Taking the Knot by Sean Michael

Chapter Eight

Ifind myself standing outside the building again, hard and aching, lonely for Blaze’s touch, his attention.

It’s been a week. A week of aching, of needing, of thinking about him.

I keep coming back to thinking I’m not a sub, but this ache is trying to tell me otherwise.

Even if I’m not, I need him. I want to be with him.


I finally go through the doors and head for the elevator. I can already feel him, like sparkles around me that tingle as they land.

He’s buzzing in the back of my mind, singing to me. I don’t understand why he’s so irresistible, but he is. I want him to hold me in his arms. I want to feel the solidness of his muscles against me. I want to feel that knot at the base of his magnificent cock and be both thrilled and terrified at the thought of it—and his entire cock—inside me.

The elevator doors open with a chime, the car empty, beckoning me in.

“I need this,” I whisper, and I climb in and press thirteen. “Help me, but I do.”

As I say the words, a warmth comes over me, like a blanket, or the arm of someone warm, bigger than me, someone who cares. I look around, but I’m alone in the elevator.

It’s him. I know it is. I would know him anywhere. “I’m coming.”

I know he hears me, that he understands. And I know he’s waiting for me in his rooms. I just know it.

They let me in without question and no one stops me. They just let me go, and soon I’m hurrying to find him. There are so many doors along the corridor, and each looks exactly like the other. I know which one belongs to him, though, and I make for it unerringly.

I knock, praying that he lets me in. I want him. I want his arms.

“Come in, pet. Come to my bed.” His voice is deeper than I remember, and it’s a caress against my nerves. He wants me to come to him.

I step inside, and he’s right there, a shadow, waiting for me. He opens his arms and it’s almost embarrassing how quickly I fly into them. Almost, because there is no one here but him and me, and we both want this. We both revel in it.

“Baby boy.” He holds me, tongue sliding over my skin, my neck.

I shiver at the sensation, and I’m not going to argue over what he calls me. The touch and the lick intensify my need, but at the same time, I know the ache I’ve been carrying all week will be assuaged.

I hold him, my hands sliding over his arms, his huge shoulders. I need to feel this, to hold us together.

He hums and growls softly, rubbing our cheeks together. “I knew you would come back to me.”

“I needed you.” Simple as that.

“I know. I’m glad that you know it too.” He taps my ass. “All of you.”

I squirm, but in the end, I push back against his touch. I want more. I want more.

“Mmm…my baby boy. Yes. Show me how eager you are.”

I whimper and rub against him as vigorously as I can. God, I need him so badly.

“Pretty little slut. You left my rings in. Did anyone notice?”

I did leave them in. I wasn’t going to, but I couldn’t bear to take them out. They were a gift from Blaze and they link us. “Nobody noticed.” I didn’t wear anything where they would.

“Too bad. I want everyone to know you’ve been claimed.”

A shiver works its way through me. I both love and hate the idea.

He reaches out and tugs one of the rings, twisting it in my flesh. I cry out and buck toward him. I want him so badly. This is exactly what I needed.

I need him to make me burn, to fill me, to take me.

“Soon, baby boy. Your training to take me is not over yet. In fact, we’ll have to start with a step below where we were last week because it’s been too long.”

Is he punishing me for having left? For waiting so long to come back?

“I’m not punishing you, Matt. If I was, I’d simply force myself on you. That’s not what either of us want. I am building you back up to it.”

His words make me sigh, make me moan deep in my chest. I shouldn’t have left.

“You needed to go so that you could come back of your own free will.”

“I’m here now.” Hopefully that is enough.

“You are. And you’ll stay this time. You’ll finish your training. You’ll take my cock, ride me.”

“Yes.” The words seem weighted with importance.

“Yes, indeed.” He brings our mouths together, and I cry out into the kiss, reveling in him, in these touches, in this thing between us. I reach up to stroke his hair, finding…horns. They are horns.

I had forgotten somehow. But now I can feel them, and I begin rubbing them, stroking them. He moans for me, and I feel his sizable cock growing bigger. A rush of power and need sizzles through me, and I keep stroking, jacking off his horns.

He brings me close and rubs me against him, our bodies sliding together. “Don’t stop.” The order is sure, his need necessary.

“No. No, I won’t.” I swear.

I love that I’m affecting him. I love that my touch is making him harder, making him need. His fingers drag over my skin, making me burn for more. My own hands slow as he distracts me with that pleasure, but I take a breath and force myself to focus, to keep working his horns no matter how good his touch is. I want to make him need me as badly as I need him.

