touching one another growing up, but this is altogether different. He’s never given me any indication that he wants more, but tonight, well, tonight feels like more. I’m terrified to think of this anything other than just being caught up in the moment, and a little bit of alcohol. I’m afraid to let myself want more where he’s concerned.

“I’ve missed you,” Laramie tells me. “I’m so glad you were here for tonight, and you’re going to be here for the wedding.”

“When is the wedding?” I ask, trying to ignore the way Rip’s hand slides up the back of my tank top. The feel of the rough pad of his thumb on my skin is driving me insane. “Well, I’m here for whatever you need,” I tell her before she can respond. Corbin staggers back to the fire, plopping down on the cooler, drawing my attention away for a moment.

“Well, we’re going to have to set a date. Soon.” She turns to smile at her fiancé. “Right, Colbs?”

“Anything you want,” he says, kissing her temple. I know he means exactly that. He will make damn sure that their wedding is everything Laramie ever dreamed of. He waited for me to be home to propose. Colby and Laramie are solid, and he would do anything for her, and she him. I have no doubt that the two of them are going to have a very long, happy marriage. My heart warms. I’m so happy for the two of them.

“So, wedding planning?”

Like I knew she would, Laramie dives into the conversation about her upcoming nuptials. I listen, fighting the urge to drink my bottle of wine, all while sitting on Rip’s lap with one of his arms locked tight around me, while the other drives me crazy as he caresses my skin. I really could use a drink, but I know better. I need to sober up a little.

“I’m done,” Corbin says, staggering to his feet.

“I should get home too,” I say, trying to stand, and yet again, Rip keeps me from doing so. “I’ve got you,” he says, his voice low and husky. “Colbs, you got Lara?” he asks.

“Yeah, we’re headed to your place.”

I feel Rip nod. “Corbin, get in the truck. I’ll drive.”

Corbin waves him off and staggers to Rip’s truck. I watch as he stops and struggles to pull open the back door. He finally, after several tries, is able to pull it open and climb inside.

“You coming with us?” Laramie asks me.

“Nah, I’ll just walk home from here.”

“She’s coming with us,” Rip says.

Part of me wants to argue with him. Part of me wants to tell him I can make my own decisions. The other part, well, it’s not ready to leave him or his warm embrace just yet. Sure, I’ve been drinking, but I’d like to think I’m sober enough to make an informed decision. I know what I’m doing. Well, I know the choice that I’m making. I know that I busted my ass in college on the other side of the country from my family and friends, and I’ve missed them. I know that tonight is my last free night before I hibernate studying for the bar exam, and I want to soak up every moment. I also know that here tonight, I’m living out a childhood dream. I’ve always crushed on Rip, and to have his hands and lips on me, well, if he’s not ready to let that go, then neither am I.

We can deal with the consequences later.

“Ready?” Rip asks. His hand taps my thigh, and this time he lets me stand. My legs are weak, and it has nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the man who has his hand pressed firmly on the small of my back, leading me to his truck. He opens the driver’s door, and before I know what’s happening, his hands are on my hips, and he’s lifting me into his truck. “I’m going to make sure the fire is out. I’ll be right back.” I’m surprised when he leans in and presses a kiss to the corner of my mouth.

“He’s whipped.” Corbin laughs from his seat in the back as I slide over to the passenger side of the truck.

I ignore his drunk statement. “You doing okay back there, bud?” I ask instead.

“Fine as frog hair, my friend.” His speech is slow and a little slurred.

Rip is back in no time, sliding behind the wheel. “What are you doing over there?” he asks me.

“Riding home?”

He pats the seat next to him. “This is your spot. It’s our wedding night, after all.” He gives me a lopsided grin, and even though I know I should stay put, I find myself lifting the console yet again and sliding to the middle of the bench seat to sit next to him.

“Better,” he mumbles, placing his arm around me, and putting the truck in Drive. He expertly maneuvers us through the bumpy field with one hand. Not that I would think anything else. Rip has been driving these fields since his legs were long enough to reach the pedals.

“Are you sure?” I ask again. “I can go home. You’re going to have a full house.”

“I have the room,” he says, and leaves it at that.

I know he has the room. Laramie has sent me pictures of the house he remodeled on the family farm. It’s huge and gorgeous. I don’t know why a single man needs that much space, but then again, his house is full of family history. If I remember correctly, his great-great-grandparents built it. It was old and rundown, but you’d never know it now. Rip has restored it to be a beautiful, modern farmhouse. At least from the pictures I’ve seen. Instead of arguing with him and asking him to take me home, I ride quietly, enjoying the feel of his arm around me.

When Rip pulls up to his house, I wish it was daylight so that I could see the building. The view from the cab of his truck, with just the headlights, isn’t enough. I guess I’ll have to wait until in the morning.

“You need help inside?” Rip turns to look at Corbin in the back seat.

“You going to hold me close like that girl of yours?” Corbin sniggers. I stiffen at the mention of a girl. Laramie didn’t mention he had a girlfriend.

