Protector Daddy by Taryn Quinn


I wokeup early the next morning before Christian’s alarm. Which was actually set for me, since I’d agreed to work for Miranda after she’d taken my shift the other day.

Now lying in bed in the dark, yawning my damn head off, I was questioning the wisdom of that decision.

I fumbled on the nightstand for my Kindle then remembered I hadn’t brought it because the stupid thing wasn’t holding a charge. How was I supposed to get my steamy romance fix before work if my tech was failing me?

Just one more thing I’d have to squeeze into the budget. Along with rent for an apartment I wasn’t spending all that much time in.

Hard to compete with Christian’s gorgeous house—and Christian’s expert level everything. Hugs, kisses, naked times, and on and on.

My lips quivered on a smile as I shut my eyes. He was even learning to like kiwi.

Ugh, I was hungry. And exhausted. I wanted nothing more than to curl up and sleep for another half dozen hours. Instead, I had a very full day ahead of me.

At least my stomach was settled. Even my belly didn’t know it was morning yet.

With a sigh, I rolled out of bed to go to the bathroom. Time to make the donuts.

My stomach growled. Donuts sounded heavenly.

The sound was so loud I peeked over my shoulder to make sure Christian was still sleeping soundly. The dude was out, a rare event for Mr. Light Sleeper himself. He almost always was awake before me.

Maybe starting to deal with some of the things in his life that had been big question marks for so long was bringing him a measure of peace. I hoped so.

I grabbed my phone off the wireless charger and padded down the hall as quietly as possible. At least I could sneak read a few pages on my Kindle app, even if my phone wasn’t as good for reading as my beloved Kindle.

Dammit, I’d have to buy a new case too. My Harry Styles Kindle case wouldn’t fit unless I got the exact same model.

Eh, it was worth it not to upgrade to keep Harry’s abs available at all times.

On the way, I decided to look in on Reagan, just to make sure she was okay. First night in a new place. Lots of changes. Hopefully, she was still sleeping like her dad.

Reagan’s door was cracked open. Carefully, I nudged it open with my foot and found her lying in bed with her arm tightly around Boomer, who was curled up protectively at her side.

My heart squeezed painfully at the constricted expression on her face. Right then, she looked so much younger than almost eighteen.

“Hey.” I stepped into the room, and she jerked upright, still holding on to Boomer. “You good?”

“Yeah. Why are you up so early?”

The lie fell off my tongue easily. “Rough for me sleeping not in my own bed sometimes. It’s hard to sleep when your mind is racing, right?”


“Do you want me to hang out with you for a bit?”

When she didn’t respond right away, I added quickly, “You can say no, I won’t get offended. I have to go to work at the police station in a bit.”

“You work with my dad? Is that how you met?”

“Yeah. Actually, we’ve known each other for years. I also work at my sister-in-law’s bakery and he’d come in all the time for chicken salad sandwiches on a croissant. Everyone kind of knows everyone here. That’s how it is in a small town.” I sat on the edge of her bed, drawing my leg up underneath me.

Boomer gave me a longing look before laying his head on his new mistress’s arm. He must know Reagan needed his comfort just a bit more than I did.

Clearly, he was intuitive like his Daddy.

“So how long have you, you know, been a couple?”

I bit my lip. I didn’t want to make a habit of lying to her, but the truth was rather sticky.

“A relatively short time in terms of weeks but—”

“Netflix and chill that became more?” She nodded sagely. “I know what that’s like.”

I started to nod then rapidly shook my head. “Uh, no. I mean, not really. We talk a lot. And not just talk, but our relationship is a meeting of the minds more than of the carnal persuasion.”

When she started to giggle helplessly, I buried my face in my hands. I might have to rethink this whole wanting to be a parent thing. I obviously had no native skill in that department.

“Don’t freak, Honey. I know about sex.” She lowered her voice. “I’ve even had it. Don’t tell my Dad.”

I looked at her, aghast. “You honestly think I’m going to sit there and chat about your sex life with him? Nuh uh-uh. We did not even have this conversation. As far as I’m concerned, if the journalism thing doesn’t work out, you’re enrolling in a nunnery.”

She giggled harder, her flushed cheeks bringing out her freckles. She really was so pretty.

“Look, I don’t want to overstep. I was lucky enough to grow up with parents who are still married so I have no experience with step-parents or any of that. I don’t have a clue how blended families work. But I want to do this right. So if I’m being an assho—um, if I’m being annoying, please clue me in. I don’t want to make things harder for you.”

