Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



Alaina waves her hands in the air. "I still don't like this."

I groan. "How many times do we have to go over this? He'll come out of hiding, then I'll kill him."

"I still haven't given ya permission to take that away from me," Brody interjects, walking into the room.

I glare at him. "Enough with the power trip. He's on my list, and ya know it. I did my time and finished your punishment. Ya told me it's over, now let's move on."

Alaina insists, "We'll find Tommy soon enough. Scarlet needs to stay here. Ya can go out after."

I shake my head. "No. She needs to get out of this house. You're driving her nuts."

"No, I'm not," Alaina claims.

"Ya are."

"Can ya two ever stop fighting?" Brody asks but pins his glare on me.

I sniff hard and cross my arms over my chest. I declare, "Like I said, my punishment's over. Neither of ya have found Tommy. All ya did was help push him into hiding."

"Because he's scared, Alaina states.

"Aye, and that's why this is necessary. Once he gets word I'm with Scarlet and taking her out in public, he'll show up in Belfast. He'll have to in order to save face, then I'll kill him."

"Something could go wrong," Alaina states for the hundredth time.

I push, "So ya aren't confident in our men?"

Her face hardens. She stays quiet, glaring at me.

"Well, is there a suspected breach I should know about with the men we've lined up for tonight? Because we went over it, and ya insisted they were the strongest in the clan."

"They are our strongest in the clan," Brody assures.

I push Alaina harder. "Is there something that Brody and I don't know about that you've kept from us?"

"Watch it," Brody warns.

"Hey, I'm not the one going back on plans. We all agreed on this and all the safety measures," I point out.

"It's my sister," Alaina says.

"And it's my woman. I would never let anything happen to her," I assert.

She presses her thumb and pointer finger on her upper nose, squeezing her eyes. She mutters, "I just got her back."

I soften my tone. "Aye, and you'll see her tomorrow morning at breakfast like ya do every day. I promise. Ya need to stop creating issues when we've already gone through all this with a fine-tooth comb."

Brody steps closer to her and puts his hand on her back. He quietly asks, "Ya all right, a stór?"

She opens her eyes and assures him, "Yea." She redirects her gaze to me, then softens it further. "We shouldn't take risks we don't need to."

I peer closer at her. I question, "Are ya sure you're okay? Ya look a bit pale."

"I'm fine. Let's not detour from the topic."

"Ya really do look a bit ill," I state, studying her more closely and suddenly concerned about her health.

She lifts her chin. "Nothing is wrong with me. I just don't like the thought of my sister anywhere that Tommy or his men could show up."

"There's no risk, Alaina," I insist. "It's a win-win. Scarlet leaves the house for the night, and we lure Tommy out of hiding. If any of his men have the balls to step in front of the O'Connors, they'll die, just like the lot we took out over the last month."

"Anything could happen," Alaina points out.

"It won't. I won't let it, nor will the men we've instructed to stand guard."

"Ya don't know Tommy."

"I'll be damned if I let him keep Scarlet locked up anymore."

Hurt fills Alaina's expression. "She's not locked up!"

I cross my arms. "She is! You've made her a prisoner in your castle."

"Don't be dramatic."

"You're being a control freak."

"I'm not a control freak," she insists.

I mutter, "Of course you're a control freak."

"Don't talk to my wife like that," Brody warns.

I snap, "We've been over this. All of us agreed. The plans aren't changing. I'm taking Scarlet out tonight."

"It's not necessary," Alaina states.

"Why is everything a fight with ya?" I accuse.

"Watch your tone," Brody reprimands.

"Your brother is as bad as a child," Alaina grumbles to Brody.

I huff. "I'm a child?"

"Goddamnit! Enough!" Brody barks.

Silence fills the room, and tension builds in the air around us. Alaina shoots daggers at me with an angry look, and I glare back at her. Things have gotten a lot better between us, but when it comes to Scarlet's safety, she still thinks she's in charge.

