Taking the Knot by Sean Michael

Chapter Four

Islept for four days, went to work for the rest of the week, and finally it’s Friday. I haven’t been to the gym, because…because I can’t.

I keep having dreams. I keep jacking off for hours. I can’t do this. I’m making myself crazy. Worse, every dream stars Blaze. The behemoth of a man who blew my mind. I still don’t know why I stayed as long as I did. Okay, that’s a lie. I know why.

It was blisteringly hot and I got off on it. Got off on being held and made to…

“Stop it.”

Time to work out. Work my shit out.

I’m throwing on my workout clothes when Don walks into the locker room, bag over his shoulder. He glances up, a smile spreading across his face.

“Matt! Dude! Where’ve you been?”

“Working.” Hiding. Trying to figure out what the fuck all that had been. Huge guys? What the fuck?

“Ah. I’d wondered if you were at the club. A person can get lost there if they find the right person.”

“No. I went home Friday night. I grabbed a cab.”

“When are you going back?” Don asks it like it’s a given that I will go back.

“Back?” That isn’t going to happen. It can’t. I was out of control.

Liar. You were in control. Flying.

“Yeah, you know, as in go there again. I’m headed over after my workout if you want to join me.”

“I don’t think… It’s not a good idea. I think I’m working my arms today.”

“Changing the subject. Okay. I’m doing upper body. My pecs especially. My master loves it when I pop ’em.” Don goes ahead and pops both pecs.

“Yeah, yeah. You sure you can sit on the bench?” I have to tease.

Don’s grin grows wicked. “I’m looking forward to it, actually. My master left me with a really big one in today. My cock’s free, though, so if I pop a boner, everyone’s going to know.”

“Asshat.” I should have just let it go. I head to the weights and put my head down, focusing on nothing but my workout.

It works for a while, but as I grow tired, my workout is harder to focus on and I see Don across the room, looking happy as a clam.

I sigh and get to work doing pushups. Stop thinking. Just stop. When my muscles are shaking, I finally stop and head to the locker room, keeping my head down. I’m not feeling any more at peace.

I take an icy cold shower, gasping as the water crashes over me. Goddamn.

At least I’m not hard, right?

My balls are still aching though. The need is still there. It’s making me fucking crazy.

“If you come with me, he’ll be waiting for you.”

I’m going to kill Don.

“You don’t know that,” I retort.

“I do.” Don sounds supremely confident.

“We didn’t make plans. I went home.”

“He let you go so you’d go back to him,” Don notes smugly.

I turn off the water, my teeth chattering. Christ, I’m freezing.

Don tilts his head. “Did you just take a cold shower?”

My muscles begin to cramp, my body feeling like I’m on fire.

“Matt? Matt.” Don grabs hold of my arms and shakes me. “Matt! Goddamn it, you’re a dumb shit.”

The water comes back on, hot this time.

“A cold shower is one thing, a fucking freezing one is another.” He holds me under the spray, shaking me lightly. “Don’t hurt yourself, man. That’s not cool.”

I just stare at him, not even sure what to say, what to think. I just want the constant fucking need to stop.

“Come with me. He’ll help you. I swear.” Don turns the water off and starts dressing me, his phone to his ear. “Master, I’m coming and bringing Matt. He’s hurting.”

I open my mouth to tell him no, but nothing comes out because the truth is, I want to go with him. I want to see Blaze again. I want him to blow my mind again. And I want him to give me what I need.

“Come on, buddy. They’re waiting for us.” Don’s hands are gentle, but they’re not what I need.

I follow along though. I might not have been able to make myself go, but I know I need to be back there and see Blaze again. In the end, it’s what I want.

Before I can breathe, we’re in a cab, in the lobby, in the elevator. I’m vibrating, actually vibrating, and my fucking cock is getting harder by the second.

“Come on. I understand. It’s a craving. You don’t have to fight it.”

“I don’t understand it, Don.”

“No, I don’t either, but I need it. I want him.”

That I’m familiar with. I’ve spent the last week fighting it, hard.

The doors open and we walk in, the man at the desk not even hesitating, just buzzing us through.

