Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


Ronan let out a low,menacing growl. “And what makes you think we would trust you?”

Saoirse’s amber eyes danced. “You shouldn’t. You know better than anyone that sometimes it’s the people closest to you that you shouldn’t trust at all.”

It was Declan who let out a growl this time.

Saoirse held up a hand. “I didn’t mean you, Declan. I meant your father.”

The twins stiffened.

But it was me who was breathing fire. “If you knew what their miserable excuse for a father was doing, why the hell didn’t you do anything to stop it?”

Her face softened. “Believe me, if there was something I could’ve done, I would’ve.”

“You could’ve tried,” I gritted out.

“And if I had, I would’ve been removed from The Assembly. We aren’t allowed to meddle in the rulers’ affairs unless the actions are sanctioned, and I had no proof.”

Ronan squeezed my shoulder. “She’s right. We didn’t have anything that would guarantee my father’s guilt.”

“And the person behind her in succession would’ve voted with Patrick’s wishes in mind, not justice,” Declan said quietly.

I refused to believe that there wasn’t something she could’ve done, but at least she wasn’t simply standing by, thinking there was nothing wrong with the situation.

Saoirse held up her hands. “I’ve been searched, and I’d like to help.”

Our SUV was quiet for a moment, and then I spoke. “Okay.”

“Little Bird,” Trace warned.

“We have to try something,” I said. “This is the best we’ve got.”

“Fine,” Colt grumbled. “But you’ll be escorted around to the backyard.” He jerked his chin at the guard, who nodded.

Saoirse grinned. “A strapping, handsome escort? Twist my arm…”

Declan snorted.

Colt just rolled his eyes and drove through the gates. He parked, and we piled out.

“Stick close,” Dash warned, guiding me around the house.

Excitement bubbled low in my belly. Maybe this was just the ticket.

It took a few minutes for Saoirse and the guard to arrive. She was beaming, and he was scowling.

“What’s wrong, Louis?” Colt asked, instantly on alert.

“She pinched my ass,” he grumbled.

I gaped at Saoirse.

She held up both hands. “His backside was just too tempting. Apologies, Louis. It won’t happen again.”

Louis muttered something under his breath about horny old ladies, and Saoirse just cackled.

“You said you wanted to help,” Ronan gritted out.

“Yes, yes.” She rubbed her hands together. “Do you feel your magic?”

I shook my head. “But I can feel it when others are using it.”

Saoirse made a humming noise. “Interesting.”

Dash studied the older woman. “She feels it the same way I do when I’m casting. That pins and needles feeling.”

“When do you experience it most?” she pressed.

I worried the corner of my lip. “When someone has shifted or when Dash is casting. Trace hasn’t used his magic around me much.”

Saoirse tapped a finger to her lips as she turned to Declan and Ronan. “How do your dragons react to her?”

“They’d die for her,” Declan answered instantly. “They crave her touch, happiness, and safety above all others.”

A wistful, almost longing look took over Saoirse’s face. “The beauty of a true-mate bond.”

Something tugged deep in my chest. “Do you have a mate?”

She turned to me. “I did many moons ago, one of the few lucky ones.”

“Few?” I asked.

Saoirse nodded. “Female dragons are extremely rare nowadays. We fear they’re dying out altogether. It makes the true-mate bond extremely rare.”

I remembered Declan mentioning female dragons were rare, but I had no idea just how much so. I glanced in his direction. “Isn’t Sam one?”

Declan nodded. “She’s one of only three in our generation.”

I sucked in a breath. “That’s so sad.”

“It is indeed. But that’s a problem for another day. First, we must find your magic.” She grabbed my hand. “I apologize for this.”

That burning hot pain was back. I cried out as I crumpled to the ground, but Saoirse didn’t let go.

The guys charged forward but then ran into some invisible force field as they tried to get to me.

“Almost done, my dear. Hold on.”

I whimpered as the guys cursed.

Then Saoirse released me.

I struggled to catch my breath as Dash lifted me onto his lap.

He brushed the hair away from my face. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” I croaked.

Trace stalked toward Saoirse, purple fire swirling around his hands. “You come into our home and you dare to hurt our mate.”

“Now, Trace,” Saoirse said. “I needed to understand the block more clearly.”

“I don’t give a damn what you think you need. You’re going to die for hurting her.”

Declan and Ronan grabbed hold of Trace, trying to hold him back. But he was so furious they were having trouble.

I scrambled to my feet, hurrying over to Trace, even though pain still radiated through my body. “Trace, don’t.”

His breathing was ragged as he struggled for control. “She. Hurt. You.”

“It was necessary,” I said softly.

He didn’t look like he agreed.

I placed my hands on his cheeks and guided his forehead down to mine. “I’m okay.”

Trace breathed me in, dropping his head to nuzzle my neck. “Little Bird…”

“I’m completely safe.”

His body shuddered, and his arms came around me as the twins released their hold.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” Saoirse whispered.

My eyes flicked to her.

“Calming an incubus in the throes of a rage? It should be impossible. Even for their mate.”

“Leighton’s special,” Ronan said with a grunt.

Saoirse studied me and Trace for a moment. “This is the key. When your mates are in danger, you’ll find your power.”