No matter how much Scarlet tells her that she needs to stay out of our relationship, or Brody comes to my defense, which he more often than not is starting to do, she still thinks it's her job and that she knows what's best for Scarlet. But Scarlet's my woman, and I'm the one who will make the calls on her protection and security.

So I announce, "I'm taking Scarlet out. She can't stay a prisoner here."

"She's not my prisoner. Stop using that word," Alaina cries out.

"Why are ya all arguing? Did something happen, or is it another round of Alaina versus Aidan?" Scarlet asks, stepping inside the room.

Brody answers, "Another round."

"Ya two need to stop," she orders, putting her hand on her hip.

My heart beats faster, and my breath catches. I drag my eyes over her body several times, then whistle. "Wow. Ya look incredible."

"Ya have drool ya might need to wipe off your face." Alaina smirks.

I ignore her and study Scarlet some more.

The cocktail dress I bought her is black with gold multi-shaped cutout mirrored glass all over it. The back dips low, and it's sleeveless. When I saw it, I knew she'd look great, but it fits her like a glove, showcasing her curves, which have started to return.

My erection strains against my zipper. But that's the thing about my petal. She can wear nothing, sweatpants, or get dressed up, and she's always the most beautiful woman in the room.

She holds the gold handbag close to her, and I glance down at the matching six-inch stilettos. All the thoughts of what I want to do to her in those shoes fill my head.

"Up here," she teases.

I drag my eyes back up her body and say, "Ya really look amazing."

Her face slightly flushes. "Thanks. So do ya."

"Ya do look amazing," Alaina inserts.

I step next to Scarlet and put my arm around her waist, asking, "Are ya ready?"

She beams. "Yea."

Alaina starts, "Scarlet, I think—"

"Don't ruin this night for your sister," I warn.

Alaina shuts her mouth and furrows her brows until rows of tiny lines fill her forehead.

My brother steps next to her, tugging her close to him. He glances at her and murmurs, "Let them go and stop stressing. Aidan's right. We've got things covered. Our men know what to do, and they're our best."

Her worried expression doesn't change. It almost makes me feel sorry for her.

Brody lowers his voice further. "It's not good for ya to stress out about stuff. Remember what the doctor said?"

"Is something wrong?" Scarlet frets.

Alaina's lips twitch. She gives Brody a half-frustrated, half-excited expression, tilting her head.

"Well? Is it?" Scarlet pushes.

Alaina scolds Brody. "I thought we weren't telling them until later."

Brody shrugs, grinning. "Oops."

She laughs softly. "Who's more excited about this, ya or me?"

"About what?" Scarlet questions.

"Aye. Get on with it," I state.

They stay quiet.

Scarlet blurts out, "Secrets don't make friends!"

"Aye. What she said," I second.

Brody nods at Alaina, saying, "Tell them."

They slowly turn their heads toward us. She announces, "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Scarlet shrieks so loud my ears hurt. She lunges at Alaina and pulls her into a hug.

"Easy there, petal," I tease, putting my palm over the side of my head.

"Sorry. How far along are ya?" she questions.

Alaina's expression brightens. "Two months."

"Two months! How long have ya kept this from me?"

"We only found out a few days ago."

"A few days! We could have been planning baby things!" Scarlet states.

Alaina laughs. "We have plenty of time."

Scarlet asks, "What are we having?"

Alaina's beam lightens further. "We don't know. The ultrasound isn't for a few more weeks, and Brody and I can't decide if we want to find out the sex or not."

Scarlet gasps. "What? Ya have to. We have to be able to plan."

Brody declares, "We can still plan."

"How? If ya don't know, we can't plan pink or blue! This is important to know," Scarlet excitedly states. She tosses her arms around Alaina again and adds, "This is so awesome. I'm going to be an aunt!"

Alaina squeezes her back. "Yea, and that's why I must ensure you're okay."

Scarlet groans. "I'm fine. Aidan won't let anything happen to me."

"Agreed," I concur, then pat my brother on the shoulder. "Congrats. Ya tell Dad yet?"