I walk down the hall, my mouth suddenly dry, anticipation running along my spine like lightning. I ache everywhere, needing…

Hands land on my shoulders, huge and solid. A weight is immediately lifted off, and I close my eyes and take the first deep breath I’ve had since I was last here.

“Boy. You’ve kept me waiting. It’s good to see you.”

“You too.” It isn’t what I meant to say, but it’s what comes out.

“You’re chilled.” He grabs me, holds me against his chest.

I’ve never felt anything so warm and I feel him to my core. All my ire and need to be tough, to stay away, melts. I go boneless against him, trusting that he’ll support me.

“Silly boy. You are welcome here.”

Don is curled at the feet of his lover, cheek on one knee, the huge fingers on his scalp.

I turn away from that image and concentrate on Blaze, on the way he’s warming me all the way through.

“Come sit on my lap, boy.”

We move to sit in a huge chair close to Don and the others.

I want to go be with just him, but I find as I concentrate on how he makes me feel, everyone else fades into the background. He’s hot and solid, making me feel solid. Safe.

How crazy is that? I’m not used to needing to feel safe, but there’s just something about him, about this whole thing.

I bury my face in his pecs, breathing in the smell of him.

“Mmm. There.” His voice rumbles inside me and makes me melt.

I want him to simply hold me for a while longer, but then I want more. I want him to tear me up. I want him to fuck me so I can feel what that knot at the base of his penis feels like. If it is really there. If my imagination hasn’t totally run away with me.

I want to really see him, to step back and take every inch of him in. I was too afraid to look properly last time. I’m not unafraid now, but the need to see and know him is far stronger than any of my worries.

“Are you ready for me, pet?” The rumble comes from the man Don’s kneeling before.

“Always, Master.”

A wicked laugh sounds. “It only took a few punishments for that lesson to stick, didn’t it?”

I shiver. Is this what I want? If I’m listening strictly to my cock, I’d say yes—the traitor is hard, not in the least bit deterred by what I’m hearing and seeing.

Blaze laughs softly. “Is your boy stubborn?”

“Strong. He likes to take it, likes to be stretched wide.”

I shake my head. I don’t want to hear this about Don. The man is my friend. We don’t talk about how we like to take it. We don’t talk about it at all. At least, we hadn’t until last week when he showed up with that cock cage and the jewel in his cock. It isn’t logical. It isn’t.

“I want you to watch him. I want you to see, boy.” Blaze turns me, holds me in his arms, cradled against his chest.

I shake my head, but that makes Blaze growl.

“You heard what I said. I don’t like repeating myself, and in the future, making me do so will earn you a punishment.”

My entire body clenches, my abs going tight. “No…”

Don is draped over a pair of muscled thighs, looking like a twink against the deeply tanned legs. The plug that the man starts working out of Don’s hole is huge, one bulbous bulge after another.

There’s no way.

“He wears it whenever he’s not here with his master. You’ll beg for it too. Ask to be filled and bound whenever you’re not here with me.”

I shake my head, but even as I do, my balls start to ache and my cock is harder than ever. Oh god, I don’t want to admit that I want this.

“That’s okay, boy. For now, you’re going to fight me at every turn and we’re both going to get off on that. Especially you.” He reaches down and grabs my package, cups it and squeezes.

I want to gasp and protest, but what comes out is a moan as I buck and push toward him. Treacherous body. Do I look as twinkish and eager here with Blaze as Don does with the man he calls master?

“Turn over, pet. I want to stuff your cock.”

Don whimpers, and I turn my face away. I can’t watch this, can I?

“Watch it, boy, or suffer the consequences.”

A punishment. I don’t even know what that entails.

Don is splayed out on his back, a large ribbed piece of glistening metal poised at the tip of his cock. Oh god, there’s no way I can watch this. No way. Not because it’s Don, but because—fuck, that’s metal going into his hard and leaking, clearly needy cock.

I squeeze my eyes shut tight.

“Boy,” Blaze growls.

“I can’t.” I’m not trying to be disobedient; I just can’t make myself watch.

“You’ll be spanked,” he tells me.

Yeah, okay. I can deal with that. I can’t deal with watching that metal thing go into Don’s cock. Don moans, the sound harsh, wild.

“Master! Please!”

