Safeword: Mayday by Candace Blevins

Chapter 5

“I’d like to give you some different sensations now,” Marcus said. “An experiment. If you’re good with it, I’ll start with your arms.”

“Sure, I guess.” He was supposed to know what he was doing, and he’d been right about the massage.

“There’s no guessing here. I need to hear a yes or a no.” He pulled a clothespin out of the bag, squeezed it open, and let it close. It looked like a fancy, industrial one, not the plain wooden kind.

“Can I put clothespins on you, starting with your arms?” Marcus asked, his eyes serious. “You can tell me to stop at any time, but I need a verbal ‘yes, please put clothespins on me,’ before I’ll start.”

Oh, what the hell. Why not. She closed her eyes again and said, “Yes. Please put clothespins on me.”

Kyle pulled side platforms out from under the table, and the men gently settled her arms on them at a ninety-degree angle to her body.

Marcus grasped some skin just above her elbow on the inside of one arm, pulling it up and away from her body with strong fingers. Heather saw and felt the clothespin go on, but didn’t react. It didn’t hurt, but she could feel the pressure and pinching.

He paused only a microsecond before he gathered more skin and put another clothespin on. And then another. And another. He lined them up pretty, so it pulled her skin up in a line, almost like a seam. It didn’t hurt, but she felt them.

Marcus moved to her other side and repeated the process, and she relaxed into the sensations. She could feel her heartbeat in her arms, and felt more warmth. And pressure.

As a child, she’d been taught that feeling her pulse somewhere specific meant possible danger, but she trusted this wasn’t causing damage, and she liked the way it felt.

Marcus now alternated right arm and left arm, moving inwards with each new clothespin, transitioning from her arms to her chest, each clothespin closer and closer to her nipples until he was an inch from the areolas.

So many sensations, and the closer he got to her nipples, the more she could feel. Not just in her chest, but her whole body was warm. Hot.

Kyle sat in a chair at the other end of the table, a hand on each foot. He was close, he was watching, but this was Marcus’s show. Without her boyfriend’s relaxed, casual touch, she’d have lifted her head for assurance he was good with this, but she could feel it in the warmth of his palms, the curl of his fingers.

She both wanted and didn’t want a clothespin on her nipple, but she was unexpectedly disappointed when Marcus skipped over it and put the next clothespin an inch on the other side of it, still traveling in a straight line.

When he finished, the line paraded across her body, nearly from elbow to elbow.

But he wasn’t finished.

Her breathing picked up when he pinched the skin near the top of her right breast and started another line, methodically added them going down this time. He once again skipped over the nipple, but by the time he’d finished with her left breast, she was breathing hard despite the fact she was lying flat on her back and expending no energy.

Her entire body felt like a too-tight guitar string, vibrating with just the least brush of air. She felt some clothespins more than others, but she also felt them as a unit, creating seams of skin across her body, as well as a target pointing to her nipples.

She lifted her head to look at Kyle, and the background throbbing increased to an aching pulse when he stood and walked to her with something silver in his hand. Without a word, he slowly reached for her right nipple, pulled it up a teeny bit, and fastened one of the silver things.

Heather gasped and pulled her legs together as she bent them, because it suddenly felt as if a line of heat had traveled from her nipple to between her legs. Now she was throbbing down there, too. Her hips squirmed and her legs squeezed harder together. She looked at Kyle again, then Marcus, instinctively knowing he’d know how to help her.

Marcus said, “That’s it,” at the same time Kyle said, “That’s my girl.”

“Stop teasing me dammit,” she said as she looked back to Kyle. “Put the other one on!”

Kyle gave her a gentle smile and said, “Your wish is my command,” as he clamped the other to her oh-so-sensitive nipple.

Why was it sensitive? Did the clothespins wake something up? She had no idea her nipples could feel this way — or the spot between her legs. This wasn’t just heat, it was ignition.

“The chain, Kyle.”

Marcus’s voice was soft, but Kyle immediately reached for the chain between the two clamps and lifted it. The clamps tightened even more as her nipples were pulled away from her body, but so much was happening at once. Every clothespin seemed to shift, awakening different nerve endings, creating even more of a throbbing sensation, and… god, the pressure on her nipples was so fucking intense.

Most of all though, was the sensation between her legs. Her hips squirmed and she craved touch of any kind to relieve the heat and throbbing, and she immediately realized she looked like the women on the porn videos she’d watched when she tried to figure out what others got out of sex.

The words sexually aroused floated through her mind, and even though she realized it was Marcus who’d figured this out, she looked at Kyle and practically begged, “I need… fuck. I need more. I don’t know what I need. Please, I need more.”

His hand smoothed her hair away from her face. “Will you allow Marcus to do some of it, or maybe more than some? I don’t want to mess this up, and I love seeing you like this, babe.”

Heather didn’t really care who did what, she just needed something else. If Marcus had to do it then so be it, “I don’t care, please, I need more. As long as you’re here, touching me, I don’t care.”

Kyle nodded and pulled the sheet off her. It slithered over her hip and leg as if it were alive, and she once again marveled at how the clothespins had awakened every nerve in her body. She passively allowed Kyle to rearrange her legs so her knees were aimed out, and gasped when Marcus lifted the chain between her nipples several inches higher than Kyle had. Kyle’s fingers stroked the outside of her lips below, and her back arched up to compensate. Heather closed her eyes to focus on everything she could feel. She lowered her back to the table again to pull harder on her nipples and breasts, and squeezed her hands into fists to move the clothespins around even more.

She didn’t recognize the deep, almost contralto groan that vibrated her own chest and throat, and didn’t complain when Marcus gently settled the cool chain back on her heated skin because she hoped it meant someone would do something about the aching throb between her damned legs.

She needed. She had no idea what she needed, but god, they’d lit a fire in her and she hoped to hell they knew how to fix it.

Marcus lifted the bag of clothespins from her stomach and settled it just above her pubic bone so she couldn’t see what he was doing, and she rested her head back on the leather padded table.

Her head shot up with a gasp as fingers grasped either side of her clit and held it up, and she nearly came unglued as she felt the familiar pressure of the clothespins directly on her already throbbing and swollen clit. She squeezed her hands into fists again as she begged, “More, please. God, do something!”

A finger brushed through the clothespins on her chest as something was pressed inside of her, spreading her and opening her wide, and her mind exploded in technicolor. Her body spasmed and she couldn’t breathe. She was flying, she was diving, she was on top of the world, submerged in bliss as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over her in an intoxicating and frenzied crescendo. Just as the sensations started dying down, the clips were simultaneously yanked off her nipples and then her clit. More heat rushed in and catapulted her back into so much sensation she thought she might fly off the table. Her screams filled the room as another flood of pleasure rocketed through her body.

The men worked quickly to remove clothespins from her arms and chest, and she reached for Kyle the instant her arms were bared. He crawled on the table to lie beside her, but she scooted him under her and climbed on him. Her head rested on his shoulder, her knees wrapped around his naked torso, and the final shudders pulsing through her body finally gave way. Every muscle in her body went slack, but his warm, strong arms around her held her in place. Her eyes closed, she floated in the darkness, and her pulse slowed to match Kyle’s.