“I don’t really know how they work either. It’s always been me and my mom and then me and my mom and Kyle.” She scrunched up her nose. “He’s always in my business. He tries hard but…”

“Yeah. I get you needing your space.” I blew out a breath that ruffled my hair. “Which is what I wanted to ask you. Would you like to meet your family with just you and your father? This first time for all of you should be special. I can get to know them some other time.”

“Do you not want to go?”

“Nah, I’m okay with meeting them. It’s important to Christian so it’s important to me. Besides, no way on the planet can they be any weirder than my family.”

The corner of her mouth ticked up. “Will I get to meet your family too someday soon?”

“Yeah, if you’re cool with it. I’d really like you to meet them. I mean, c’mon, I sold them so well, you’ve gotta be dying to meet them now.”

“Definitely.” She stroked Boomer’s head while he gazed up at her adoringly.

Like he used to look at me.

But I could share him, I supposed. He had enough love to go around.

My phone went off in my hand and I glanced down to see a SOS text from Tabitha.


I have a favor to ask. Desperate. Presley has some kind of bug. She’s been fussing and crying all night. I can’t open the bakery. I’m going to take her to urgent care if she doesn’t settle down soon.

Quickly, I replied.

I have to work a Dispatch shift this am. I swapped with the other new Dispatcher. You can’t reach anyone else?


No. Tiffany has a migraine. Mickey isn’t answering her phone. Van has an important meeting with her agent. It’s a weekend and I know it’s short notice. I can leave her with Brady for an hour so I can get it open if you can come in and work my shift today maybe? I just don’t feel good leaving her. She’s so small.

I understand. Let me see what I can figure out. Give her a smooch for me and I’ll text you back asap.


Thanks. Love you. You’re a lifesaver.

“What’s wrong?” Reagan asked, narrowing her eyes at me. “You look pale.”

“My baby niece is sick. I have to work but now my sister-in-law needs me to open her bakery because she can’t reach anyone else and my brother can’t handle his sick baby alone. I’m sure he can figure it out, but I get why Tab wants to be there. It’s the first time Presley hasn’t felt good.”

“So what does this mean? You have to bag on your shift at the police station?”

“Yeah, I think so. Or I’ll have to work tonight so Miranda can take her morning shift back.” I chewed on my thumbnail. “Looks like you’ll have the family all to yourselves, anyway.”

“I didn’t mind you going. It’s going to be a lot, you know? My mom’s family is small. The Mastersons do not sound small.”

“They certainly aren’t, in numbers or stature.”

Reagan stuck her bare foot out from under the comforter. “So that’s where I get these giant feet.”


We laughed for a couple minutes until I had to go get ready.

It took a good twenty minutes to iron things out, but Tab thanked me profusely for taking her shift and opening the bakery. Then later this afternoon, I’d pick up a shift at the Dispatch desk. Maybe I could stop by the family get-together in between.

After that, I’d desperately need a nap.

I was sure I’d disappointed Christian, which I hated to do. I’d promised to be there for him and now I was cancelling—probably. Maybe I could stop by.

And I was already behind on opening the bakery.

Reagan said she’d explain to her dad for me, but I texted him just the same and apologized profusely. I gave her a quick hug of thanks and told her I’d see them when I finished at the police station and wished her a good day. Oh, and I reminded her to take my fruit tart as an offering of apology.

Christian’s family—and Christian—would probably think I was just rushing in for the bare minimum visit possible.

Hurriedly, I went to put on my bakery uniform and rushed out into the frosty morning air to clean off my car from the night’s snowfall.

Only to find Christian already out there in his full police garb, cleaning off every speck of snow on my windows. My car was already turned on and warming up for me.

Love surged through me so hard I had to grab him from behind to give him a giant hug. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. A thermos of coffee is inside and a warm ham and cheese sandwich. Sorry, the best breakfast I could do on short notice.” He puffed out a plume of cold air as he hugged me back before moving to the side windows. “Or on any notice. I should watch some cooking shows or something.”

“That’s perfect. You’re perfect.” I arched up to kiss his jaw. “I’m really sorry.”

“I’m really sorry you have to work so hard. We can start that housewife thing anytime you want.”

As I stared at him, he held up a hand. “Thinking out loud. Ignore me.”

“Housewife requires me to be your wife.”

“Yeah. Just saying we can get on that whenever you’re ready.”