I can hear how much he wants it. I just can’t watch.

“Once you’ve experienced it, things will be different,” Blaze tells me.

Experienced it? My eyes fly open, just in time to see Don’s master fucking his cock with that thing, hand flying, moving quickly.

No one can stretch that far. It makes no sense. “It’s impossible.”

“No, it’s quite possible as you can see with your own eyes.” Blaze sounds amused. He’s got a punishment to dole out. I guess that kind of thing makes him happy.

The huge piece of metal fills Don up, and the man wraps the somehow-flexible metal around the ridged tip, keeping it in.

“Ride me.”

The command is huge, ringing, and the whole room seems to moan. It’s the first time I realize there’s more than just the four of us here. There are others. All watching, all engaged in different sex acts. The air is thick with it.

I push back against Blaze, who pats my crotch. “When they’ve come, we’ll go and get you naked, give you your spanking. Then we’ll play.”

“What is this place? I don’t understand.”

Don lifts up, straddles his master, and begins to take that huge, bulbous cock.

“A den of pleasure, where strong, dominant men give themselves over for pleasure and fulfillment.”

I can’t stop watching Don spread, take it. Take all of it. All of it. And this is a substantial cock, bigger than anything I’ve ever seen. Except maybe for Blaze’s. Blaze’s cock is fucking huge, as it reminds me, resting heavily and hotly against my back.

I start to wiggle, needing something—a touch, a caress, something.

“You have to ask,” Blaze says, his mouth right by my ear, his breath tickling my skin.

“I want you,” I whisper.

“What was that, boy?” Blaze’s voice booms out.

“I want you.” Fuck this shit, but it’s true.

Blaze stands me on my feet and pulls my clothing off. Rips it right off, the material tearing, right there in front of everyone. Of course, I’m pretty sure everyone’s attention is glued to Don as he bounces on his master’s cock like it isn’t the thickest pole ever.

How will I get home? How will I? His hand cups me, and I moan, the touch so warm.

Blaze pulls me back into his lap as soon as I’m naked and he feels even hotter now that it’s skin on skin, only his light slacks separating me from his incredible cock.

I can’t hold in my cry, and he laughs, the sound wicked but not mean.

“Can you imagine taking a cock like that, boy?” He laughs again and doesn’t let me answer before continuing. “You won’t have to imagine for long. My cock is even bigger than Barun’s. You’ll stretch for me, be full for me, ache for me constantly.”

I’m not a twink. I’m not a size queen. I’ve been fucked, but getting fucked is not really my thing. But my cock throbs at his words.

“It will be mind-blowing. We’ll have everything to explore.”

I don’t disagree with him because that sounds amazing, if I’m honest. I wind up wriggling on his lap.

“See how he needs, how his cock is stuffed so he can’t shoot?”

How can I miss that? Of course I see. I try to resist nodding, but I find my head moving up and down.

His finger finds the slit of my cock, threatening, teasing, taunting me. I spread my legs and he cups my balls, squeezing them. Groaning, I drop back against him.

“Are you a painslut, pretty boy?”



Damn it. I’m not, am I? Maybe just a little. But how does he know?

He squeezes again, making me groan. Fuck, that’s good.

Don throws his head back, throat working as he begs for more.

Could that be me? I shiver and press back into Blaze. No. No, it wouldn’t be me.

“It will be. You’ll crave me.”

I can’t.

“You can, boy. You will.”

“Will it be like this?”

“It’ll be however I wish it.”

“What does that mean?”

“That I’m in charge, boy. And you’re going to do what you’re told.” Blaze leans in and murmurs in my ear. “And you’re going to like it.”

A hot tongue traces my ear and I grab my cock, jerking it hard. It doesn’t take much before I’m shooting, the pleasure pushing from me as my balls empty. Right here in front of Don, his master, and whoever else might be watching.

It doesn’t matter. I needed. I’m still hard as a rock.

“I’ll let you have that one, but from now on, you don’t touch yourself.”


“You heard me. This perfect sweet cock is mine.”


I have a big cock—there is nothing sweet about it. Granted, it’s small compared to Blaze’s…

“Sweet, perfect boycock.” He’s laughing at me, the sound somehow fond.

Boycock. I stick my tongue out.

