Deceitful Vows by Brook Wilder


Chapter 21



Tapping my index finger, I sit alone at the main table in the banquet hall and wait for something to happen. The day was planned for conflict and upheaval, but so far, the only hiccup has been some undercooked chicken. The kitchen staff is better at shooting than cooking, and they scurry past me, avoiding my stony gaze.


But instead of the Karamazovs, my mind is focused on the other missing thing here.


I lean back in my chair and eye the empty seat beside me. Paige should’ve been in here by now. How long does it take to wash your face?


I stand up to survey the circular tables draped in white damask. My mother had a say in the decorations. She wanted the austere and grand interior to look airy and light and reflect her happiness. White, lavender, and gold balloons decorate the dreary gray walls. Assorted white and lavender flowers in gold vases make up the centerpieces. And a ton of food surrounds a block of ice carved to look like two swans. 


All eyes watch my moves, and each guest is instantly on alert. Hands slip into jackets, and purses unlatch as assassins and soldiers all reach for their handguns.


Paige’s bridesmaids, minus Natasha, are all seated. Through the archway, Natasha rushes into the room and looks around the hall before cautiously looking at me. I motion her over. She moves quickly despite her purple heels. Her wide eyes speak before she can open her mouth.


“Find her,” I grit out.


Natasha turns and gestures at the other bridesmaids discreetly with a single dip of her head. They stand up to follow—a column of pinkish lavender rushing out of the central archway.


I know what the phony guests are thinking. They’re thinking the worst, as I am.


Paige must have become the first fatality of the evening. Her bleeding corpse is a harbinger of what’s coming for us. I didn’t anticipate that something could happen in the few steps from the hallway to the banquet hall. I should’ve had eyes on her at all times.


A moment later, Natasha returns. Her expression transmits concern.


“We can’t find her in the building, Andrei Vasilyevich,” she whispers. “Inessa and Katerina are searching the grounds.”


“Andrushka.” Mother sits beside me, her posture still and composed. “Is everything all right?”


I don’t answer her. My chest tightens in my shirt as my rage climbs out of control. A low murmur rises as voices question what is going on.




I know what is going on. Paige isn’t dead. She’s escaped again. I stand up from the table and walk out, ignoring the questioning eyes that follow my every move as I barrel out of the room.


Natasha stumbles behind me down the hallway, her heels clattering against the polished wood.


“It’s an isolated park,” she says breathlessly as she matches my pace. “It would be impossible for anyone to enter and exit without security knowing.”


“Have Dmitri check the perimeter. No one leaves.”


Natasha brings her phone to her ear. And I leave her behind, kicking an outside door open. Satisfied, I hear a loud crack when it slams into the wall. My fists tighten in fury at Paige’s inability to understand.


When I find her …


Security men in dark suits look like black sheep grazing across the lawn. They search the grounds carefully, working their way toward the road. Dmitri catches up as I cross the gravel driveway toward the old carriage house where the utility vehicles are stored. Those are the only vehicles that are not locked up.


“We checked the garage,” he catches his breath, “but she’s not hiding in there.”


“I didn’t expect her to be.” I swing open the door and visually check the spaces.


A weak light from a dusty window illuminates an empty space wide enough for a golf cart.




“You don’t think …” Dmitri starts.


“We keep underestimating how much she is willing to do to get away from me.”


I march toward the closest ATV and motion for Dmitri to hold the door wide open. The loud engine alerts my men, who look over as I round the corner of the garage, heading toward the lawn. The loud, vibrating roar makes it obvious why she chose the golf cart instead.


I climb the slope, leaving tracks in the unsullied green lawn. And as I descend, I see my bride. The train of her dress billows as her vehicle races toward the tree line at a pace slightly faster than walking.


If I weren’t furious, I’d laugh out loud at her boldness and the absurdity of it all. I’ve had so many women who would do anything to get my attention. I’ve slept with many who lied that they didn’t know who I was. Or lied that money didn’t impress them. Or lied that it was nothing other than a fling.


Somehow, I’ve managed to pick the only one who truly wants nothing to do with me.


A slight smile crosses my lips and, to my surprise, I exhale in relief with the knowledge that she’s safe and still alive.


The ATV engine roars again, and this time Paige turns to look as I barrel down on her. Her mouth forms a perfect ‘O’ before she faces forward and leans into the vehicle as if she can will the cart to move faster.


With ease, I cut her off. The cart hits the side of the ATV and sputters to a stop. Silence descends between us as she sits there, her hands knuckle-white as she grips the wheel. She does her best to stare past me, but I know that her brain is working. Right now, she’s cycling through every possible alternate escape route as she waits for my next move.


