A Curvy Girl for the Prince by S.E. Law



“What? Are you shitting me?”

The messenger shrugs his shoulders before bowing again.

“I’m sorry, my prince. That’s what the madame said.”

I sit in the chair, unable to move. What the fuck? My girl is on a date? With another man?

After all, I’ve been unable to stop thinking about Martha for the last twelve hours. The luscious woman left my chambers in the wee hours of the dawn this morning with a limp, but it was a good limp.

“Are you okay?” I asked before pressing one last kiss to her mouth. “Is your pussy sore?”

“It is,” she whispered back, her brown eyes soft and beautiful. “And my asshole too, but it’s okay. I’ll survive and I have to work today, so it’s time to get back. Talk later, Prince Haakon.”

Of course, at that moment I had no intention of ever seeing Martha again, but I sent her away with some cash in her hand and a friendly pat on the rear end. The door swung closed, and I figured it was time and money well-spent.

But I’ve been unable to get Martha out of my mind. The way she moaned so sweetly whenever I penetrated her. How she screamed like a banshee while coming. And of course, the fact that she adored my double cocks, and wasn’t scared of them at all.

“Hmmm,” she whispered, her gaze fixed on the two huge shafts while stroking them with her small hands. “This is quite a treat.”

I lifted her chin to look into those big caramel pools.

“You’re not afraid?”

She slowly shook her head, still squeezing me in those hot little hands, making me groan.

“Not at all, Prince Haakon. This looks like the type of thing that I could have a lot of fun with.”

And fun we had. I took her every which way, pummeling those virgin holes like a sick motherfucker. I used her like a seasoned whore, listening to her scream and pant while she was violated. But Martha never complained. In fact, she came so hard each time that the sheets are likely still damp with our combined fluids.

So it was only natural that I’ve decided to reach out to her again. I sent one of my pageboys over to the House of Silk to request her company, but instead, he’s back and relaying some shit about Martha being on a date with another man.

“The fuck?” I rasp again, my hands gripping the armrests of my chair so tight that they’re white at the knuckles.

The young man merely shrugs and bows again.

“I’m sorry, my prince. Nerilda said that the woman you requested is occupied. But she did add one more piece of information: allegedly, the fair damsel is on a date at the Lysenian Driving Range, if you’d like to check it out for yourself. With a young man named Albert, if I’m not mistaken.”

I fume, still incensed that my woman could be with another man. Of course, I realize I have no hold on Martha because she’s a working girl, but still, what the fuck? Is that goddamn asshole fucking her right now? Is she getting paid to act sassy while flirting? Even after giving her innocence to me?

Suddenly, I make an executive decision.

“Get the car,” I growl. “We’re headed to the driving range.”

“Of course, my prince,” the pageboy nods, already scurrying off. “We’ll meet you in front in fifteen.”

“Make it ten,” I rasp. After all, there’s no way I’m letting some asshole put his hands on Martha’s curves. I don’t know where this sense of possession is coming from, but if I’m alive and breathing, there’s no way she’ll be tussling with another man in bed.

Within minutes, my car is pulling away from the curb and soon, I’m at the Lysenian Driving Range. Actually, the royal family owns this outfit and I’ve been here many times in the past.

“Your Highness!” the doorman exclaims, rushing forward to open the car door. “We didn’t know you’d be stopping by tonight!”

I get out of the vehicle, my mood still grim. The night air is crisp and the gloom of the evening is lit up by the powerful spotlights of the driving range. An emerald lawn undulates in front of the players, and sure enough, as I inhale deeply, there’s the thwack-thwack-thwack of golf balls soaring through the air. Come to think of it, it’s quite crowded at the moment, seeing that a certain subset of the Lysenian upper class likes to relax and socialize here.

“Where is she?” I grunt.

“Where is who?” a concierge asks, a confused look on his face. “Highness, we had no idea that you were coming tonight—”

I nod curtly, cutting him off.

“I believe the customer’s name is Albert,” I say. “A young man.”

