Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder





I have to sit down on the couch when I hear the insane news. “He shot Igor and Eva?”


Sonya nods, drinking down a glass of white wine in the living room. She pulls the faux fur throw tighter around her shoulders as she sinks deeper into the armchair. Tears leave long black tracks down her flushed cheeks, and I stare at her as if she’s making it up.


But it’s almost dawn, and Igor hasn’t returned to his house yet.


He convinced me not to hold the girl at my house. He was certain Andrei would rescue her easily from there. He claims it’s because Andrei knows the layout to my house like he knows his own. But I know the real reason: Igor was afraid I’d torture the brat for kicks because I hate her sister.


He’s not wrong. But I’m not a monster.


“And you’re sure they’re dead?” I ask, eyeing her sternly.


“Stop asking me that.” Sonya hiccups and then scowls hatefully. “I saw it happen with my own eyes. They’re dead. He shot them.”


Valeri Kozlov places his hand on my shoulder, and I look into his smirky gaze.


Silently, he tells me to back off. He grins at Sonya and takes the empty wineglass out of her hand and replaces it with another one that is full to the rim. “You’re safe here, Sonya Vasileyvna.”


“Igorovna,” she stares daggers at him. “It’s Sonya Igorovna. I’m not Vasily’s child.”


I’m not quick enough to keep my mouth from falling open.


Igorovna? Igor Karamazov is—was—her father?


I exchange a quick glance with Valeri and reach out, removing the wineglass from Sonya’s hand. I need her to tell me more before she drinks herself asleep.


“You can stay here.” I sit down on the ottoman beside her, placing my hand on her knee. “It is your right as Igor’s only child that you stay in his house.”


Sonya takes the glass off the coffee table and takes a sip. “They confessed, and then Andrei shot them dead.”


“Did Igor have a gun?” I ask softly.


“He may have, but he didn’t have it out,” she slurs. “Andrei threatened him. Ig—Father—reached for something, but he didn’t have a gun in his hand. He did it because of her.” The tears start in earnest again, and I have to wait a respectable minute or two for her to continue. “He shot my parents because of Paige.”


I gasp, pretending that I care.


“He’s done everything wrong because of her,” I say softly.


I eye Valeri, and he smirks. There’s no need to worry that Emma will appear out of thin air. She’s securely locked away in the attic, screaming and cursing herself hoarse.


I hold onto Sonya, hugging her petite frame tight as her head rolls on her shoulders.


I’ve been jealous of her. The long blonde hair, petite frame, and perfect smile. But now, I’m even more jealous.


The stupid girl has no idea of the power she possesses or how to use it.




Sonya stays in the upstairs bedroom late into the morning. I’m not sure what time she wakes, nor do I care. She’s been in there crying for hours, and I can only pat someone’s back for so long.


My intel comes back, and Igor is indeedmissing. I used to have better spies in Andrei’s house, but they scurried away when he married that mouse. They were afraid of what he would do if he caught them.


But if these latest rumors are true, they had good reason to be scared.


I make myself at home in the kitchen with a pineapple smoothie the cook made for me. I sip it at the counter island, admiring the built-in pool off the deck.


Igor was old, but he was also fit. Eva must’ve been happy with him in her bed.


What a waste.


A tapping noise on the patio door makes me jump, and I frown when I see who it is. Detective Kenney Grant stands at the door with a shit-eating grin on his face. Emma left a nasty scratch on his neck from their short struggle, and the scab healed into a puckered line. I admired her aim but warned her not to try that shit with me.


He places his hands on his hip so I can see the badge attached to his belt. Does he think he’s in a fucking western, flashing that thing? The man is clearly compensating for something else.


I get up and take my time walking to the door. I can tell by the tilt of his head he is checking out my legs in my turquoise string bikini.


“Going into the pool?” he asks.


“Very perceptive,” I reply. “How did you figure that out?”


He steps inside and looks around the kitchen. “Where’s Igor?”


I shrug my shoulders and bite my lower lip, eliciting a smirk from him.


“You tell me, Officer.”


He walks past me further into the kitchen. “Rumor has it he’s dead.”


I direct him toward the counter. “Then why did you ask me?”


“I thought I might surprise you,” he says.


I slide back onto the stool and cross my legs. “Would you care for a coffee?”


He shakes his head, walking past me toward the living room. I follow him closely. The maid hasn’t cleared away last night’s wine bottles or glasses, which lie across the coffee table.


He smiles at me. “Looks like someone has already celebrated.”


I turn Kenney back toward the kitchen. “I had a girls’ night last night.”


He laughs. “You have friends?”


“Get to the point, Officer.” Above our heads, something strikes the ground and thumps against the floor. Kenney stares at the ceiling. Maybe if he does it long enough, he’ll see what it is. I flick my hand casually. “I have an overnight guest.”


“Is Emma still here?” he asks.


“Safe and tucked away, but you could’ve called if you wanted to know that.”


Kenney looks behind his shoulder as if he’s expecting to see someone. He faces me again with a solemn look. “All the pieces are in place. It’s your move.”


Valeri comes down the stairs, shirtless and damp from the shower.


Kenney smiles and extends his hand. “Valeri, good to see you. Looking after her?”


What the actual fuck. Am I a child?


Valeri shakes his hand and laughs. “She does a better job taking care of me.”


“I’m sure she does.” Kenney moves toward the back door, turning his back to us. He’s either too arrogant or too trusting. Either way, it’s a stupid thing to do.


“Keep me informed.” He salutes us before he leaves.


“So, is that my competition?” Valeri pulls me tight into his arms from behind as his hands start undoing the strings of my bikini.


I wiggle against him, arching my back as his hands reach up to squeeze my breasts. His cock throbs against my ass predictably. Men are too easy to control.


“Are you jealous of a pawn?” I tell him breathily as I slowly push myself onto his hardening cock. “When you have the queen in your hands?”


He chuckles darkly, his lips nipping at my neck as he pushes me against the counter. It’s only sex—quick, rough, and dirty. I’ll let him think he’s in control. I’ll even let him believe that he’s a more valuable piece on the board.


But he’s not a king. Not yet.


And until then, he’s as disposable as the rest.



Paige and Andrei’s story continues in book 3 – Deceitful Bond

Available for free via Kindle Unlimited