“Mmm. You’re going to be using that soon. Getting another taste of my meat.”

I nod, because I can handle that. I can’t imagine him in my ass, but on my tongue? Fuck yes.

“Can you already taste it, boy? Taste me on your tongue?”

I remember it. I’m hungry for it, and I want it.

“On your knees, boy. And take what you want so badly.”

“Here? Now?”

“Here. Now. Don’t make me say it again. You know I don’t like repeating myself.” He cups my face, the touch sure. “Now.”

I turn and kneel, hiding in his thighs. I don’t want to be seen, but my desire to take his cock in my mouth is bigger than that. I close my eyes and shut everything else out.

“Suck, sweet boy. Make me shoot.”

The words make me shiver, but it’s with need this time. I want to taste him again—I hope he’s got the same thing on his cock that he did last time because that was an incredible sensation.

I open up, take him in, tongue sliding over the slit. I need to taste. I need him.

The flavor bursts across my tongue, and it’s even better than last time. Groaning, I suck it in, enjoying the way it tingles. “I love what you put on your cock.”

He laughs. “That’s my pre-come, boy. No extra additives.”

Bullshit. Spunk doesn’t tingle.

But what if it does? What if it tingles inside me?

He paints my lips with that liquid and they tingle again. I lick them, then him, tongue tip playing with his slit.

Fuck, I’m hungry for him. There’s a comfort, too, in being surrounded and protected, cradled.

I keep tongue-fucking his slit, lips opening and closing around his cockhead. He moans, legs spreading wider like he wants to give me room to get closer. I did that—I affected him. That feels even better than the cock in my mouth tastes.

I reach for his balls, the heavy, huge sac, smooth and velvety in my palms. He groans again and I know that I’m addicted already to the sounds he makes. There’s something powerful about making this huge man react.

“Suck, boy. I want you to pull the seed out of me.”

That’s an easy request. I’m going to make him come so fast, his ears will ring. I wrap one hand around the base of his cock—just above the knot. I manipulate the knot with my other hand, and take as much of his cock into my mouth as I can. I suck as hard as possible, my tongue playing with his slit.

I want him out of his mind. I want him to need as much as I do. The problem is that I’m not sure that’s possible. I never knew I could need this badly.

I push harder at his slit, fucking it with my tongue as my head bobs.

“Can you imagine my cock flooding your ass, boy? Can you imagine me buried in you so deep?”

The thing is that now I can. I so totally can. And despite anything I might have thought about myself, I want it. I want to feel this thick, enormous cock spreading me open.

I need to know.

“Soon, boy. It takes training. You understand training, don’t you?”

I shake my head, or at least try to—it’s not exactly a natural motion with a cock in your mouth, let alone one the size of Blaze’s. But I don’t know what he means by training. Does he mean stretching? One finger, two fingers, three, and then cock—that I know about. It’s one of my best moves.

“Nonsense. Look at those muscles. You know how to work for what you want.”

Well sure, but I’ve never considered sex as training. And I still don’t know what exactly training my ass would consist of. I’m pretty sure I’m going to find out though.

I take more, the heat on my tongue making me swallow convulsively. Everything else flees from my mind. This. This is what I’ve been craving all this time, what I needed and wanted. I squeeze his knot, thumb rubbing along it.

“Boy…” Seed pushes into my mouth, thick and wet and right.

I swallow it all down, every single drop. It warms me from my belly outward, and I want to jerk off, over and over, shoot and shoot until I’m empty.

I reach for myself and he smacks my hand away. “I told you that’s mine, boy, and you won’t touch it again without my permission.”

He drags me up against him, his eyes sharp, bright, hungry.

“What do you say to that, boy?”

What should I say? It isn’t possible.

“Try ‘yes, Master,’” suggests someone sitting next to us.

“What?” I can’t. Master? Who does that?

“You heard him,” Blaze says. “That is what I’m expecting.”

“I don’t understand. I don’t do that.”

“You will.” Blaze sounds supremely confident. It’s as hot as it’s maddening. “You’ll learn. It will become a comfort.”

I snort because he is full of shit. He has to be. I am not going to call him master or take comfort from it.