The concierge nods as recognition dawns in his eyes.

“Yes, Albert Ray, John Ray’s son.”

That makes me pull up short.

“John Ray of Ray Shipping?” Everyone knows that Ray Shipping had a blockbuster year last year, and the rumor is that John’s looking to get into politics, leaving his son in charge of operations.

“Yes, sire,” the concierge nods again. “Of course, we understand that you’re here to talk business with Mr. Ray tonight. Right this way.”

Obviously, the man has the wrong idea, but I don’t bother to correct him. Instead, I follow as we’re led to a semi-private area of the driving range where the stalls are bigger, the refreshments fancier, and the green a perfectly manicured emerald lawn. Laughter and the clinking of glasses rise in the air as attractive couples enjoy their Friday nights.

But I know what I’m here for, and my blood pressure rockets as I approach the VIP area. At the end of the tee boxes is a stall occupied by none other than Albert Ray himself, along with my gorgeous girl. The blood begins to boil in my veins because Martha’s hands-down the most beautiful woman here tonight. She’s wearing a short, white pleated skirt that stops mid-thigh, paired with a pink polo top that hugs her big breasts. Long tan legs, and a cute pair of white sneakers finish the look, and she’s got her curly hair tied into a jaunty ponytail. In other words, she’s completely fuckable and I’m the man who plans on doing the job.

Yet they don’t notice us approaching at first. Martha and her date are laughing and chatting as they take swings at the ball, and I note with a rueful expression that this Albert kid is actually quite good-looking and athletic. He appears to be one of those cocky frat types, with a powder blue polo with the collar popped up around his neck. Not only that, but the underside of the collar reveals the word “Ray” in gothic script. Clearly, the boy’s proud of his family’s success and not afraid to show his allegiance.

Still, this is a weird scenario because Martha’s a whore while Albert Ray is clearly a member of the Lysenian upper class. I had no idea that the Ray men were into bringing working girls out into the open, but then again, rich men are unpredictable when it comes to beautiful women. I know I am, at least.

But there’s business to be conducted, and finally, we’re upon them. The two don’t even look up at first because they’re so busy with their flirting and conversation. Grimly, I see Ray Junior eyeing Martha’s curvaceous figure, and he looks ready to stroke a creamy thigh and attach himself to a nipple, given the chance.

“Martha,” I growl. “A word?”

Her brown eyes flicker up from where she’s lining the ball up at the tee, and a breathy gasp escapes her lips.

“Haakon?” she asks in a faint voice. “What are you doing here?”

Albert looks up, just as stunned.

“My prince?” he asks. “Um, was there something wrong with that trade agreement we just signed?”

I manage a fake smile at the boy.

“No, not at all,” I say in a smooth tone. “If you’d just give me a second with Martha here.”

Albert shoots the brunette a confused look.

“Martha? I thought you were Matilda.”

The pretty girl blushes all the way to her hairline.

“Martha’s just a nickname I use sometimes. Give me a sec, Albert. I’ll be right back, I promise.” Then, she smiles prettily at me, although those brown eyes are shooting sparks. “A word, my prince?”

I grasp her elbow, leading the curvy girl away.

“What the fuck is going on?” I hiss beneath my breath. “Why are you hanging out with this limp-dicked loser?”

She’s just as angry, trembling beneath my touch as I hustle her into the clubhouse. From there, we make a left into the private quarters reserved for my family, and I slam the door behind us. We’re in an elegant lounge with a chandelier in the sitting room, luxe furniture, and plenty of golf equipment for the royal family to use. None of it interests me, however. Instead, I turn to the beautiful woman.

“And what’s this thing about Matilda? I thought your name was Martha.”

She rolls her eyes at me.

“Not everyone uses their real name, you know,” Matilda spits. “Being a whore isn’t exactly something you want the world to know about. I’m surprised you even thought Martha was my real name.”

I stare at her.

“Most whores I know use names like Candy or Jewel in my experience, so yeah, I thought Martha was your real name.”

