Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder


Chapter 19



I stare out the SUV window as we drive past a sign that reads Warrington Estate in scripted gold letters. Despite my hatred for him, my stomach flutters like I swallowed a box of butterflies. The gray brick castle at the end of the long drive draws an involuntary gasp from my lips. The excitement is contagious as the pistol-packing bridesmaids turn in their seats, straining their necks for a better look at the tall turrets jutting into the sky.


Katerina and Inessa, the two other guards assigned to me, whisper to each other excitedly before Katerina reaches over, slaps my knee, and then says something in Russian. Must be to remind me that I’m the luckiest girl alive.


Inessa swoops in behind me as soon as I step out of the SUV. Her thin lips seem to be permanently set in a line and she’s quieter than the others. Always following Natasha’s lead, she takes her role seriously. I have no doubt that she’s ready to pounce if I stray even a hair too far. She barely speaks any English, but I can tell by the way she listens intently that she knows enough to tell if I’m ever trying to talk shit about her.


To whom, I’ll never know. It’s not like any of them have shown me a modicum of familiarity or warmth.


As I pull my gaze away from her, there’s no mistaking the meaning behind her steely stare: don’t even think about running today.


Natasha wraps a hand around my left arm, and Inessa does the same on my right as they literally drag me into the castle. The tips of my satin pumps leave a trail on the gravel path. Only when we get inside, do they ease up.


This castle makes the local country club look like someone’s pool house. A grand staircase soars up, divides, and curls back onto itself. Two crystal chandeliers glimmer above our heads, casting an amber light into the hallway, and the overpowering scent of lilies drifts under my nose.


I shiver.


This place reminds me of a crypt.


My gaze drifts toward an open door where servers are setting up tables, and then I glance into another room with antique books lining the wall. There are a lot of places to hide. Inessa’s grip tightens, and we make eye contact. Scowling, she shakes her head, and I’m dragged down a hallway to the wedding chapel.


By the ornately carved door, a plaque on a stand announces the Barinov wedding. Paige and Andrei, I think bitterly when I see my name. As if this is anything remotely close to what I wanted.


I wrench myself out of Inessa’s grip, refusing to be dragged down the aisle and embarrassed. I may not have a choice, but I still have my dignity. She responds quickly and grabs for me again, her face twisted as if I offended her.


It feels personal. I don’t know why this woman hates me.


Natasha raises a hand to block Inessa. “She can walk to the altar on her own.”


I almost thank Natasha but stop myself short. She gives me a venomous smile, as if she knows what I almost said. A bouquet of white lilies is roughly shoved into my hands. The chapel doors creak open. I purse my lips together and walk through the doors.


My eyes adjust to the dim light as I walk what feels like a country mile. Incense assaults my nose, and my eyes well up with tears from the smoky smell. All around me, the imposing walls of the chapel seem to rise endlessly to the heavens like the endless bars of a cell.


Andrei towers over everyone that surrounds him in a suit that fits him perfectly. His hands behind his back, he has a thoughtful look on his face. An expression I’ve not seen before.


I try to fight back every different emotion running through me other than hate. Yet somehow, a loud sob manages to escape my lips as I walk toward him like a lamb being led to slaughter.


The armed bridesmaids trail behind me, each one of them ready to make sure I don’t turn back.


When I finally stand before Andrei, his jaw works underneath the skin as he lowers his eyes to my dress. He lifts his gaze to my face. Something in his countenance makes me want to take his hand.


I want someone to reassure me. I want someone to comfort me. I want to know that I will be all right.


But instead, I hold tightly to my bouquet of white lilies.


The ceremony starts, and Andrei lifts his hand to my face. His touch is gentle and kind as he wipes a meandering tear away. Behind us, someone sighs faintly. I look, and Eva beams her approval. Her smile glows in the dim light as she clutches her hands together.


Something shuffles behind us, and a glint of gold catches my eye. I chance a quick look upward and see that crowns have been raised above our heads. The priest at the altar begins speaking, his voice murmuring away in liturgy.


But all I can focus on are the crowns hanging over our heads, and it is as if I can feel their weight with each word from the priest.


The tears start coming. This time, they’re real, as the same question echoes in my head again and again.


Why me?