Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 17



After an unhurried morning alone upstairs, Andrei and I go downstairs, and I glare at the front door when we reach the main hall. That imposing door will only keep the world out if it remains shut.


Peevishly, I wait for Dmitri to burst into the mansion and seek out Andrei, as usual, for some emergency or the other. I eye the door, waiting for him to appear, holding up his phone with an urgent text. And then they’ll speak in Russian to keep me in the dark and disappear into the office.


But it doesn’t happen.


Did Andrei threaten everyone so they’d leave us alone today?


Morning gives way to a serene afternoon as Andrei and I walk toward the gardens. The garden offers no privacy with its low hedges and flower beds—there’s nothing that grows higher than one’s waist. Nothing that will block the view of the house to the surrounding woods.


I look for Natasha behind the garage, but she’s nowhere in sight. I guess she has something to do elsewhere, and my shoulders relax, knowing the dirty business in the garage isn’t happening today. I can’t believe how many times I stood behind it with her, clueless about what went on inside.


“I’ve never roamed the entirety of the grounds before,” I laugh, holding Andrei’s hand. “But I’ve certainly tried.”


“Then come.” Andrei pulls me toward the sweeping lawn. “Let’s explore, as long as you promise not to run from me.”


“I promise,” I tease him back. But I can’t imagine leaving here. I’ve never had that thought before.


We walk toward the perimeter of the property, along the edge of the woods, and I admire the mansion from a distance. I’ve never noticed the immense size of the impressive brick structure isolated on a grassy slope. Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run except for one place. My gaze sweeps over to the maze, the only obstruction in view, and I hope Eva doesn’t suddenly appear.


I pull Andrei forward, turning our backs to the house. “What’s in the woods?” I ask.


His eyes darken, and I wish I hadn’t asked. “It’s not safe in there, Paige,” he answers. “The woods are dangerous and conceal things that can hurt or kill. Even I avoid walking through them.”


Andrei gives me a stern look and walks off as I try to peer through the canopy of leaves. I can make out rough terrain that looks deceptively inviting in the soft light of the afternoon sun. The breeze rustles the leaves and carries a sweet, earthy smell with it. Birds sing from the branches like a siren’s song, but I’ve been fooled before.


I want to know what’s hidden, but at the same time, I’m afraid of what I might find. I turn away and catch up to Andrei, linking my arm in his.


“It sounds as if you could be talking about yourself,” I reply lightly. A part of me will always be drawn to Andrei, despite his secrets.


He smiles, pleased that I’ve listened for a change. “Why go into the woods when we have a comfortable house?”


We continue to walk, circling the mansion, when I notice an attached garage with double doors on the far side of the building. In front of the doors is a driveway that disappears behind a low, overgrown gate many yards away. I had wondered where they kept the hundreds of Rovers his guards drive.


“Did you ever get your car back?” I ask as we head toward the doors.


Andrei shakes his head, looking unconcerned. “Talia can keep it. If she did return it, I’m sure she would’ve added a tracking device or a bomb.”


He laughs, but I don’t join in. Andrei smiles at my somber reaction and places a kiss on my cheek. “Come. I’ll show you my latest toy.”


The dim interior of the garage is pleasantly cool compared to the outdoors. It’s definitely not like other people’s garages, at least the ones I know. No clutter of unwanted household items or dust bunnies hidden in the corners. The blackened Rovers are lined up in neat rows like a showroom.


Off by itself is a silver Lamborghini that glows in the dim light. The light that reflects off its sleek lines makes it look as if it’s in motion. I move my hand along it, admiring the smooth, clean surface. Andrei touches a keypad on the driver’s door, and the headlights flash as the engine hums to a quick start.


He opens the passenger door. “Let’s take a drive.”


Though he warned me not to go into the woods, we drive through the low gate and into the woods, leaving the safety of the mansion behind us. The woods obscure a narrow road, but we’re still on his land. The car winds along the twisting road, and I look out my window at the view. To my right, there’s a small clearing where the grass sprouts through the dark soil. I turn my head and look straight ahead.


“How big is the property?” I ask.


“Seventy acres,” he replies. “Every time you tried to run, I was worried you would get lost in the woods, not that you would get away.”