The beautiful brunette has the temerity to roll her eyes at me again.

“Well, my real name is Matilda, although it’s none of your business. Just FYI, I have an actual life outside of the House of Silk, so I’m not a full-time whore. Besides, what are you doing here? I’m not on the clock right now!”

I stare at her.

“Nerilda told me you were with a client.”

Matilda rolls here eyes again with exasperation.

“She lied. Albert isn’t a client, he’s a real date. He’s a family friend, in fact, and he’s probably wondering why the heir apparent just hustled me off without another word. I need to get back to him. Remind me to talk with Nerilda too. That woman must have spies everywhere, and I don’t appreciate being monitored in my real life.”

Matilda makes for the door, but I move quickly to stand in front of her, blocking the way with my huge form.

“Not so fast,” I rasp, blue eyes burning. “You’re not going anywhere, sweetheart.”

Matilda’s brown eyes flash.

“Haakon, what is your problem? I don’t owe you anything. Our dalliance was a one-time thing, and you’ve already paid the fee, so we’re finito. A service was provided, money exchanged, and it’s a done deal.”

That makes me see red, and like a crude bastard, I reach for my wallet before throwing dozens of hundred dollar bills at her feet.

“Here,” I rasp. “This should make it worth your while.”

But Matilda shakes her head.

“No,” she grinds out through clenched teeth, watching the money flutter to the floor. “Like I’m said, I’m not on the clock right now, and being a whore isn’t even my real job. For your information, I work at the palace most days. I bet you didn’t expect that.”

I reel back, amazed. No wonder Matilda looked familiar.

“As what?” I ask. “Doing what?”

“As a lady in waiting!” she flings back in my face.

I scrunch my expression in disbelief.

“Really? For my mom? My cousin, Annabelle? Which lady do you serve?”

Matilda rolls her eyes again, and to be honest, I’m getting sick of her insouciance.

“I’m not that kind of lady in waiting,” she huffs. “I’m the kind of lady in waiting who’s more of a maid slash secretary slash Girl Friday. ‘Lady in waiting’ is just a euphemism because they have me doing all sorts of drudgery. Hell, I’ve even been asked to scrub the privy floors before, in addition to serving at the royal table.”

I blink, surprised.

“So we have met,” I say in a low tone.

“We have,” Matilda confirms with a furious look at me. “Many times, in fact. You just don’t remember me because I wasn’t ‘fuckable’ enough with my long dresses and bonnets.”

I stare at her curvaceous figure.


“Really,” she spits. “If I’m not in a mini-skirt and revealing top, then you don’t notice, Haakon! Because that’s all you ever notice: women’s assets. Their bodies. Tits and ass. What goes on in their brains is totally uninteresting to you.”

I have to say that there’s truth to her words because I’ve never been in it for a woman’s personality. I’ve always been a very visual man, and the female form is especially pleasing to me. But this isn’t the time to get into an argument because I’m discovering new tidbits about Matilda that are very intriguing.

“So you work at the palace every day,” I rasp. “Serving my family, and our retainers.”

“That’s right,” she snaps back, her brown curls practically zinging from her head with frustration. “But now, if you’ll forgive me, I need to get back to my date. Albert’s waiting, and I’m not going to embarrass him by disappearing into thin air.”

That does it. I’m not listening to any more from this woman’s sassy mouth. So what if Matilda’s berating me with the truth? Yes, I’m a shameless womanizer, and she’s about to learn what that means because rinsing her dirty mouth with some of my sperm sounds about right at the moment. I advance on her curvy form, blue eyes glinting.

“So you’re on a date,” I say in a sibilant voice. “Do you like the young man?”

“More than I like you!” Matilda throws back. “At least Albert has manners, and doesn’t try to pay me off like some cheap whore.”

“But you are a whore,” I intone in a deceptively calm voice. “And I paid generously for your innocence last night.”

Matilda flushes then, her cheeks going a fetching pink.

