Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 36



“Andrei?” I rush down the stairs into the main hall in my bare feet. My happiness is mixed with relief and concern. My feet lose their footing on the slick tiles, and I grab a small table by the wall. This morning’s large arrangement of pink roses shakes slightly as I regain my balance. So much for looking cool.


He doesn’t answer me. I’m not even sure if Andrei hears me as he slams the front door. His tie is missing, and blood is on his clothes, staining his gray suit a dull maroon. When he lifts his eyes, I instantly back off.


The monster peeks out at me from the darkness. Andrei has been angry before, but this is an unspeakable rage. Natasha wraps her hand around my upper arm, warning me to stay back, and Vanya bravely stands beside me.


Fear makes us bond quickly. We find solidarity in this moment as we put a safe distance between ourselves and my husband.


Andrei staggers toward us, his eyes narrowing as I stand frozen. “What happened here tonight?”


“I was worried about you, that’s all,” I reply, my voice squeaking as I lie. “I was waiting up until you came home.”


Natasha and Vanya stick to my lie by keeping their mouths shut. Now isn’t the time to tell Andrei that Talia was here. Or to ask why he’s alone. Where are the others? Where are Dmitri and Viktor?


Oh God, will we see them again?


I hold my breath, hoping Andrei won’t stay like this and turn into someone I will hate forever. He doesn’t, but I hold off asking about the others. I’m willing to ask about Viktor for Emma’s sake, but I keep my mouth shut.


Breathing heavily, Andrei lowers his head and looks as if he’s about to collapse to the floor. Suddenly, I realize I’m not scared of Andrei. I’m afraid that one day, Talia will be right.


I pull out of Natasha’s grasp and move to reach my husband quickly. My emotions draw me to him, and I place my arms around him. He holds me tight, and I cannot move in his firm grip. Andrei wavers, and his body is unsteady as he staggers back and forth. I hold onto him as he lays his heavy head on my shoulder. I remain completely still, scared to ruin the moment he proves he needs me.


“Andrei?” I whisper.


He lifts his face, and the expression in his eyes shows me what he’s been through.


I place my hand gently on his cheek. “Let’s go up to bed.”