On His Knees by Tabatha Kiss

Chapter 57


Sunlight shines through my window, making it impossible for me to keep my eyes closed any longer... but I’ve been up for a while now, anyway. Don’t want to miss a moment of this.

Jenna Abrams is in my bed again.

It wasn’t part of some deal or experiment to rid ourselves of each other. Or some hormone-driven quickie on whatever convenient flat surface we fell on. It wasn’t a desperate lay after a summer of abstinence — though I can’t actually rule that one out, honestly.

It was because I wanted her to be here. Because she wanted to be here, with me.

Of all the girls in the world, it was this one?

She turns away from me and shifts onto her side, but she doesn’t wake up. The sunlight catches her hair just right, and it looks like it’s on fire. Little locks form a circle of flames around her butterfly wing tattoo. Breathtaking. Beautiful. But...


This is the point where it all goes to shit, right? Sure, I like this now, but soon enough I’ll roll over after a night of fucking, see her lying next to me, and become so overwhelmingly bored.

Old news.


Moved on.

Never again.

Can’t believe I ever slept with her more than once.


But that morning is not this morning.

This morning, I feel good. I’m lying next to a woman I spent the night with, and I feel good.

I shift closer to her. I slink my hand beneath the sheet, curling around her naked waistline as I kiss her exposed neck.

Jenna makes a sound, light and fluffy, somewhere between a gasp and a moan. I kiss her again and she tilts to give me more of that delicious neck. She touches my hand on her belly. I kiss her cheek as I pull her even harder against me.

“No mouth kisses before toothpaste,” she says.

I laugh as I back off. “Good morning.”

“Morning,” she murmurs as she twists onto her back. “What time is it?”

“Seven... something.”

“I should leave.”

I rest a hand on her hip beneath the sheet. “You should stay...”

“Drew will be back soon,” she says.

“I don’t care.”

She pauses, fully awake now. “Are we going to tell him who your overnight visitor was this time?”

I hesitate. “No...”

“Are we going to tell her?” she asks.

Heidi.She’s talking about Heidi.

My little sister. Her best friend.

It was a conversation we’d have to have, eventually. Kinda hoped to put it off until a time when we both weren’t totally naked. But that’s life.

“Do you want to?” I ask.

“Do you?”

“I’m not sure,” I answer, truthfully. “I mean, I feel like she should know, right?”

Jenna nods. “Maybe.”

“She wouldn’t, like... care, would she?”

“She would definitely think it’s weird.”

“It is pretty weird.”

“It is very weird but I don’t want to risk...”

She goes quiet for a moment.

“Risk what?” I ask, curious.

Her lips twitch. “Well, I don’t know about you, but for me, this feels really good right now.”

I smile. “It feels good to me, too.”

“If we tell people, I’m not sure they’d understand. Hell, I don’t even understand this yet. Do you?”

“Nope,” I say, scoffing.

“So, I think, that we should keep it quiet. Just for a little while. See where it goes first.”

I agree, but my gut still clenches.

“Not for too long, though,” I say. “I... I don’t want to do to her what she did to me.”

She nods, understanding. “All right.”

“We wait for the right moment.”


The front door opens and closes across the apartment.

Jenna raises a single eyebrow.

“Not right now,” I say.

“No, not right now.”

“Too soon.”

“Waytoo soon.”

“I mean, I don’t even know your birthday. We should wait, get to know each other better before we start telling more people.”

She furrows her brow. “You don’t know my birthday?”

“Why would I know your birthday?”

“You went with us to Six Flags last year.”

“That was for your birthday? I thought that was for Spring Break.”

“It was, but also for my birthday... in March... during Spring Break.”

“You can’t hold that against me. Streamline your messaging.”

“Business students,” she slurs.

“Hey, you don’t even know my middle name, so—“

“It’s Ryan.”

“Oh.” I pause. “Yeah, no, that’s it.”

She nods, vindicated, as she shifts away from me.

I clamp down on her hip. “Where are you going?”

“Out of this bed.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes, I am.”

“No, you’re not.”

I pull her against me again and she chuckles, barely fighting back as I kiss her neck again. She settles in my arms, touching me, feeling me, growing warmer and...

I slide a hand between her thighs.


Jenna sighs, quietly closing her eyes. She spreads her legs. I lick her collarbone, her cleavage, her nipples. I fuck her with two strong fingers, but those begging noises she makes tell me she longs for something...

I position myself between her thighs.


One thrust and she gasps. Another, and she bites her lip to smother a moan on her tongue. I fuck her slowly, quietly, trying not to rock the bed too much and draw unwanted attention.

Jenna tries to stay silent, to smother the delicious sounds, but my dick plunges deep and she accidentally cries out. I place a hand over her mouth. Her eyes shimmer with heat and lust as I hold her down. She digs her nails into my ass, urging me to go further. I fuck her harder, faster. Still just as quiet. But that quickly becomes more difficult as she raises her legs and hooks her ankles behind my back.

The floorboards creak outside the door, footsteps thumping into Drew’s room. I freeze in place, balls deep and throbbing as Jenna’s heated breath rushes against my hand. He won’t come in here, but there’s roommate etiquette to follow on both sides here. Don’t advertise your activities.

