DragonRider by S. Rodman

Chapter twenty-six

pillow. It’s soaked with my tears and drool. Probably snot too. My ass is in the air and Harlen is pounding it. Far, far away, Ri is lying on the dark sand of a deserted beach. Zh is mounting him and biting his neck and Ri is in ecstasy.

I wail as another tidal wave of pleasure consumes me. This full moon feels intense. Everything is just so much…more. I’m lost in Ri’s emotions with no hope of untangling myself. And this deep, deep hunger within me is growing. I need to be filled. Stretched. Taken. Possessed. I crave it more than I have ever craved anything. I’m burning up with this thirst.

Harlen gasps. “Ri is going into heat.”

“Je can smell it too,” says Cai.

Suddenly a straw is poking in my face.

“Drink!” orders Cai.

I open my mouth, catch the straw and obey. The water is cold and delicious. Cai strokes my hair and Harlen continues to thrust into me.

“You need to keep your strength up, Kirby. The longer you can last, the longer Ri can too. It’s a feedback loop. And the more seed Ri receives, the higher the chances are that his eggs will take.”

Cai’s voice is calm. The tone even. But in my heightened state I can hear the notes of his excitement and his anxiety.

“We have to ask Je and Zh to let the other dragons near. They are already circling,” Cai says to Harlen.

“Kirby will hate that,” grunts Harlen without losing his rhythm. “If he gets upset and stressed, then so will Ri.”

Far away on the moonlight beach, Zh spreads her golden wings wide. Warning the other dragons to back off. Ri squirms in delight at the display of possessiveness.

Cai makes a noise of frenzied frustration and dismay. I can almost imagine him hopping from foot to foot. It’s strange to see him like this. I can read his conflict, as clear as day. He is desperate for Ri’s eggs to take, it’s the most important thing in the world to him. But he doesn’t want to hurt me.

“I’ll make some Yohimbe!” declares Cai.

“Wait!” groans Harlen. “I’m…I’m…you need to take over. I’ll make the disgusting tea.”

His rhythm gets all jerky and uncoordinated and then with a yell, he spills deep inside me. He pulls out and I scream. Being empty is awful. I’m cold. My body cramps, trying to clench down on what is not there. On the beach, Ri cries out in pain, even though Zh is still filling him.

Cai’s cock slides into me, and I sob in sheer relief and joy. He picks up a similar rhythm to Harlen and everything is bearable. Zh finishes and steps aside for Je. Then everything feels wonderful again. It’s much better when there is a synchronicity between us and our dragons. Cai’s pace slows to longer, shallower thrusts and my human body can’t take it. I’m going to cum, but I won’t be able to stop being fucked afterwards. I wail and try to hold back my orgasm. I need to keep going. It would be incredible if Ri’s eggs took, there haven’t been any young for a hundred years. Dragons are still at risk of extinction. I can’t let my lack of stamina ruin everything.

But my body is only human. There is only so much stimulation it can take. My orgasm roars through me. Obliterating everything in its path. It floods Ri. My pleasure becomes his pleasure. I feel his body soften in response, open up more and let Je in deeper. Closer to the eggs.

I’m making a difference. I’m helping. My lust and desire is helping.

Cai continues to steadily pump into me. It continues to feel good. More sensitive, yes, but not unbearably so. As my peak recedes, I’m still hungry. Still flooded with desire and arousal. I want this. I want to stay like this all night. My ass in the air, Cai and Harlen taking turns to pump me full of seed.

Fill me until my belly swells with it and my eggs are bathed in it. Okay, that was Ri’s thought, not mine. I need to keep some sort of separation. If I can.

“Are you okay?” asks Cai.

“Yes!” I yell. “Don’t stop. Don’t ever, ever stop,” I beg.

“We won’t,” he promises.

A disgusting smell fills the room. Harlen has returned with the tea. I hear him take a sip and then splutter.

“Oh god that’s vile!”

“But it will keep you hard all night,” says Cai.

“The things we do for duty,” chuckles Harlen.

He is a fine one to talk. He is not the one laying here with their ass in the air begging to be fucked all night. Talk about taking one for the team. Though it’s more a very filthy fantasy come to life than a hardship. Especially now I know I can cum and keep going. A night of endless orgasms. Would anyone say no to that?

Cai grunts softly and splashes my insides with his cum. It feels wonderful. It feels like hitting the spot, scratching the itch and getting exactly what I’m craving.

But then he is pulling out of me and I’m shrieking in horror.

“I’m not ready yet, Kirby. You’ll have to make do with this until the tea kicks in,” says Harlen.

Something slides into my empty hole. Something soft and very warm. It’s a dildo, and it has been heated up to mimic the heat of a dragon’s cock. A sordid sound of delight and appreciation pours out of me. It feels wonderful. It feels like a caress against the puffy walls of my channel. I groan and whimper and roll my hips back against it.

I can hear Cai and Harlen sipping their tea and it has to be the most surreal moment of my life. I’m here writhing in carnal ecstasy on the bed and two people are standing around drinking tea.

“I’m ready,” breathes Harlen.

“No using his mouth or jerking off, or using me. Every drop needs to go in his ass. The more he takes, the more receptive Ri will be,” says Cai sternly.

“I know, I know,” mutters Harlen.

He pulls the dildo out and I bite my bottom lip in an effort not to scream in dismay. His hands grab my hips and then his huge, wonderful cock is impaling me and everything is right with the world.

On the beach, Ri is wriggling and encouraging Zh to go deeper. He wants to feel as gorged as I am. This feedback thing is really working. I can save a species from extinction by being a horny bastard who loves getting railed.

Laughter bubbles out of me. The movement tightens the muscles in my abdomen and moves Harlen’s cock. I groan. That felt strange. And good.

“You okay?” gasps Harlen. I think it felt good for him too.

“Never better,” I manage to murmur.

Now it’s Harlen’s turn to laugh, and that movement pulls a keening noise from me. It’s going to be a long, unforgettable night.