Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



My stomach flips into overdrive. I've never been so nervous in my life. My petal stares at me, her green eyes questioning, holding her breath. I pull my thoughts together and admit, "I know I don't always articulate things the right way, and it's important to me that I say the right thing right now."

"What are ya talking about? Ya always say things perfectly," she declares.

I nervously chuckle. "Is that so?"

She puts her hand on my cheek. "Yea. Think about when we play Would Ya Rather. Ya don't beat around the bush."

"What do ya mean?" I question.

She answers, "People tend to choose their answer, but then they can't tell me why they chose it. Not ya. There's always a reason for your choice."

"So that makes me able to speak coherently?"

"Duh. Anyway, ya were saying?" she prods with excitement in her eyes.

My heart beats faster. I clear my throat and tug her closer to me. "So I was saying..."

The door opens, and Patrick booms, "I have your palate cleanser and dessert."

This guy has the worst timing.

I turn my head, shooting daggers at him with an annoyed look.

He freezes several feet from the table. "Oh, I'm sorry. Am I... I'm interrupting again, aren't I?"

"Aye, ya are," I agree, frustrated. This is the most important moment in my life and everything I planned to say, I suddenly forgot. My pulse continues skyrocketing, and the blood in my veins heats to the point I'm going to break out in a sweat. The last thing I need is Patrick interrupting like this.

Scarlet babbles, "It's okay. We were just talking about things. Aidan thinks he can't talk right... I mean, articulate things, but I was telling him how he can. And, of course, he doesn't really believe me because I can see it in his eyes, and I know when I see that look that he's humoring me, but—"

I put my finger over her lips. "Let's let Patrick set the stuff down and go away."

She arches her eyebrows, and her cheeks heat.

My dick hardens. I love it when she turns that expression on me.

Scarlet mumbles, "Oh. Yea. Right. Umm..."

I make a quick decision. "Patrick, could ya box that up for us? We're going to be leaving soon."

"Oh, is everything all right?" he questions.

I give him an exasperated look, wondering if he suddenly became daft. I concede, "Everything's fine. Do ya mind?" I motion toward the door.

He finally takes the hint. "Oh, right. Sorry. I'll just box these up for ya. Do ya want any more wine before I leave?"

I groan. "No, Patrick. Just box it up, please, and get the fuck out of here."

"Aidan!" Scarlet exclaims, but amusement fills her expression.

I soften my delivery, announcing, "Patrick, you're interrupting a moment."

He puts his hand over his mouth. "A moment! How special! Should I bring champagne?"

Oh shit. Maybe I should have thought about champagne.

"Sir?" he questions.

What am I thinking? Scarlet hates champagne.

In a firm voice, I order, "No, Patrick. I'll get the box at the hostess stand on our way out. And I'll pay the bill there too."

"Okay. Well, it's been great serving ya."

Scarlet states, "You've been a really lovely server. We really appreciate everything you've done tonight. And the food was great. All the recommendations, the wine, and every dish was just delicious. I'd definitely give ya a high rating on the survey." She pats my shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm the one to fill it in and not Aidan—not that he'd mark ya down. Well, I hope he wouldn't mark ya down. But don't worry, I'll do it. And if your boss wants to hear me sing your praises, I'd be more than happy to—"

I put my fingers over her lips again.

She looks at me, then mumbles against my fingers, "Oops. I'm doing it again, aren't I?"

I can't help but chuckle. It's one of the reasons I love her. The fact that she's nervous right now makes me love her even more, but it also calms me in some weird way.

Patrick finally states, "Very well, then. It was lovely meeting ya as well."

"Ya too," I add to be nice.

"Yea, really lovely," Scarlet adds.

"Now move along," I order, pointing toward the door.

Patrick gives us a final nod, then exits and shuts the door.

Scarlet says, "Sorry. I think I've been out of public for too long."

"You're fine, petal," I assure her. I reach into my pocket and pull out a ring, curling my fist around it.

