Illicit Captor by Maggie Cole



Maureen closes her notebook. "You're doing well, Scarlet. Why don't we call it a day?"

I swipe my cheek and nod. "Okay."

She asks the same question she does every time we meet. "Would ya like to schedule a time to meet in a few days?"

I don't need to think about it anymore. Tully was right. Talking to Maureen makes me feel better, even if it's hard while doing it. But it seems to be helping me. My nightmares have drastically reduced. It had been several days since I had one until last night.

I just finished working through it with Maureen, and she helped me process some more things. So I give her the same answer I always do, "Sure. But I'm not sure when Aidan's back from work. I might need to reschedule."

She replies the same as always, "Not a problem. Why don't I come back in two days? Same time?"

"Sounds good. I'll walk ya out."

We both rise and stroll through the hallway. When we get to the foyer, the front door flies open. Aidan lunges in.

"Aidan, you're back!" I exclaim, rushing over to him.

He pulls me into his arms, picks me up, and kisses me on the head.

I cry out, "I missed ya so much."

"I missed ya more, petal."

"Is it..." I pull my face out of his chest. "Is it over?"

His answer lies in his eyes. His voice grows darker, and he affirms, "Aye, there's nothing to worry about now."

Relief fills me. Another round of tears falls.

He takes his thumb and brushes my cheek. Then he leans down and kisses me. He pulls back, studying me.

Maureen clears her throat.

We glance over at her.

I chirp, "Oh, sorry. I don't mean to be rude."

Maureen laughs. "I take it this is the famous Aidan."

"Aye. And can I ask who ya are?" Aidan says with distrust in his voice.

I answer, "This is Maureen. Your da wanted me to meet with her. She's...she's a therapist." I don't know why, but saying it out loud suddenly feels funny.

Surprise fills Aidan's expression. He pins his gaze back on Maureen. "A therapist, huh?"

She beams. "Yes."

He hesitates, then asks me, "Is it helping?"

I nod. "It is."

He looks back at Maureen. "Okay, then. It's really awesome to meet ya. And ya know my dad?"

She states, "I do. Tully and I go back a long way."

"Funny, I've never met ya."

"Well, ya know your father. He likes to keep his people on the down low," she jokes.

"Aye, I guess so."

Her smile grows. "Alrighty, then. Well, I'll see ya in a few days unless something changes, okay, Scarlet?"

"Sure. That'd be great. Thanks, Maureen."

"Nice meeting ya," Aidan adds.

"Ya too," she chirps, sliding past us and out the door.

It shuts, and I toss my arms over his shoulders, lacing my fingers around his neck. "I'm so glad you're home. I was so worried."

"Shh. Ya don't need to worry about me ever. And I have something for ya. Well, if ya want to see it." His face darkens, and the crazed look in his eyes appears.

The hairs on my arms rise. "Why am I scared to ask what it is?"

He stares at me for a moment.

"Aidan, what do ya have for me to look at?" I question.

He lowers his voice. "Ya don't have to see it if ya don't want, but I brought ya back the proof."


"That he's dead."

My heart beats harder, and my chest tightens. "Ya brought his body back?"

He shakes his head. "Not all of it. I burned most of it."

A chill runs down my spine. I admit, "Then I don't understand."

He confesses, "I brought his head back. Again, ya don't have to see it, but do ya want to?"

"Ya think that's a good idea?" Brody's voice booms.

I spin.

Alaina appears. "Is what a good idea?"

"Showing Scarlet Tommy's cut-off head," Brody answers.

Alaina's eyes widen. She opens her mouth.

"Don't," I warn before she can say anything.

She pauses, then snaps it shut.

Aidan taunts, "Well, go ahead and say whatever it is ya want, Alaina. Get it over with. But at the end of the day, Scarlet's going to do what she wants to do. I'll make sure of it."

My sister looks at me, lifts her chin, and states, "It's your decision, not mine."

"Sorry, did I hear ya right?" Aidan questions.

