DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter twenty-two

my worldly possessions, apart from my car, fit into three cardboard boxes is a bit depressing, but I can’t deny that it is also convenient. Taking this trip from my tiny room to the apartment in the north wing of the castle is exhausting enough. Having to do it more than three times would probably kill me. As embarrassing as that is. I really need to start working out more, or you know, at all. Since apparently the enforced rugby playing isn’t doing enough.

Hopefully, I can get this last box in before Cai sees how red and sweaty I am. Panting like a steam train isn’t exactly a romantic start to living together. Not that we are going to be living together in a romantic way. He wants to keep a close eye on me and he is willing to take up the apartment that comes with being flight commander, just so he can do so.

It’s sweet that he is so concerned and protective of me, but I am worried about how much his dad has rattled him. Of course, I’d love to pretend that Cai has secret romantic reasons for wanting us to move in together, and this whole keeping me safe thing is just an excuse.

It’s a nice little fantasy. Sod it. I’m going to keep it. It makes me happy, so why not?

As I shove the door to the apartment open with my shoulder, I spy Cai putting plates away in the kitchenette. He is wearing grey sweatpants and a tight white tee shirt, because clearly he is trying to kill me.

I manage to scoot down the hallway to the bedrooms before he turns around. I make it to my new bedroom and dump my box on the floor. That was close! Time for some deep breaths and maybe splashing some water on my face so it returns to a more normal colour.

I hear Harlen walk into the apartment. I can recognise the rhythm of his footsteps.

“Sweet shag pad!” he drawls.

Yep, that is definitely Harlen. I drift down to the open plan living area and kitchenette because I just need to see Cai’s reaction. To my immense disappointment, he is merely ignoring Harlen and continuing to put things away in the cupboard.

Harlen grins at me and gives me one of his filthy winks. He is slouching with his hands shoved deep into his jean pockets. The casual, relaxed pose looks great on him. But then again, everything does. He just rolls out of bed oozing sex appeal.

“I’m a little jealous that Kirby is the one that got you to finally accept this lush flat. All your, ‘I’m just another rider’, stuff was bullshit.”

“Fuck off Harlen,” mutters Cai.

Harlen walks over and places his hands on Cai’s shoulders and starts kneading them. Cai stiffens and freezes but says nothing. He doesn’t turn around or step away.

“Cai, you are so tense. If I was a good person, I’d offer you a massage, but I’m not. So how about we fuck Kirby instead?”

What the…? I can feel my mouth hanging open but there is not a thing I can do about it. Cai has turned around and they are both staring at me like a pair of predators. It seems that he likes Harlen’s idea.

It’s not the full moon. We are not drunk. It’s the middle of the day. I’m a bit sweaty from lugging boxes around. Are they seriously just casually suggesting sex like this? I wasn’t even sure they saw me that way. I mean, I know they aren’t exactly proposing marriage, but I’m still giddy with excitement that they want to take this step.

“Are you going to say no?” teases Harlen with an evil gleam in his eyes.

I’m sure I would be blushing if every single drop of blood in my body hadn’t just run to my cock. My stomach is churning, my heart is racing and my head is spinning. How much is excitement and how much is lack of blood flow, I’ll never know. Apparently I am completely on board with this.

“Get naked and lie on your back on the table,” says Harlen.

My eyes start to bug out. That sounds super kinky. And a little reckless. Though, the dining table does look sturdy enough. I guess the old saying of ‘in for a penny, in for a pound,’ applies, because the thought of lying naked on the dining table is not giving me second thoughts at all.

Who knew I was so adventurous? But then again, it’s probably just pure horniness that is making me so brave and willing. The things people will do to get laid, never ceases to astound me. Guess I’m people now.

My fingers find the hem of my tee shirt. Wait. Am I supposed to make this sexy? Because I sure as hell don’t know how to strip tease.

I pull my top off slowly and confidently. That’s going to have to do. I’m not brave enough to look at them, but I can feel their eyes on me. Pulling my jeans and boxers down and stepping out of them doesn’t feel alluring at all, but hey, now I’m naked.

“Cai, I’m feeling generous. Do you want his ass or his mouth?”

“Ass,” answers Cai without a moment’s hesitation.

A thin reedy sound escapes out of my throat. It’s a horrible, hungry noise. To try to hide it, I move over to the table and start lying down.

