Envy by Eve Marian



Sitting in the backseat of my Bentley while Nicky drove, I contemplated how I would explain to an irate Russian father that I didn’t want to marry his daughter anymore.

When I closed my eyes and pictured myself at the altar, the woman on the other side had beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. She wasn’t a blonde Russian mafia princess.

Somehow, in the two days since Natacha and I became official, Dimitri Makarov caught wind of it and ordered this meeting. I had to think of a way to smooth this over before I became the target of another mafia hit.

“Is this the place?” Nicky asked, pulling up next to a low-rise apartment building.

I checked the address Dimitri had texted me. “Yeah, this is it.”

“I think I should come in with you, sir,” Nicky said, leaning toward the passenger seat to get a better look at the building.

The place looked run down but not empty. People were milling around outside and there were bikes stored on some of the balconies.

If Nicky was willing to come in, I was willing to give it a try. I’d see how the kid did in these situations. The Russians were tough sons of bitches, so if Nicky scared easily, I knew he couldn’t hack the rest of this business.

“Sure. You’re not carrying, are you?”

“No, sir. Do you want me to?” He eyed the glove compartment.

I licked my lips and stared at the entrance again. I had no idea if Nicky knew how to handle a gun. And someone inexperienced would be deadlier with a gun than without one. “They’ll just take it from you. Come on, let’s go.” I opened the car door and climbed out.

The people out front stopped talking as we approached, sizing us up. Nicky was dressed more casually in jeans and a band T-shirt, while I wore a black suit and a light gray shirt.

I nodded to the big guy at the door, and he opened it for me. “Thanks,” I murmured as I walked inside. The elevator was next to the doors and I pressed the button for the top floor.

The inside smelled like piss and feces, perhaps animal, perhaps not. This didn’t bode well for the meeting. If Dimitri wanted to just talk, it would have been inside a better place than this.

I exhaled when we reached our floor and followed Dimitri’s instructions to the right door. Knocking twice, I waited.

A short, burly man with a three-inch beard opened the door. Without saying a word, he moved to let us in.

Dimitri sat at a small table with two chairs. He wasn’t smiling when I walked in.

“Dimitri,” I said in a way of greeting.

“Sit down.” He pointed to the chair in front of him.

I complied.

“I hear you’ve disrespected me and my family.”

His voice was low, but even. He was either controlling his emotion or giving me a chance to explain. Either way, I was thankful for the opportunity.

“No. That isn’t true.”

“Are you still planning to marry my daughter? Because I hear you are with another woman. A serious woman.”

“Yes, I am.”

“Good. So, you do not plan to break your promise and I don’t have to kill you.”

I stared at him, keeping my face blank, even though my heart raced.

“I meant I am in a serious relationship with another woman.”

A growl reverberated from his throat, and his nostrils flared. “Fine.” He nodded to the man at the door and a second later, I stared down the barrel of a gun.

“Wait a second, now,” I shouted, raising my arms. “Let me explain.”

“There is nothing to explain,” Dimitri growled. “You lied and backed out on our deal. That comes with consequences.” Turning to his man, he nodded, “Go ahead.”

Everything slowed down as I imagined the man pulling the trigger.

I reached into my jacket for my weapon when, out of nowhere, Nicky moved into a fighting stance and kicked the gun out of the man’s hand.

Wrapping my hand over my gun, I pointed it at Dimitri, while keeping an eye on his man. I didn’t have to worry because Nicky had him in an armlock.

Dimitri’s eyes narrowed. “You better pull that trigger or I will find you and kill you myself.”

“Look, I know you’re upset and I will make it up to you. You don’t want your daughter to marry me, anyway. I don’t love her and I won’t make her happy.”

Dimitri’s face turned sour, as though he didn’t understand a word I’d said.

“I’ll make a better arrangement for you. I’ll arrange that your daughter marries my brother Robert. He’s a lawyer, he knows the business and he’ll triple yours. It will all still stay in the family, but it’ll be better.”

“Have you discussed this with your brother yet?”

“Not yet. Everything happened so quickly with me and Natacha, but I will make it right.”

“I don’t have a choice with a gun pointing at my head, but I will hold off on planning your death until I see where this goes.”

“Thank you. I just need a little time.”

“Don’t take too long. I’m not a patient man.”

“I understand.”

I moved to pick up the man’s gun and then lowered my weapon. “We good?” I asked Dimitri.

He nodded.

“Good. Now, if you don’t mind, I have a second angry father to face today.”

I walked out of the room with Nicky behind me. He sighed. “Let’s hope that meeting goes better than this one.”

I inhaled deeply, imagining Natacha’s father in my living room.

It would be fine. Hell, it couldn’t be as bad as telling Dimitri I wouldn’t marry his daughter.


