Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 33




I watch as Vincent drifts off to sleep, and I stop reading. Staring at my son’s peaceful face, the love I feel for him fills every corner of my being.

I’ll be the best father I can be, my son. I’ll give you all the love you need. I’ll give you the world.

Everleigh comes to press a kiss on his forehead. “Sweet dreams, baby.”

Getting up from the bed, I place the book on the bedside table and leave the room so I can talk to Alexei.

I find him by the front door, where he’s checking all the locks.

“We need to put up a security system,” he mutters.

“I’ll take care of it tomorrow.” I stop next to him. “You can go home. I’m staying here.”

Alexei lets out a sigh as he locks eyes with me. “Don’t push the girl. She needs time to adjust.”

“I know. I just want to be close to them.”

He nods, then warns, “If you’re not home in time for our walk, and I have to drag your ass out of this house, you’ll regret it.”

I let out a chuckle. “Got it.”

He places his hand on my shoulder and pulls me in for a fatherly hug. “If you can’t control your emotions, call me. Don’t lose your mind around them.”

“I have you on speed dial,” I joke.

He gives me a serious look. “Take it one step at a time. Slow and steady wins the race.”

I nod, then promise, “I won’t do anything stupid.”

“I’ll have one of the guards bring the car back so you have transport.” Alexei takes one last look at me before he leaves the house.

“Alexei,” I call. When he glances over his shoulder, I say, “Thank you for everything.”

“That’s what family is for.”

His words hit me square in the chest.

I watch as he climbs into the G-Wagon, and when he drives off, I shut the front door and lock it.

Just as I turn around, Everleigh comes down the hallway. She glances around, then asks, “Where’s Alexei?”

“He went home.”

Her eyes widen. “He left you here? How will you get home?”

I shake my head. “I’m staying the night.”

“What?” she gasps. “You didn’t think to run that by me before you made the decision?”

Slow and steady, Alek.

Closing the distance between us, I lift my hands and frame her face. “I just want to be close to you tonight. I’ll stay calm.”

“Still.” She pulls away from me. “You can’t just decide you’re staying over.”

The fuck, I can’t.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down. “It’s one night, Everleigh. We have a lot to talk about.”

She lets out a sigh, and walking into the living room, she slumps down on one of the couches.

I take a seat next to her and turn my body to face her. Leaning my side against the back of the couch, I stare at her beautiful face.

“We don’t have to talk,” I murmur. “I’ll be happy with just staring at you.”

Everleigh turns to face me. “No, we have to talk.”

Nodding, I get up and switch off the lights in the kitchen and living room.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Getting comfortable for the talk.” I take a seat on the couch again and reach for Everleigh. I pull her onto my lap, and when she straddles me, I take hold of her hand and link our fingers.

“Now we can talk,” I whisper.

Just like we used to do in the dark room. Only this time, I can see her outline with the streetlights shining in through the windows.

We’re silent for a while, just staring at each other. I take the chance to soak in the familiar feel of her.

Eventually, it becomes clear it’s up to me to break the silence, and I ask, “Was it just me?”

“What?” she asks softly.

“Was I the only one who felt the connection in that room?”

She shakes her head. “No, Alek.” She lifts her other hand to my jaw, and I lean into her touch. “Our connection was real. It will always be there.”

“Then why are you pushing me away?”

“I’m not.” I hear her take a deep breath. “I can’t pick up where we left off. Too much has changed.”

“Nothing has changed for me.”

Her hand moves down to the side of my neck. “You’ve changed.” Her voice fills with emotion. “You look different. You’re not as calm as you used to be. It’s like you’re the opposite of what I remember.”

“I haven’t changed,” I argue. “I’m still the same man you fell in love with in that room.”

She lets out a heavy breath and pulls her hand away from my neck. When it looks like she’s going to climb off my lap, my arms tighten around her.

“Don’t,” I whisper with urgency tightening my tone. “Just sit like this with me for a while.”

I want her to remember the bond we shared.

I press her head to my chest and bury my face against her hair. “Just feel us, Everleigh.”

Her body remains tense for the longest while before she relaxes in my hold, and then a miracle happens. Everleigh rests her cheek over my heart and wraps her arms around my waist. Her body melts into mine.

“Imagine we’re back in that room,” I whisper. “Pretend I wasn’t shot, and when my father came, I killed him. I killed them all, and we took the SUV and drove away from that hellhole.”

I suck in a deep breath as I close my eyes. “We drove away, and I took you home with me. You met my mother, Misha, and Tiana. I took a break from work and showed you the beauty Russia has to offer. We found out you were pregnant, and when I had to do my training at St. Monarch’s, you came with me. I was there when Vincent was born. I proposed to you, and we got married.” My voice becomes hoarse. “We were a family.”

“That didn’t happen,” she whispers. She lifts her head to look at me. “It’s been four years. Yes, I’ve missed you, and I do love you, Alek. But…”



“Even though sitting like this with you feels familiar, you still feel like a stranger to me. It’s weird to explain. I feel I have to get to know you all over again. I love the man you were in that dark room.”

“But you want to get to know me again?” I ask, latching onto a glimmer of hope.

“Of course. You’re Vincent’s father.”

“That’s not all I am, Everleigh.”

“I know.” She lets out a nervous chuckle. “Trust me, I know.”

Suddenly there’s a knock at the door, and Everleigh startles so badly she jumps off my lap.

“It’s okay. Alexei sent the car back for me.”

“You’re leaving?” she asks, and it hurts when I hear the hope in her voice.

Not answering her, I get up and open the front door. Peter, one of the guards, holds the set of car keys out to me.

“Thanks, Peter,” I say as I take the keys.

I shut the door again, and lock it before I turn to face Everleigh. “No, I’m not leaving.”