“No, sideways, so your head is dangling off the edge,” says Harlen.

Dear lord, I’m going to die. Obediently, I swivel around. Harlen takes his place by my head and Cai between my spread legs. They are both still fully dressed and for some reason that is hotter than hell.

“Maybe we should start making him wear a butt plug at all times, so he is always ready for us?” says Harlen conversationally.

Cai makes a noise of disdain. “He needs to be able to ride a dragon.”

“Oh, poor Cai. Is that why you are so bad tempered all the time? Having to ride Je while your ass is sore from me?”

“Go to hell,” snaps Cai but there is no heat in it.

Harlen chuckles and then feeds me his enormous cock. I splutter and struggle to take it, then Cai’s lubed fingers start toying with my hole. Where the hell did the lube come from? Was he hiding it in his sweatpants? Sensations wash over me, deleting all my thoughts. I groan deeply and Harlen seizes the moment to work his cock in deeper. Oh, my god. I’m going to die. This is bliss.

The weight of Harlen’s cock in my mouth is divine. His manly scent is flooding my nose. The salty taste of him is sliding over my tongue. I suck on him and he gets even harder. I’m so busy worshipping the cock in my mouth, I barely register what is happening to my ass, but regular jolts of pleasure shoot up from there.

I hear the rip of a condom packet and then my legs are being thrown over Cai’s shoulders. With my head dangling down, I feel so wanton, so decadent. I don’t feel like I’m being used. I feel revered. The very centre of attention. Two wonderful men are working hard to drive me so wild with pleasure that I lose my mind. And they are succeeding.

As Cai starts to stretch and fill my ass, I moan in delight around Harlen’s cock. Harlen groans in appreciation. I guess the reverberations felt good.

Dimly I’m aware of Ri’s approval as he stirs from his sleep and walks through the burrow to snuggle up to Je.

Cai starts thrusting in and out of me, hitting my prostate every single time. The surge of sensation makes me wail helplessly around Harlen’s cock. I’m already teetering on the very edge of cumming, all my nerve endings are rubbed raw and tingling. My balls are tight and aching. It’s ecstasy and torture all at once.

Cai grunts and I feel a gush of warmth through the condom. Suddenly my mouth is empty. Then my ass is too. I’m about to whimper in protest when Cai appears by my head and offers me his soft and now condom free cock. So that was what the condom was for!

I suck him into my mouth eagerly. He gasps. I swirl my tongue over and over his warm, pliant length. He is twitching in a valiant effort to get hard again and I love that I can torment him like this.

Harlen is pushing into me, and my hole is burning in protest. I don’t mind, I know how good it is going to feel once it is in. He works his way in slowly. Forcing my body to open up for him. The sensation is intense, and it is hard to remember to keep sucking Cai’s cock.

Cai doesn’t seem to mind. His slender hands run over my shoulders and start caressing my nipples. I squeak and squirm at the added stimulation.

“So responsive,” whispers Cai.

Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I’m going to blow. Any second now. My entire body is tingling and alight with it. I’m going to scream. I’m going to shoot the biggest load the world has ever seen. It’s going to melt my brain and I’m never going to be the same again.

Harlen eases in his last inch, but before I can adjust to that, he starts rocking his hips and stroking my cock with feather soft fingers. A maddening, teasing, taunting, far too soft touch. My back is arching. I’m making all sorts of obscene noises around Cai’s hardening cock. My nipples are being tweaked, twisted and rolled. Arousal, lust and mind numbing pleasure is burning through me.

My orgasm builds and builds and builds. Now it is pouring out of me. I’m clenching and writhing and screaming but neither of them stop and the pleasure keeps rolling on and on and on. Everything is far too sensitive. Everything is dancing that line between pain and pleasure.

“Cai, tomorrow, you are going to be the one on the table,” growls Harlen.

Cai whimpers and thrusts and suddenly my mouth is flooding with cum and I’m nearly choking on it.

Harlen thrusts deeply and holds still. His hands are gripping my hips now. Holding me flush to him. He grunts and I feel his enormous cock throb a split second before warm wetness bathes my insides.

My mouth is free from cock and cum, so I gasp in some much needed oxygen. Harlen manoeuvres me so I’m lying lengthwise on the table and my head is resting on the wood and no longer dangling upside down. It might help with the dizziness, but I don’t think it’s going to make that much difference. I close my eyes and wait for reality to reform.

