Sign Me Up by Dulcie Dameron

Fun Facts

Thank you so much for reading Sign Me Up! As per usual with my books, there are some real-life things I added into this story just because I could. LOL

So, for those of you who wonder which parts I gleaned from actual real-life experiences, keep on reading!

1.) This book is dedicated to my sister, Jamie, who I really did promise to name my child after. Why? Because I used to beg to sleep with her and that was her payment. She's basically just Rumpelstiltskin with strawberry blonde hair.

2.) Though the character was named after my older sister, the fictional Jamie and real-life Jamie don't share too many similarities other than their hair color and love for healthy eating.

3.) "Sword Finger" is a real thing my dad would use on us as kids. He'd wield that thing like a weapon and many a tickle fight took place growing up because of it. He still uses it today when the situation calls for it.

4.) That first-grade kid electrocuting himself by sticking a paperclip in the outlet? Yup, really happened. My other sister taught first grade and had this happen on her FIRST day teaching! Thankfully, he was okay, but it did knock the power out on her entire floor, just like in this story.

5.) Meta Minerals and More is the name of my brother's business. Check them out on Facebook!

6.) Though exaggerated, the trust fall incident actually did happen at one of my friends' workplaces. She did not participate. haha.

7.) I may or may not also have a mild obsession with Shania Twain.

8.) The "Bobby Hauck" incident that Jamie experienced really did happen to me in kindergarten. It was mortifying and scarred me for life. His name wasn't Bobby, though. It was Josh. There. Take that, meanie!

9.) My wardrobe mostly consists of black clothing like Jamie. Sorry not sorry.

10.) And lastly, I watched a story where people were asked how they fell in love with their spouses. A woman on that video explained that she and her co-worker were dancing at a work party when she had a realization about him. Feeling bold, she pressed a kiss to his jaw and in her words, "the rest was history." Her story inspired me so much, I decided to write a co-worker romance where the main characters could take their relationship to the next level in that same exact way. Hope you enjoyed that scene as much as I did writing it!