Sign Me Up by Dulcie Dameron



say has been the hardest part about going viral as a beauty influencer?”

I push the recorder toward Paris as she adjusts in her seat across from me. We’re seated at the small bar-style table in Parker and Dane’s industrial-chic kitchen. My amazing boyfriend allowed me to use his downtown apartment for this interview, and I couldn’t be happier. Not only is this place immaculate thanks to Dane’s obsessive-compulsive cleaning habits, but it’s also modern and masculine with an edgy touch.

“I think for me the hardest part was allowing complete strangers a glimpse into my life,” Paris says, tapping a perfectly-manicured finger on the tabletop. “With over a million followers, someone always has something to say about how I live my life.”

I frown and offer her an apologetic look. “That must be really tough. Especially when you go through a breakup.”

She scoffs a little laugh and shakes her head. “You have no idea. It’s insane. Everyone thinks they know what happened, everyone thinks they get to have an opinion about the relationship…but no one knows what went on in that relationship except for the two people involved.”

“Exactly,” I say, remembering my own mini-viral moment. I feel for Paris, truly. Seeing her now in person, it’s clear she’s struggling with the turn her life has taken by the weary lines in her face and the dark circles under her eyes. And I know for a fact she hasn’t posted a video to her beauty channel in weeks.

“I just want to set the record straight,” she says with a determined set to her jaw. “My ex wasted no time in sharing his skewed side of the story. Now it’s time to share mine.”

“Uh, Parker, you don’t even know,” I say, as I toss the lavender backpack I kept because it reminded me of a really awesome night onto the sofa and sit down beside it. “That woman has been through the wringer! And to think, she’s been painted as this horrible, stuck-up entitled celebrity because of a vindictive ex.”

Parker lowers himself beside me on the coach, possibly not catching a word I’ve said since I’m talking so fast. But in true Parker fashion, he doesn’t interrupt. Just takes my legs and drapes them over his lap, removing my shoes as he goes.

I lay a hand on his arm to stop him. “You don’t want to do that right now. I’ve been on my feet all day.”

He gives me a lop-sided smile and signs, That’s exactly why I’m doing it, you silly woman. Besides, it’s your birthday.

“But you already gave me my gift!” I push my hair back and show off the gorgeous pink stone earrings that caught my eye from Meta Minerals and More before we were even together.

He shakes his head with a flirty smirk. Your new pair of earrings wasn’t the only gift I have for you. Finish your story first.

I settle back against the throw pillows and tug Parker’s blanket over me. He readjusts it so it’s covering my legs but not my feet as he works his magic on every sore muscle in my foot.

“So, I can’t share every detail until the story gets published,” I say while signing as much as I know, “but I can tell you that she’s been through a lot in the last few months. And now she’s back in her hometown, just trying to get away from some of the backlash she’s experienced.”

Parker nods, a line forming between his brows. Is she OK? Emotionally?

“She’s still working through things, I think. But I shared Dr. Gregario’s business card with her just in case she needed to speak with a professional. I know how much she’s helped me in the last few weeks so it only felt right to share her name.”

Parker smiles and squeezes a particularly sore spot on my foot. I instinctively recoil with a groan, but he doesn’t let me go far. In fact, his eyes zero in on my mouth and he tugs on my thighs until I’m right up against him.

Feel good?he asks.

A sly smirk curls my lip. “You have no idea.” Grasping the sides of his face, I pull him to me and deliver the kiss I’ve been dying to give him all day long. He instantly responds, drawing me even closer until I’m almost entirely on his lap.

He pulls back abruptly and holds up a finger. Wait. I don’t want to get too carried away.

I toy with the collar of his shirt. “But maybe I do. And it’s my birthday.” I pretend to pout and pooch out my lower lip.

He leans forward and kisses me, biting my lip as he goes. Don’t tempt me, beautiful, he signs just beforehe reaches over the side of the couch and pulls a stack of papers out of his messenger bag, setting them in my lap. The rest of your gift. The boyish smile he gives me sends my heart into overdrive.

