Possess Me by Michelle Heard

Chapter 48




After I have Mama settled in a seat, I sit down beside her and take hold of her hand.

I wait for the private jet to take off and reach flying altitude before I look at her and say, “I have a lot to tell you.”

She frees her hand from mine and rests her palm against my jaw. “You’ve changed. There’s no sorrow in your eyes.”

“Remember Everleigh, the girl who was in captivity with me?”

“The one your father killed?”

“Yes.” A smile spreads over my face. “She didn’t die.”

Shock registers on my mother's face. “God is good.”

“I’m going to marry her,” I inform Mama. I take hold of her hand again, then say, “I have a son, Mama. Everleigh named him after Vincent.”

Mama’s face crumbles, her grief for the loss of her eldest still unbearable.

I wrap my arms around her and pull her to my chest, then whisper, “Vincent is three years old. He’s amazing. I can’t wait for you to meet your grandson.”

She clings to me as she sobs, “You’re a papa.”

“Yes. I can’t tell you how incredible it is to hear my boy call me Daddy.”

Mama pulls back so she can see my face. “I’m glad you’re happy, zaika.”

I wipe a tear from her cheek. “You’re going to be happy too. Everleigh is getting her house ready for you. It’s not far from us. I’ll be able to see you more.”

Again she starts to cry, hugging the life out of me. “I’ll be happy wherever you are.”

“I’m sorry I took so long to come get you,” I whisper.

She shakes her head. “It’s okay. I knew you would come.”

We settle back into our seats, and Mama takes a moment to compose herself. Every now and then, she glances at Viktor and Alexei.

My mother is old school. She’s been taught to fear men and obey their every word. It will take a while for her to adjust to life in the US.





“Shoot,” I mutter as I rush to the oven. I pull it open and let out a sigh of relief when I see the mini cupcakes didn’t burn.

“We have a winner,” I call to Rosalie, where she’s tidying the living room.

“Really?” She comes rushing into the kitchen. “Let them cool off before we put the icing on.”


If it weren’t for Rosalie, I wouldn’t have gotten it right to make the cupcakes. She’s a patient teacher.

“What’s still left to do?” I ask after I’ve set the cupcakes down on the cooling rack.

“We need to place the flowers in vases and get the welcome banner up.”

I place my hand on my stomach, then admit, “I’m nervous. What if she doesn’t like me?”

Rosalie wraps her arm around my shoulders and steers me toward the living room. “She’s going to love you. Stop worrying, or we won’t get everything done in time for your mother-in-law’s arrival.”

“You’re right,” I mutter. Taking a deep breath, I grab the banner. “Let’s get this up.”

“Mommy,” Vincent calls from where he’s playing in his old bedroom. “Why can’t we go back to Daddy’s house?”

“Because someone very important is coming to meet you,” I shout so he’ll hear me.


“It’s a surprise.”

“I want to know,” he wines.

“Vincent Alek Adams, Mommy needs you to be a good boy!”

“Take care of him. I’ll get the banner up,” Rosalie says.

“Thank you.” I rush to the bedroom only to see Vincent’s toys scattered all over the floor.

Rosalie and I have been working our butts off to get the house ready for Alek’s mother.

“We need to tidy this mess. Your father will be here within the hour.”

“I don’t want to be Adams anymore. I want the same last name as Daddy.”

“We’re busy changing your name. It takes time.”

“I want a cupcake,” he demands.

I give him a look of warning. “Stop being difficult and help Mommy, or I’ll tell Daddy.”

Vincent jumps up, and much to my surprise, he hurries to collect all his toys.

Wow, it worked. I’m so throwing Alek under the bus from now on.

I hurry back to the living room and see Rosalie is already done hanging the banner. I go to the kitchen, were she’s arranging the flowers in a vase.

“You’re a godsend,” I say. I touch one of the cupcakes, then ask, “How long do they take to cool down?”

“The longer, the better.” She checks the time on her wristwatch. “Let’s give them another thirty minutes.”

“That’s cutting it close.” I help Rosalie arrange the roses and lilies. “Thank you so much for everything. I would’ve been a mess if it weren’t for you.”

“That’s what friends are for.” She smiles at me. “Besides, I’m actually having fun.”

When I place the flowers on the coffee table in the living room, I glance around to make sure we didn’t forget anything.

“Come take a seat and catch your breath,” Rosalie says.

We plot down on the couch and let out a collective sigh.

In less than an hour, I’ll meet my future mother-in-law.

God, I hope we get along.

For Alek’s sake, I’m going to do my best to win her over.