“Nope,” Rip replies. “My wife is the only one I’ll be holding tonight,” he teases, giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze.

“Told ya, McKenna, pussy-whipped,” Corbin says before opening the back door and falling out of the truck.

Rip smiles at me. “You would think he would learn.”

“Does this happen a lot?” I inquire.

“More than it should. Corbin’s all about the good time.”

“And you’re not?”

“Sure. I like to have a good time, but drinking to where I can’t stand or even climb out of a truck without falling on my ass doesn’t sound like a good time.”

“I’ve seen you wasted,” I tell him.

“Yeah. When I was younger. Adulting takes brain cells, and I can’t run this farm without them. Come on. Let me get his drunk ass inside.” He pushes open the door and climbs out. I scoot across the seat, ready to jump from his tall-ass truck, when his hands find my hips once again. “I’ve got you,” he says huskily.

When my feet hit the ground, I take a step back. Being this close to Rip is making my head spin. He referred to me as his wife, and although I know he was joking, I didn’t hate it. Not in the least little bit.

“Come on, James, let’s get your ass inside.”

“Wait, tonight is your wedding night. You’re finally going to go all the way with your dream girl,” he slurs.

Rip chuckles softly. I wait for him to reject the idea or call Corbin out on his claims, but neither happens. Instead, he slides his arm around Corbin’s waist and slowly walks him up the wraparound porch.

“Babe, can you grab my keys and phone?” Rip calls out.

I stand frozen. Babe. My heart flutters in my chest. Turning back to the truck, I step up on the running boards, grab his keys from the ignition, and search around for his phone. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I use the flashlight to search on and under the seat. I don’t see it anywhere. I go to step down and lose my footing. I’m prepared to fall when two strong arms wrap around me.

“Easy, beautiful,” Rip says softly.

“S-Sorry. I couldn’t find your phone,” I tell him once my feet are planted firmly on the ground.

He pats his shorts pockets and grins. “Oops.” He smiles, pulling his phone out of his pocket.

“Here are your keys.” I hold out my shaking hand.

Rip takes the keys and then laces his fingers through mine. “You ready for bed, or do you need to wind down a little?” he asks, guiding me into the house with his hands still linked with mine.

“Uh, wh-what is everyone else doing?”

“Lara and Colby are in the spare bedroom. Corbin is passed out on the couch.” I open my mouth to say something. I’m not sure what when he beats me to it. “I was hoping we could maybe watch some TV or something?”

“Sure, yeah, we can do that.” I’m relieved at the offer. I’m here for him, so I’m not ready for tonight to end. Not yet.

With our hands linked, he leads me down the hall and pushes open a door. It’s a bedroom. A huge bedroom decorated in black and gray. It’s very masculine, and it smells like him. Glancing around the room, I spot a huge TV that takes up almost the entire wall. “Were you going for the movie theatre vibe?” I point at the TV.

Rip’s laughter wraps around me like a warm embrace. “This room is huge, and I didn’t want to have to squint to see the TV.”

“Got ya. Maybe you should have your eyes checked,” I tease.

“I’ve got twenty-twenty vision.” His eyes roam over my body. My skin flushes from his attention. Clearing his throat, he lets go of my hand and opens a dresser drawer. “You can sleep in this,” he says, handing me a T-shirt. “Bathroom is through that door.” He points to a door on the left side of the room.

“Thanks.” I offer him a smile and make my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I shut the door and turn the lock. I need a minute. I’ve hung out with Rip hundreds of times, and we’ve watched countless hours of TV together, with and without his sister. However, this time feels different. We’re no longer kids, and my body's reaction to his says that it’s all too aware of that fact.

Now, here I am in his bathroom, changing into one of his shirts—the lawyer in me is overanalyzing. Rip is just being Rip. He’s always been nice to me, and that’s no different now. However, what I thought was a childhood crush is back in full force, and I need to learn how to keep my libido in check around him. He’s Rip, my best friend’s older brother.

I can do this.

I change into the shirt he gave me. He’s so tall that it hangs to my knees, so I take off my shorts and fold them neatly with my tank top, setting them on the chair that sits in the corner. This bathroom is huge, so big in fact that all five of us could fit in the shower and not touch one another. It’s beautiful with the dark tile, contrasted with the white molding. Rip really did an amazing job on this place.

Taking a deep breath for courage, I twist the lock and turn the handle. Rip is lying on the bed, sans shirt, now in a pair of basketball shorts. His muscular arm is resting behind his head while the other pats the mattress next to him.

“Come lie down.”

I try to hide the tremble in my knees as I walk to the bed and climb on, settling beside him. He surprises me when he moves my way, places his arm around me, and points the remote at the TV.

I’m reeling from what’s transpired tonight. There is hope in my heart, that this is leading to something more. I don’t have a crystal ball to tell me what the future holds. What I do know is that I can’t resist him. Not like this.