Protector Daddy by Taryn Quinn


Okay,then. Guess the idea of putting on a polite face for our guests was out the window.

Good deal.

I aimed a tight-lipped smile at my father. “I hadn’t made my point yet, but thanks for that.”

Apparently having given up on her roll tug-of-war with Vee, Honey stood and whistled between her fingers. All the talking and squabbling ceased. Even Brayden’s toy chewing halted.

“I know everyone has a lot going on, but Christian brought his beautiful daughter to introduce to all of you. Reagan is really excited to get to know you all. Or she was until you apparently all lost your manners like you haven’t seen food or interacted with fellow humans in a hundred years. Okay, okay, that was just me. Delicious rolls, Mrs. Masterson.” Honey smiled sheepishly.

My mom beamed. “Thanks for that, dear. Old family recipe.”

“Most of you know me, and the ones who don’t, well, I’m Honey, the youngest McNeill kid. I’m not at all intimidated by swearing and arguing and fighting over food or anything else than comes up. Next time, try harder to scare me off.”

My mother hustled around the table to wrap Honey in a huge hug. “You fit right in here. We’re so glad Christian got his head out of his ass and got himself a real woman who can handle all of us.” Then she leaned around Honey to envelop Reagan in a big hug too, something she’d done as soon as Reagan had walked in the door.

Problem was then she had to finish up the rest of the food and her sons were heathens and Maddie had been on an “urgent” phone call ever since.

In short, everything was chaos. As usual.

Vee rose and maneuvered over to stand on Reagan’s other side, looping an arm around her shoulders. “My twins, Theo and Eli just went down for a nap before you got here. But I have to go check on them and I’d very much appreciate some help. They’ll be running wild in no time.”

Reagan tossed me a semi-panicked glance as she got to her feet. I rubbed her forearm. “Okay. Sure. I can help. I like kids.”

They walked off together, Vee chattering brightly about heaven only knows what. I almost thought I heard something else about nipples, but I decided that I had nipples on the brain because of that awful police station conversation.

Maybe I wasn’t ready to be a father. But too late now. I had one gorgeous daughter and either another or a boy on the way. Maybe. And I was so excited about it.

And also terrified.

“You doing okay?” When I wasn’t looking, Honey had gone to help my mother in the kitchen and my younger brother Moose had appeared by my side. Brayden was being entertained by Penn, who was showing him some game on his phone.

I blew out a breath. “Yeah. I wish Maddie would get off her phone call. I thought she’d be good for Reagan, almost the same age and all.”

Moose dropped his big body into Honey’s empty chair. When we were little, sometimes people had assumed we were twins. “Eh, can’t say for sure. At that age, 3-4 years difference is like a millennium. Plus, our sister’s ‘in love’.” His air quotes around in love made me laugh. “Seems to be an epidemic. Honey’s awesome though.”

I had to grin. “She sure is. Not sure how it took me so long to realize it.”

“Head up your ass syndrome?” He grinned. “I suffered from it too. Thank God Vee accidentally placed her baby daddy ad and she liked my response.”

“That story still amazes me. It worked out so well, but man, it could’ve gone all wrong. She could’ve married Lucky or something.”

Moose shuddered. “Lucky was meant for Tish, and hey, he’s gotten some payback for his years of flirting with every woman in town.”

“Payback being the twins?”

Lucky and Tish’s twins Hendrix and Arabella were impossibly cute, even if they were holy terrors. Then again, two babies at one time were fairly terrifying in any case.

No wonder Honey was worried about a familial history of twins.


“You have some payback of your own then,” I said as Theo let out a loud, plaintive cry from upstairs.

I hoped Reagan wouldn’t run screaming from the house, vowing never to return.

“I’ll probably keep them. Reagan’s beautiful.”

“She is, isn’t she?”

My brother glanced around then spoke softly. “What Penelope did to you was unforgivable. Anyone who knows you knows you would’ve been there for your daughter. All these years, we all just thought you were constipated, not brokenhearted.” He rubbed my shoulder. “I’d like to give that bitch a piece of my mind.”

“Should’ve been at my place last night. She decided to stop by for a chat.”

“No way.”

“Looking for Reagan more than me, though she approved of my muscles.”

Moose’s jaw locked. “I just bet. That kind always does. Look, you’re not still hung up on her, are you?”

“Penelope? God, no. Any feelings I had for her have been dead and buried since before Reagan was born. I’m in love with Honey. Speaking of her, I need your help along with maybe Lucky’s too.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Briefly, I told him my idea for the swing and why I thought it would be perfect for Honey. “She’s a big reader and she reads to the ducks near the park by the gazebo, but she commented how it’ll be too cold to sit outside soon. So I saw something in this book about a padded swing and I was thinking we could adapt for indoors, then do an outdoor version in the spring. But I also want to add a smaller swing beside hers for the baby.” I frowned. “Though maybe I should add another swing for Boomer. He won’t want to feel left out. If it turns out Reagan is a reader too, maybe we can add on.”

“That’s a hell of a lot of swings, but luckily, you have the room for it.” Moose held up a hand. “Wait a second, baby? Think you skipped a step.”

