Taking the Knot by Sean Michael

Chapter Seven

Ilet him go because my pet was not yet ready to stay. I have every confidence he will be back and we will continue our journey together. He will not be able to resist my lure for long.

Of course it’s been nearly a week and I’m getting looks from the others. Some sympathetic, some smug. There are a number of my fellow members who would love for me to fail in my quest for my pet. I ignore them. They would have me break Matt down, force him into submission.

I know better. I know that encouraging and enticing him to take the role of submissive is far more satisfying. It is there at his core and I only have to tap into it. It will take longer of course, but the thrill of the chase brings a satisfaction of its own.

I enter the dining hall to find Barun there with his boy in his lap, writhing as Barun feeds him one morsel after another. Barun smiles as he sees me.

“Blaze, my friend. Join us.” He sighs softly when I do. “Your pet is not with you.”

“Not yet, no.”

“He will come around eventually. He will not be able to resist you forever,” Barun assures me.

“I don’t know.” Barun’s pet curls against his chest. “Matt is very stubborn.”

I grin and laugh, happiness going through me. “That, boy, is a large part of his appeal. I have no desire for a pet who rolls immediately onto his back to present his belly. We will both be winners of this war when he finally accepts his role as mine.” I know that won’t be the end of it. I need more than acceptance. I need him to crave me. To beg for my possession. His heart must fight his instincts. He must allow himself to be taken, to need, and to voice that need to me.

“I knew my pet had friends who belonged here.” Barun strokes his pet, making the man arch and moan. The jewels in his nipples and in his cock catch the light and shine. My pet will shine brighter, of course, but I can admire Barun and his pet together.

Two more demons enter, their pets clinging to them. The pheromones are strong in here and I feed off them as much as the food that sits on the table. Anticipation rides me. Today could be the day that my pet returns to beg me to take him. My knot throbs, aching for the relief only his touch can bring me.

Patience is not my strong suit, but my pet is stubborn and strong, and I will have to continue to find that trait in myself in order to win him.

“No pet today?” Artrian enters the room, as alone as I, and yet full of attitude. He isn’t looking for a permanent pet. He only enjoys the act of breaking them. Watching him work is a lesson in how not to do things.

I don’t give an answer.

“You really should learn how to break him in properly. From a master.” Artrian is the smuggest of my detractors.

“Like yourself?” I make it clear in my words that I hold contempt for that idea.

“I haven’t had a single pet who left once I had my claws in him,” Artrian points out.

“And yet you’re alone here today.”

Artrian snorts, smoke rising from his nostrils. “That’s because I used my last one up just this morning. Another will be along soon to replace him. Perhaps the boy Barun’s pet brought in, as you can’t seem to keep him.”

I know he is baiting me, but I rise to it anyway, snarling at Artrian. “You will not touch him. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. He is mine.”

“But if you can’t keep him…”

I lunge across the table. The fight will release some of my tension and it will feel good to leave cuts and bruises on Artrian. I pour all my energies into it. My pet deserves nothing less than my best defense of him.