“Such a stubborn boy. It’s going to be so much fun.” He grabs my balls, cups them, and tugs.

I cry out, trying to move down to relieve the pressure, but he’s got me right where he wants me. I’m caught. And not just physically.

“I’ll take my leave, friends. I have a boy’s ass to warm and to begin his training.”

Whistles and cheers sound. Along with several “good lucks!” A last glance at Don finds him still bouncing on his master’s cock like he’s running for first at the Kentucky Derby. I turn away immediately, burying my face in Blaze’s chest.

Blaze chuckles softly, the sound knowing. “Sweet innocent boy.”

Wait. What? Innocent? Me?

“I am not!” My indignation is strong in my voice.

“Are not what, boy? Sweet or innocent?”

“Neither.” Those are not words I associate with myself.

“You won’t be innocent for long.”

“I’m not innocent,” I repeat. I’ve fucked, been fucked, and love sucking cock. That is not an innocent man.

“No? We’ll see.” He carries me into a room, into the same luxurious room as last time.

I just had that enormous cock in my mouth—how can I be innocent? I’m not sure why I’m fighting the word so hard…

“Mmm. Because you don’t want to believe how far we’re going to go.”

“Are you reading my mind?” Is that even possible? Why not—nothing else in this whole thing makes sense.

“Am I? Maybe I’m reading your soul.”

I shiver. That seems far more serious than reading my mind. “I don’t think that’s possible.”

“Good to know.” He puts me on the bed on hands and knees.

I can’t believe how natural this feels. Just right. Like I belong here. Like I belong to him.

“Mmm. Should we feed you your first plug of the afternoon and then spank you, or spank your naked hole so you feel the stretch more?”

I shake my head—neither. Of course I’m lying to myself. They both make me hard, and deep down, I want them both.

“I can wait, boy.” One hand drags down my ass, stroking me.

I groan and push back into his touch, rocking slowly. Then I realize what he said. “Wait for what?”

“For your decision, of course.”

“My decision?” I’m lost. There’s a decision to make?

“Plug or spanking first?” He growls softly. “Perhaps a nice hard beating for that wicked little hole, then the plug; then I redden your ass. That sounds luscious.”

I shake my head, but my cock is harder than ever and I want it. Somehow I want everything he can give me.

“I know, boy. You’ll take more than you can imagine. Spread your cheeks for me.”

I don’t even hesitate. I lean down onto my face and reach back. I spread my cheeks for him, my thighs tensing as I await the first blow to my hole.

“Hungry little slut.” He sounds so fucking smug.

I almost let go of my asscheeks just to show him that I can. But I want what he’s about to give me, so I don’t.

The first slap is huge, wicked, burning me deep inside. His fingers feel enormous as they swat my hole. Big and hot and hard, hitting me over and over. “Beg me for more.”

“No!” I can’t. I just can’t.

“You can. And you will.” The hitting has stopped and he breathes on my ass, blows against my hole. “Beg me, boy. I want to hear the need in your voice as you ask me to keep hitting your hot little hole.”

He waits, acting like he has forever, like he has all the time in the world. Every now and then, he blows on my ass, the air warm against my hole and it makes me shiver. He rests his hands on my calves. They’re so big and I want them slapping my hole again. How fucking sick is that? I don’t even care though. I just want it.


“Please what, baby boy?”

Asshole! “Don’t stop.”

“Almost but not quite. I want to hear you beg for more. Specifically for me to keep swatting your hole. I know you can do it.” His voice is like honey, sliding over my skin. “I know that you need it, the burn, the buzz.”

“I do. What have you done to me?”

“Helped you get in touch with your true self.” He blows against my hole again, making me shiver in the best way. “Now beg me to swat your hole until you scream.”

I want to hide my face, but my hands are full with my own ass. “Please. Swat my hole.”

Get it over with.

“How long for?” He swats it once more, and I can feel each and every one of his fingers. “Once?” He swats again. “Twice?” He drums his fingers against my hole now and it isn’t enough. It isn’t nearly enough.


He chuckles and the sound is deep and dark. “Too late. Try again.”

“Until I scream!”

“Come on, baby boy. Put it all together for me. As much as you need me to keep going, I need to hear you really beg me to do it.” He scrapes my ass with his fingernails, leaving trails of fire behind.