“I won’t let you marry my daughter, Rossi. You can forget about it!” Her father slammed both hands onto his hips.

“Dad! No one said anything about marriage. Calm down.”

Natacha stood toe-to-toe with her father as I sat on the living room couch. She had set out tea and scones earlier, but her father skipped all the pleasantries when she sat next to me and grabbed my hand.

Now they were both snarling at each other.

“Well, we haven’t discussed it yet, but one day—”

“Really?” Natacha turned her face toward me and smiled weakly.

“Yeah.” I stood up and reached for her.

“Forget it!” her father shouted. “I won’t allow it.”

“Dad! It’s not—”

The doorbell interrupted her, and Dominic shuffled up the hallway to answer the door.

My brothers stood at the entrance and I blew out a frustrated sigh. Natacha had invited them, thinking it best to get this all over with at once. Explain to everyone together. I was feeling outnumbered in my own home, and I didn’t like it.

Her father crossed his arms. “Good. I’m glad you’re all here. You can help me convince my daughter she’s lost her mind.”

Natacha threw her hands up in the air in frustration.

Colton, Ryan, and Luke all walked inside. Colton and Ryan wore slacks and button-up shirts while Luke was dressed more casually in khakis.

Luke was the first to speak. “Rossi. I’m surprised you invited us back.”

“Yeah, me too,” I muttered.

Natacha shot me a look of frustration, and I raised my hands. “I’m sorry. I’ll be good.”

Thank you, she mouthed.

“Please take a seat,” I said through gritted teeth.

Ryan narrowed his eyes at the exchange but led his brothers to the seats across from us.

Natacha stood in front of the men and cleared her throat. “Thank you all for coming here today. As I was explaining to my father, we invited you here to clear the air.”

“That’s not what’s happening here. You are throwing your life away.”

She rolled her eyes at her father’s comment.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Natacha?” Colton asked.

“I’m a grown woman. I can make my own decisions.”

“I just don’t think this is the right one,” Luke persisted and I wanted to kick him, mainly because a small part of me agreed. She deserved better. But they needed to understand something about me.

“No one will treat her better than me,” I said to them. My voice sounded angry so I took a breath before continuing, “I will take care of her and be true to her.”

“But can you keep her safe?” her father demanded, and I knew what he was inferring.

“I know what I do is dangerous.”

“Yes. You were shot only a few months ago.”

“Right. But no one would dare do that to my woman. Because they know if they did, it would be no holds bar, no rules of engagement, all bets would be off.” Staring at my brothers, I added with a snarl, “I take care of those I love. I do not abandon them.”

Ryan shot up. “Is that a jab at our mother?”

“No. Because she never loved me.”

Ryan shook his head. “You’re an idiot.”

His callous remark pissed me off. “Really? Why’s that?” He dropped his head for a moment before shooting me a deadly stare. “Because you don’t get it. She loved you. She loved you so much that I was insanely jealous. I hired a PI to find you because I wanted to know who this man was that occupied her thoughts and heart. Only to find out it was you. A man who chose crime.”

“I had no choice, asshole. I wasn’t raised with a trust fund. The choice was to join the family business or be out on my own.”

“I would have chosen to walk out. Just like we did to our uncle.”

“Well, that’s the difference between us, then. I don’t walk out on my family. Ever.”

Ryan moved as though he was about to jump off the couch and grab me, but Colton stopped him. Turning to me, he said, “Walking out isn’t the hard part. It’s living. I know that. I had to raise two brothers on my own. I took on that responsibility. I didn’t have any family to share the burden with. So, don’t fucking throw that in our face, you got that?” His nostrils flared.

For the first time, I recognized myself in Colton. The frustration on my face mirrored his. It was jarring. Two brothers. Two different circumstances. Both still very angry at the past.

I hated that I could relate to him.

I turned away, running my hands through my hair. “I’m sorry, this won’t work,” I whispered to Natacha when she reached for me.

“I don’t need you to get along with your brothers or my father. I don’t even need you to like each other.” She turned to the group of men gloating on the couch. “What I need,” she raised her voice, “is for them to respect my decisions. I know what is best for me, and I will decide whom I want to date. End of story.”

“I won’t allow it, Natacha.” Her father’s military voice called out. “It’s him or me. You choose.”

Natacha flinched, as though the words had struck her. I wanted to reach for her, but she fisted her hands at her sides. Her anger mirrored her father’s. He crossed his arms, his face blank, as though he already knew the answer.

She closed her eyes, and furrowed her brow.

“I shouldn’t be surprised that you’d say that, Dad. I’ve always chosen you. When mom left, I chose to stay with you. When I could have worked at any agency, I chose to work at yours.”

She turned to me; her expression pained. I couldn’t handle it any longer. I closed my eyes, defeated, and nodded once. I wanted her to know it was all right. I understood. Even if it hurt so fucking bad.