I let her wait.


Suddenly, Paige leaps up and tries to run for it. She kicks off her heels and runs toward the tree line. The ludicrous dress trails after her with every step. She gathers the skirt that keeps tripping her up and continues.


I chuckle and watch until a thought alarms me.


What if someone is hidden behind the trees? A sharpshooter not on the guest list.


I leap off the ATV and hit the ground, running after her. She’s easy to overtake as the fabric wraps around her legs and trips her up. My pace quickens behind her as I lunge forward to grab her by her waist and pull her down to the ground. We tumble over each other down a grassy incline until we finally stop in a dip in the grass.


Sprawled on the ground, our heavy breathing obscures the sounds around us. I hold my breath and listen to the sound of the woods around us. My hand covers her mouth even as her hands try to push me away in vain. I won’t let go of her.


Not this time.


She nips my palm with her teeth and I cry out, shaking out my hand.


“I can’t breathe,” she hurries to tell me. I loosen my grip enough for her to take a few deep, gasping breaths.


It’s not safe here. I grab her, haul her up onto her feet, and carry her back to the vehicles. She squirms against me, determined to fight me like the hellcat I know she is. I loosen my grip slightly and she tumbles to the ground, facedown.


Pinning her body down, I grab her chin and yank her face toward mine. Her cheeks are wet with tears, and her eyes are shining with ones that are still unshed. She bites her plump lips to keep another sob from fighting to break free.


I say nothing as I stare at my bride.


“I hate you,” she whispers, chest rising up and down. “I hate you so much.”


A tremor rushes through me at the intensity of the words. Her hate makes me crave. It makes me want to tame her. It makes me want to teach her how to obey. I press hard against her body and feel her wiggle against my hard cock. For a moment, I wonder if she knows how much I relish the challenge.


“I don’t hate you, Paige Barinov,” I whisper, taking extra time to let her hear how easily her name fits to mine. “I told you: I need you. And right now, I need you to understand that this isn’t a game. When are you going to understand that our lives are in danger?”


“You’re the only source of danger for me.” She tries hard to control her breath. “My life wasn’t like this before. I had worries, but nothing I couldn’t handle. Nothing I wasn’t used to. And then you ruined my life, and I should give a shit about you?” She tosses herself onto her back. Her tears are gone, and now there’s only fire burning in her crystal blue eyes. “If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t be involved in this. Whatever this is!”


“You honestly know nothing?”


She slams her fist into the ground. “What am I supposed to know, Andrei?”


I almost confront her. How can she not know how deep she’s already in? How can she not know how deep her father is in? She saw a man point a gun at her. Someone tried to kill her! She cannot be so clueless.


But her anger is sincere, and her anguish gives me just enough pause.


“Hating me won’t stop me from protecting you.” My words are meant to comfort. It’s the best I can do. “I will make sure nothing happens to you.”


“I don’t want you to protect me.” She yanks a handful of grass out of the ground. “I never asked you to protect me! I didn’t beg to be your Little Ms. Lucky!”


Liar. “I felt how you kissed me on the altar.”


“I was pretending.” Her eyes narrow. “Like you.”


I pull her closer. “No you weren’t.” My hand runs along her exposed calf, and she inhales softly from the unexpected touch. Her soft skin yields under my fingers. Her warmth draws me nearer and she trembles, pressing her lips tightly together even as I press a kiss to her lips.


There’s a brief moment of stillness, and then she crushes her mouth against mine as her soft lips part to give me better access.


My tongue sweeps into her mouth as I pull her hard against me. Her breasts trapped against my chest feel soft and warm. I pull back just enough to watch her expression. Her gaze meets mine as she lies there breathlessly beside me. My hand moves to grab the back of her head, and I push my tongue against hers once more.


I lift my body, moving on top of her. My legs tease apart her thighs, finding no resistance. A soft moan flutters past her lips.


I kiss her skin as if I’m starved. The damn dress is in my way. I should’ve made her wear the other dress, I think hotly.


I roll my body off hers, and instantly, she’s lying on top of me. Straddling my hips. I pull her down for a deep kiss. Smelling the scent of her skin as on the damp grass. Her breath warms my face as my hands grip her thighs, pushing the dress up. She moans against my cheek and when we connect again, a delicious burst of electricity hardens my cock.


A branch snaps too close to us. We both freeze as reality comes crashing back. My gun rises in my hand as I press a finger to my lips.


This time, she remains silent, and her alert eyes let me know that she finally understands.