Deceitful Lies by Brook Wilder


Chapter 51



I can’t tell what happens first, the loud rumble of thunder or the bang of the gun. Eva throws back her head as she embraces Igor tightly, shielding him from the blast. His arms reach protectively around her while his eyes widen, staring at the sky.


Intertwined, they slump to the wet ground as Sonya appears in the edge of my vision. How long has she been there?


She walks slowly into the maze and stares at the two people lying at her feet as Andrei drops the gun.


“What have you done?” she asks. “Andrei, what have you done?!”


“Sonya!” Andrei shouts, but she runs away.


Realization finally hits Andrei and he staggers toward his mother, reaching her limp body as if he can put the life back into her.


The lightning flashes again, illuminating the trees in the woods. For a second, I can see the greens and the browns light up in the dark. The smell of wet soil reaches my nose, and I turn, running away from him.