“You still look stressed, Cai. You need to be fucked.”

“No! I’m fine. And you just came.”

Harlen lets out an evil chuckle. “I only need a minute.”


I hear sounds of movement and what sounds like a scuffle. What the hell is going on? I open my eyes and sit up.

Harlen has Cai bent over the kitchen island. Cai is struggling but Harlen has his arm twisted behind his back in a very secure hold.

“Harlen!” I yell in shocked outrage.

He looks over his shoulder at me. His brown eyes are wide and dark with lust.

“Colour check, Brat,” he says to Cai, with a little shove and without taking his eyes off of me.

“Green,” gasps Cai.

I feel my brows furrow in confusion. I don’t understand what is happening.

“Green means all good, Yellow means I’m not sure, and red means stop,” explains Harlen.

I stare at him blankly for a long moment while my mind tries to compute what it just heard.

“You’re pretending? This is just a game?” I ask as I gesture at Cai being held down on the counter. I can feel rage building within me. Several times, Harlen’s behaviour towards Cai has unsettled me. I’d been frightened, concerned, and they were just acting the whole time?

“Not really,” says Harlen. “Cai fights himself and me over what he needs. He needs me to take control. The colour system helps me to know if I’m pushing him too far.”

I blink. Okay, that actually makes sense. I’m not a complete idiot, I knew there was a kinky edge to their situationship. But I know nothing about that lifestyle and that makes me feel so clueless, so naïve. I think the word for it is vanilla? But I’m definitely curious. If they are willing to teach me, I’m willing to learn.

“Kirby, why don’t you come kneel here and eat Cai’s ass to prepare him for me?”

The noise Cai makes goes straight to my spent cock. Okay, I’m really starting to get this. I appreciate the careful way Harlen phrased it as a suggestion, given how much I was freaking out just a moment ago, but if he had ordered me to do it, like he had with telling me to get on the furniture…man that would have been hot.

I scramble off the table. Harlen grins at me and yanks Cai’s grey sweatpants down. I fall to my knees at the sight of that glorious ass. It truly is a sight to behold. A thing of beauty and perfection. I edge closer. I’ve never eaten ass before, but a warm wet tongue in and around your hole is going to feel wonderful. I’m reasonably confident it is a pretty impossible thing to get wrong.

Harlen shoves Cai’s legs wider apart with his foot. I take two handfuls of juicy goodness and spread them apart. My tongue gives its first tentative lick of Cai’s pink and puckered hole. He gasps. I grin in delight and get to work.

I lick, I flick, I poke, I tease. I slobber and devour. He tastes good and I can’t get enough of it. The way his hole flutters and clenches, is driving me wild. His soft moans and gasps are music to my ears. I’m so proud of the pleasure I can give him.

Suddenly, Harlen’s hand is on my shoulder, pulling me away. I squawk in indignation. Not that he pays me any heed. He steps into the spot I was just kneeling in and lines up his huge cock. I’m sitting here with my bare ass on the floor, but I have a front row seat and I’m not moving anywhere. I’m drinking in the sight of Harlen sinking into Cai.

The look of rapture on Harlen’s face is exquisite. The noises Cai is making are divine. He is overwhelmed, struggling, his body fighting the invasion and I know exactly how it feels. Then he groans. A long, low deep groan that sounds almost like pain and Harlen sinks all the way in. He has breached Cai and made his body surrender.

Harlen rolls his hips and Cai wails. I watch, utterly transfixed. My hand drifts down to my cock and I’m kind of surprised it is hard again already, given how very hard I came earlier. But given my current view, I think even an eunuch would get an erection.

Cai’s legs start to tremble. His soft cries are beautiful. I stroke my cock in rhythm with Harlen’s thrusts. The air is filled with the sound of slapping flesh, of moans and grunts and ecstatic pleasure.

My balls are already lifting. I’m about to blow and it is going to be wonderful.

Cai’s back arches, and a wailing, gasping keen pours out of him. Harlen roars in triumph, his face twisted in sheer bliss. I moan as I peak. Cum shooting out of me and dribbling all over my fingers.

We came together. All three of us at once. I call that a miracle. A very horny, depraved miracle. And there is only one thing I want to know.

When can we do it again?