I laughed. “We skipped a bunch of steps, but somehow, I think we’re right on time. The baby’s not for sure yet but we’re hoping.”

Something loosened in my chest as Reagan came down the stairs with my brother’s twins holding her hands on either side. Vee brought up the rear, smiling softly and rubbing her pregnant belly.

Moose looked over at her and the love in the look they exchanged made the last of the tension drain from my shoulders.

I wanted what they had.

Honey came into the room with my mother, laughing quietly, carrying yet more covered dishes of food while my dad wheeled in yet another food cart behind them. My girl caught my eye and grinned, making my pulse race just as it always did.

We were on our way to having exactly what they had. Plus, we had Reagan too.

Now I had fucking everything—and I was going to do my best to make sure Honey and Reagan were every bit as happy as they’d made me.

Conversation and laughter flowed easily around the dinner table, and even Maddie ended her phone call and rejoined us.

In the middle of dinner, my mom hit her fork against her wine glass and gathered everyone’s attention. “I just wanted to say how nice it is that even when everyone is so busy in their personal lives, each one of you takes the time to come to dinner with your father and me. Well, other than Travis, but I have faith he’ll make it up to us on Thanksgiving.”

“Doubtful.” Penn coughed into his hand then grabbed the peas and pearl onions and scooped a bunch onto his plate.

My mom gave him a sidelong glance before continuing. “But I didn’t want the evening to pass without acknowledging the two important new people who have joined us for the first time this evening. Christian’s daughter Reagan and his girlfriend Honey. Honey already whipped us all into line.”

“Started off doing it with Christian, so I’ve had practice.” She smiled innocently while laughter broke out around the table.

“You sure have.” My mom smiled indulgently. “Most of us already knew Honey from around town and from her handsome older brothers, who work with our Christian at the police station. But adding these two to our family is just so lovely. Welcome to the Mastersons. We love you both already.”

“She means welcome to the looney bin,” Penn added with a grim smile. “Save your ticket stub in case you want to exit later.”

“Shh, you.” Maddie smacked his arm and smiled warmly at Reagan. “Glad to have another female around here near my age. You too, Honey.” Then she winced. “Not saying you’re exactly my age—” She broke off and grinned. “These pork chops are really good, Ma. Using different spices?”

“Yes, flavored with your brother’s tears once I put sugar in his gas tank and trap him here in my evil clutches. Mwahahah.”

Everyone laughed and Reagan whispered, “Burn,” just loud enough for me and Honey to hear.

I grinned at my crazy family, so relieved at how everything was going I didn’t even hesitate to take the floor to speak. “Thanks, Mom. I feel really grateful for all of you and for my two favorite women.” I flashed a sidelong smile to encompass both Honey and Reagan. “I’m even grateful for Penn. But I promise to look the other way if you want to sugar his tank. No tickets from me.”

“Hey, what’d I ever do to you?”

“Want a list starting from childhood?”

“Oh, here we go.” But he grinned just the same and came around the table to haul me up in a half hug man-style. “Happy for you, dude. Honey, good luck. I’ve heard he snores.”

Honey made a face. “Nope. That would be me.”

“As soft as windchimes,” I said under my breath.

“Reagan, Christmas is pretty epic around here, so it’s not all bad.” Then he hugged both Reagan and Honey. “Welcome to the family, ladies.”

Later, when I stood up to help Mom and Moose serve the dessert and after-dinner coffee, Reagan tugged on my hand.

“Dad? I really like your family.”

Dad. The word that never failed to slay me. “Good. I’m so glad. They’re your family too, honey.”

She smiled shyly and for the first time, I saw myself vividly in her face. “Thank you for sharing them with me. Even Penn.”

“Hey, I heard that.”

Laughing, I leaned down to give her a hard hug. “Thank you for coming. Thank you for being mine.”

“Dude, warn a girl, would you?” On Reagan’s other side, Honey was discreetly dabbing her cheeks.

“Correction—thank you for being ours. If that’s okay with both of you.”

“It’s okay with me,” Reagan said hesitantly, looking between us.

Honey’s lips curved a second before a tear plopped on her cheek. “Okay, that did it.”

“No tears,” I told her. And myself.

“Too late.” Honey rose to give Reagan a hug before she folded herself into my arms, pressing her face into my chest. Then she reached an arm back to loop around Reagan’s waist.

Our little family. I didn’t know how we’d made it work so fast and almost effortlessly, but I couldn’t have been more blessed.

Reagan bit her lower lip. “Hey, this might not be the right time to ask.”

“Shoot, Rea. You have a very good chance of us saying yes.”

She gave us an entreating look. “Would Boomer like a puppy?”

Honey laughed. “Oh, I love puppies.”

My gaze drifted between them. I didn’t even bother trying to say no. I was fairly certain I wouldn’t be able to say no to them for quite a while. “I guess we’re getting a puppy.”

Penn laughed from where he was pouring himself his second coffee. “She shoots, she scores.”

I ruffled Reagan’s hair and tightened my hold on Honey. “Nah, I’m the one who won.”