Can't forget the diamond.

What was I going to say to her?


Scarlet takes a deep breath, and nerves reappear on her face. She blurts out, "So we were talking about Would Ya Rather—"

"No, we weren't," I say.

"We weren't?"

"No, I was talking to ya about something else."

"Oh?" she questions, and her cheeks heat further. She bites her lip again.

I stroke her spine, confessing, "You're making my dick too hard, petal."

A nervous laugh escapes her. She asks, "Isn't your dick always hard when I'm around ya?"

I grin. "Aye. That's why it's very important that ya service it regularly."

She laughs hard and puts her forehead against my shoulder, muttering, "Aidan."

I drag my knuckles down her spine, and she shudders. I tease, "Do ya not want me to be dirty now? I thought ya liked it when I was dirty."

"Wasn't there a point to this conversation?"

"Is ya servicing my dick not something to discuss?" I challenge, then curse myself for going off on a tangent instead of asking her. But I blame her. She's the one who got me off topic.

She leans into my ear. Her lips brush against my lobe.

Everything inside me heats hotter.

She seductively asks, "What kind of dirty things do ya want to say to me right now?"

I should cut this off and get to the point before I chicken out, but I can't. I slide my hand under her dress until my palm is on her ass. I answer, "Maybe we should talk about your pussy and how wet it is just thinking about what I'll do to ya."

"Oh? Is it now? How do ya know it is? Can ya smell it? Can ya feel it? I don't think so. Your hand's not on it, and neither is your nose, so how exactly do ya know my pussy's wet, Aidan?" She pulls back and bats her eyelashes.

"Oh, ya naughty little vixen," I state.

She continues giving me that look, challenging, "What was it ya wanted to articulate?"

I groan, admitting, "You're too sexy for your own good. And bad. Very, very bad!"

"Am I?" She innocently widens her eyes.

Why can't I remember my speech?

She traces the tip of her tongue around my lips, then teases, "Where do ya want my tongue right now?"

Fuck my speech.

"Ya know what's funny?"

"What?" she whispers.

I continue, "I have a really expensive jewel in my hand, but I can't seem to get anything out to ask ya what I wanted to. So it might stay in my hand and have to return to my pocket."

Her face turns serious. She sits straighter, lifting her chin and squaring her shoulders. "I can be quiet."

"But can ya? I'm not sure ya can, and if ya don't, then I can't remember what to say," I warn.

She pretends to zip her lips and toss the key over her shoulder.

Ask her.

Nope. It's time to show her who's boss again.

I put my face in front of hers, my mouth inches from her succulent lips. I drag my eyes down her and then stroke her cleavage.

Her breath turns hotter.

I force myself to drag my gaze back to her emeralds, which shine brighter. Her cheeks deepen to maroon.

She opens her mouth, and I arch my eyebrows. She shuts it again and smiles, tilting her head.

"What was it ya just want to say?" I challenge.

She shakes her head.

"Really? Okay. Well, I wanted to ask ya if ya like necklaces."

She furrows her forehead, and I don't miss the disappointment forming on her expression, which makes me happy. She recovers and says, "Oh, um...necklaces are nice." She forces a smile.

I relax a bit.

She'll say yes.

She'll say yes.

I know she'll say yes.

But if she doesn't say yes...

She's going to say yes!

I take my fingertips and trace her collarbone. She shudders and her eyelids droop.

"I mean, ya do have this necklace on." I tug at the chain.

She opens her eyes and swallows hard. "Do ya not like it?"

"No, it's fine," I affirm.

"But ya have another one for me?" she questions, unable to fully cover up her disappointment.

I tuck a lock of her hair behind her ear. Then I take the ends and twirl my finger around them. I ask, "Did I ever tell ya how much I love your hair?"

Confused, she answers, "Uh, no."

"Oh, well, I do," I declare.