“I do need you, baby boy. More than you can imagine.” He moans for me, low, sweet. Erotic and deep.

I like knowing that. Not being alone in this crazy need.

“Never alone. Never again.” He takes my lips, kissing me so deeply that I forget to breathe. It doesn’t seem to matter, soon there are sparkles in front of my eyes and they just make everything better. Then he breathes into me and my lungs are finally full again.

I cling to him, my entire world off center. “Master.”

He purrs, the sound all pleasure. “My perfect pet.”

This time, I don’t want to run.

He smiles, offering me a stroke to my cock. “Will you wear my collars, pet?”

Oh god. That’s huge.

“I think I’ve said before that god has nothing to do with this place.”

“Always listening.”

“I am. You think very loudly.” He hums softly, then tugs my rings, twists them, and turns them, making me arch and push into him. Fuck, he plays me like a maestro.

“Fuck is better,” he says and laughs. The laughter is low and deep, echoing into my soul.

He lays me on the bed and follows me down, pressing his hard, muscled body against me.

“Yes. Better. Please.” I want him like no one else. Ever.

“I feel the same. You aren’t just another fuck for me.” He bites my lips, my chin, my jaw. “You’re mine.”

His words make me moan, and his bites make me buck. I am putty in his hands, and I want him to mold me. Big-time.

“Are you ready to stretch for me, pet? Ride a new cock?”

I’m not even going to prevaricate. I want it. “Yes. Please. Now.” I turn onto my belly and draw my knees under me, offering him my ass. Shaking it at him.

I feel like a slut, and there’s something…freeing about it.

His hand comes down on my ass, swatting me hard, my skin burning where he hit. I rock forward, not sure whether to run or not.

“You know you don’t want to run, not deep down inside where it counts, where nobody is watching. Live like you don’t care what anyone else thinks.” His words are accompanied by more swats.

“No more—” I spread wider, my balls swinging. I want this. I want more.

“Are you sure you don’t want more?” He’s always pushing me, making me say things I don’t want to say out loud, that I don’t even want to say to myself.

I don’t speak; I focus on feeling everything he’s giving me.

The swats stop, and he doesn’t fill me, he doesn’t do anything. “Is this the no more that you wanted?”

No. No, it doesn’t matter what I want. I know what I need.

“Now you’re beginning to understand, baby boy.” He’s practically purring, and I know he’s pleased, happy with me, and that shouldn’t affect me as much as it does, but yeah, it does.

“Help me? Please?”

“Tell me what you need and I’ll help you.”

I don’t know. I need to understand what’s inside me, what I crave.

“Fair enough, baby boy. I’m going to tan your ass—make you burn, and then we’ll use the next-size-up plug, let you wear it for the day to stretch you out some more.” His voice is deep and full of happiness. He wants to do this.

He wants me.

“Can I stay?”

He stills, his nostrils flaring. “You want to stay? For how long?”

“I want to be with you. Always.” As the words fly out of my mouth, I know they’re true.

He gathers me up and holds me tight against his massive chest. “Mine.” The word is little more than a growl, but it echoes through me.

“Master. Yours. Please.”

He nods and holds me for a moment longer, and I swear I can feel the emotions running through him. Then he shifts me, lies me on my stomach over his legs, and begins spanking me again, each jolt going through my whole body. His hand feels huge over my ass, rocking me brutally, and I… How can I crave it?

But I do and I’ve asked him to stay—no begged him to stay here with him, to learn more of this and to train my body to take him. To be his.

He spreads my cheeks with one big hand and swats his fingers against my hole.

“Master!” I squeal, my entire body lit up, on fire.

He continues to swat me there, concentrating the burn on my hole. It feels like he’s been holding back before, as if now that I’ve asked to stay and called him master he’s free to really let loose on my ass. It’s scary as fuck, but at the same time, I’m so turned on I just might spontaneously combust, for real.

“You vow you’re mine? You surrender your will to me?” Each word is punctuated by a swat.

I don’t want to say yes. I don’t consider myself a bottom. But nobody has ever given me what I need. No one has ever made me feel this way.

“Boy!” He swats me even harder. “I’m waiting for your answer.”

“Yes! Yes, I’m yours! Yours! Please.” I’m on fire—from my balls to my aching hole.