“How about whenever you’re ready since you haven’t asked me any pertinent questions yet?”

Surely he understood there was an order to these things. And we hadn’t even been together a month, so this was all zooming along fast.

“I have to get to the bakery,” I said to nudge him along while he worked on removing every tiny bit of snow.

“Mmm-hmm. So you need the flowery words.”

“I don’t need flowery necessarily.” I was about to take back calling him perfect. “Let’s talk about this later, huh?”

“Sure. No hurry. I just don’t like you having to do so much in your…condition.”

“I may not have any condition.” I lowered my voice just in case Reagan could hear us somehow. “I didn’t feel sick this morning. Might’ve been something else.”

Deep down, I didn’t really think so, but until a positive came back on a pregnancy test, I was hedging my bets and trying to not get my hopes up.

His brow wrinkled. “But then I took that chance Friday night and you’ve apparently been drinking so much tea…”

“You didn’t come inside me.”

Was I really discussing this in his driveway when I was needed at the bakery? Yes, I really was.

Score one for not having any close neighbors.

“No, but all it takes is one sperm—”

“Thank you, Doctor Science. I know how the process works.” I opened the driver’s door and waited until he finally finished clearing off the windows on the other side of the vehicle.

Then he moved to the roof.

I groaned. “Seriously?”

“It’s a hazard to you and to other drivers not to remove all snow from your vehicle.”

I had to bite my tongue because I really, really wanted to be snarky. That probably wasn’t the way to encourage him to propose.

Not that I necessarily needed a ring right now. There was no rush. But he’d put the wife thing in my head. And then the baby thing again.

Until this morning, the idea of being his had seemed really fucking wonderful. At least before he’d started acting like my taskmaster instead of my boyfriend. He didn’t even know I was pregnant yet for sure.

Lord only knew what he’d insist on if I actually was. Probably bedrest.

I was a hot mess of confusion, and I was about to devour that ham sandwich standing in his driveway. I wouldn’t have time to eat it otherwise.

“Why are you dressed in your full police regalia? I thought you had today off.”

“Covering for the Chief this morning. Brady also out with the baby. By the afternoon, I’ll be free.”

“Oh, is Tab actually trusting him to help?”

“It’s his kid, Honey. The man can certainly care for his own child.”

I did my best to keep my face composed. “He can, of course. But the first time Presley isn’t feeling well, she needs her mother.”

Christian stared at me across the top of my vehicle. “So women are inherently better at childcare than men, is that it?”

“I didn’t say that. I need to get to the bakery. Can we argue later?”

“We aren’t arguing. We’re having a discussion.”

“Can we have a discussion later?”

He slapped his snow brush against the hood to get the snow off then dumped it on the floor of the backseat. “Fine. Have a good day.”

I was about to get in and slam my door when I remembered he was going to work. His potentially dangerous work.

In police work, you just never knew.

Not to mention he had an important day with Reagan and his family—a day I had to miss part of against my will. Maybe even the whole thing if things didn’t swing my way with work.

Halfway into the car, I reversed course and popped back out to round the car to his side. His eyes widened in surprise as I leaned up to frame his face. “New rule.”


“We never part without a kiss and an I love you.” I kissed his chin.

“Chin doesn’t count.” He dragged my mouth up to his, his cool lips warming under mine. “Much better. I love you. Have a good day.”

“I love you. Be careful, okay?” I gripped him by his lapels. “You’re entirely too hot in your police finery so stay inside behind closed doors.”

His grin made me almost forget his heavy-handedness. But to be fair, I’d been a jerk too. “Ditto. Maybe I’ll stop by for a croissant.”

“Maybe I’ll slip you a freebie. Hope you can escape at a decent time.”

“I will.”

“Hey! I can bring Reagan with me to the bakery, put her to work.”

His eyes crinkled in that way I adored. “Yeah? I think she’d enjoy that.”

“Hell yeah. The more hands the better. I’ll just go see if she wants to and get my ass moving.”


I’d booked it up three steps then looked back. “Yeah?”

“No matter what, I know we can figure it all out. It won’t be easy and we’ll have some growing pains. But no one will ever respect you more than I do. I just worry.”

“You don’t say.” I grinned and blew him a kiss before heading in to see if I could get some free teenage labor for the morning. Bacon and egg scone payment optional.

And hey, it’d be my first experience with a bring-your-daughter-to-work day. Pretty damn cool.