She smirks at him. "I'm not sure. Maybe you're losing your hearing in your old age."

"Watch it," Brody reprimands.

She laughs and grabs his hand. "Let these two figure this issue out on their own." She winks at me and pulls him down the hallway.

Aidan watches them disappear, then asks me, "Am I in the twilight zone?"

"Nope. I trained her while ya were gone."

"Well done," he praises.

I laugh again, and he gives me another kiss. When he pulls back, he puts his hand on my cheek and states, "Ya don't have to do anything ya don't want to, but I've got to send the head where it needs to go. So I need ya to make a decision."

"Where are ya sending it?" I ask.

His lips twitch. "To the registrar."

I gape at him.

He chuckles. "There won't be any question that he's dead and you're free to marry me."

"Won't they be suspicious?"

He grunts. "I'm adding O'Leary fingerprints to the box."

I stare at him.

He leans closer. "And now I just told ya all my secrets, so ya have to marry me."

"Are ya worried I won't?"

He kisses me. "Maybe a tad."

"Don't be!"

He kisses me again, then says, "Would ya rather see the head or not?"

"I've never followed through on any Would Ya Rather questions."

"This one, ya have to."

I lock eyes with him, my insides slightly quivering in debate.

He cautions, "Ya don't have to. I won't lie, it won't be pleasant to look at, and I rather ya didn't, but I didn't want to get rid of it in case ya needed to see it. I don't know what the right thing to do here is, but it's your decision to make."

I blurt out, "I want to see it."

He studies me. "Are ya sure?"

I swallow hard and nod. "Yea, I am."

He kisses me again, then puts his arm around my waist. "It's in the garage."

He leads me through the house, and we pass Devin and Tynan.

"There's the lass we can't ever stop hearing about," Tynan teases.

"Hey, glad ya guys are back," I say.

Devin just nods as they pass us.

"Something wrong with Devin?" I question.

"Nah, he's an ornery bastard."

"I heard ya," Devin calls out.

Aidan ignores him and continues moving me toward the garage. We step inside, go over to a car, and he opens the trunk. A steel box is the only thing inside it.

I hold my breath, my hands shaking. I point at it. " it in there?"

"Yea, petal. Are ya sure ya want to see this? Once ya do, ya won't be able to unsee it."

I stand straighter, but I'm glad he has his arm around my waist, supporting me. My knees wobble and my mouth turns dry, but I affirm in my strongest tone, "Yes, I want to see it. I need to see it."

He scans my face, looking for any uncertainty.

"Aidan, ya brought it back to me for a reason. Why are ya hesitating?"

"I just want to ensure I'm doing the right thing, Scarlet."

"Ya are," I insist, then order, "Now open it."

Another moment passes, and I wait. He finally puts on black gloves, takes a key, and unlocks the box. A putrid smell wafts into the air as he lifts the lid.

I put my hand over my nose and mouth.

"It's bad, I know," Aidan states.

"Ugh," I groan.

"Are ya sure ya want to see it?" he asks again.

"Don't ask me again," I warn.

"Okay, petal." He lifts the lid higher, and my stomach flips.

Tommy is barely recognizable. His bald head is a purplish-white color. Dried blood and dirt cover his hair and are caked into his wrinkles. His bloodshot eyes are half open, staring at me.

Aidan starts to shut the lid, and I demand, "Don't."

He freezes.

I continue studying Tommy's lifeless face. My insides quiver harder, and then tears stream down my cheeks. I apologize, "I'm sorry. I'm not crying because I'm upset. I'm...I'm just so relieved."

Aidan shuts the lid and pulls me into him.

I start to sob, crying for I don't know how long, until I don't have any tears left.

"Shh," he says the entire time, rubbing my head and kissing my hair, telling me occasionally, "Everything is okay now."

When I finally calm, I look up, questioning, "It's really over now?"

His lips twitch. "Aye, and ya know what that means?"

So much happiness radiates inside me. I don't remember ever feeling it before. I chirp, "I do. Ya get to marry me!"