“Please! Just do it, you asshole! Make me scream! Hit my hole!”

“You need lessons in begging, baby boy.” Despite his words, he hits my hole again and then again, gradually developing a rhythm that’s making me fucking ache like I never have before. A burn settles deep in my body as he hits my pucker over and over. “Look at you swell, so pretty.”

It shouldn’t make me want so much—those things he’s saying, but I do. Goddammit, I want him to think I’m hot, that I’m sexy and desirable like I’m some needy little twink who begs constantly.

“You’re going to be my baby boy. You and your sweet little body that begs for stretch and pain and pleasure.”

I shake my head, but the gesture is automatic—without me even thinking about it. I don’t want to think about it. I don’t want to think about what it’s going to say about me. I close my eyes and concentrate on the sensations in my ass. I want to feel, I want everything he says he’s going to do to me, and I don’t want to have to think about it.

“Once you’re crimson, I’ll plug you and redden your buttocks, make you cry and come.”

Oh god. I can’t even shake my head because I can’t keep lying to myself, and every second that he does things to me, I want them more. I sob once.

“Mmm. More, hmm?” He starts snapping his fingers faster.

Fuck. Fuck. I’m rocking back into each swat, my body still begging even if my mouth isn’t.

“Sweet slut. Begging for me. You need me like you need breathing, don’t you?”

I don’t know how to answer that because this is flipping my whole world view on its head. This isn’t who I am, yet I have never wanted anything like I want this. I just moan and push back harder, the ache in my ass turning into a burn, and I still want more.

“You are special, aren’t you?”

A volley of slaps falls, and I scream, my hands losing their grip.

“There’s my scream. I knew you had it in you.” He doesn’t give me any quarter, plunging one of his big fingers into me, spreading lube around.


“Now you’re going to stretch, wide.”

I groan and shake my head.

“Starting your training. Getting this sweet little hole of yours ready for my mighty cock.”

The finger inside me is wide, thick, so hot.

“Such a tight little hole. We’re going to have such a good time training it. Gonna spend days, weeks, months working you open.” He fucks me with that finger, and I become intimate with just how big it is. “I’ll stretch you wide; then when I’ve wrecked your tiny hole, we’ll start all over again.”

Start all over again? I don’t believe it works like that. You can’t take a club like the one he’s got and come out a virgin again. “It’s a one-way ticket,” I tell him. And much as I hate to admit it, I totally want to go on the journey.

“Oh, I have tricks you haven’t even begun to see.” He sounds so sure, so wicked.

Shivers run through me, and if I’m honest with myself, I know they’re from excitement. His finger pings off my gland and a jolt goes through my entire body. Oh god. Oh, fuck.

“Mmm…you want more, my slut?”

“Not a slut!”

“You are for me.”

Well. I’m not sure what to say to that because he might just be right.

“If you want more, all you have to do is ask for it. No, not ask. Beg. I will always want to hear you begging. It’s a good point to remember.”

“Stop it.”

“Stop?” He stills, fingertip just resting inside me.

I whimper, my body pushing back, trying to get more of the finger-fucking. More of something, anything. “Please,” I finally beg. “Please I need more.”

“So you didn’t mean it when you told me to stop.” His chuckles slide along my spine to settle in my balls.

“No. I didn’t mean it. Please. More. You promised.”

“I did say I would open you up, didn’t I? Get you ready for your first training plug.” He continues to thrust with his finger, to open me up.

I swallow. What is two fingers going to feel like?

“I’ll show you.” The second finger burns, all the way in, and I spread my thighs wider, trying to make room. “Feels necessary, doesn’t it? You need my fingers inside you like you need your next breath.” He chuckles softly. “You’ll always need to be full soon. You’ll ache to have all your holes filled.”

I shake my head at that craziness. It can’t be real. This can’t be real. The thick fingers inside me say it is. It really is.

“Have faith.” He spreads his fingers and I cry out, my reddened hole throbbing. Then he hits my gland, hard, like he’s put all his strength behind the touch.

Something huge and cold and smooth touches my hole, and those fingers are still there, spreading me, stretching me. I freeze up, every single muscle. My fingers and toes curl, my back arches, and I just hold everything, including my breath.

