DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter eighteen

that a full moon happens every twenty-eight days, I’m a mage. The luna cycle has been a part of my life forever. I just never expected twenty-eight days to pass so swiftly. All the training, the eventful Solstice, getting to know some of the other riders and rider-kin, has all conspired to speed time up I swear. There was also the day Harlen insisted on driving me back to my shitty flat to collect my things, because he declared that my car was a death trap.

That memory makes me smile. I’ve never understood the appeal of road trips before, but Harlen made it fun. But he also contributed to the days passing by in a blur and now suddenly it is the full moon again and I’m pacing anxiously around my room.

“Ri, I’m begging you to please choose Je or Zh.”

Ri gives me the psychic equivalent of a heavy sigh. “I’ve agreed.”

“You said maybe!”

“Stop fussing, Kirby. Everything will be wonderful.”

I groan and cover my face with my hands. Memories of the last full moon are starting to shiver down my skin until I can almost trace the echo of Cai’s touch. Has it begun already? Is Ri’s arousal overflowing and seeping into me, awakening my own and calling it out to play? I guess I’ll never know. All I do know is that I’m horny. Horny and nervous. Not my favourite combination of emotions.

I shut Ri out as best I can. Then I flop belly first onto my bed. It’s still early, there is no need to prepare myself just yet. I can just lie here and drift on the currents of lust that are building in strength within me.

I can’t decide if I want Cai or Harlen more, but it doesn’t matter. I know I want both of them. I want us to be a poly, three-way, or whatever it is called, something. A relationship would be my first choice. Seems I’m still foolish enough to believe in love. But I’m not so naïve to assume that will be an outcome. I’d take a situationship. I’ll take anything. Maybe I’m overly soppy, but I just want the three of us to be happy. And I do think we could work well together.

Maybe Ri is right, and tonight will be wonderful. If he chooses Je or Zh, it will be an opportunity to get closer to one of them. It does feel a bit sneaky and underhand, but I’ve never claimed to be a saint.

In my defence, I did try to convince Ri to not fly tonight. To be one of the dragons on watch in case there was an attack, but Ri was outraged at the suggestion. Apparently, attacks on the full moon are exceedingly rare, and basically, my dragon is a horny sex addict. Not that he described it that way, but that is the gist of it.

I shiver. A wave of cold air is washing over me. The castle is old and draughty, but not that draughty. Which means only one thing, Ri has taken flight.

A strange moan pours out of my throat. I’m still apprehensive but I’m also filled with a dark and terrible excitement. My body is responding, and it is eager, so very eager.

Dreamlike erotic images flow through my mind. It feels as if I am floating on them. Lost in them. Pieces of myself carried away and scattered by the ebb and flow of the currents. Until I can’t tell where I end and the dream begins. Time floats away and I have no idea how long I have been writhing on my bed for.

“Hi, little one,” purrs Cai’s voice behind me.

I whimper and clutch the sheets. Yes. Yes. Yes!

His confident hands knead my ass cheeks and the sensation pulls an awful sound from me. I don’t remember getting naked, but I’m so very glad that I am.

Fingers trail down my crack, to my hole. My entire body shudders. My cock is leaking onto the sheets beneath me.

“Did you forget to prepare yourself for me?” whispers Cai softly.

My body squirms. I want to apologise. I want to beg for forgiveness, but I can’t form the words. Let alone remember how to talk.

“It’s alright, little one. This way is more fun.”

My ass cheeks are spread apart and something hot, wet and soft is lapping at my entrance. Pleasure shoots like electricity from the nerve endings there, racing to every part of my body until I feel as if I am alight. I yowl and whine and twist. Cai chuckles darkly and effortlessly holds me in place.

His tongue strokes and strokes. And I yell and yell. Then he pierces me and I see stars. Having a tongue inside me feels incredible. I never knew such bliss existed on this mortal plane. It’s blowing my mind to discover that the human body is capable of such pleasure.

I want this moment to last for eternity. I want to lie here while Cai ravishes me with his tongue, until the last star burns out.

His tongue disappears. I whine at the loss and lift my ass up towards him in supplication. But he ignores me.

“Roll over.”

I scramble to obey. As my eyes focus on the sight of Cai, naked and kneeling on the bed beside me I gasp. His expression is hungry and intense. His eyes are wide and dark and in their depths I see flashes of emerald green from his dragon.

“Hold on to the headboard,” he growls.

Wordlessly I comply. As my arms rise up above my head, his eyes flash with appreciation.

He positions himself between my spread legs and stares down at me. I swallow and shiver. In this moment, I am utterly his to command and I think he knows it.

“Hold my gaze,” he says. “Keep looking into my eyes. If you look away, I’ll stop and not give you what you want.”

I whimper and nod my understanding. A tiny, miniscule part of my mind that is still functioning argues that Cai is driven by his dragon as much as I am and he wouldn’t be able to stop. But that voice is easy to ignore.

Cai grins at me. A truly evil, filthy grin. My cock twitches in response and my legs spread even further.

The blunt head of his cock pushes at my entrance. My eyes want to roll back, but I don’t let them. I stare at Cai steadily as he works his way inside me and breaches me. I let him see all of me. I allow him to witness his actions unravelling me. I show him how overwhelming it is to be filled, taken and possessed.

