Possess Me by Michelle Heard


Chapter 47




I’m still angry as fuck at that idiot who tried to make a move on my woman, then insulted her in front of me.

The memory of burying two bullets in Barry's gut and ordering Peter to let him bleed out before disposing of the body is the only thing keeping me calm.

It’s been a fucking week, and Everleigh is taking her sweet time packing. We’ve already put Vincent to bed, and my boy is in dreamland, yet it doesn’t look like we’ll be going to bed soon.

I glare at the box of linen, then mutter, “Why do you like to make me suffer?”

She gives me a surprised look. “What do you mean? I haven’t done anything.”

I give the box another glare. “You’re taking forever to pack. Are you doing it on purpose?”

She climbs to her feet and lifts her chin. “Don’t take your foul mood out on me.”

Instantly I school my face into that of a saint. “I’m sorry, moya malen'kaya lyubov'. It’s just as soon as I have you and Vincent safely in my place, I can go to Russia to take care of business and bring my mother home.”

“Oh.” She glances around the kitchen that’s become her packing area. “You can go to Russia while I take care of the packing. That way, we kill two birds with one stone.”

“I’m not leaving you alone in this house,” I say, my tone leaving no space for argument.

Everleigh thinks for a moment, then sighs, “Fine, you can bring men over to help pack everything.” She gives me a look filled with warning. “But they’ll pack everything neatly. I don’t want my belongings thrown into boxes.”

Relieved that she’s giving in, I promise, “I’ll make sure they handle everything with care.” Taking hold of her left hand, my thumb brushes over my ring on her finger as I pull her closer. “So, that means you don’t have to pack anymore, and you can give me some attention.”

“What kind of attention do you want?” she asks.

“The kind where I get to bury myself deep inside of you,” I murmur, my tone low and deep.

Her pupils dilate, and her cheeks flush with desire.

“Before anything happens, I need to shower,” she says.

I keep hold of her hand as I turn around, and checking that the front door is locked, I activate the alarm before I drag her down the hallway.

I shut the bedroom door, and pull her to the bathroom, where I switch on the faucets.

When I grab hold of her dress, and pull the fabric over her head, she lets out a burst of laughter.

“Someone’s in a hurry,” she teases me.

“You have no idea,” I mutter as I unclasp her bra and remove her panties.

When I start to undress myself, Everleigh watches me with a smile. I place my gun on the counter so it’s within reach. By the time I’m naked, there’s intense desire burning in her eyes.

My body crashes against hers, and I claim her mouth with an urgency that will never disappear. I’ll always be desperate for Everleigh.

I kiss her with my entire soul and pour every ounce of my love into her.

Once I have her breathless and under my spell, I turn her around so she’s facing away from me and demand, “Hold onto the counter.”

I barely give her time to grab hold of something when I yank her ass toward me and spread her legs with my foot.

Lining my aching cock up with her pussy’s entrance, I slam into her. A groan rumbles from me as her heat wraps around me.

“Alek,” she gasps, lifting herself onto her toes.

I press my chest to her back, and wrapping my arm around her, my fingers find her clit. As I start to hammer into my woman, I pinch and rub the fuck out of her clit.

I fuck her with all my strength, finally finding release for the anger that’s been simmering in my chest since I saw that fucker talking to my woman.

Everleigh whimpers and moans, the sounds she makes only making me fuck her harder and harder.

“Alek,” she weeps. “Please. I’m so close.”

I angle my cock to where I know her G-spot sits, and within a second, she’s clenching around me while her body convulses.

I hold her tighter to keep her standing as I chase my own release.

I press my forehead to the back of her neck, gasping for air while my legs threaten to give way beneath me as intense pleasure seizes my body.

Everleigh doesn’t give me any time to enjoy the post bliss. She spins around, and I’m shoved back into the shower. The warms spray hits me as her mouth slams to mine, and my woman kisses the fuck out of me.

I chuckle against her lips, and grabbing hold of her ass, I pull her down on top of my lap as I lower myself into a sitting position on the shower floor.

Droplets form tracks down our faces as we continue to kiss, and my hands rub over her body, relishing in the feel of her breasts, curves, and ass.