She slides her hand through my hair. "Well, I like your hair too."

"Do ya now?" I state, squeezing the ring in my fist tighter.

She nods and proclaims, "I do. I like how it's longer. Kind of messy. Gives ya that rugged look."

"Rugged, huh? Is that what ya like? Rugged?"

Her lips twitch. "I like ya, and you're rugged, so I guess so."

"Really? What else do ya like about me?"

She softly smiles. "I like everything about ya. You're a real man."

"Am I? Well, I feel like you're a real woman."

"What makes me a real woman?" she asks.

"Wouldn't ya like to know?"

"I do," she states.

I slide my hand along her head and fist her hair back. I murmur, "Maybe I shouldn't give ya a necklace. Maybe I should give ya something else."

Her body stiffens.

Then I kiss her neck until she whimpers. I move my lips over her jawline to her ear. "Maybe I should give ya something that sits on a different part of your body."

"Like what?" she whispers.

I move my hand to the front of her and slide it under her panties, gliding my fingers inside her.

She softly moans.

I pump them a few times until she mumbles, "Oh Jesus. Aidan, are we going to do this here?"

I taunt, "Ya don't want to come right now?"

Her insides clench my finger.

"I think ya do," I assert.


"Do ya want to go home, or do ya want to get naughty with me right now? Or maybe in the car, where the driver can hear us? Or, we could go into the bathroom at the back of the restaurant..."

I let her move her head so she's looking at me. She answers, "Wherever ya want, Aidan."

"And that's why I love ya, precious petal. You're always up for a challenge."

"And ya aren't?" she retorts.

"Didn't claim that," I answer.

She scrunches her face. "So why do ya have me on your lap talking about jewelry? Is this a new turn-on for ya?"

I push, "Why? Does jewelry turn ya on?"

She shakes her head, babbling, "No, I don't know why I said that. I just, well, I don't know. Ya started talking about jewelry and then ya started touching me, so I just, I don't know."

Amusement fills me. I tease further, "No need to get all frazzled."

"I'm not frazzled. You're the frazzled one."

"Am I?" I ask, suddenly very, very calm and not nervous anymore.

"Yea, ya seem very frazzled."

"How's that?" I say, sliding another finger into her.

She inhales deeply.

I grab her hip and move her over me.

She blurts out, "Jesus. Why are ya doing this to me right now?" She takes over, circling her hips faster.

I hold her firmly, not letting her move, claiming, "I didn't tell ya to move." I thrust my fingers a few times.

She pouts. "Ya aren't being fair."

"It's not fair? Is this fair?" I ask, sliding my thumb over her clit and adding, "By the way, ya can't come right now."

Her eyes widen. "What?"

"I said no coming, or I won't give ya your jewelry."

"What jewelry? I'm so confused. Is there jewelry or not? And I don't care if ya give me jewelry."

My gut sinks. "Ya don't care if I give ya jewelry? Ya don't want gems and metals and blingy things that represent that you're mine?"

Her hot breath hits mine. "Aidan, you're confusing me."

"Am I?"

"Yea. I...I don't know what's going on here."

"My fingers are in your pussy. My thumb's on your clit. The last time I checked, that made ya feel pretty good. But ya don't know what's going on? How are ya confused?" I taunt, working her harder, then slowing down.

She closes her eyes. "Uh, I'm... Please let me come. Please."

"No." I continue to drive her up and then back down until my palm's soaked.

Her voice cracks as she says, "Oh my God."

I stop.

She pins her emeralds on me, begging, "Aidan, stop teasing me. I-I can't handle it."

I lean into her ear. "Then tell me what piece of jewelry ya really want from me."

She freezes.

"Tell me," I demand.

She looks at me and swallows hard. "I don't expect anything from ya, Aidan."

"I didn't ask what ya expected. I asked what ya wanted."

"I want ya, no matter what that looks like."