“Perfect.” The word crashes like thunder around me, and his swats get impossibly harder. I revel in each and every one, knowing they’re bringing me closer to being filled.

I’m screaming out for him, begging him for more, for everything.

He hears me and pushes two of his huge fingers into me, fucking me with them. It’s hard and fast and somehow still not enough.

“I want your cock, Master!” My voice is a roar.

“When you’re ready.” His fingers push into my gland, hitting it hard.

His words from our first meeting come back to me. “You’ll crave being filled. Every hole will be full always.”

And goddamn him, but I want it.

“I keep telling you god has nothing to do with it, boy.” His fingers disappear, coming back a moment later with a friend. Three of his fingers are bigger than the girth of most men’s pricks.

I spread wider, desperate to make room. He finds a rhythm. It’s fast and it’s hard and it’s not quite enough, but I ride it, reveling in how full I am and knowing more is coming.

“Yes. This is half my knot. I’m going to stretch your hole to take me.”

Oh fuck, yes! I want that knot. I have since I first saw it.

“Slutty baby boy. You want every inch, don’t you?”

“Yes.” I do. I want every single damned inch.

“And you want my knot most of all, don’t you?”

I can’t speak, so I nod instead.

He pulls his fingers out and swats my ass a few more times. “Ready for the plug, baby boy?”

“Yes!” No more hitting!

“You love it when I make you burn.” He swats me a few more times, as if to prove his point.

Then—finally—he sets this huge plug at my ass. It’s not as big as he is, but it’s pretty fucking big. Clearly he’s changed his mind about backing down a size and the thought makes me shiver with pleasure. He presses the huge thing against my hole, not quite pushing it in. I gasp, my body clenching tight-tight.

“You’re going to have to take it in. Prove to me how much you want it.”

I whimper, but I lean back, trying to take it.

“Push harder, baby boy. Like you really want to.”

“I am. I’m trying!” There’s a huge pole at my asshole, begging to get in.

“I’ll give you a bit of help.” He puts more pressure on the plug, then he grabs my hip in one hand and pulls me back, hard. The head of the plug slides into me in a rush, so fucking big.

I cry out, teeth bared, my entire body shaking with sensation.

He doesn’t stop there, he keeps pushing, sending the plug deep, and then fucking deeper. Impossibly deeper, and yet I open up for it, just like I open up my throat for his enormous cock.

“I can’t…”

“You are. My good boy.” His voice is like a drug. The words of praise are what keep me coming back for more, for trying the impossible. And somehow, it’s never quite impossible with him.

He makes me twist, and I writhe on the plug, rocking and spreading myself until I can barely breathe.

“Almost there, boy.”

I shake my head. No way. I can’t take a single bit more.

He laughs, the sound deep and hearty, and it sends shivers all through my body. Then he presses and the damn thing goes deeper, my ass opening as much as he demands.

I scream—not in pain, but in need—and he laughs in return, the sound thick and hot and good.

“I’m right here with you, boy. You’ll never face any of this alone. We’re doing this together.” He keeps pushing the plug in deeper.

“Never alone.” Those words sound like a promise.

“You are mine. Mine.” He growls the words, sending the most amazing shivers through me. He pulls the plug partway out, too, and slams it back into me.

My body closes around the base, my teeth clicking together as I fight to adjust. “Yes!”

He strokes my back and I swear I can feel his pleasure at my submission in the touches. “Such a good boy. You need magnificently.”

“I—so full.” It aches, deep in my belly.

“Not as full as you will be when you take my knot. You’ll need the next-sized plug first. But we’ll let you get used to this one, wear it for a while. I want to watch you walk with it in you.” He’s purring as he says the words and he rubs his huge pole along my asscheek, then the other, and he nudges the plug inside me with it, jostling it.

Walk? There’s no way I’m walking with this in me. No way.

“I’m going to put a jeweled plug in your slit and attach a leash to your cock, show you off.” He looks so pleased with himself, so rotten.

He leans over me, his amazing cock sliding along my lower back, hotter than any brand could ever be. “I am a demon, you know. And you are my consort. Some level of rottenness is expected.”

“I’ve… Some level. Yes. I guess.” And the thought is delicious. Asshole.

He laughs, sounding absolutely delighted. “You’ll learn to crave my wickedness, boy.”

I’m not sure about that, but I’m in, so it doesn’t matter.

