Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



One Month Later

"The lasses in Belfast are getting old. I need a change in scenery," Devin complains.

"Let's go to Dublin for a night out," Tynan suggests.

"Are ya crazy?" I scold them.

They turn toward me. "Why are we crazy?"

"Ya know going to Dublin's a bad idea," I snarl.

Devin snorts. "There's nothing to worry about. We've taken out a ton of those bastards."

"Aye. The O'Learys are dwindling in numbers. It's about time we started claiming parts of Dublin anyway," Tynan chimes in.

I smack him across the head.

He scowls, barking, "What the fuck, Aidan!"

I reprimand, "Ya don't go into Dublin without Brody's or my permission. And ya definitely don't start deciding which O'Leary territory we're claiming as ours."

"Someone needs to," Devin mutters.

More anger fills me, which only pisses me off further. I shouldn't be anything but elated today, yet my brothers have to show their stupidity. I point at both of them. "Don't ya dare step foot in Dublin without orders. We don't need trouble there right now."

"So hypocritical," Tynan claims and drinks the rest of his stout.

I cross my arms. "What's that mean?"

Devin tosses his whiskey back and states, "It was fine when ya went all over Ireland, wherever ya wanted to go. But we're supposed to just stay in Belfast."

My rage intensifies. "Doing what I wanted to do? Ya mean keeping my woman safe? Protecting her from that thug?"

They stay quiet.

I growl, "It's not the same thing. And both of ya better watch your tongues."

Brody's voice interjects as he shouts from across the room, "Cheers to Scarlet, the only woman on the planet who'd ever say forever to this plonker." He holds his shot glass in the air.

The room erupts in cheers.

I call back, "Watch who you're calling a plonker."

"Aye, mate." Brody grins, then downs his shot of whiskey. I grab one off the table, do the same, then glance at my watch.

Two hours to go.

Time to remind my petal what I bring to the table.

My cock starts to ache again. It's been killing me all morning. I push past all the men and leave the bar Brody created in his house.

I move through several wings to the other side of the mansion, gripping my matches. If I don't see her, I'm going to have to go outside and burn something.

It's been a month since Tommy's death. We haven't tied the knot sooner because Scarlet's dress had to be flown in and then tailored.

Alaina pulled me aside one day and told me that Scarlet was upset because the dress she wanted would take a month to be ready, even with the rush fee paid. So she chose another one she wasn't as keen on since it could be ready in a week.

After everything my petal experienced when her da forced her to marry Tommy, I wasn't going to stand by and not give her everything she wanted for her day. So I ordered the dress she wanted and canceled the other one.

Scarlet was upset when she found out. She argued, "I don't want to wait another month to become your wife. I want to become Mrs. Aidan O'Connor now."

We debated for a while, but I wasn't backing down and finally won.

The month ironically passed quickly but also seemed to crawl at the same time. Both of us felt it, but when Alaina announced at breakfast that she got notice Scarlet's dress had arrived, the way my petal's face lit up was worth it.

And I need to see it again.


Not waking up next to my bride-to-be this morning was torturous. My sister Bridget got to town, and she implemented all the traditional rules a bride and groom are supposed to follow.

I wasn't happy. Scarlet kissed me good night, and I grumbled, "This is a stupid tradition that doesn't apply to us."

Scarlet laughed and teased, "Good things come to those who wait, Aidan."

But I'm done waiting. I want to see my bride without anyone else around. And there's something I need to give her, or I'm going to go outside and burn everything in my path.

I turn the corner and don't bother knocking. I enter the suite. Alaina, Bridget, and my niece Fiona gape at me.

Bridget scolds, "What is wrong with ya? Did Dad not teach any of you wedding etiquette? You're not supposed to see your bride before the ceremony."

"Tough shit. Get out," I order.

"You get out," she demands.

Alaina laughs and grabs her bicep. "It'll be all right, Bridge. Let them be."

"First, Brody can't obey the rules, and now you," Bridget reprimands.

I glance around the room. "Where's Scarlet?"

"In the loo," Fiona states.

I glance over at her, dressed in her pale pink cocktail dress. "Ya look really nice," I declare and kiss her on the cheek.

She straightens out my bow tie. "You look nice too, Uncle Aidan, although you really shouldn't be in here."

I groan. "Thanks for the advice, but time to leave. Everybody out."