“Just some more information: nobody knows that I moonlight as a working girl,” she says in a stilted voice. “And I don’t want anyone to know, if it’s at all possible, so I’d appreciate you keeping your lip buttoned.”

I prowl towards her, my body already hard.

“Sure, I’ll consider it, but I want something from you in exchange for my discretion.”

Matilda’s trembling now, and from the way those big breasts heave up and down, I know she wants it. In fact, my tongue can already detect the scent of aroused female in the air, and it forks on its own, desperate to taste her.

“What, Haakon?” she asks in a breathy tone, her pupils dilating. “What do you want?”

I pull her towards me so that those big breasts are now flush against my chest, the nipples so hard I can feel the points through our tops.

“Well, we haven’t really gotten to know each other, Matilda,” I say in a sibilant voice. “In fact, I didn’t even know your real name until five minutes ago, and you certainly don’t know everything about me.”

“That’s for a reason, Highness,” she manages in a breathy voice, trying to keep some distance between us, but of course, it’s impossible. I can feel how heated her curvy form is, and how much she desires me. “You paid for my innocence, not for conversation.”

I nod, pretending to think.

“But now, I want to know more. Of course, I’ll make it worth your while. You have nothing to fear in that respect, Matilda. My family is very wealthy, and has been for generations. Whatever you ask, will be yours. Within reason, of course.”

She jolts, staring at me. But then Matilda nods.

“Just tell me what you want,” she manages in a stilted voice. “Let’s get this over with, and then we can go our separate ways.”

Okay, that’s a little rude, but it doesn’t dissuade me.

“I want to know if Albert’s already touched you,” I rasp, staring into those chocolate eyes. “Has he tasted you already? Has he swept his mouth between your legs, and then violated your sweetest spot? Have you already been with another man?”

“No of course not!” she gasps, eyes wide. “We just got to the driving range, I swear! We’ve only been here twenty minutes.”

“That’s long enough,” I say in a dark voice. “Give me twenty minutes with you, and you’ll have cock in your body every which way. But I want to check,” I say in a smooth tone.

Check?” Matilda whispers, looking at me with wide eyes. Two spots of pink dapple her cheeks, and I nod.

“Check,” I affirm. “I’m going to check your pussy and ass, sweetheart, to see if your date has touched and tasted you.”

She gasps.

“No, absolutely not,” she pants, wriggling in my arms while trying to get away. “This is insane. I’m on a date with another man, and you can’t barge in to allegedly “check” what I’ve been doing. No way, Jose.”

But I’m already cupping her pussy, and I squeeze that soft mound a bit, making her moan beneath my hand. Gratifyingly, her panties are already soaked through, making my cocks jerk.

“But sweetheart, that’s what you don’t get. I’m a patron. A royal patron at the driving range,” I drawl. “Meanwhile, aren’t you curious about how I’m going to conduct the inspection? I know you’ve seen my double cocks, but we didn’t get much time to talk about them last night. Plus, you haven’t seen this either,” I say, leaning in to kiss her mouth before pulling away and splitting my tongue before her eyes. “Does that scare you?”

The beautiful woman stares at my forked tongue, her eyes wide.

“What is that?” she manages in a faint voice.

“What I use to inspect women,” I say in a sibilant hiss, wiggling the two ends suggestively as she gasps. “I kept it under wraps last night because you were busy dealing with my double-headed tool, but my tongue is one of the genetic “gifts,” should I say, imparted by the Lysenian royal blood. It’s like a reptile tongue, but even better.”

Martha’s still staring at my tongue, her face pale.

“But what does it do?” she whispers.

“You already know what it can do,” I say with a smirk. “I tugged on your clit plenty of times last night, making you scream. It’s prehensile, see?” I ask, showing how the ends are able to form a loop. “I use it to give women pleasure, and even better, the sensory buds I have on my tongue are super-charged. I snaked it up your ass plenty of times last night, and that’s how I knew you were an anal virgin, Matilda. There was no taste of sperm in your rectum, sweetheart. You’re as sweet and fresh as the day you were born.”

