Christmas Pet by Jamie Knight

Chapter Nineteen - James

Christmas Eve wasn’t going the way I’d planned. Probably because the bastard Daniel had demanded we go to court. His lawyers assured him if the proceedings went to trial, he wouldn’t have to give any money away. Fucking amateurs.

Court wouldn’t be good for Erin, and it wouldn’t be good for Daniel. He was calling our bluff. But he was still crazy enough to go through with it.

I’d sent my team into overdrive. They needed to get as much information as they could from Erin. I needed all the ammunition I could get. If I had to play dirty, I would.

He said he’d changed his mind about mediation because he wanted the judge to rule in the courtroom. More like he wanted the publicity. The fucker didn’t care if every cable gossip show covered the proceedings or if every gossip rag had him and Erin on the front cover.

The phone hadn’t stopped ringing. The paparazzi sniffed blood and were circling like starving sharks. Erin wanted revenge, and I didn’t blame her. She’d helped Daniel get back on the world stage. He didn’t deserve her, and she didn’t deserve this. And on top of that, Lyla refused to leave me alone.

I wish I hadn’t said I’d go to the fundraiser with her, but because I was on the board and because it was such a moneymaker for the Children’s Hospital, I had no choice. If I backed out, the charity could lose millions. I didn’t want that on my conscience.

I was partied out. This week, Pearl and I had attended two balls, one luncheon, and two cocktail parties.

I still hadn’t told Pearl about the fundraiser because it would only upset her. What was my punishment for not being truthful with her? But I hadn’t lied because she hadn’t asked. It was more of an omission on my part.

I glanced out of the glass panels surrounding my office door and saw her strut towards my office with a brown bag in her hand. She knocked and came in without me having to tell her. A sexy smile curved her lips, and my heart stilled. God, she was gorgeous, and I had to force my dick to stay flaccid.

Despite wanting to lock the door and pull down the blinds, now wasn’t the time or the place. Ever since the party last weekend, I’d spent every free moment I’d had with her. We fucked when and where we could.

There was some office cooler gossip about us, and Susan had thrown a few barbed comments our way, but for the most part, everyone minded their business. If our relationship caused problems at the office, that would be another story, but we remained professional at all times.

Pearl worked her sweet butt off. She was incisive and razor-sharp. I had already recommended her for an associate position in the New Year, and I was recommending Susan for the senior associate position. Both women deserved the promotions.

Pearl set the bag on my desk. “I needed to make sure you ate before I left for my mom’s. I got your favorite.” That she wanted to take care of me touched me deeply. “Would you like me to make you dinner tonight? I can always go home first and drop it off before I go to Brooklyn. I make a mean chicken parm, but that’s about all. I wish I could say I was a domestic goddess.”

“You’re a goddess in many other ways.”

“All thanks to you.”

“You can make it for me another time. I have a function tonight.”

“Oh, you never said.”

“It’s a boring fundraising thing.”

“You don’t need me to go with you?”

“Not tonight. I know you want to spend the night with your mom. You’re off the hook this time.”

She grinned. “I did enjoy being on the hook.”

I threw my head back and laughed. “You did look delicious dangling off one wearing nothing but your ribbon.”

“Eat your lunch, sir. The others and I have found all the information you need. Daniel is a disgusting sleaze. I don’t understand why he wants to go to court. If he does, he’ll never work again.”

“He’ll sell a sob story about how Sophia was the person he’d been waiting for all along.” I leaned back in my chair. “He wouldn’t know what love was if it bit him in the balls.”

She ran her fingertips back and forth over my desk and stared at a point over my shoulder. “Would you?”

I waited for a few beats before answering. “I’m beginning to change my mind about love.” And I was. The past few weeks had shown me that having the right person in your life wasn’t a hardship. It didn’t mean love was for suckers. Did I love Pearl? I wasn’t sure if I knew what love was, but I adored her, and I wanted to spend every waking moment with her. Not having her by my side wasn’t an option.

“Come over to my apartment the day after Christmas. I”ll pick you up. There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

Her emerald eyes sparkled. “I’m intrigued. Want to give me a clue? You know I hate surprises.”

“You’ll have to wait. Now, you’d better get out of my office before I throw you over my knee and spank you for everyone to see.”

“Yes, sir.” She spun around and marched away. When she was out of earshot, I picked up the phone and dialed my favorite jeweler.

After the New Year, she wasn’t going anywhere. I wanted her to remain in my life as my pet, and to do that, I needed to give her something to show I intended her to remain mine.


During the fundraising event, I lost count of how much bourbon I’d knocked back. Lyla wouldn’t let me out of her sight. All night, she’d clung onto my arm. Everyone congratulated us on getting back together. When I explained we were friends, and I was only there to support the foundation, she brushed me off with a girlish giggle.

Thankfully, the night was over, and I could now go home.

Our limo pulled up to the curb. I opened the door for Lyla, but when I turned around to allow her to get in, she stood on her tiptoes, curled a hand around my neck, clamped her lips on mine, and shoved her tongue into my mouth. For a few stunned moments, I couldn’t move.

I broke away and held her wrists by her side. “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Lyla?”

“I’m claiming what’s mine.” She swayed back and forth in her heels. Obviously, she’d had more to drink than I had. “I’ve got a surprise for you at my house. A playroom room, especially for you.”

I stared at her like she’d lost her mind, and perhaps she had. What I was about to say wouldn’t be enjoyable for either of us. “I’ve already made it clear on several occasions. We’re not a couple. You’re not the right woman for me. You’re not submissive. I can’t give you what you want, and you can’t give me what I want.” Furious, I stepped into the backseat of the limo. Lyla stumbled in after me. “Don’t say that. We’re the perfect couple. We could take the New York scene by storm.”

The desperation in her voice almost made me feel sorry for her. “I don’t want to take the New York scene by storm. I don’t want my life splashed all over Instagram or Facebook. On paper, we might be a power couple, but in reality, we’re not.” I sighed and softened, my anger fading. “Lyla, you’re a wonderful person, or could be if you didn’t act like a spoiled bitch all the time. But this pursuit of me has to stop. I’ve met someone.”

Her nose wrinkled. “You’re not seriously telling me that the ditzy associate at the firm is the someone.”

“She’s not ditzy.”

She recoiled as if I’d hit her. “I’ll make you sorry. No one dumps me. I dump them.”

“Then consider me dumped.”

I opened the passenger door and stepped out into the frosty night. “For both of our sakes, move on.” I closed the door, tapped the roof, and the car drove off.

Sometimes you had to be cruel to be kind.