"This is really not right, Aidan," Bridget tries again.

"Ya mind helping me out?" I ask Alaina.

She laughs and takes Bridget and Fiona's hands. "Come on, ladies, let's go. It'll be okay."

"Thanks," I state, as she pulls them away.

It's weird. Alaina and I have come to an understanding. It's more about making sure that whatever's right for Scarlet, we're on the same page, but she knows I get the final say. But she also appears to finally trust that I have her sister's best interests at heart. We still taunt each other from time to time, but it's mostly for fun. And it's easy to see that Scarlet's relieved we're not fighting anymore, as is Brody.

The door shuts, and I lock it. I remove my tux jacket, bow tie, and shirt. Then I sit down on the armchair, waiting for my petal.

She calls out, "I forgot about the garter! Does anyone know where it went?" She steps out of the bathroom and freezes. Her eyes dart between my naked torso and face.

I slowly whistle. My blood races through my veins, and I don't think I've ever been so hard in my life. "Jesus, petal. Ya look like a fucking angel." I gaze over her vintage lace, chapel train, long-sleeve, off-the-shoulder gown.

It fits her perfectly. By the time my eyes travel back up, her cheeks are on fire.

She states, "That's the dirtiest look you've ever given me, Aidan."

I pat the armrest. "Why don't ya come here for a minute?"

She glances around the room and nervously asks, "What are ya doing here? I thought this was bad luck."

I grunt. "That's an outdated myth. Besides, I came to give ya good luck."

She tilts her head, her lips curving into a smile. "Oh? How are ya going to do that?"

I curl my finger. "Come over here and find out."

She hesitates, then slowly saunters across the room.

My erection strains against my zipper. I mutter, "Oh, you're a fucking little vixen."

She softly laughs, batting her eyelashes. "Am I?"

"Ya know ya are."

She stops in front of me and coyly questions, "Now what, dear husband-to-be?"

"One step closer," I order, then scoot to the end of the chair.

"What for?" she asks.

"This is the time ya obey, petal."

She smirks. "But I haven't said my vows yet where I promise to obey ya for all eternity."

My lips twitch. I tease, "Would ya rather have good luck or bad luck?"

"Good, of course."

I announce, "Well, ya don't get my good luck present if ya don't step forward. And it would be a shame to have bad luck, wouldn't it?"

"It sure would," she coos, then slinks another step forward. Her body stops an inch from my face.

I reach for her ankles and slowly slide my hands up the outside of her legs.

She inhales sharply. Her voice shakes as she asks, "What are ya doing, Aidan?"

I slide my palms to the back of her thighs and cup her ass cheeks. "What do ya think I'm doing?"

"Getting me all worked up before I walk down the aisle," she breathes.

I softly chuckle. "My tongue missed ya last night and this morning."

Her cheeks heat further. She swallows hard. "Oh?"

I grunt. "It seems to me that I need to take care of this before ya walk down the aisle."

Need and worry swirl in her emeralds. "But ya don't want a messed-up bride, now, do ya?"

I move my hands off her ass and slide them between her thighs. Her breath hitches as I vow, "I promise I won't touch your hair."

She subconsciously reaches up and pats her locks. "Umm...that would be bad. But I'm unsure how ya can keep your word on that."

I slide my thumb inside her.

"Oh shit, Aidan," she blurts out.

"Such dirty language for a bride," I scold, then curl my digit inside her.

"Jesus Christ."

"Don't let Father Michael hear ya say that. He might change his mind about marrying us. We wouldn't want that, now would we?" I move three fingers over her clit.

Her mouth falls open.

I circle her clit and order, "Answer me."

Her face turns the color of her hair. She whimpers, "Ah, no, that'd be very...oh...oh...."

"That'd be very what, petal?"

"That'd be so bad. So...oh God... So very bad," she declares.

I take my other hand and move her dress up until it's bunched at her waist. I state, "There's something I need ya to do."

Her voice cracks as she asks, "What?"

I circle faster with my thumb and fingers.

She moans, "Jesus, Aidan."

I put my face closer to her center and glance up, locking eyes with her. "Tell me how badly ya want my tongue on your pussy."

She looks at me with wide eyes, but I see the lust in them. It's an expression I love, and I crave it almost every hour of the day.

I slowly flick my tongue across her clit, then pull back.

She whimpers, and her knees wobble. She places her hands on my shoulders.

