Anchor of Secrets by Tessa Hale


My muscles achedas I pulled myself out of the pool, my clothes clinging to my body.

“Now!” Saoirse yelled.

I thrust my hands outward, but nothing happened. A burning sensation built behind my eyes. The Dragon Lady, as I’d begun calling her in my head over the past week, thought my magic would manifest if my walls were broken down enough. That meant killer workouts that put Dash’s to shame. Running, hand-to-hand, extreme cold, extreme heat, and very little sleep.

My teeth began to chatter, and Ronan moved forward, glaring at Saoirse. He opened his mouth, and golden fire spewed out. It encircled in the most delicious warmth. I’d been startled the first time I’d seen it, but now, I knew the flames wouldn’t hurt me. I wanted to sink into their warmth and never leave.

A few seconds later, the flames subsided, and I almost fell over. Colt swooped in to steady me with an arm around my waist. “I think we’re done for today.”

“We need to keep pushing,” Saoirse argued. “We’re running out of time.”

Her words had my stomach cramping. “I can keep going.”

“No,” Declan clipped. “We’ve stood by long enough. This is ridiculous. Whatever this farce is, it isn’t working.”

My shoulders slumped.

Colt nuzzled my neck. “That isn’t on you, LeeLee. We just need to try a different approach.”

Saoirse’s mouth thinned, but she nodded. “Take tonight to rest. We’ll meet again tomorrow.”

She didn’t wait for an answer. She simply headed around the house toward her red Beetle, Louis trailing her at a distance.

“Come on,” Dash said, a hand rubbing up and down my back. “We need to eat.”

I didn’t say a thing. I felt like such a complete failure in that moment. The burning behind my eyes intensified, but I forced my feet to carry me toward the house.

Trace held the door open, a scowl on his lips. I couldn’t deal with his angst on top of my own, so I averted my gaze.

Food was already on the table when we arrived. As delicious as I knew it was, I didn’t taste a thing as I ate. Didn’t hear a word spoken. I was too lost in my thoughts and barely able to stay awake.

I didn’t even notice that someone had stood until my chair was pulled back and I was being lifted into strong, tattooed arms.

“What are you doing?” I slurred as I looked up into violet eyes.

“You’re going to bed,” Trace growled.

“I need to do homework,” I argued.

“Not tonight, Little Bird.”

There was a pain in his voice that stopped any argument on my lips. Instead, I let myself burrow into Trace’s hold. “I missed you,” I mumbled. “Will you sleep with me?”

The lack of rest had loosened my tongue, but I couldn’t find it in me to care.

Trace gripped me tightly. “You’ve got me. Always.”

* * *

I blinkedagainst the bright light, feeling as if I were emerging from a coma. It took a few moments for my surroundings to come into focus. I was in my room, in my bed, surrounded by the guys, but they all looked as if they’d been up for quite a while.

“What time is it?” I mumbled.

Dash glanced at his watch as he reclined at the bottom of the bed. “A little after noon.”

I jerked upright. “Noon?! We’re supposed to be at school. Why didn’t you wake me?”

Trace grunted from his spot on my right. “You needed sleep.”

My eyes narrowed on him. I had to admit that I felt better than I had in weeks, but that just gave me the energy to be annoyed. “That wasn’t your choice to make.”

“As your mates, it will always be our job to take care of you,” Colt said calmly.

I transferred my glare to him. “I do have free will, you know.”

“Of course, you do,” Declan agreed. “But don’t use it to be an idiot.”

I gaped at him. “You did not just say that.”

He simply shrugged.

I started to get up, but Trace grabbed the back of my pajama top and pulled me back against the pillows.

“I don’t think so,” he barked.

“You can’t hold me hostage.”

Dash’s brows lifted. “Watch us.”

The corner of Ronan’s mouth kicked up. “I’ve got an idea for how to keep her in place.”

His hand slid beneath the blankets, and he cupped me between my legs. I instantly stilled, my body heating at his touch.

Ronan’s thumb swept back and forth. “Going to be a good girl and stay put?”

My breaths started coming faster. “I haven’t decided yet.”

Ronan chuckled, the sound skating across my skin.

Dash grinned as he tugged the blankets down. “Gotta make it worth her while, Ronan.”

Colt moved to his knees, his hands going to the bottoms of my pajamas and tugging them free in one swift motion.

The cool air had goose bumps peppering my skin as I swallowed hard. There was something about being so exposed with all five of the guys present, something about how bright the light was, that just turned me on more.

Declan’s hand skimmed up my leg. “So silky.”

I squirmed in place.

“Still,” Ronan commanded as he unbuttoned my pajama top.

I instantly stopped squirming.

A second later, Ronan pulled my shirt free, and I was completely bare.

My breaths came in short pants, and I could feel a phantom energy swirling in the room. My eyes sought out the violet ones next to me.

Trace didn’t touch me, but his eyes were pure, blazing purple. “Little Bird, you are pure temptation and sin.”

Wetness pooled between my legs.

Dash leaned forward, his fingers dipping between my legs. “Already aching, Mon Coeur?”


I wasn’t ashamed to admit it, either.

Ronan traced a finger in circles over my breast, closer and closer to the peak. “Get her ready for my brother. He needs her.”

Declan’s eyes flashed silver, and my core tightened. There was something about that giving over, not as though I were a possession, but as if I were a part of them both, and they were finally ready to be united.

Dash’s finger slipped inside, stretching me in lazy circles.

My hips moved of their own volition.

Colt squeezed my thigh. “Not yet, LeeLee.”

Ronan pinched my nipple, and I let out a whimper.

“She needs more,” Trace gritted out. “I can feel that feral need wrapping around my dick.”

“Hell,” Dash cursed. “She’s squeezing the life out of my fingers.”

“She’s ready,” Ronan growled.

Then I was being tugged toward the end of the bed. Declan stood there, eyes pure silver as he shucked his tee and sweats. His hand skimmed down from my neck to between my breasts to my belly. “Love you, Leighton.”

My eyes burned. “Love you. All of you.”

Declan gripped my thighs as Colt circled my clit with his finger. Dash bent his head to take my nipple into his mouth, and Ronan kept twisting the other with his fingers. Trace simply watched, as if the sight were enough to unravel him.

“Are you with me?” Declan growled.

“I’m with you,” I breathed.

He didn’t need anything else. He simply slid inside.

My back arched as I let out a moan. The stretch was delicious, just shy of pain.

Dash sucked my nipple deeper, and my core contracted.

Declan cursed and began to thrust.

They were everywhere, my guys. I was lost in a sea of sensation, yet somehow, just shy of what I needed.

Declan angled his hips, thrusting deeper. As Colt circled my clit, my legs began to shake.

“Please,” I begged, but I didn’t even know what I needed.

Ronan growled. “She needs you, too, Trace.”

Trace cursed, but then his mouth was on mine.

Liquid fire lit in my veins, sweeping through me in an inferno. Every touch was heightened. Every sensation intensified.

I cried out into Trace’s mouth as I clamped down on Declan. He came on a shout, arching into me. The world around me shattered into a million pieces, and I knew when we put it together again, it would look completely different.