Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


Ronan scrambled to his feet,setting me carefully on the rock. “Come on.” He took my hand and helped me navigate the rocks up the hill to the backyard.

Dash took us both in before he focused back in on Ronan. “You okay?”

He jerked his head in a nod. “I’m good. What’d you find?”

Dash glanced at me. “Let’s get inside.”

My stomach hollowed out as Ronan tugged me forward. I practically had to jog to keep up with his long strides.

The rest of the guys were waiting inside, a tension zinging through the air. I couldn’t help but study Declan, so many questions swirling in my head. His eyes locked on my hand in Ronan’s, something that looked a lot like longing in his gaze. Was it that he wanted to be in his brother’s shoes? Or was it that he missed his closeness with Ronan?

“What?” Ronan clipped the moment the door shut behind us.

“We’ve got a line on Damien,” Colt answered instantly.

My stomach roiled.

“Where?” Ronan demanded.

“The caves just north of Emerald Bay,” Dash informed us.

Ronan’s jaw ticked. “Gotta be hard up if he’s holing up there.”

“It’s not like he’s got a whole lot of allies at this point,” Declan muttered.

“We hope he doesn’t, you mean,” Ronan snapped.

Declan’s eyes flared at the bite in Ronan’s tone, and I didn’t miss the hint of hurt there. Hell. There had to be something they were both missing.

“How’d the tip come in?” Trace asked, skepticism lacing his words.

Colt glanced down at his phone. “One of our guards followed a vamp who’s been known to run in Damien’s circles. Looked like he was dropping off food and other supplies.”

“What about Alister?” Ronan asked.

Colt’s teeth ground together. “Our team lost him not long after they left the school. He knew we’d have him followed.”

“You were tracking the vampire king?” I squeaked. “Can’t you get in trouble for that?” I couldn’t imagine that going along with their infamous treaty.

Colt shrugged. “He’s not playing by the rules. Why should we?”

Anxiety pricked at my skin. “Will you call The Assembly about Damien?”

The guys shared a look, and that anxiety turned to panic.

“Colt?” I pressed.

He met my gaze. “We can’t give him the opportunity to get away. The vamp who sits on The Assembly could alert Alister, and Alister could help Damien escape. He could be in Venezuela in a blink of an eye.”

“You’re going after him…” My voice trailed off, unable to say anything more.

Dash moved in close. “We’ve hunted more creatures than you can count. We’ve got this.”

But Damien was sly, cunning. And he had an unhinged hatred fueling him.

“It’ll be five against one,” Colt assured me.

“You don’t know that. He could have others helping him.”

Ronan squeezed my hand. “We’ll be prepared for that.”

“How?” I pressed.

“We go armed to the teeth,” Trace said nonchalantly.

“And ready to shift,” Declan added.

My stomach pitched at the idea of them fighting Damien and anyone else he might’ve brought over to the dark side. “Please don’t,” I whispered. “Have your guards watch the caves and call it in.”

Colt strode forward, his hands coming up to frame my face. “We need to do this. To make us all safe. And we can’t claim to be the future leaders of our people and then sit back and let others take all the risk.”

My eyes burned, throat clogging, because I knew he was right. “You’ll be careful?”

He bent, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “Of course.” He released me and turned to the rest of the guys. “We need a plan.”

* * *

The guys pouredover the topographical maps spread out on the dining table. The network of caves just north of Emerald Bay was vast. I understood now how easy it would be for Damien to slip through their fingers.

They talked through different approaches and mapped out different exit options.

A hand slipped beneath my T-shirt, tracing circles on my skin. “It’s going to be okay,” Dash said.

I lifted my gaze to his. “You don’t know that.”

“We’re going to make it so.”

There was such confidence in those words that I wanted to believe him. I just couldn’t get past the dread building inside me.

Dash bent, his forehead resting against mine. “Mon Coeur, have some faith.”

“I have all the faith in you. It’s the rest of the world I don’t trust.”

Dash pulled back, his eyes searching. “Are you coming back to us?”

I knew what he meant. Was I finding a way to trust them again? “I’m trying,” I whispered.

I wanted to make that final leap, to pull my still-beating heart from my chest and place it in their hands. But I couldn’t quite release it. Every time I thought about it, terror gripped me.

Dash brushed my hair away from my face. “You’ll get there.” His lips brushed mine, a featherlight touch. “I can’t wait.”

A zing of energy zipped through me, that familiar buzz taking root in my muscles. I leaned forward, seeking more, but Dash retreated.

He grinned down at me. “Uh, uh, uh. Not until we have all of you, remember? We want more than just your body. We need it all.”

I swallowed hard, trying not to let that disappointment grab hold.

Colt clapped his hands together, snapping me out of my haze. “Okay, gear up. We need to leave now.” He glanced at Declan. “Have we shown you the armory?”

Declan shook his head.

Colt’s lips twitched. “You’re in for some fun.” He led the way down a hall, an excitement humming around him that reminded me of a kid at Christmas.

Colt came to a stop at a door with an electronic pad next to it. He pressed his palm against the pad, and there was a series of unlocking sounds. Colt reached for the doorknob and turned.

The door itself was heavier than it looked. There was a wood façade but then a thick metal beneath it.

Colt glanced at me. “It’s also a safe room in case of attack.”

Blood roared in my ears at the thought of that ever being necessary.

Colt motioned us into the room, and my jaw dropped. Armory was an understatement. This space could equip an army for World War III. And what did that say about what we were up against?