"Tell me. And say please," I demand.

She swallows hard. Her voice is barely audible as she begs, "Please lick my pussy, Aidan."

I put my hands on her hips, my face to her pussy, and start flicking my tongue on her clit.

"Oh my God," she cries out. Her breasts hit the top of my head and her dress falls over me as she bends forward.

I take my time, inhaling her, rotating between licking and sucking until she's digging her claws into my shoulders and I can't understand a word that flies out of her mouth.

Sweat drips down my chest. I hold her hips steady, cursing myself for keeping my pants on. It's hotter than a fire pit under her dress.

"Don't stop! Oh God!" she yells, then a chain of tremors erupts in her.

After a few moments, she tries to pull back, but I don't allow her to. I hold her tighter and suck.

"Aidan!!" she moans, unable to hold herself up and convulsing harder.

I don't show her any mercy. I eat her out until she's spent. I wait for her to stop shaking, then slowly lift my head from under her dress. I take my arm and wipe the sweat off my face.

Her face is fire-engine red, and her eyes glow like a wild animal at night. She tries to catch her breath, and I tug her onto my lap.

She puts her arms around me.

"Fuck, ya taste good, petal," I praise, then slide my tongue in her mouth, kissing her with everything I've got.

She retreats, fretting, "I'm going to need a shower now."

"Don't ya dare!"

"But I smell."

"Ya smell exactly how I want ya to smell before I marry ya."

Her lips twitch. "You're so dirty."

"Ya love that I'm dirty."

She doesn't say anything, but she can't stop her smile. I kiss her again.

Her tongue slides against mine with a new intensity, driving me crazier.

She reaches for my zipper, but I grab her hand, questioning, "What are ya doing, petal?"

"What do ya mean? I need it. Ya need it," she declares.

Jesus, I love this woman.

It takes everything within me not to let her sit on my cock.

I shake my head. "You're not getting this until you're Mrs. Aidan O'Connor."

She pouts. "That's not very nice."

"Ya want it, ya got to marry me," I assert.

She laughs. "Is that so? Are ya worried I might say no?"

"No, not at all," I confidently declare, but it's a lie. A huge part of me thinks that she won't show up or that she'll change her mind during the vows.

I know I'm not normal. She's always accepted my faults, the way no one else ever has, but she also does everything in her power to try and understand me. And somehow, beyond all rationale, she seems to. So the fact she chooses me still blows my mind.

She leans close and caresses the side of my head. "Let me tell ya something, Aidan O'Connor."

"What's that?" I question, my heart racing faster.

"There's nothing in this entire world that would make me not want to be yours forever. So ya should let me have ya right now. Let me show ya what you're missing so I can ensure ya show up."

I chuckle. "Oh, I know what I would be missing, and I guarantee ya I'm showing up. Now, give me that tongue of yours again." I press my lips to hers.

She kisses me back and tries to unzip my pants again.

I stop her. "You're not getting it until you're Mrs. Aidan O'Connor, petal. Now, give me one last kiss and then I'm leaving. I need a shower."

"No, don't go," she whines.

"If I don't go, my sister will behead me."

She groans. "Bridget has good intentions, but really, she should mind her own business."

"Well, ya trained Alaina. Maybe ya can train her?" I suggest.

"Hmm, would ya rather have my sister or your sister?" she asks.

I think about it. "I can't answer that."

"Ya have to answer it," she claims.

"No, petal, I'm not answering that."

"Um, if ya don't answer it, how can I marry ya?"

"What?" I blurt out, worried she's serious.

She laughs. "I'm just teasing. But ya really should answer Would Ya Rather questions. It's kind of a cop-out."

"Well, I guess I'm going to have to take the cop-out on this one," I state.

I move her off me so she's on her feet. When I make sure she's steady, I rise. I lean down and peck her on the lips. "Make sure ya show up, okay?" I state, my nerves filling my chest.

"Make sure ya show up," she tosses back.

"Ya never have to worry about that, Scarlet." I kiss her again and start to leave.

She calls out, "Hey, Aidan."

I spin. "Yea?"

"One more thing ya forgot."

I arch my eyebrow. "What's that?"

She pulls her dress up and puts her foot on the chair, exposing her thigh. She wiggles her eyebrows, beaming. "There's a garter that's going to be on here. Have ya thought about what you're going to do when ya take it off?"