"Nope. He's coming in next week. We thought we'd tell him in person," Brody says.

I nod. "You'll make his year." I pull Alaina into me and hug her as well. "I'm happy for ya. And don't worry, your baby's favorite uncle will be me."

She groans and smirks. "I'm not sure how I feel about that."

"You're elated," I reply.

She laughs.

In a firm voice, Brody asserts, "It's important we find a way to reduce Alaina's stress. The doctor clearly stated it's not good for her or the baby."

"I'm fine," she insists.

He gives her a reprimanding look. "As of now. But we want to keep it that way."

Scarlet pulls away. She lifts her chin and squares her shoulders, aiming her gaze at Alaina.

I hold my laughter in. My Scarlet is just as feisty as her sister, and she doesn't hold back. I suppose the only reason I'm no longer in the punishment zone with Alaina is due to Scarlet constantly sticking up for me. And when they told me yesterday that I was done with the punishments, I have to say I was relieved. I hate being away from Scarlet.

She scolds, "Yea, ya need to stop worrying. Aidan wouldn't ever let anything happen to me. And ya said yourself that your best men would be watching us."

Alaina doesn't look convinced.

I restate, "Nothing's happening. And this conversation is becoming a broken record."

"Let them go. Besides, I have plans for you tonight," Brody declares.

Alaina glances up at him.

He grins. "Your dress is upstairs."

She arches her eyebrows, and her lips twitch. "And what are we doing?"

"Not going anywhere near them," he asserts, staring at her until her face flushes.

"I guess we're ready to go, then," Scarlet chirps, glancing up at me.

I give her a quick kiss. "That we are. Don't wait up for us."

Alaina says, "Why don't ya check in—"

"Absolutely not!" I huff.

"Scarlet, call me—"

"Stop acting like my mum. I'm not practice for your baby," Scarlet scolds.

"Practice..." Alaina's eyes widen, then she rolls them. "Ha ha. Funny."

"It was good, wasn't it?" Scarlet looks at me.

"Sure was, petal." I put my arm around her. "Let's go." I ignore Alaina's continued protests and lead Scarlet out of the house. We get into the car, and our driver pulls out of the driveway.

Scarlet releases a heavy breath. "Never thought we'd get out of there!"

"Your sister has issues."

She snickers. "Yea, but she means well."

"Agreed," I state and tug her closer to me. "How's it feel to be free?"

Scarlet glances out the window. "Good. So this is Belfast?"

"Aye. Have ya never been here?"

She shakes her head.

"Never?" I ask, surprised.

"No. Da always forbade us to come here. He said it was unsafe."

The mention of her da makes my gut flip. She says it as if he was trying to protect her. In some ways, he was, but he didn't have her or Alaina's best interest at heart.

Her da would've been more worried about his daughters being kidnapped and him not being able to save face. It's how Tommy will feel after he learns I'm with Scarlet and we're no longer hiding.

I hug her closer to me and kiss the top of her head.

"What do ya think of Belfast?"

She doesn't take her eyes off the window. "It's different."

"Aye. Do ya miss Dublin?" I question.

"Why would I?"

"Ya grew up there. I would think this would feel a little foreign, even though it's still Ireland."

Sadness fills her expression. She shrugs, claiming, "Dublin doesn't hold anything for me. The only place that does is wherever you're at."

My chest tightens. I normally ask her what she's thinking about when her expression turns sad, but it often leads to a bigger trip down memory lane. I don't want to spoil our night, so I make note to ask her about it later. I simply say, "Agreed."

She snuggles closer to my chest, and we don't say much. By the time we get to the restaurant, the sun has set, and it's dark outside. The driver parks in front of the building, and I get out of the car. I reach inside to help her out and lead her toward the front door.

A few feet away from the entrance, her body stiffens. I glance down at her, and her face is green. Her hand is over her mouth. "What's wrong, petal?"

She swallows hard, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath.


She turns her head toward a man smoking a few feet away. "Nothing." She lifts her chin and moves toward the door.