I’m sorry?” Matilda whispers, her eyes shocked even as her cheeks warm. “You’re able to taste another man’s sperm?”

I shrug.

“It’s not the best flavor, I’ll give you that. It’s not my preferred thirst quencher. But yeah, I can tell when a man’s ejaculated inside you, and that’s how I go about inspecting my women. I slide my tongue right into their pussies and asses, and the tang of another man’s semen almost always gives it away. Even when they use a condom, I can usually pick up the scent of their semen beneath the underlying latex smell,” I add with a quirk of my eyebrow. “So don’t think about lying, because I’ll catch you.”

“I haven’t let anyone touch me since last night, Haakon,” Matilda says in a stiff voice. “I swear it. You don’t have to stick your tongue up my butt or pussy to check.”

“No, but I do,” I growl. “In fact, I’m very much looking forward to it. Now off with your outfit, sweetheart. Even if it’s a very cute get-up, it’s time to take it off,” I drawl, lasciviously eyeing her curves up and down.

Matilda stands before me, quivering and lush. I can tell she’s outraged as her big bosom heaves, two spots of color on her cheeks. Yet, I can also tell that she wants it, even if at the moment, she’s calculating how to make her escape.

“There’s no way out,” I drawl. “The best way is to let me do my inspection.”

Evidently, the sassy brunette comes to the same conclusion because with slow hands, she reaches behind herself to unzip her mini-skirt before letting it drop to the floor. Gratifyingly, her pink panties are thoroughly drenched at the crotch, turning them a deep rose color.

“That too,” I say, indicating her top. “You know I like my women totally nude.”

Matilda looks as if she’s about to protest, but then she thinks better of it and slowly pulls her pink polo shirt over her head, revealing those luscious Double D’s overflowing a lacy blush-colored bra.

“Off with the lingerie too, honey. Like I said: totally bare.”

Matilda looks like she’s going to object again, but my girl is smart and knows that there’s no sense in fighting. As a result, she unclips her bra in the back, letting those creamy mounds fall out, before stepping out of her pink panties. The lace is soaked through, and I inhale deeply, punch-drunk already on the smell of her arousal.

“Beautiful,” I growl. “Now, sweetheart, I’m going to inspect you. Come here, baby.”

I sit on a nearby sofa and beckon to Matilda. She approaches, her brown eyes wide and aroused even as her breasts bounce.

“How do you want to do this?” she asks in a breathy tone.

“The way I always do,” I drawl. “Get up on the couch and plant your pussy on my face, honey. I’ll stick my tongue inside your holes, and if you’re free of another man’s sperm, then you’re good to go.”

She pauses, brown eyes wide.

“But I already told you. I only got to the driving range, and no one’s touched me, much less Albert.”

I frown upon hearing another man’s name.

“I don’t care what you say you’ve done or haven’t done,” I rasp, my voice brooking no dissent. “You’re getting on my face now,” I command.

That seems to do it. With a sharp indrawn breath, the nude woman approaches before slowly climbing onto the couch and standing upright. I let out a low groan because Matilda’s all long legs, creamy skin, and a soaked, dripping twat. With gentle hands, I help position her so that her pussy is inches from my mouth and then exhale lightly onto that swollen slit.

“This won’t hurt,” I murmur against her skin. “You’ve already experienced it, so it’s just a repeat of last night.”

Then, I fork my tongue once more before easing it up her vaginal channel, gently stroking the walls of her pussy with the ends of my tongue.

“Oohhhh,” she breathes, her head falling back as her eyes close. “Mmm, goodness!”

“Feels incredible, right?” I rasp. “Let me just get in a little deeper.”

I probe further, enjoying the taste of her honey, while simultaneously rippling my tongue so that it massages the walls of her pussy.

“Fuck yeah,” I growl, before pulling my tongue out. “No tang of semen in here.” Then, I fork my tongue, making sure she sees the gesture, before pulling her hips up and over my head. “Now it’s time for your bottom, honey. Daddy’s going to inspect your anal canal for another man’s sperm.”