I’ll never get enough of her. My hunger for Everleigh is insatiable.

It doesn’t take me long to get hard, and as I fill my woman again, we love each other with tender touches and loving kisses.

I lose track of time, my thrusts slow and deep. I’m not chasing an orgasm but enjoying being one with my soulmate.

Our bubble forms around us, and we connect on a deep level where it’s just us.



With Everleigh and Vincent safely in the cottage on the estate, I can go to Russia and not worry about their safety.

While I’m gone, Everleigh will get settled and make the cottage our home.

I’m sitting in a private jet with Viktor and Alexei. I told the men I could handle my father on my own, but they refused to let me come by myself.

While Viktor is reading something on his phone, Alexei glances at me. “I noticed Everleigh’s wearing an engagement ring. When did you propose?”

“I didn’t. I kind of just shoved it on her finger,” I admit.

My hero stares at me as if I’ve lost my mind. “No, tell me you’re joking.”

“I wanted to make it romantic, but there was an asshole hitting on her, and I lost my mind. I’ll make it up to her with the wedding.”

Alexei shakes his head. “You better. When’s the wedding?”

“Once my mother is settled, I’ll take the family to Hawaii. Everleigh’s always wanted to go there, and with the ambush and shit show four years ago, she never got around to it.”

“That will be special. Let me know when you plan on going, and I’ll make the arrangements so you don’t fuck it up.” Before I can argue, he adds, “It will be my wedding gift to you.”

“Thank you.”

“We’re landing,” Viktor advises us. His eyes lock with mine. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?”

This meaning I finally get to kill my father.

Without hesitating, I nod. “I’ve been ready for over four years.”

Viktor nods. “Let me just have my say before you go to town on his ass.”

“Of course.”

As the plane descends, my adrenaline spikes. I haven’t been back in Russia since I left for training at St. Monarch’s. The country doesn’t hold fond memories for me.

Stepping off the private jet, a small army waits for us. Viktor arranged for bratva soldiers to escort us as we have several enemies on this side of the world.

We all pile into SUVs, and soon we’re heading toward my parents’ house. I didn’t tell anyone I was coming, so I have surprise on my side.

My heart beats faster and faster as we near my family home, and when all the SUVs stop in front of the house, everything looks quiet from the outside.

I climb out, and with Viktor and Alexei behind me, I walk to the front door. I don’t have a set of keys and have to knock twice before I hear movement.

The door opens, and when my mother lays eyes on me, she instantly bursts out in tears.

Zaika!” She throws herself into my arms and clings to me while she sobs with happiness to see me.

Gripping hold of Mama’s shoulders, I push her back so I can inspect her face. There are old and new bruises, and my mother looks older. It seems he’s getting bolder now that it’s just my mother and him in the house. While we were all at home, he used to leave bruises where we couldn’t see them.

Fuck, I should’ve come sooner.

“I’ve come to take you home with me,” I say. “Go pack whatever you want to bring.”

Shock makes her face go slack. “Really? Don’t play with me, zaika. My heart can’t handle it.”

I press my palm to her cheek, and leaning down, I lock eyes with her. “Go pack, Mama. I’m taking you with me.”

I follow her into the house, then ask, “Where is he?”

“In his study,” she murmurs.

I nod toward the stairs. “Go pack.”

I watch my mother hurry up the stairs and glance at two of the guards. “Go with her.”

They follow her up to the second floor, and with my mother out of the way, I walk to the study.

The house is filled with memories, but I refuse to let them cloud my mind.

When I slam the door open and walk into the study, my father’s head snaps up, an aggressive expression on his face.

He clearly expected Mama and not me.

Shock ripples over his features, but when he sees Viktor and Alexei, he quickly hurries from behind his table, a smile spreading over his face.

“I wasn’t aware you were coming to Russia,” he says to his bosses. “I would’ve gotten Katerina to prepare a feast.”

“We’re not here for a friendly visit,” Alexei says. My father worked under Alexei for much longer than under Viktor’s command.