The boards creak again, this time toward the kitchen down the hall. As I wait, Jenna shifts beneath me. She raises her hips, forcing my cock a little deeper inside of her. She whimpers, silent and perfect. I don’t move. I don’t dare move at all as she angles her body to fuck mine.

The boards creak again, footsteps striding back into Drew’s room across the hall, and Jenna trembles. She gropes my ass even harder, angling me exactly where she wants it. She grinds and quivers. I hold my hand in place to keep her quiet while biting my tongue. Pleasure tickles deep inside as her pussy tightens even harder. A little more of this, and I’ll fucking explode.

Another creak of the floorboards, another quick flick of her fiery eyes to the door. It’s almost like she wants him to stop, to listen, to turn the knob. The thrill of this, of us, of getting caught before we’re ready. Even I felt it the other night at the beach house; that jolting moment when Wilder appeared in the room. We got lucky then. Next time, we might not get away with it.

Jenna doesn’t seem to mind, though.

In fact, it almost seems like she wants to get caught.

She tenses beneath me. Her back arches. She breathes harder as her pussy throbs with climax. Still, she doesn’t make a sound. No voice. No moan. Just a pure, silent orgasm from her head to her toes.

Fuck. That’s hot.

I come after her, unable to hold back. I remove my hand from her mouth, choosing to squeeze the pillow beneath her head instead. A growl teases the back of my throat. I cannot stay as quiet as she was. She wraps her arms around me again, her hips still moving. Still stroking me off. Still so fucking wet with our cum.

I pull out and collapse beside her. “Stop, stop.” I laugh. “You’re too good at that.”

Jenna chuckles as she rolls over with me. She nudges my arm upward. I raise it for her, giving her room to nestle beneath it. She rests her head on my chest and exhales, settling in.


Been a minute since I’ve done this.


I will my eyes open, half-asleep already. “Jenna?”

“Truth or dare?”

I smile. “Truth.”

Jenna tilts her head up. “Are we making a huge mistake here?” she asks.

I look at her for a moment. Her eyes twinge with sincerity and doubt, far more vulnerable than I expect from her.

“No,” I answer as I push her hair back behind her ear. “We’re not.”

She smiles in the warm sunlight before resting her head down again.

* * *

I poke my head out into the hallway. The kitchen is silent. The living room is empty. Drew’s door is closed. He must be in there.

I hold up a finger, signaling for Jenna to wait a moment as I step out into the hallway. A quick glance into the empty kitchen and I wave her forward. She hustles past Drew’s door and beelines to the entrance. Her bare feet whisper along the carpet, her shoes clenched in one hand with her handbag.

Now this is a girl who's done her fair share of sneaking out undetected.

Mad respect.

I open the door for her. She rushes through it so quickly, I almost don’t catch her. I hook her elbow, gently guiding her back to me. I kiss her, meaning for it to be short and sweet, but she pushes in to kiss me back.

“Be seeing you,” I whisper.

She smiles. “Be seeing y—”


Drew’s door opens. I release her elbow and she hops further into the hall.

“Call me,”she whispers.

I give her a wink before retreating into the apartment. As I close the door, I spin in to find Drew standing in the entrance to the living room. His head cants to one side with delightful suspicion.

“Well, well, well,”he says. “Who was that?”

“A friend,” I answer, playing it cool as I strut to the kitchen.

“A new friend?” He follows. “Or the same one?”

I grab a clean mug from the drying rack. “Same one, actually.”

Drew crosses his arms and leans against the doorframe. “Did we catch her name this time?” he asks.

I take a breath, wondering exactly how much I can say here without revealing too much. “Yeah, I did,” I say.

He waits, obviously expecting a bit more than that.

Do I lie?

Do I make up the details of some girl who doesn’t exist?

Do I say to hell with it and tell him the truth?


So, this is what he must have felt like our junior year.

Truth or lies?

Is there any way at all that I can have the best of both?

Actually, yes. There is.

I look at him and clear my throat. “Drew, I have something big going on,” I say, “but I can’t tell you what it is yet.”

It’s honest but, also, a little manipulative.

Drew bobs his head, having heard those words from me before. In that context, it was a way for me to tell him I trusted him. That he could trust me with anything. That there was nothing he could do that would come between us, so don’t worry if he had to take some time to figure things out. I’d be there when he was ready.

I was very wrong, of course. But we got through it.


“Damn,” Drew says. “Mystery girl must be something else.”

I exhale a laugh. “Yeah. She is.”

“Okay.” He grins. “I’m happy for you, Seth.”


“I can’t wait to hear more about her.”

“Hey, I hope there will be more to say about her.”

“Well, if my gut is telling me anything, it’s going to be a lot.” He pushes off the wall and happily spins toward his room. “I keep saying it, man. This is our year!”

I hold my breath until he reaches his room. Then I deflate. Maybe he’s right. Maybe this is the year when all we’ve worked for suddenly falls into place and all of our dreams come true.


Almost had me for a second there, too.