Matilda leans forward and then lifts one foot so that it’s positioned on the back of the sofa, spreading her thighs even wider before pulling her butt cheeks apart with both hands. Fuck, this girl is wanton and I love it.

“Yes Daddy,” she moans. “Taste me. You won’t find anything, I promise.”

But it’s one thing to make promises, and another to keep them. I lap lightly at her anal entrance a bit, making her squirm, before gently easing my tongue into her backdoor. Matilda squeals, throwing her head back, while gripping the back of the sofa to maintain her balance.

“Oooh, deeper,” she begs. “Um, yeah Daddy. Taste my butt.”

Goddamn, whores can talk dirty, but I like it. Gently, I extend my tongue to its full length and then push it all the way up her bottom, savoring her musky yet sweet ass flavor. A woman’s GI tract is heavily influenced by what she eats, and fortunately, Matilda’s been eating well. There’s definitely a lot of fruit in her diet, and no trace of another man’s semen at all. Satisfied, I pull my tongue out, eliciting another rapturous moan from my woman.

“That feels so good,” she breathes, cupping her breasts with her hands. “Ummmm.”

But now, it’s time to get down to business.

“Sweetheart, I want you to sit on my double dicks,” I rasp. “Just like you did last night. It’s time to put some man fluid into your holes because you’re a good come-receptacle.”

Matilda doesn’t even blink at the double-edged compliment.

“I am, aren’t I?” she giggles while lowering herself down into a crouch, her two holes brushing against the leaking heads of my dicks. “How did you say you got these again?”

I pull her into position so that the weeping tips just penetrate her ass and pussy, and nod.

“It’s genetic,” I rasp, my heart almost bursting from my chest now. “Most men in the Lysenian royal family have it. Not everyone has the forked tongue, but we have a lot of interesting anatomical idiosyncrasies.”

Matilda’s eyes flicker to me.

“Oh really? What else can you do?”

I grin.

“I’ll tell you some other time, sweetheart. Better yet, I’ll show you. But right now, I just want to feel that tight pussy and ass wrapped around my cocks. Come on, sweetheart. Slide down and make me feel it.”

Fortunately, the sassy brunette actually obeys for once. She throws her head back, takes a deep breath, and then begins descending on my double cocks. It’s a beautiful sight to behold. Matilda is curvy, luscious, and she loves getting dick two ways at once. Her pussy hole stretches even as her asshole strains, but with a long, melodious cry, she’s able to do it. Soon, I’m balls deep in both of her orifices, gripping that narrow waist as I struggle not to come.

“Fuck, you feel amazing,” I rasp, chest tight and abs tensing. “Goddamn, you’re beautiful.”

“Thank you, my prince,” she breathes while squeezing her holes on me. “Mmm, you feel good too.”

But we’re both too aroused, and there’s no more time for conversation. Instead, Matilda begins raising and lowering herself on my shafts, moaning up a storm while doing so. I’m hardly any better. The sweet woman is so amazing that I can already feel my balls begin to tense, my rods jerking as they dribble pre-come.

“Fuck,” I grunt. “Sweetheart, I’ll take over now. I need you too much. Just hold still and let me fuck up into you.”

Matilda does as told, bracing herself on her knees as I grip her narrow waist in my hands. Then, I begin pistoning my hips upwards, cramming her holes full with my two cocks as wave after wave of lust consumes my form.

“Goddamn,” I grunt. “Oh shit.”

“Mmmmm,” she moans, her head dropping back. “It feels so good to get fucked like this.”

“You look so good getting fucked like this,” is my reply. But then, the surge becomes too strong and overwhelms me. I fuck up into her a few more times, so powerful and with such force that her breasts bobble wildly, like buoys on a stormy sea. Then, the base of my penises pulse wildly, and I erupt in the depths of my gorgeous girl, drenching her in sperm.

“Fuck!” I howl like a madman. “Oh shit!”