A second, then two passed until her steady voice rang out.

“I choose him.”

My eyes flew open. Her father’s blank face popped, his eyes widened, and his eyebrows shot up. “What?”

“He never made me choose. Not once did he put himself before me. You haven’t even tried to see how much he loves me. But you will. If you choose to stay in my life, you will. But the choice is yours.”

“Natacha,” I pulled her aside. “You don’t have to do this. This is your family. I don’t expect you to choose me over them.”

“It’s because you don’t expect it that makes me love you more. Don’t you see that? Don’t you see how purely you love?”

I blinked back tears. I wouldn’t cry in front of them, but what she said I felt in every part of my being. I loved her purely, madly, and unconditionally. “I will always put you first. I will not lie or cheat. You will have the truth with me, no matter how ugly it is. I can promise you that. I can’t promise it will be a simple life, but you’ll never have to wonder if what I say or feel is true. Because, Tacha, I will love you more than you could ever dream of being loved.” I cupped my hands on her cheeks. “I will stand by you forever.”

Natacha wrapped her arms around my neck, and I squeezed her tight. My eyes burned, but I kept my emotions in check. Turning to her father, I said, “Sir, I will not let anything happen to your daughter. You have my word.”

He stared at us for a moment before shaking his head. “You better because I’m not going anywhere.” Turning to Natacha, he added. “I’m sorry. I got so angry and I thought I could make you leave him if I forced your hand. It wasn’t the right thing to do.”

“No, it wasn’t.”

“You grew up, baby. Right before my eyes, you grew up. I just have to figure this new role out for myself. Be patient with me.”

She nodded and pulled her dad in for a hug.

I looked across the room at the Crawfords. They stood now too. Luke crossed over and stuck out his hand. “Natacha isn’t a sister, but she’s a friend. Take care of her.”

“With my life,” I said.

Ryan pushed his feet forward and begrudgingly stuck out his hand. “This doesn’t mean I like you and we’re not friends. You know that, right?”

“Hell, no, we’re not,” I said. “I’ve got a reputation in town to uphold.”

I laughed. Luke chuckled alongside me. Hell, even Colton smiled.

“Wait! Why don’t you stay for dinner?”

“Don’t push it, Tacha,” I whispered in her ear when she joined me at the door. She smiled expectantly at the Crawfords.

“Maybe some other time,” Luke said and smiled. He turned to me. “See you around, John.”

The name still made my chest ache. Luke looked just like her, and the name, along with the smile on his face, shook me.

“See you around, brother,” I said, choking back emotion.

Natacha squeezed my waist as she waved goodbye with her other hand.

“I’ll be heading out, too.”

“Are you sure, Dad?” she asked.

“I’m sure. I need to check on a few things.” He pointed in my direction as he said this, and I fought back a smile. Her father and I would eventually get along. We both had Natacha’s best interest at heart, and I couldn’t blame him for trying to protect her. I’d take all the help I could get her because I would never let anything or anyone hurt her.

When she finally closed the door, I spun her around and kissed her gently on the mouth.

“Are you hungry?” she asked breathlessly.

I nodded and she added, “I can whip something up.”

I placed my finger on her lips. “No more cooking. Tomorrow, we hire someone new.”

“But what about tonight?” She pulled away and smiled.

“Tonight, I need to check on something.”

Pulling her toward the staircase, she laughed. “What’s that?”

I lifted her, carrying her up the steps. “There was a charge for a teddy on my credit card and I’d like to inspect the merchandise.”

She threw her head back and laughed. “I’m not wearing it now.”

“That’s all right. I would just rip it off, anyway.”

She continued to laugh into my neck.

“I like the sound of you laughing,” I said. “But you know what I like more?”


“Calling you mine.”

She held my face in her hands, and her delicate fingers pressed into my cheeks. “Always.”

The sincerity in her voice and the soft look in her eyes weakened my knees. I held her tighter against my chest and knew, without a doubt, I’d never let her go.


Do you want to read one more chapter in Natacha and Giancarlo's lives?

Natacha meets with one of Giancarlo's greatest adversaries--his future sister-in-law Laura. After the meeting, she sees Giancarlo and confesses one more secret she's been keeping from him. Click on this link to read the bonus chapter: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4cq65nfew5

Download now! You won't want to miss it.

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If you haven't read the Crawford Brothers' stories yet, you can check them out here:

The Mix-UP- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XJC64GG

The Remake - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B8W7NVX2

The Choice - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BNQYMS1K

If you enjoy paranormal romance, I invite you to read the Violet Sky trilogy.

If you like shifters intertwined with gods and mythology, you'll love this slow-burn, complete three-book paranormal romance series, with a bonus prequel included. All in one easy download: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BDSRPZKT

Thank you for taking the time to read my stories. Your support means the world to me.