My eyes instantly soak up the script typed across the first page.

A Night of Savage Shadows, By: Parker Kent

My gaze flits to his face. “Is this something you wrote?” He dips his chin once, a single confirmation. “Like…a book?”

Again, a single nod. His expression remains unreadable except for the slight purse of his lips as he gauges my reaction. I stare down at the thick stack in my lap and start flipping through the pages. Words and phrases stand out like little lights in a dark tunnel, mesmerizing and illuminating.

“Parker, you wrote a book.” Thankful he can’t hear the breathy edge to my voice, I stare at my amazing boyfriend. He wrote an entire book. A novel, by the feel of it. A fantasy novel. “Is there romance in this?”

Pink tinges his cheeks and his mouth crooks upward. Yes. But if it’s not good, don’t blame me. Maybe you can help me with those parts.

I gape, completely shocked. “Parker, this is so awesome! You wrote a book!” I flip the pages closed and make a show of how heavy it is. “And it’s thick!” He laughs and so do I. “Is this the thing you’ve been working on? Your plan B?”

He nods, eyeing his work.

“Oh my gosh, I can’t wait to read it! Thank you so much!”

I reach forward and pull him into my arms, squeezing him tight. It doesn’t last long enough when he leans back and starts signing again. You can only read it on one condition.

I cock my head in question.

You can only read five chapters a week. At the end of each week, I want to take you on a themed date that coincides with the story.

My mouth drops open with a shocked smile. “Parker! Are you for real?”

He grins so wide it shows off all his perfect teeth. Yes, I’m serious. You have to promise.

I take my finger and swipe it over my chest in a crisscross pattern. “Okay, I promise. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.”

He laughs and pulls me back into his arms. I flip open the first page of the book and as soon as I reach the dedication, my eyes begin to water.

To Jamie: You heard all the words I never said and saw me like no one else did. Loving you makes me a better man. Thanks for being my endless source of inspiration.

A tear streams down my face and I try to bat it away before Parker sees, but of course, the man misses nothing. He puts a hand to my head and kisses my hair, then twirls a strand around his finger while I turn the page and begin reading.

I couldn’t say how many nights we do this, but for the next eight weeks, I spend most of my evenings curled up in Parker’s lap or by his side reading the words he penned. And to say it’s surreal to read our love story woven into an intricate fantasy plot would be an understatement. And it also feels necessary to add that the man. Can. Write.

Not only do Parker’s kisses keep me up late into the night, but so do his thoughtfully written words. I always knew he was destined for greater things than the Gazette, and this manuscript is proof.

Lady Elyse is a fantastic character who Parker insists is based off of me, but she wields swords and slays dragons alongside her broody, silent assassin, Dandrick. Their love story isn’t exactly like ours in that it’s more of an enemies-to-lovers tale, however, Parker added so many details that are true to us.

For instance, after they resign themselves to their fate of working together to defeat the evil sorcerer in their world, they become friends. And Dandrick’s attempts to bring a smile out of Lady Elyse are much like Parker’s, including tickling with a certain pointer sword finger.

And then there’s the time they share the horse and Lady Elyse falls asleep on Dandrick’s chest like I fell asleep on Parker, plus their steamy kiss against the castle wall bore a striking resemblance to our first kiss…

But the best part about reading through his manuscript has been the dates he’s planned for us. While Elyse and Dandrick were fighting off evil enemies, Parker was taking me on an ax-throwing date, then we went to the theater to catch an action movie.

At the point in the story where they had to escape a dungeon, Parker organized an escape room date, even inviting Daria, Briar, and Gladys to come along with us. It was so fun, especially when Gladys figured out the last clue that got us out of the room.

But now, we’re nearing the end of the story and I’m almost sad to finish it.