Andrei stops the car in a clearing near the wall that encircles the property. I didn’t realize we had driven up an incline, and when we get out of the car, the house is visible below us in the distance. A dirt trail disappears in a sea of dense foliage, waving gently in the breeze. Maybe the trail leads to the house, and I think about Eva and her secret lover.


As for myself, I realize that escaping the mansion would’ve been impossible. Instead, I wonder how long I will remain after everything is done. I don’t dare mention the hidden money, not that I understand it completely.


Andrei stares at the same view; his dark hair shines more brown than black under sunlight. He stands tall, his hands on his hips and his shirt buttons undone, giving me a tantalizing peek at his chest. I don’t know why all of a sudden, I feel shy to look at him. We’ve been through a lot; I’m carrying his baby, yet I feel more timid than ever at how attractive he is. I sneak peeks as if it would be shameful to be caught.


“What are you thinking?” he asks suddenly.


“I used to call you Mr. Fucking Gorgeous in my head.” My cheeks heat as I confess.


Laughing, Andrei approaches me, and I don’t know where to look.


“Why so shy all of a sudden?” He places a kiss on my cheek and pulls me into his powerful arms.


“I think this is the first time we’ve ever been romantic and nothing bad has happened,” I reply. “No bodyguards keeping an eye on us, no cars chasing us down the highway, no drama. Just us.”


“We’re actually all alone for a change,” he whispers. “You needn’t be shy around me, Paige.”


I’m not shy. I’m holding back. If I admit what I really want from Andrei, I might have to leave him.


His big hands move down my back as he pulls me tight against his body. His expression darkens, but it’s not threatening. I don’t feel threatened. Instead, I feel desire. I press into him eagerly, pushing the intruding thoughts out of my head, the questions I should ask, and all the reasons why I should hate him.


But I keep those thoughts to myself as his lips press against mine and his tongue sweeps into my mouth. Hungrily, I return his deep kiss.


My fingers reach for him, grabbing his shoulders and urging him to take me.


The kiss fuels my hunger to belong to him despite what he is. But can I tell him what I heard from my father? Desperately, I force the doubt away. My pussy swells, becoming wetter with each sweep of his tongue. Moaning, I push against him. His bulge presses against me, and I tease him, moving my hips in a slow grind.


I want Andrei to tell me this is real. The way it feels, it has to be more than lust, but I don’t dare ask. My feelings take control, little by little, and I will him to do the same. Andrei pins me against the side of the car, his hips moving in a feverish rhythm with mine.


“What did you call me again?” he whispers.


“Mr. Fucking Gorgeous,” I repeat breathlessly.


His hands sweep over my hips, and he pulls the hem of my dress up past my hips. His fingers dig into my thighs, teasing them apart. I hold on tight as his fingers brush my panties, and Andrei kisses me harder when he feels how wet I am.


“Finally alone,” he says.


I want it too. For us to truly be alone in the world, without the Bratva or my father’s dark secret.


Andrei sinks down to his knees, his big hands rolling my panties down my thighs. I fling them off my foot as he parts my legs wider. Gently, he kisses his way up from my knees along my thigh until his tongue parts my soaked slit. His searing hot breath on my skin feels wonderful against the coolness of the air. I throw my head back and hold on tight to his strong shoulders when I feel his mouth close against my sex.


His lips press against my folds and then his tongue swipes into me, tasting me with slow, greedy licks. I squeeze my eyes shut as the sensation builds. His mouth presses against me, more ravenous than his kisses. I grab his hair, pulling him closer to me and opening my legs wider as his fingers dig deeper into my soft skin.


I moan as loudly as I want. No one can hear me, and even if they do, I won’t care. I’m the pakhan’s wife and can do as I please. My doubts leave me as Andrei proves that it’s me he wants. My ego grows along with my desire as he swallows every drop of my arousal. His fingers hold still as my hips buck recklessly against the car. I gasp, and my eyes squeeze tight as I scream my release like a banshee.


I imagine myself floating away into the sky like a feather in the wind, and indulge in a fantasy of us being in love—that this is real and not just an elaborate ploy.


When I open my eyes, I see a new expression on his face, one that makes me feel like I’m the only thing that matters in his life.


Pulling my dress down, he kisses my swollen pussy through the thin fabric. But reality rushes back too quickly. Though I feel incredible, I also feel dishonest. This brutal man controls my life and my family.


I should be using all I’ve got to harden my heart against him, but I can’t.