DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter nineteen

blaze through my eyelids. I’m warm, floppy and sated. Utterly unready to wake up and face reality. So I roll over, and smoosh into someone. Someone with a long lean body. I open my eyes and stare at Cai as he opens his. Brilliant sapphire regards me for the briefest of moments and then he is rolling off of my bed and fleeing. I grab his wrist and he freezes.

“Wait!” I beg.

I know I have nanoseconds to plead my case, to give him a reason to stay. A thousand possible sentences flow through my mind. ‘Are you okay?’ ‘Did you truly consent to that?’ ‘Do you hate me now?’

They are all useless. None of them will work. Then inspiration strikes. Cai hates being fussed over, but he is dedicated to caring for others.

“That…um was my first time topping.”

He turns his head and looks over his shoulder at me. His eyes are wide and shocked and his face paler than usual. Shit. I didn’t mean to make him feel bad. That wasn’t my point at all.

“How are you feeling,” he rumbles.

“Fine!” I say hastily. “But I could do with a hug.”

Cai moves and before I really know what is happening, I’m on my side and Cai is curled up behind me, his arm around my waist. I place my arm on top of his and snuggle into him. I hate lying, but hugs are always nice and I’m damn sure he needs this, so it’s all good.

“Are you okay?” I ask tentatively. I only just got him to stay. I don’t want him to run away.

“Yeah,” he sighs, but he sounds sad.

“You don’t like bottoming?” I ask, even though my stomach is churning. I’m pretty sure he does, but the idea that he is merely driven by his dragon is awful.

He takes a deep breath. “Real men don’t. They only tolerate it if their dragon makes it absolutely necessary.”

“Who told you that?” I splutter as my outrage grows.

“My father,” he says so quietly that I only just hear him.

Fury and rage swirls through me. I scramble out of Cai’s embrace and reach for my phone on the bedside cabinet. He watches me in bemusement as I fumble with it, but thankfully it doesn’t take too long to find a picture of one of my acquaintances. I show my screen to Cai, who blinks at it. The man I am showing him is huge. Tall, insanely ripped. The very definition of shit brick house. He is sitting on his Harley in his biker gear and looking like the baddest ass to ever walk the earth.

“You going to tell him to his face that he is not a real man? Because he is a bottom.”

Cai laughs, and the good natured sound fills me with glee. It’s working. I am making him feel better.

“Not unless I had Je with me,” he confesses.

I grin at him, and then jump out of my skin as my bedroom door flies open. Harlen strolls in carrying a tray. The bastard kicked my door, he is such an animal. Though the three tall glasses of orange juice that I spy look promising, so maybe I will forgive him.

Harlen pauses for a moment. His dark eyes flicking between Cai and me as we sit on the bed. An ecstatic, grateful look crosses over his face before disappearing and being replaced with a smug smirk.

“Breakfast!” he calls gleefully as he clambers onto the bed with his tray, revealing a plate heaped high with buttered toast. I grab a piece and a glass of orange juice and settle back against the headboard happily.

Cai accepts some breakfast too and I’m relieved that he is going to stay. The three of us, sitting on my bed in my tiny room feels wonderful. I could get used to this.

We eat in silence for a moment. My bedding is going to get covered in crumbs, but I guess after last night, a few bits of food aren’t going to make much difference. Next time we should use someone else’s bed and their sheets can get destroyed.

Next time. I nearly choke on my toast. I can’t believe that thought just crossed my mind. It is rather audacious. I shouldn’t be so presumptuous. But maybe I am being entirely reasonable?

As I eat my toast, I cast discreet glances at the two men in my bed. They had a good time didn’t they? They’d be up for a repeat, surely? Or are they just following their dragons’ whims and have no actual interest in me?

Gah! I hate being so whiny, insecure and needy. It’s pathetic. I hope some of Ri’s blazing confidence rubs off on me, I could really, truly do with it.

Harlen leans forward and tucks a strand of Cai’s hair back behind his ear. Cai freezes for a moment and narrows his eyes, but then he resumes chewing his toast without saying anything.

I hide my grin in my orange juice. Those two are the sweetest pair I have ever seen. I swear Harlen is utterly devoted to Cai, and that Cai adores Harlen, but he is too stubborn to admit it.

Harlen glances at me and gives me a naughty wink that promises all sorts of depravity. My stomach flutters in anticipation and my hole clenches in fear. I don’t blame it. Discovering that Harlen has a monster in his pants was quite the revelation. It’s broad as well as long and taking it is difficult and divine. No wonder Cai complains about it, and secretly worships it. I’m right with him there.

Last night, with Harlen stretching me to nearly breaking point while Cai exquisitely sucked my cock, I seriously thought I was going to die. And I was all for it. It would have been a perfect way to go.

At one point, I thought we had destroyed Cai. Harlen was fingering him and stroking him, while I was sucking on one nipple, while twisting the other. I remember glancing up at Harlen and seeing his expression of pure rapture, and wondering if he was about to expire too.

I think all three of us had multiple near-death experiences at various points throughout the night.

Sex is incredible. I think it might be my new religion. I can see myself becoming as obsessed with it as Ri is. But only with these two men. Only Cai and Harlen. I don’t want anyone else. I’m sure some people would say that I should live a little, explore my sexual awakening, but my heart knows what it wants. It wants Cai, Harlen and me, together.

“We’ve got work to do,” says Cai, interrupting my soppy thoughts.

Harlen groans. “What’s the point in being the boss if you can’t give yourself and your besties the morning off?”

Cai narrows his eyes. “You are not my bestie,” he snaps as he flows off of my bed and scoops his robe up off of the floor.

It’s hard not to ogle his ass as he bends over, but I catch Harlen doing the same, so I don’t feel too bad.

“Kirby can have the day off,” says Cai.

“Hey! That’s not fair!” protests Harlen.

“He is still new to all of this, you’re not.”

Harlen puts on an exaggerated pout, and Cai shakes his head in annoyance before striding out of my room without a backward glance. I try not to feel sad about it. He stayed even longer than I had hoped he would. It’s a damn good start.

Harlen sighs heavily and stands. “See you later, Kirby.”

His smile is genuine, and his eyes are kind. I smile back at him and then he is gone. Leaving me alone with my filthy sheets.