We’re sprawled out on Parker’s couch, him lying beside me with his arm draped over my stomach, his thumb rubbing circles along my waist. His chin rests on my shoulder as I struggle not to ugly cry at this last scene in the book.

It’s so touching with Dandrick confessing his undying love to Elyse in the only way he knows how, begging her not to leave with nothing but hand gestures and silent touches. I’m completely engrossed in the story, but when I turn to the next page, it’s blank.

I bolt upright and flip the page back and forth. Whirling on Parker, I raise the thick stack of papers that have curled at the edges from overuse. “Where’s the rest?”

A slow smile creeps to his lips and he holds up a finger. Rising from the couch, he heads to his bedroom, then returns with a single piece of paper.

“What,” I ask, “did you not finish it or something?”

He shakes his head and hands me the rest. I devour the page as quickly as possible, needing to know how this story ends. Tears form in my eyes at the very last words on the page.

I’ll stay. Yes, Dandrick, I’ll stay and marry you. I love you with all my heart.

I’m a blubbering, emotional wreck when I raise my gaze to see Parker down on one knee in front of me, holding a ring with a gorgeous pink princess-cut stone set in the center of what appears to be a white-gold band glittering with tiny little half-moon shaped diamonds.

I suck in a gasp and drop the paper as my hands fly to my mouth. He mouths, Will you marry me, holding the ring up between us.

“Yes!” I scream at the top of my lungs as I fling myself toward Parker. We tumble to the ground, a heap of legs and arms, both laughing, until I realize I might’ve knocked the gorgeous ring out of his hands.

Helping him to a seated position, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see the ring still between his fingers. Parker takes my hand and slides the ring into place—a perfect fit—just like the two of us. I wiggle my fingers and watch as the pink stone sparkles under the light.

“It’s perfect, Parker.” I meet his eyes and say, “Thank you. It’s breathtaking.”

Just like you, he signs then kisses me right on the nose. There’s one more thing.

“What is it?”

He chews his bottom lip for a second before signing, I sent this manuscript into a writing competition and…I won.

My eyes go wide. “You won?!” He nods with a smile. “What did you win?!”

He brings his hands between us to sign, A publishing contract.

I squeal again, jumping up and down on my knees as I hug Parker close to my chest. I can’t believe he won a publishing contract! Pulling back, I ask, “So does this mean you’re now a published author?”

He lifts one shoulder. I will be soon. We’re in contract and the book will be published next year. Which means I’m now employed and can provide for a wife. Shaking my head, I roll my eyes. He should know that’s the last thing I’m worried about when it comes to our future. So, hecontinues, how long do we have to wait to make it official?

“What do you mean? You just did!”

No, marriage. When can we do it?

I laugh, pushing against his chest playfully. “You’re ready to get married? Right now?”

His eyes widen as he nods his head up and down emphatically. Right now. Let’s go. He hops to his feet, pulling me up with him, and makes a show of running toward the door. I tug him back by his hand and give him a stern look.

“No so fast, bestie. I’m making you wait a while.” He makes a fist like he’s holding a knife and jabs it into his heart. “Sorry, but I’ve always wanted a big wedding. And something tells me your mom would kill you if we ran off and got married without her there.”

He rolls his eyes and signs, Yeah, you’re right. So… summer?

I smile and run my hands up his chest. “Summer sounds nice. Think you can wait that long?”

He purses his lips and raises an eyebrow in challenge, then hovers his lips over mine. I start to lean in, craving his touch, but he pulls back with a laugh just before I can make contact.

I think you’re the one who won’t be able to wait, he signs with a smug expression.

I go to swat him in the stomach, but he’s too quick. By the time I do, we’ve turned it into a game of tag where we’re chasing each other around his apartment until we’re both laughing so hard we can’t breathe.

And when we finally fall back onto the couch together, my heart is so full, it feels close to bursting. I never could’ve imagined that my best friend would become the person I get to spend the rest of my life with as my husband.

White picket fence, here we come.