On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 30



The word repeats in my head as I turn my car onto Shanty Row. An hour ago, I felt great about myself. I was hot. I was ready. All I needed was a big dick on which I could ride myself into the sunset. I’d wake up tomorrow morning after a blissful night in a five-star hotel bed and return to an empty house. But nope.

Seth happened.

Just like always.

Seth fucking Newbury happened, and now I’m back to square one.

I park in the house's driveway and pause. Head back, eyes closed. A few deep breaths in and out.

Is this really my life?


Am I truly this fucked up as a person?

Also yes.

After a few moments of silence, I shove open the door and step outside into the cool night air.

“Where you been, Jen?”

The voice comes from the porch ahead of me. I deflate, instantly recognizing its source. Casual. Pointed.


I glare at Bobby Burnside standing on my goddamn porch. At least he had the decency to comb his hair and put on a nice jacket before invading my home.

“What do you want, Bobby?” I ask, so not in the mood for whatever the hell this is.

He leans against the banister, cool as ever. “I came to see you,” he says.

I step forward up the walkway. “Why?”

“Because I had the night off and I thought—”

“No,” I say over him.

“—that you and I—”




Bobby exhales, but his smile remains. “Let’s continue this conversation inside.”

“Let’s not.”

He sidles in front of me to stop me from passing.

“Bobby, go home,” I say. “Now is not the time.”

“You say that every time.”

“Yeah, well, I really mean it this time.”

He squints his little eyes; eyes that once easily plunged deep into my soul.

Now they just fill me with excruciating boredom.

Old news.


Moved on.

Never again.

Can’t believe I ever fell for it in the first place.


“Why would you text me, then?” he asks.

I groan with annoyance. “I told you, my friend sent that. Not me.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

“Because you’re an egotistical, narcissistic jackass who leaps at the slightest hint of feminine attention?”

He cants his head and nods once. “Sounds about right. Let’s go inside.”

“I already said no. Three times.”

“That just means I’m about two more nos away from a yes.”

I twinge. “Fuck you, Bobby.”

He scoffs as he pushes forward, purposefully invading my personal space with the stench of cheap booze.

“Back off,”I warn as I reach into my jacket pocket for my keys. “This isn’t happening. You’re drunk. Go home.”

“Oh, come on, Jen.” He sneers. “We both know damaged goods like you won’t get it from anywhere else.”

I turn away to ignore him, the black rock settling in my gut as his words cut deeper than usual.

“Just go, please,” I beg.


I try to slide around him, but he digs his heels in. “Bobby, back off!”

He grabs my elbow, stopping me from withdrawing my keys. I yank my arm, but his grip tightens.

“Bobby, stop!”

An engine revs down the block. Headlights briefly shine on us, illuminating the dull edges of Bobby’s dead eyes.

An old orange truck rolls into the driveway and parks behind my Mustang.


Thank god.

He hops down from the truck, his dejected face turning curious as he spots us on the porch.

Bobby furrows his brow. “Who the hell is this guy?”

I successfully retrieve my arm. “Oh, calm down. He’s Heidi’s brother.”

Seth approaches with his head down. “I’m just passing through to grab my stuff,” he says.

As he reaches the porch stairs, his eyes catch mine. His sagging shoulders grow tense as he reads my expression.

“So, what’s going on?” he asks casually.

“None of your damn business, pal,” Bobby replies.

Seth’s lips twitch. “Pal?” he repeats. “Seriously?”

“Seth, just go inside,” I say. “I can handle this.”

He doesn’t move. “No, I’m good here,” he says, staring at Bobby.

“She said piss off, frat boy,”Bobby spits.

I roll my eyes. “I said literally the same thing to you, too.”

He glares at me, swallowing his response.

Seth takes one step forward. “I think it’s time for you to leave, buddy.”

Bobby turns away from me, now fully focused on Seth. “I think it’s time for you to get out of my face, chief.”

“Leave now and I won’t be in your face anymore, partner.”

I exhale. “Guys...”

They approach each other on the porch, their eyes bulged and chests raised.

I reach into my jacket pocket, curling a finger around the small canister attached to my keychain.

“I’m not gonna tell you again, guy,” Bobby says. “I’m not leaving until I get what I came here for.”

“A swift kick in the ass?” Seth says, his hands rolling into fists. “Just say the word and it’s all yours, preppy.”

Bobby sticks his chin out and taps his face. “Right here,” he says, offering Seth a target. “I’ll give you first shot.”

Seth doesn’t hesitate. He shifts back and raises his fist.

I gasp in surprise as he swings. “Seth, don’t! He’s a black—”

Bobby easily blocks the blow and shifts forward, smashing Seth in the ribs with a low uppercut. Seth bows forward, the wind knocked clean out of him, as Bobby throws a lightning fast second punch and strikes him in the face.

Seth plummets onto his back.

I deflate. “… Belt.”

Bobby stands up tall, oh-so-fucking-proud of himself. “And stay down, prick.”

I tap him on the shoulder with one hand and raise my pepper spray keychain with the other. As he spins around, I spray, coating as much of his face as I can before he lurches backward. He loses his balance, trips over Seth’s ankles, and falls down the porch stairs onto the walkway.

I lower the spray to my side. “Now, leave,” I say as he squirms on my lawn. “And don’t come back. Ever again.”

Bobby writhes in pain, wiping his eyes as he stumbles to his knees. “You fucking bitch!” he spews, ready for another fight.

I take a single step down and raise the spray bottle again.

This time, he backs off and rolls away like the coward he is.

“Fuck. Off.” I stand tall, primed and ready to empty the entire can into his eyes. “We’re done.”

Bobby raises his palms in surrender, his eyes burning red as he stands. “Damaged goods,” he mutters again as he stumbles through the grass. “Stupid cunt.”

I ignore him and return to Seth on the porch.

“Seth?” I kneel. “Are you okay?”

Seth sits up slowly, his face scrunching in pain as he touches the fresh shiner protruding beneath his left eye. “Well, he was rude,” he says.

“Yeah, that’s Bobby.”

“He’s a black belt?”

I nod with a glance forward to watch Bobby enter his car parked on the street — the same dark car that did that slow-moving drive-by during the party the other night.

What a fucking creep.

“Yeah,” I say.

“You didn’t think to warn me about that before I swung?”

“Well, I didn’t think you’d actually swing!” I pause, genuinely curious. “Why did you swing?”

He stretches his head to one side, wincing at its stiffness. “Seemed like the manly thing to do at the time, I guess.”


But I’m grateful.

After that beach text, Bobby was always going to show up here this week. I chose dare when I should have chosen truth.

If Seth wasn’t here…

I block the thoughts before they take over.

I extend my hand to him. “Come on.”

Seth looks at it for a moment, one long enough to banish the shame of getting his ass whooped in front of me, before taking my hand and letting me help him up.