“Tell me you want me to fill your cock. I want to hear you beg for it. I want to hear how you’ve been yearning for it ever since you saw your friend’s filled and caged prick. How the one I used the last time you were here was too small, that you didn’t get to watch it going in.”

“I—” I shake my head, but it’s true. Don’s prick had fascinated me and wearing the little one Blaze put inside me last time had been a revelation.

“I won’t do it unless I hear you ask for it. You’ll stay empty and needy. And that would be a real shame.” He nibbles along the back of my neck, and it’s not quite tickling and it doesn’t quite hurt, but it does light up all the nerves along my spine. “It’s going to feel like your ass does—like you cannot forget it, like my will is heavy and undeniable and inside you.”

Oh, fuck. “Please…”

“That’s so close, boy. But I’m going to need to hear the words.” He’s such an asshole, but he turns me on so much with the things he says and the things he does.

His thumbnail slides over my slit, making it burn. “Be quick, boy, or I’ll use a sliver of ginger, set your world on fire.”

What? Was that a thing? No way. I shake my head. “No way. No way.” It totally bears repeating.

“Yes, way. It’ll be delicious, so I’m hoping you keep stalling instead of begging me for it. Should I count you down?”



“No, don’t!” I try to kiss him quiet.

He pulls my tongue in and sucks vigorously, and still manages somehow to say “nine.”

Evil ass. He makes me insane.

“Am I counting down another number?” he asks once he ends the kiss.

“N-no. No, please.” Fuck, why can’t I control myself?

“Then beg for me to fill your cock slit, boy.”

I squeeze my eyes closed. I can’t do this. I cannot. I hear someone—not me, because I can’t, right?—say, “Please, Master. Fill me.”

“Fill what part of you?” he asks. Goddamn it!

“M-my slit.”

He gives a triumphant, demonic roar. “Yes. I will do as you ask.”

Everything inside me shivers, but I’m not leaving. I stay here. It’s where I want to be, deep down.

He pulls me up, sitting me facing away from him on his lap, and I’m reminded again how big he is. I’m also reminded just how big the behemoth inside me is. Every movement I make jostles it inside me. I think he’s moving me more than needed, too, just to make it happen.

“Let me have that sweet little cock.” He grabs me, jacking me with a hard hand.

I’m not small, but compared to him, I am. And it sends shivers through me, when he calls me boy, calls me small.

“Gonna fill you so you can’t come. Fill you so you look pretty, all decorated for me.”

I groan softly, and my traitorous prick throbs. No fair. I’m not ready for this, yet I’m aching for it. I’ve wanted it ever since the first one he put in me was taken out.

He grabs a slender piece of metal with a purple jewel on top and offers it to me. “Take a look. See what’s going to be inside you. It’s made of gold—only the best for my pet.”

“It won’t fit.” There is no way. It’s so much bigger than the other one.

“It’s tiny—of course it’ll fit.” He sounds so sure. “Now if it were the size of the one in your ass, then you might be right.”

His sense of humor is still surprising. I never thought he’d make me laugh, but he does.

He pats my belly and my cock, as if in approval for my chuckles, then whispers in my ear, “I want you to help with this part.”

That isn’t part of the deal. “Help?”

“Hold your cock for me, make an o of your slit so I can fuck you with the penis plug, so I can fill you with it.”

“Oh fuck.”

“Yes, boy. Exactly.” He pops my prick. “Offer me your slit. If you’re quick, I’ll use lube.”

I’m not sure I’ve ever moved so fast to grab my cock. I wrap my fingers around it and squeeze, watching as my slit makes the right shape for him.

He hums. “Oh yes, very nice. My best baby boy.”

I lean back into him, groaning softly.

“I want you to watch while I do this.” He just keeps pushing.

I’m not going to watch. I can’t. He won’t know if I don’t.

He rumbles, the sound vibrating from his chest against my back. “Watch, boy.”

“I hate you!” I’ve never needed anyone so much.

“I know.” He doesn’t seem the least bit upset or put out by my words. “Look at your cock. You didn’t see it happen last time. This will make it real.”

My attention is drawn down, and there’s nothing I can do about it.

It’s more swollen and redder tipped than ever before—proof of just how turned on I am. My slit is gaping open like a slut, just waiting for him to do what he’s going to do.

“That’s my good baby boy.” He pulls out a metal device that looks like a huge syringe and presses the very tip into my cock, pressing the plunger.

Cold lube—at least I assume that it’s lube—fills my cock. It makes me scream, not from pain but from the unexpected coldness. He pats my prick.