Alexei comes to stand next to me, then gestures for Viktor to say whatever he wants to say so we can get things done.

Looking at the man who destroyed my life, immense rage burns through my veins.

Because he took so fucking long to find us, I lost my brother.

Because he saw Everleigh as a liability, I lost her for four agonizingly long years.

I missed the birth of my son.

I missed his first steps and words.

Because of this man, my mother suffered gravely.

“Vincent,” Viktor says. “You’ve been doing what you want the past few years. Arranging deals I didn’t authorize and promising a bratva princess to the enemy to line your own pockets.”

“That issue has been dealt with,” my father says, a wary expression tightening his features.

“No, it hasn’t,” Viktor mutters. “Did you really think I’d let you do what you want without any consequences?” He lets out a dark chuckle. “I shot Alek for disobeying me. What made you think I wouldn’t demand a pound of flesh for everything you’ve done?”

As a show of respect, my father places his hand on the table, then says, “I’ll pay right here, right now.”

Alexei takes a step forward, and tilting his head, he slowly shakes his head. “You were one of my best men.”

“Thank you, sir.”

Alexei lets out a sigh, “Then you fucked up.” His features grow darker and darker until he levels my father with an expression that gives me chills. “Vincent, your eldest, was doing well with his training at St. Monarch’s. He would’ve been a great asset to the bratva.” He takes another step closer to my father. “If we don’t protect our future, there won’t be one. Because you took matters into your own hands, we lost a good soldier. And as if that wasn’t enough, you attempted to kill an innocent girl and caused your surviving son to lose his fucking mind.”

“It was a family matter,” my father says.

I don’t think he understands how much shit he’s in.

“Yes, it was a family matter,” Alexei agrees. “The bratva family always comes first. Viktor and I should’ve been notified. We could’ve found Prodi in hours and saved both your boys and the girl.” Alexei steps backward until he’s next to me again. “A good father wants the best for his children.”

“Of course,” my father agrees.

“I’m glad you understand.” Alexei turns his head and locks eyes with me. “Take your revenge, my son.”

Emotion wells in my chest as I stare at the man who’s always been my hero – the man who considers me his son.

Sticking to my plan, I pull my gun from the waistband of my pants and aim it at Vincent Aslenhov.

“My brother was named after you, but after today there will only be one Vincent Aslenhov, and that’s my son.”

Shock washes over his face. “Son?”

“Everleigh survived, and we have a son. A beautiful boy you’ll never meet. He won’t know you existed.” Gesturing at the door with the barrel of my gun, I say, “We’re going for a drive.”

My father’s eyes dart between Alexei and Viktor. “I’ve been nothing but loyal to the bratva. I’ve carried out every order and lived for the family.”

Viktor shakes his head. “You don’t know the meaning of loyalty.”

“Let’s go. I don’t have all day,” Alexei mutters.

Guards come to grab my father and forcefully remove him from the house.

I leave another guard at the door to explain to my mother I’ll be back soon.

My father is shoved into an SUV with a guard and me sitting on either side of him. Viktor takes the front passenger side while Alexei slips behind the steering wheel.

I’ve already told them where I want to take my father.

His world will end where mine ended four years ago.

We drive for thirty long minutes, and my father holds his head high all the way to the location.

Alexei brings the SUV to a stop, and I drag my father out into the field.

Shoving him down to his knees, I point my gun at him. Our eyes lock, and I say, “You’ll never destroy another life. I’m taking Mama to the US, where I’ll give her the life you never gave her. She’ll never be beaten again. She’ll be happy.”

My father just glares at me, pure hatred in his eyes.

“And I will erase the memory of you. You will leave no legacy behind.”

He lifts his chin, sucking in a deep breath of air.

When it’s clear he won’t say anything, I shake my head and fire three shots. The bullets hit, and I watch as he falls to the ground.

I aim at his head, then whisper, “This is for Vincent.” I plant a bullet in his head, then stare at his dead body.

It won’t bring Vincent back.

It won’t erase the two months of torture or the four years of living hell.

But it feels like I’ve finally gotten closure. I can let go of the past and focus on the future with my family.

A happy future.