Between Never and Forever by Brit Benson


This book broke my brain, and your girl is TIRED, but I need to say thank you to some seriously amazing people, without whom Sav and Levi wouldn’t exist.

First, to the usual suspects, my elite beta team, for helping me wrangle this beast of a story into a cohesive book. Kara, Caitlin, Mickey, Hales, Jessie, Jenna, and Brianna, thank you SO MUCH for the invaluable feedback. Thank you for listening to my rambling voice notes, for sitting through chaotic video chats, and putting up with disjointed manuscript pieces before getting the whole thing. I can’t say it enough. You’re all amazing and I’m in love with each of you.

To my editing team, Rebecca with Fairest Reviews Editing Services and Shauna with The Author Agency, thank you for whipping this baby into shape. I love you both so much. Becky, I’m so sorry I can’t get a handle on raise/rise, but you have to admit I did better with lay/lie this time around. Shauna, your promo skills are unmatched, and you came in clutch when I needed you. I am forever grateful. (I’ll mail you bubble wrap and those flintstones gummies.)

To Kate at KateDecidedtoDesign for creating TWO gorgeous covers and the amazing formatting for the object cover. Your talent blows me away. I’m so glad we’ve connected. You get my vibe and I’m obsessed with you. Thank you times one million.

To my street team, I literally could not have gotten through this without your constant encouragement, enthusiasm, and support. I hope you realize even a fraction of how much I appreciate you all. My gratitude never wavers. My love for you never fades. I’m so, so, so lucky to have such an amazing group of people cheering me on. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

To the ARC readers and bloggers who took the time to read this beast, thank you so much. There are so many amazing books out there. Thank you for making time to read one of mine. And to those of you who have been with me since the beginning, thank you for sticking around. I try to grow with each book. I try to make you proud. I hope I accomplished that with Sav and Levi!

To Carrie, Rosie, Nichole, and Jenna for helping this whole author thing feel less lonely. Thank you for the advice, opinions, support and encouragement. Thank you for believing in me. I’m so grateful for you guys.

To Kara, sorry for the spit. To M & H, you’re welcome for it. Ya little freaks.

To my niece Bella for being the inspiration behind Brynnlee. You’ll never read this, but I hope the universe sends you my gratitude.

To Hales. You have no idea how crucial you are to my sanity. The universe brought you to me. I’m certain of it. Thank you for being the best PA, the best travel companion, and the best of friends. I fucking love you the absolute biggest.

To my husband, your unwavering support and encouragement make this possible. Thank you for everything you do. I love you so, so, so much.

Until the next one.

Love you all,