The valet holds the door open, and we step inside. I guide her to a quiet corner and question, "What just happened?"

The color on her face is still slightly off. She shakes her head. "Nothing."

"That wasn't nothing."

She hesitates.

"I need to know what just happened," I firmly assert.

She opens her mouth, then snaps it shut. She takes a deep breath.

I wait.

She finally states, "I don't know. The smoke... I... Well, I haven't smelled it since him." She looks away, blinking hard.

I tug her into me. Her heart pounds against my chest. I wrap my arms tight around her and murmur, "He's not here, petal."

"I know," she mutters into the curve of my neck.

I add, "If ya don't want to stay, we can go."

She pulls her head back. "What? No!"

"Are ya sure?"

"Yea. Don't let that ruin our night."

I study her, trying to decide if I should take her home. Maybe this is too much for her first trip out of the house.

She blurts out, "Aidan, I'm sorry. I-I won't let it happen again. Please! I don't want to go back yet."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. I just want to make sure you're okay."

"I'm fine. I just..."

"Just what?"

She doesn't answer.

"Tell me," I order.

She blinks hard and releases an anxious breath. She admits, "I had a flashback."

"Of what?"

She looks away and whispers, "Don't make me talk about it. Not here."

Anger fills me. I can't wait to kill that bastard, but no matter what I do to him, it'll never be enough to make him fully pay for what he did to Scarlet. I attempt to keep my cool, debate about what to do, and finally pull her back into me. "Okay. But if ya want to go at any time—"

"I don't!"

"But if ya do, tell me. You're allowed to change your mind."

She nods, smiling. "Okay. But I won't. Can we go to our table now and have a date like a normal couple?"

I study her for another moment.

"I'm fine. Don't become Alaina. Please."

I chuckle. "Ouch. Ya know exactly what to say."

She chirps, "That's why ya love me so much."

"Aye. I do. More than you'll ever know." I peck her on the lips and spin, then lead her to the hostess stand.

There's another couple in front of us, so I lean into her ear, murmuring, "Ya really are a knockout."

Her face flushes and a twinkle sparks in her eyes. She challenges, "What are ya going to do about it, Aidan?"

I smirk, vowing, "Oh, you'll find out."

She warns, "Don't make promises that ya can't keep."

"Have I ever made a promise I haven't kept?"

She smiles and shakes her head. "No, you've not."

"Okay, then, don't let your guard down," I tease.

She laughs.

The hostess addresses us. "Good evening. Do ya have a reservation?"

I nod. "Aidan O'Connor."

Her eyes widen. "Oh yes, Mr. O'Connor, it's nice to see ya. And ya." She looks toward Scarlet.

Scarlet beams. "Thank ya. I love your lipstick. Do ya know the color?"

The hostess chirps, "Why thank ya! It's Ravish Red."

"It's really great on ya," Scarlet compliments.

"Thank ya. And I have to say that your dress is amazing. Can I ask where ya got it?"

"Aidan got it for me," Scarlet replies, looking up at me with pride in her eyes.

My dick goes from a semi to a fully loaded erection. I groan inside and keep her close to my body. I answer, "Sorry. It's my secret."

The hostess's face falls slightly, but she forces a smile. "I understand. Ya did a terrific job picking it out."

I nod. "Thank ya."

"Right this way." She grabs menus and leads us to the back of the restaurant and into a private room. I pull out Scarlet's chair. She sits down, and I take the seat next to hers.

The hostess sets the menus down and declares, "Your server, Patrick, will be in shortly. Is there anything I can get ya in the meantime?"

"No, we're good," I state.

She nods and leaves.

Scarlet glances around and says, "This is super private. Ya must have pulled out all the stops."

I wiggle my eyebrows. "Stick with me and you'll see what I'm capable of when I get to spoil ya."

She softly laughs. "Well, I have no plans of tossing ya out anytime soon." She picks up the menu and reads it over.

My pulse skyrockets. If I get my way, she's never getting rid of me. And tonight's the first step of making that happen.