Christmas Pet by Jamie Knight

Chapter Eight - James

So much for deciding I wouldn’t make her my pet, and so much for not wanting to get involved with anyone from the office.

I had intended to wake up today, get in my car, serve that bastard Daniel with the papers, and then go back to New York. Not only did the weather Gods have different ideas, so did my dick.

Pearl blew my mind. She was responsive and eager. I hadn’t expected her to reveal one of her fantasies last night. What she shared was thrilling and erotic. My little pet was a sub through and through. Showing restraint with her hadn’t been easy, but I hadn’t wanted to scare her before we’d begun.

I had wanted to assert my power, my control, but I held back. If I’d done everything I’d wanted, she might have run out into the snow and all the way back to New York. She didn’t need to think she was stuck in a trailer in the middle of nowhere with an animal.

Plus, I needed her help with something. The rest of the month was filled with soul-sucking holiday parties. Something I dreaded, but there was one party I looked forward to every year. Some of the guys I’d grown up with and had gone to college with, along with some of my closest friends from the scene, all got together in Vermont for a Christmas kink party. This year, Pearl would be my ideal plus one.

I rolled off the bed, and my dick cursed me out. She’d been obvious about what she hoped would happen between us.

There would be time enough to fuck later. Right now, we needed to eat, and I needed to lay down a few rules. If we both agreed, we could have something mutually beneficial for both of us.

Pearl didn’t understand the situation she was getting herself into. I had to clarify my expectations before we went any further.

If she wanted a weekend of fun, I could make that happen. Then, whenever we got back to the real world, we could go back to the way things were before. She would be a junior associate at the firm and nothing more. But if she agreed to be my pet for the rest of the month, or perhaps longer, then she needed to consider a few things. I wasn’t a hard taskmaster, but I would expect her to listen and comply.

Professionally, our relationship wouldn’t change, but privately, it would.

“I’m going for a shower,” she huffed.

I was tempted to join her, but I would give her some space. The events of the past twelve hours or so had been a surprise for both of us. She needed time to think, as did I.

When I woke beside her this morning, it would have been easy to slip inside her and continue where we had left off. Did I want to fuck her? Of course. What red-blooded man wouldn’t? But she wasn’t ready for that step yet, and truthfully, I wasn’t sure if I was either.

Twenty minutes later, she sauntered out of the bathroom, smelling delicious enough to eat. Her hair hung in long, damp strands, and she wore clothes she’d rummaged from the wardrobe.

“What do you want to do today?” she asked. “We can maybe try to go for a hike or…”

I tapped my fingertips against my chin and studied her. A rosy glow flushed her cheeks, and mischievousness danced in her eyes.

“What did you do in the shower?”

“Nothing,” she replied, avoiding eye contact.

“Did you masturbate?”

She shook her head but still wouldn’t make eye contact.

Silence followed, but the awkwardness didn’t bother me. Dust covering the DVDs seemed to take her interest, followed by the shape of her nails.

“If you want to learn about my world and what’s expected from a sub, I’m more than happy to train and teach you, but I expect compliance, and I expect you to be truthful.” I noticed how her breath caught. She laced her fingers in front of her stomach and closed her eyes. Her lips moved as if she were going over the possibilities.

“I’ll ask you again, what did you do in the shower?”

Her eyes opened, and she blinked slowly. “I, uh, I used the shower spray against my clit.”

I clucked my tongue. “Since I haven’t given you a set of rules yet, I’ll let you off with a warning. From now on, you can’t touch yourself without my permission. Understand?”

“What? That’s not—”

“Then I see we’re done here.”

She fisted her hands by her sides. “I understand, sir.”

“Good. There’s something I want to ask you. I need your help, and I hope you’ll say yes.”

“That depends what it is.”

“The month of December has always been a headache. It’s filled with networking and parties. I have women coming on to me constantly, and one in particular who won’t take no for an answer.”

“Poor you.”

“They’re out for a husband. If I have you on my arm, then I can get through the holiday season unscathed. For the next few weeks until the New Year, I need you to be my plus one.”

“You’re what?”

“My date.”

“What about Lyla?”

“Lyla and I ended things months ago.”

“You should tell her that. I saw her in your office last week.”

“I did. She knows. What’s your answer? We’ll both get a lot from this if you agree.”

She shook her head. “It seems like you’re going to get a hell of a lot more out of it than I will.”

“We’re both going to get the same. I’ll introduce you to the club scene and other Doms. You’ll be by my side and keep the wolves at bay.”

“What about work? What about the Chastain case?”

“Things at the office won’t change. As soon as I serve the papers to Daniel, we’ll have done the hard part. He’ll give Erin what she wants and move on with his new girlfriend.”

Her brows drew together. “I don’t know.”

“Are you trying to say you don’t have an interest in the lifestyle? In BDSM? What was it you told your friend on the phone? That you wanted to find yourself a Dom who would introduce you to the world of sex clubs and BDSM?

“I know… but… that’s not… I do… It’s just…”

“Remember what I said about being truthful? I’m your master.”

“But you’re not my master are you? And I’m not a sub. Last night was fun, and whatever will happen today, I’m sure, will be fun, but it’s not really real, is it?”

“Isn’t it? What are you afraid of? You’re a sub, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not. Give me a couple of weeks, and I guarantee by the end of them, you’ll know exactly what you are and what you aren’t. Last night you were dripping wet. And your fantasy told me more than I needed to know.”

I pointed at her chest. “Take your sweater off. You’re aroused right now, aren’t you? Show me your tits. I bet your nipples are hard.”

Fire flamed her cheeks, and she shook her head. “If my nipples are hard, it’s because I’m cold.”

“Stop lying to me and stop lying to yourself, Pearl. Last warning.” I leaned back in my chair and took a sip of the world’s worst coffee. “Why are you holding yourself back?”

She gritted her teeth and smacked her fists against her thighs. “Because this is all new to me. I’m afraid I won’t do things right. What if I do things all wrong? What if all I’m worthy of is punishment?”

My heart softened. If I wanted things to go the way I hoped, I needed to go easier on her. Shame on me for not taking her inexperience into consideration. “Pet, there’s no right or wrong. If it feels good, do it. If it doesn’t, don’t. You have a safe word for a reason. I’ll guide you every step of the way.”

Her fists relaxed, and her shoulders lowered. “If we do this, and I haven’t said yes yet, we need to remain professional at work. I don’t want anything to get in the way of getting a promotion in the New Year. Does anyone there know about you? Your lifestyle?”

“Everything that happens is between us. People at work know I’m a control freak, but that’s all.”

“Are all the parties sex parties? Will I have to crawl across the floor naked and kiss your feet?”

I laughed softly. “At a few parties, I’ll expect certain things, but everyone is discreet. There will be no crawling on the floor naked and no kissing my feet. Most of the parties will be boring and filled with people networking.”

She gnawed her lips, then licked them. “We should see how the rest of this weekend goes before we decide. Kind of like a trial period.”