Breaking Bella by Jenna Rose



The cold is dissipating now.Being beat back by the warmth that is Bella. Simply having her in my home is already starting to change me. The days used to flow together from one to the next, a familiar pattern of responsibilities of keeping my empire in check, doing the things required to maintain my grip on the city.

But now…it’s like a new future has opened up in front of me.

Maybe I don’t have to live in the dark anymore. Maybe there’s a future for me as a man, and not just as the kingpin I’ve become.

And it’s all because of her.

Bella. The answer to my solitude.

But still my heart breaks when I think about how life has treated her. She has no idea how incredible she is. How beautiful. How talented. And it’s my job from now on to make her see what I see.

I’m going to spoil her rotten, treat her like a queen, worship her body like it deserves, and show her that not only is she a talented artist, but that the world will recognize that as well.

“Brax, I am not going,” she tells me for the seventh time, crossing her arms as she glares at me from across her bedroom. She ran up here after we finished lunch and tried to lock herself in. Of course I have keys to all the rooms in my house, as well as a security system override, and simply let myself in after giving her a few minutes to cool down.

“You’re going, Bella. And when this is all over, you’re going to thank me.”

Bella gasps and puts a hand to her forehead. “Thank you? For what exactly? Embarrassing me and forcing me to do something I don’t want to do?” She passes to the window, looks out for a moment, then turns back and glares at me. “What if they don’t even like my work?”

“They will,” I assure her.

“How can you be so sure!?”

“Trust me.”

For the first time since she’s been here, Bella bursts out laughing. “Trust you? That has to be a joke, right? You kidnapped me, Brax! And you took my virginity under some questionable consensual circumstances!”

“You loved it.”

Bella frowns.

If looks could kill.

“I’m not going,” she says again. Unfortunately for her, she’s made a fatal mistake and left her sketchbook on the foot of the bed. With one quick move, I lean in and snatch it up. “No, Brax!”

She dashes at me, but I’m already out the door.

She catches up to me at the stairs and hurls herself onto my back, but she’s just too light to do anything to stop me. I take the stairs to the ground floor and motion to my men to stand back as I walk out to the car.

“Brax! Brax, give it back!” she hisses as I easily spin and dump her into the passenger seat.

“Watch your toes!” I smile as I slam the door shut on her. I hear her squeal angrily as I go around to the driver’s side and let myself in. She’s flailing around like a maniac as I start the car, but I catch her hand in mine and raise a threatening finger in her face.

“Watch yourself,” I growl. “I like you, Bella. But you are not to strike me. Understand?”

“Oh, but you can just do whatever you want? Is that it?”

I grin and hit the gas. “The perks of being me.”

She’s pouting for the entire drive. The way she’s got her lips pursed makes my dick hard beneath my pants. She’s wearing that Valentino dress like it was made for her. If this art thing doesn’t work out, she could always get a career as a model. That is if I was okay with the rest of the world having their eyes on her.

Which I’m not.

Even the thought of a photographer getting a good look at her through his lens makes me hot with rage. No, she’s mine. No one else’s.

My heart starts to beat faster as I think about all the things I’ll do to her. She’s so inexperienced. I have so many things to show her. To teach her. The first taste of her virgin pussy was good, but it wasn’t enough. Not even fucking close.

I need to really taste her. Make her body quiver as I press my tongue down on her little pleasure button. Hear her whimper and watch her squirm. I’ll take her in every position imaginable, stretch her perfectly to my fit and make her swallow every drop of my cum, thread my fingers through her hair and watch her eyes beg up at me as she submits.

Christ, I’ve got it bad. Shit, Bella, I’ve got it bad for you.

I know she’s nervous as hell, but I don’t know whose heart is beating faster when we pull up in front of the gallery, mine or hers. The sign says no parking, but I park anyway. I own the place, and the cops know whose Lamborghini this is. What are they going to do? Write me a ticket?

“Get out,” I tell her as she glares at me defiantly from the seat, not budging. “Get out, or I’ll throw this”—I hold up her sketchbook—“in the river.”

Of course I never would do something like that, but she doesn’t know that yet.

Her eyes go wide, and she immediately gets out of the car.

To avoid any further confrontation, I stride right into the gallery and don’t even hold the door for her, forcing her to follow. After all, I’m holding her most prized possession hostage. She really has no choice.

Amy, the gallery manager, spots me from her desk and comes right over. “Mr. Cabot, how are you today?” her eyes move to Bella, and I see the look of surprise. She’s never seen me out with a woman by my side. No one has.

“I brought someone special with me today. Amy, I’d like you to meet Bella, your next incredible artist. I promise you that.”

“Brax, stop! Please!” Bella hisses in my ear. But it’s too late. I hand the sketchbook to Amy without hesitation.

Bella’s hands tighten around my upper arm, and I realize that my heart is beating fast, almost like I’m the artist here, hanging on her next words. But I’m confident Amy will like Bella’s work. I may not be involved in the day-to-day operations here, but I’ve seen some of the stuff that’s gone into this gallery, and her work is miles beyond most of it.

Bella is tense beside me. I surprise even myself when I reach around her with a comforting arm and pull her close.

“It will be all right,” I tell her. “Don’t even worry about it.”

“Easy for you to say!”

Amy flips through the first few pages, but I can already see from the expression on her face what the answer is going to be.

“These are exquisite, Bella.”

My angel nearly jumps out of her skin beside me. Her grip on my arm tightens so much her nails bite into my skin. But I don’t do anything about it. I just let her. This is her moment. I forced her into it, and I’m not going to ruin it for her.

“I—” she stammers. “Seriously…?”

Amy nods, smiling like a proud mother. “Seriously. Are these portraits drawn from real life? From reference?”

“Um…sometimes I used to draw people I would see on the street, but then I sort of felt uncomfortable doing it without asking people for their permission, so I just started drawing people from my imagination. Blending together people I’d seen before, you know?”

“They’re charcoal, I assume?”

“And just regular pencil…” Bella’s voice is quiet, but there’s a confidence I’ve never heard before as well. It’s working. She’s starting to see the value in herself.

“Can you do larger ones for me?” Amy asks. “Say…ten of them? That would be enough for a show.”

To my surprise, Bella looks up at me for confirmation, as if somehow I have anything to say in the matter.

Christ, she’s gorgeous.

I lean in and kiss her gently on the lips, and she doesn’t even back away. Yeah, I could get used to this—having her by my side, showing off her talents to the world.

My Bella.

“Of course she can,” I say to Amy. “Just give us say….”

I raise my eyebrows to my angel.

“Three weeks?” she asks, as if I have any idea.

“Give us four,” I tell Amy. “I don’t want her rushing herself.”

I can see the reservation in her eyes—still the lack of self-confidence plaguing her. She’d never do a show like this on her own. Never even submit her work to be considered, so I have to do it for her.

A warmth spreads through my chest as I envision all of the places I can help her reach, the things about herself I can help her realize. Bella is the top, the peak, there’s no denying that. Now all she needs is to see it herself.