“Evil. Cold. So cold.”

He chuckles and it shifts me against him, the plug in my ass jostling around some more. Fuck. So damn good.

“The penis plug will be cold too. It’ll eventually warm up from your body heat though.”

“Can’t you warm it?” He’s burning up, after all.

“Why would I do that? The contrast is half the fun, boy.”

“Not comforting,” I push back, because it shouldn’t be this damn easy for him.

He growls back at me. “Need and desire haven’t got a single thing to do with comfort.”

“They could!” I wrap my arms around myself, holding on.

He puts his hand on my shoulder, and it’s the warmest thing I’ve ever felt, and somehow just that touch is a comfort. “Hand back around your prick, baby boy. You know you want this.”

I nod, and I force myself to move, and it’s worth it when he hums. “My good boy.” I can hear it in his voice that he means it, that I’ve made him happy with my actions.

Then he takes the… thing he’s going to put inside me and holds it at my slit.

“Please, it won’t fit.”

“You’ll stretch, boy.” He slides the tip of it into me. It’s cold and foreign and hard, but it’s his will.

I squeeze my eyes closed, panting hard with the pressure, the pure sensation flooding me. He takes the plug away, then returns it to my slit, just the tip of it sliding in again. Then he repeats it one more time.

“You’re supposed to be watching, Matt.”

I know, but it feels like my eyelids are so heavy, like it would take everything I have to open them.

“You can do it, boy. Just open your eyes and look.” He keeps teasing the outside lips of my slit with the tip of the metal, touching them again and again. Waiting for me to look before continuing.

“I’m trying.”

“I know.” He growls and nuzzles my temple. “Such a good boy.”

That makes it easier somehow, and I look down and then force my eyes to open. I only get them slitted open, but it’s enough to see the metal as the tip of it goes into my slit and it makes me catch my breath.

“That’s my good boy. Now we can continue.” Saying that, he pushes the metal in so about a half an inch of it disappears into my cock.

It burns, but it doesn’t tear, doesn’t hurt. And he’s right, watching makes it different from last time. Makes it real.

He pulls it out before dropping it back in again, sending it a little farther this time, but only a very little bit. This inching pace is going to kill me.

I find myself leaning back hard, the motions almost hypnotizing me. My tension fades, and I can feel his will, all around me.

He purrs. “Oh, yes, baby boy. It feels so good, doesn’t it? To lean on me, to give in to my will and let me have you.”

“Yes. Yes, Master.” I feel like there is nothing else in the world.

He continues to tease the metal down the inside of my shaft, but it’s no longer scary, no longer awful. It’s just huge and wonderful and what he wants. I watch as it goes deeper and deeper inside me.

Every nerve feels lit up, sensation after sensation joining together to form a huge ball of pleasure.

This should hurt. It should be foreign and weird and gross. Instead, it feels utterly amazing—like nothing I’ve ever felt before, but I’m loving it.

Finally, he lets the thing go and it slides the last of the way in, stopped by the purple jewel at the tip. “Oh, isn’t that lovely?” He purrs softly, dragging his hand over my shaft.

Every touch sends sparks through me. They seem to start at my cocktip and work their way through me to settle in my balls.

“Now you’re all decorated for me. For my will.”

What can I say? I am. And what’s more, I’m loving it. I’m loving having my ass fuller than I can imagine, and my cock filled, which I had never imagined before meeting him.

I’m soaring, and I don’t understand it, and I don’t have to. He’s got me.

His hands are moving on me, warming the rest of my skin so I feel as hot all over as I do in my ass and cock. He’s like my own personal furnace.

How am I going to survive this?

I lean my head back for a kiss, begging him for the connection. He gives it immediately, his tongue invading my mouth, sweeping through. He tastes so damn good. Necessary.

The kiss leaves me empty and wrung out, and I want to curl up with him, sleep.

He turns me so I’m in his lap fully and against his chest. It jiggles the plug in my ass, but it only feels good, not startling or too much.

“I’ve got you, baby boy.”

“Thank you.” Please, I need to close my eyes.I haven’t slept in days, the pull of this place all I could focus on, at work, at home, at the gym, everywhere and anywhere.

“Then rest. You need to get used to the size of the plug inside you after all. Once you’ve napped, we’ll go eat so I can show you off, all decorated for me.”

I nod, because he’s holding me and giving me what I need. I’d agree to anything.

I think I already have.