DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter twenty-five

playing to itself. I for sure as hell don’t know what’s going on, I think it is a property renovation show. Whatever it is, it makes a comforting background noise, and it’s something to stare blankly at.

The sofa in the apartment isn’t very comfy, so it’s a good thing I’m leaning on Harlen, with my legs on Cai’s lap. I had fully expected to be thoroughly grilled as soon as we got back at dawn, but they have both been strangely quiet. We grabbed a few hours of sleep and now we are vegging out in front of daytime TV.

I don’t really want to think about what happened last night, or the implications of it. Being good at closing portals and dispatching tylwyth is something I can dismiss. Sensing that portals were about to open, is far harder to ignore.

I don’t want to be the chosen one. And I really don’t want people to make me the chosen one just because they have decided to believe that it is true. I just want to remain a nobody. An ordinary Dragonrider. Not that there is anything ordinary about riding dragons.

But I have a horrible, sinking feeling that this accusation will not go away if I ignore it. I’m going to have to face it and deal with it somehow. There has to be a way to get people to see sense. I just need to find it.

“Since I’m the chosen one, I think you should make me a cup of tea,” I say to Cai.

He dumps my legs off of his lap and strides over to the kitchenette. I stare at him in openmouthed horror. Oh, my fucking god. Cai doesn’t truly believe this shit, does he? Even if he does, I don’t want him obeying my every word. I can’t think of anything worse.

“I was joking!” I wail in dismay.

Cai shrugs while keeping his back to me. “I don’t mind making tea for people I like.”

“You like me?” I splutter.

I mean I kind of knew he did, but I never thought I’d hear him say it out loud. And it’s wonderful enough to fully distract me from all this chosen one nonsense.

“You are good at sucking cock,” he says tonelessly.

Well, fuck him. But actually that is flattering. Damn the obnoxious bastard, now I don’t know if I should be pissed off or pleased. Why does he always confuse me like this?

“Stop being mean to Kirby or I will spank you,” drawls Harlen.

Cai freezes. One hand is on the cupboard door and one hand is holding a box of tea bags midair. His back is ramrod straight. I’m getting the very distinct impression that it is not fear that is freezing him.

Harlen chuckles. A deep sound, full of delight. And since I’m leaning on him, it reverberates right through me. It makes me shiver in delight.

“Okay, how about, stop being mean to Kirby and I will spank you as a reward,” says Harlen, his voice deep and low with promise.

Cai bristles and resumes moving. Deftly lining up three mugs by the kettle before shutting the cupboard door with a little bit more force than is necessary.

“You are not spanking me,” he mutters. “Ever.”

Somehow, I manage to hold in my giggle. He is wrong. Now Harlen knows he wants it, it’s going to happen. It’s merely a matter of time. And I better bloody be there when it does, or I will be seriously pissed at Harlen.

A few short minutes later, Cai returns to the sofa with the drinks. A tea for me and coffee for him and Harlen. I take a sip. Delicious, just how I like it. Milk with two sugars and fairly weak. Oh gosh. He knows how I like my tea, he didn’t even have to ask. Call me super British, but that is a sign of true love.

He likes coffee with a ton of milk and enough sugar that he should have diabetes by now. Harlen likes his coffee black and strong. Oh, my goodness. It is true love. I know their drinks. We are soul mates.

Harlen pulls Cai closer and I nearly spill my tea. He puts his fingers under Cai’s chin and makes him look at him.

“It’s just us here, Brat. You can let it all go. You don’t need to be an asshole.”

Then before Cai can say a word, Harlen kisses him. Deeply. Thoroughly. Passionately. I’m inches away and it is a sight to behold. I can see everything. I see Cai tense and resist. I see him waver. I watch him surrender with a soft moan and turn all pliant and soft. By the time Harlen is done with him, Cai is a melted puddle of goo. His eyes are baby blue and hazy. Harlen was right all along. Cai really is adorable once you get to know him.

Harlen turns back to his coffee. Cai sighs contently and rests his head on Harlen’s shoulder. The one I’m not leaning on. Then Cai curls his whole body up as close to Harlen and me as he can get. Harlen puts his drink down on the coffee table and then wraps one arm around Cai and the other around me. I feel his chest swell and I can almost taste the pride and sheer joy rolling off of him.

I’m smiling so much that my face is hurting. The three of us together, just works. I don’t care that it is unusual or something I never expected. I certainly don’t care that some people will disapprove. Our happiness is none of their business. I couldn’t choose just one of them and why should I have to? This is perfect.

Except, one thing is niggling at me.

“It will be the full moon soon,” I say, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.

Cai caresses my leg in a comforting gesture. “Our dragons know how we feel.”

“And it will be rubbing off on them,” adds Harlen. “The three of them were always close anyway.”

I really am going to burst with happiness. Not just from the assurance that the full moon will not be a problem, but from Cai’s thinly cloaked confession of feelings. And Harlen’s confirmation of them. Dragonriders are apparently terrible at communication, but I love them anyway.