Meanwhile, Matilda can’t take it anymore either. Her holes ripple on me before clenching down in one hard squeeze, and then she dissolves in a series of body-shaking tremors.

“Mmm!” she screams, gripping my shoulders as she braces herself. “Oh oh oh!”

The climax is better than any I’ve ever had. My vision goes dark as my head swims, and I swear I can hear angels singing in the distance. But it’s the beautiful woman above me that has me captivated. As she shakes and screams, I ejaculate again and again, pumping deep into her curves, claiming her as mine.

“Fuck yeah,” I grunt. “This belongs to me. You hear that honey? Fuck all the other guys because this is mine.”

Matilda can’t hear because she’s still wailing, so loud that I begin to think that others might overhear from outside. But I like it too. I love that she’s so uninhibited that she’s willing to scream to the heavens if that’s what floats her boat.

Finally, however, the tremors subside and the gorgeous woman collapses against me, her skin sheened with sweat while breathing hard.

“Goodness,” she manages in a faint voice. “That was something.”

“It was,” I growl into her ear while stroking up and down her back. You definitely have male fluid in your holes now, but you’re the perfect receptacle, baby. Better than I’ve ever had before.”

She leans back then, quirking an eyebrow at me.

“Really, my prince? You’ve had a lot of women, so that’s not a small compliment.”

“It’s a big one,” I acknowledge while staring into her eyes. “But you belong to me now, sweetheart. No necking with other men.”

Still, the sassy woman disagrees.

“You can’t say that, Prince Haakon,” she admonishes playfully. “I’m a working girl, so you’re taking away my means of earning a living. That’s not fair.”

Hmm, that’s true. Perhaps I should move Matilda into my quarters, and fuck what other people say. I don’t care if she’s not royal, not noble, or doesn’t have the perfect lineage. Hell, if it keeps other men from touching Matilda, then I’m ready to do it.

But instead, I make myself be reasonable.

“I get it,” I say, staring at her with my penetrating blue gaze. “This is what you do for a living, so I propose a compromise: you can still go out with other men, but no sex. Absolutely none, and I’ll be checking. Before and after every date.”

Matilda throws her head back and laughs.

“You think you can control me like that?”

I growl as my expression darkens.

“You bet I can,” I rasp. “I’m inspecting both of your holes before and after every date to make sure you haven’t been stepping out on me.”

Matilda merely throws me an amused look.

“Oh Prince Haakon, so possessive and you don’t even know it.”

But I’m serious and stare into her chocolate gaze.

“Say you’ll do it,” I rasp. “No sex with other men. And the right to check too.”

Matilda merely laughs again, looking at ease even during this mind-blowing conversation. Why is she so relaxed? She should be nodding and jumping up to do whatever I say. But instead, she merely giggles again.

“Oh Prince Haakon. You don’t even know.”

Her words make me desperate in a way that I’ve never been before, and I tighten my hands on her waist.

“Fuck baby, what do they have that I don’t? Would it help if I booked all your available time going forwards? Is that what you want?”

But the curvaceous brunette merely laughs again while patting my cheek fondly. Then, she gets up, my cocks withdrawing from her body, as gushes of semen stream down her thighs.

“A little messy hmm? Well, no worries, I’m sure there’s a towel around here somewhere. But no, that’s not what I want, Haakon. You don’t need to reserve all my time. We’ll just play it by ear, okay? No promises, from either you or me.”

Then, Matilda shimmies back into her clothes, primping in a nearby mirror to make sure she looks presentable. Those curves bounce, once again covered by fabric, and she looks fresh, beautiful, and innocent, as if we didn’t just have the most rancid sex in the world. Patting her curls one last time, she spins on her heel to leave while waggling her fingers at me.

“Bye, Haakon,” she coos. “Keep in touch!”

Then, the gorgeous brunette’s gone and I’m left sitting on the couch like a stunned loser. What the hell just happened? Usually, I’m the one in charge, but this time, I feel lost, disoriented, and completely confused. Did the curvy girl just prank me? Somehow, I know she has … although the results are yet to be seen.