He slowly slides all the way in. I dimly register that his cock is smeared in lube but I’m far too bombarded by other sensations to fully register it. All I know is that Cai is inside me and it feels wonderful.

I stare up at him in awe. He is an angel or a demon or god that I could worship forever. His lips quirk in a wicked smirk and he rolls his hips. My head tilts back and I keen to the stars, my gaze has been torn away but Cai doesn’t reprimand me for it. He just thrusts into me with a magnificent rhythm that rearranges my brain cells along with my guts.

My cries of joy are my prayers to the moon. My carnal worship. Cai is a priest of lust and I am enlightened. And utterly devoted.

Suddenly everything stops, and he pauses within me. My eyes snap back to him and widen in shock. Harlen is looming over his shoulder. He has a handful of Cai’s hair and is forcing his head back. Cai’s eyes are half closed and the look of sheer bliss on his face, takes my breath away.

“Hey, Brat,” whispers Harlen. “I hope you weren’t stubborn and didn’t prepare yourself. Cos that’s not going to stop me.”

Cai’s cock throbs deep within me and he gasps.

Harlen moves and then sighs. “Ah, good boy.”

Cai lets out a single strangled whimper. I watch, completely transfixed as Harlen works himself into Cai, while Cai is still impaling me. Not a single thought is running through my head. My every brain cell is utterly devoted to observing this awe-inspiring sight.

Harlen grunts, and his dark eyes flash. I think he is all the way in. Cai’s hands are on either side of my head. I don’t know if he is holding Harlen up, or if Harlen is keeping his weight off of both of us, but I’m not being squished. Just delightfully filled.

A cry escapes me as Cai moves and he fills me deeper. Harlen is thrusting into him and the force of it is driving Cai into me.

I can’t stop moaning. The feel of Cai filling me and sliding in and out, is a physical euphoria. The knowledge that Harlen is filling him, is mentally going to destroy me. I can’t ever recover from this. It is impossible.

Grunts and moans fill the air. Along with the sound of flesh upon flesh. It’s carnal and erotic and I adore it. Our bodies find a rhythm, we are dancing as one. The oldest dance. The most sacred dance. It rolls on and on and my pleasure grows and grows.

Harlen thrusts deeply and groans. He has cum deep inside Cai. Cai shudders and the force of it spreads into my body.

Suddenly, there is a flurry of movement, and I am left empty and alone. Harlen has pulled Cai back into a sitting sprawl against him. His legs are spread. His head tilted back by Harlen’s grip on his hair. His eyes are closed and he is panting.

“Fuck him,” orders Harlen as he stares at me.

“W…what?” I stammer helplessly.

Harlen’s tanned hand drifts down to Cai’s pale pink nipple and caresses it. Cai arches his back and gasps. Harlen has hooked his knees under Cai’s and is spreading Cai’s legs wide. Wide enough to expose his hole. His hole that is wet and open from Harlen.

I lick my lips. Arousal is running through my veins instead of blood. I’ve never topped anyone and suddenly I can’t think of anything I want more.

“Ri isn’t…” I trail off uselessly.

I can’t really tell what our dragons are doing exactly, but I’m sure I would feel that.

“But Zh is, and Cai needs it.”

Cai’s cock does look very full. It’s standing proud against his abdomen and weeping pre-cum. Harlen lowers his head and bites Cai, just where his neck and shoulder meet. Cai cries out and lifts his hips up.

I crawl forward. My cock is throbbing. I want to cum so bad it hurts. I want Cai with every fibre of my being. Harlen is continuing to torment Cai’s nipples and suck at his neck. Soft, helpless whimpers are spilling out of the flight commander’s mouth. His head is now lolling against Harlen’s shoulder. He is beautiful like this.

“Cai? Do you want this?” I whisper.

I’m not sure if he can hear me. He seems very lost in a sea of lust, arousal and desire.

He nods. The movement is jerky and uncoordinated, and he doesn’t open his eyes. But I’ll take it. I shuffle even closer and line my cock up. I take a deep breath and then I’m easing into him. He is hot and tight around me. He is moaning for me, canting his hips up for me. I sink even further, feeling him open up and stretch around me. His body accepting mine.

My hips take over. Instinct drives me. This primal dance is etched into my soul and my body knows exactly what to do. I surrender to it. I’m breathing in ecstasy and exhaling euphoria. Pleasure is burning through me, irrevocably transforming every part of me.

I’m fucking Cai and it truly feels like a religious experience. I’ve attained Nirvana. Time ceases to have meaning. Nothing and no one exists except this bed and the three of us. We are our own universe.

Cai clenches around me. His back arches as every muscle in his body goes rigid. I can feel him quivering around my cock. As he cries out his orgasm, my own overtakes me. Joy and blinding light are the only things I know.

An eternity later, I can dimly fathom that I’m collapsed on top of Cai and Harlen. I’m panting like oxygen is going out of fashion, and sweat is cooling along my back.

Harlen chuckles darkly. “That was a good start to the night.”

The noise that comes out of me is part whimper, part protestation, part need and hungry anticipation.

Harlen laughs again, and I know I’m done for. But what a glorious way to go.