Her answer couldn't be more perfect. I give her a kiss on the lips, sliding my tongue against hers and speeding it up to the point where we're both urgently flicking against the other. As a reward, I work her pussy so hard she erupts in an earthquake, coming on my lap and crying out against my lips, "Oh Jesus Christ! Aid— Oh fuck!"

Her body convulses harder against mine, and I hold her tight against me, murmuring, "Shh. Ya don't want the restaurant to hear."

"Aidan," she moans in my ear, her body still shaking.

I kiss her neck and wait for her to calm down. Then I pull my hand away from her pussy and shove my fingers in her mouth. I demand, "Suck."

She obeys like the good lass she's always been, perfectly utilizing her tongue and lips.

My cock throbs against my zipper. "I think it's time I told ya what I want." I pull my fingers out of her mouth.

She blinks a few times, staying quiet and catching her breath.

I peck her quickly on the lips, then stare at her, stroking the side of her head. She takes a deep inhale and waits.

Nerves quickly fill me again. I stall, asking, "Is there anything else ya want to ask me first?"

Confusion clouds her expression.

"No Would Ya Rather questions or maybe another game ya have up your sleeve?" I ask.

She shakes her head again.

"Well, I have a Would Ya Rather question I've been dying to ask ya."

She tilts her head and furrows her eyebrows. "What?"

I hold the ring in front of her. "Would ya rather marry me and wear this forever or keep things as they are between us?"

Her eyes dart to the ring and then back at me, glistening over. She tosses her arms around me, pulls my head toward her, and presses her mouth to mine.

We kiss for a long time, and when I retreat, I state, "Ya haven't answered me, petal. What option are ya picking?"

"What do ya think?"

"I'm not going to assume or put words into your mouth on this issue."

She tilts her head and smiles, stroking the side of my head.

My stomach flips. "You're making me feel a bit ill right now."

"Aww, poor Aidan," she coos.

"Not funny. Ya have to choose," I push.

She softly laughs. "Maybe I should slide my tongue over your cock first."

I groan. "Don't tease me, lass."

She pouts. "Aww. Ya don't like a bit of your own medicine?"

I fist her hair and tug on it. She gasps, and I lean over her face. "Would ya rather marry me or keep things as is, petal?"

Her face lights up. "Are ya serious right now?"

"Of course I'm serious. Do ya really think I'm going to joke about this?"

"But weren't ya a few minutes ago?"


"Are ya really asking me to marry ya? Because if this is a joke—"

"Do ya think I'd put a ring in front of ya and joke around about this?"

"I... I'm just checking."

I kiss her lightly, then affirm, "I'm asking ya to marry me. I'd never joke about it, nor have I ever spoken those words. So stop giving me a heart attack and answer my question, petal."

Her face turns serious. Her eyes water until a tear escapes, and she says, "Of course I want to marry ya."

"Ya do?"

She laughs. "Aidan, stop asking me. I love ya. That isn't a question."

Relief hits me. I grab her hand and slide the ring over her finger, stating, "If ya don't like the ring, I'll get ya another one."

"What are ya talking about? Don't be silly! I love it. It's perfect."

"Is it? Because I really want to make sure—"

She puts her ring finger and the middle one against my mouth. She glances at the diamond, then back at me, claiming, "It's the most perfect ring I've ever seen."

Happiness sears through me.

"Ya sure?"

She groans. "Aidan, stop doubting things." She kisses me and curls into my chest, staring at her ring. "It's beautiful. I love it."

I relax, admitting, "I had a better speech planned. But I warned ya I'm not good with words."

"But ya are good with words. Ya said everything perfectly. Ya don't have to think twice about it. Just tell me ya love me again."

I tilt her chin up and stare at her for a moment. "I love ya more than anything on this earth. And I want to be with ya forever. The day ya become Mrs. Aidan O'Connor will be the happiest day of my life."

She slowly smiles, blinking away more tears. "That's good, my love. Because I can't wait for that day either."