“This is the littlest one you’ll take, baby boy.”

Little? This thing is not little. I groan as it pushes into me, the tip stretching me wider than I ever have been.

“You’re learning why I call it training, aren’t you, boy?”

“It won’t fit.” Sweat pops up along my spine. God, it feels so big.

“Of course it will. It’s the smallest one. It’s nowhere near the size of my cock.” He pushes harder, and the burn as it goes into me is magnificent. “You’re made for this, baby boy. You’re made to open up and take it.”

It’s like he has a direct line to my soul, to things even I didn’t know I wanted. The plug pushes in and in, and it feels like it’s never going to be all the way in. When my hole snaps around the base, I scream, the sensations overwhelming. I can’t believe I haven’t shot yet. Maybe because it’s been too intense. Is that possible? I don’t know.

“Maybe it’s because I haven’t given you permission yet.”

What the fuck? I don’t wait for permission. Still, that’s one of the hottest things I’ve heard all day, and this day has been nothing but hot things.

“Now, you have to drape yourself over my lap, baby boy. Time for your spanking.”

I shake my head. No. No more. I can’t do this. My body is already on fire. Nobody has ever spanked me. Nobody has ever tried.

I cry out as he drags me over and settles me on his lap. My cock, leaking so much I may not have any come left in my balls at this point, settles between his massive thighs. He squeezes them together, squishing my cock in the most amazing vise.

“Fuck!” My head slams back like he’s already fucking me.

“No, spank.” His enormous hand comes down on my ass and it covers both cheeks. Both damn cheeks. I’m suddenly on fire, trying to pull away, and I can’t. Every movement shifts my cock between his legs, adding fuel to the fire he’s causing.

His next blow focuses on my crease, on the plug splitting me. It’s driven into my gland and more pre-come trickles out of me. Every time I think it can’t get any more intense, it does. He’s making me feel things I never thought possible.

“This is the beginning, baby boy.” Another blow lands, then more, and I’m twisting, sobbing on his lap.

“I’ll let you come soon. Until then, you can fly.” He keeps hitting my ass, spanking me solidly.

“Going home. Going to leave and never come back!”

He chuckles. “You’ll be back. You’ll be back and begging me to continue your training.” Every word comes with another swat. “Then you’ll offer to be mine, forever.”

“No fucking way.” This guy is crazy. This whole place is crazy. Maybe I’m crazy because I’m not trying to get away.

“Forever, baby boy. I swear to you.” The next blow steals my breath away.

I shake my head, but his swats have me driving back, then forward again, my cock throbbing between his legs. I’m so close—I’ve been close from the start.

“Do you want my permission to shoot?”

“I—” I don’t need it, do I? The truth is that I should have come several times over and I haven’t. Maybe I am waiting for it. “Yes.” The word gasps from me, the truth.

“Yes what?”

“Yes please!”

“Yes, please what?”

Goddamn him!

“You motherfucking asshole! You’re making me crazy!”

“I know.” He sounds so smug and sure. “Ask me properly, or you won’t sit for a month.”

I close my mouth shut tight. I’m not going to ask him to let me come. I’m not. I can come on my own. I hump his legs, sawing my cock between them.

“You can’t, baby. That’s mine now.”

That’s crazy, and I hump faster, harder, determined to come. One sob after another leaves me as I try to orgasm. He keeps spanking me, and I can’t bear it, not for another second. “Help me! Please!”

“You know what you have to say, baby boy.”

I sob again, but I know what I have to do. “Please. Please, let me come.”

“Let me come, Master,” he encourages.

“Please, let me come, Master.”

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Please!” I scream the word, more than a little desperate.

The plug is jolted and I’m shooting, the world going gray. I’ve never shot for so long, and it’s never felt like this before, like it’s necessary. I collapse, panting.

He pats my ass, then hauls me up, cradling me against his chest. I rest against him, utterly exhausted, my body pulsing around the plug in my ass.

“Stubborn baby boy. You take so long to learn.”

I’m too tired to argue, too tired to do anything but remain curled up in his arms. My eyes close and despite my claim that I was going to leave and never come back, I slowly fall asleep.