Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 31




The situation with Everleigh is driving me insane all over again.

Alexei gave me a talking-to on the way here and told me to ease up on Everleigh so I don’t scare her away, but that’s fucking hard to do.

My heart aches because it feels like she’s forgotten the bond we had in the dark room.

How do you forget something so strong? How do you just move on?

Has she even thought about me for the past four years?

Where the memory of her kept me up at night and drove me over the edge, she just went on with her life.

Walking into the living room, Alexei’s watching TV with Vincent.

There’s a sight I never thought I’d see.

Everleigh pauses the movie, and taking a seat, she lifts Vincent onto her lap.

“I was watching Donkey,” the little guy complains.

“You can continue watching in a minute,” Everleigh says, her voice filled with love. “Mommy has something to tell you.”

His big eyes lock on her face. “What?”

She gestures for me to come closer, and I crouch by her legs.

Jesus, she’s alive.

“This is Alek,” she tells him, her voice sounding emotional. “He’s your daddy.”

Confusion washes over his face. “But you said Daddy was with the angels.”

No, son. I was with the demons.

Reaching for him, I take his little hand in mine. “They sent me back so I could be with you.”

“Really?” His precious face crumbles, and fat tears roll over his cheeks. “You’re really my daddy?”

Alexei clears his throat, looking a little too emotional for a retired bratva boss.

Everleigh presses a kiss to Vincent’s temple before she hands him to me.

“Yes, little man,” My eyes devour his adorable face. “I’m your daddy, and I’m never leaving again.”

He leans against my chest, giving me the impression he already trusts me.

Climbing to my feet, I hug his body to me. “I’m here to stay with you forever.”

A smile breaks through his tears. “Do you like cars?”

“Yes,” I chuckle.

“And ice cream?”


“And playing on the jungle gym?”

Another chuckle rumbles from me. “Yes.”

“Jonas says his daddy is teaching him how to play football. Will you teach me too? So I can be the best?”

“Definitely,” I promise. I’m going to have to learn everything about football.

His eyes wander over my shoulders and arms, then he asks, “Will I get strong like you when I’m big?”


He lifts his hand to my hair, then glances at Everleigh. “I want long hair like Daddy.”

She wipes tears from her cheeks. “Okay, baby.”

“Vincent,” Alexei says to get my boy’s attention. “Ask your mommy to make me coffee, please. She seems to listen to you.”

I let out a burst of laughter while Everleigh’s cheeks turn pink.

“I’m sorry. I’m not used to having guests over,” she apologizes.

Her eyes linger on Vincent, and it has me saying, “He’s safe with me, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.”

She nods before she heads to the kitchen, then we hear her call, “How many sugars?”

“Three for me and none for Alexei,” I answer before I take a seat on the couch and adjust Vincent on my lap.

“Did Mommy tell you where you got your names from?” I ask.

“She said it’s from my uncle and Daddy.”

I nod, my heart clenching at the thought of my brother. “Yes. Your uncle was a brave man, and the angels decided to keep him.”

“It’s okay,” my boy says, “They sent you back. Mommy says we shouldn’t be greedy.”

“She’s right,” I agree.

Everleigh did an amazing job raising our son on her own.

She comes out of the kitchen with two coffee cups and sets mine on the table before she hands the other one to Alexei.

“Thank you, little one,” he murmurs, his eyes scanning over her face.

“Will you be staying for dinner?” she asks.

“Yes,” I answer before Alexei can decline.

“It’s nothing special.” She looks nervous as hell. “Just mac and cheese.”

“And hotdogs,” Vincent demands. “Cut them into tiny pieces, Mommy.”

“Say please,” I murmur.

“Please, Mommy.”

I press a kiss to his head. “Good boy.”

It hits me square in the chest that I have a son, and overwhelmed, I hug him.

It’s surreal how quickly you can love someone. This morning I didn’t know he existed, and now I’ll do everything in my power to keep him safe.

“I love you, little man,” I say with my heart in my voice.

A grin spreads over his face, and he leans his cheek against my chest. “Can I watch Donkey now?”

Everleigh presses play so the movie can continue, and while she fixes dinner, I watch Shrek with my son and Alexei.

Christ, my life has done an entire one-eighty. In a matter of hours, I’ve become a father and found the love of my life.

Soon the aroma of grilled cheese and hotdogs fill the air, and a smile curves my lips.

This is all I ever wanted. It almost feels like we’re a family.

While Vincent watches his movie, my eyes are locked on him. I take in every strand of hair, the healthy color of his cheeks, his little hands, and how he smiles when he chuckles.

Christ, how did we make something so perfect in the middle of hell?

Everleigh carries two plates into the room, handing one to Alexei before she places the other one on the table where my coffee is getting cold.

I forgot about the beverage.

“Come eat, baby,” she tells Vincent.

He slides off my lap and goes to kneel by the table. I watch him pick the hotdogs out, popping them into his mouth.

After returning to the kitchen, Everleigh comes back with two more plates and holds one out to me.

When I take the food, I murmur, “Thank you, moya malen'kaya lyubov'.

She sits beside me, and we all watch Shrek as we eat.

I scoop mac and cheese onto my fork, and taking a bite, my eyes drift closed as emotion wells in my chest.

It’s the first time she’s made me a meal.

I savor the moment, then whisper, “It’s delicious.”

“Yeah? You don’t think I added too much cheese?”

“There’s no such thing as too much cheese,” Alexei mutters before shoveling a huge bite into his mouth.

A cautious smile curves Everleigh’s lips. “I’m glad you like it.”

When Everleigh takes a bite of her food, my eyes lock on her face, and I’m hit with a wave of emotion I didn’t expect to feel.


She’s no longer starving.

It’s the first time I’m seeing her enjoy a meal, and she’s not trying to share it with me.

To this day, I can’t eat bread and chicken breasts.

She glances at me, and seeing the expression on my face, her free hand grips mine and gives me a comforting squeeze.

Taking advantage of the situation, I link our fingers. When my thumb rubs over her soft skin, she lowers her head, swallowing hard on the memory it brings to light.

I used to hold her hand like this during the long days before pulling her onto my lap so we could keep each other warm while we tried to sleep.

“I’m done,” Vincent suddenly exclaims excitedly, yanking me out of my thoughts.

Reluctantly, I let go of Everleigh’s hand and eat my food.

I want this more than anything. A family.

Nothing will stop me from having it.

Everleigh and Vincent belong to me.

Forever and always.