Sign Me Up by Dulcie Dameron

Special Thanks

It's hard to believe this is my NINTH book published! I'd love to say that writing stories gets easier as I go, but that would be a lie. It does, however, show me just how fallible I really am and highlights the fact that no story of mine could be complete without the help and input of others.

This story in particular took me a VERY long time to write. My longest yet, I think, at over a year! There were many days I thought it wouldn't ever get finished…that I'd never be able to fully flesh out these characters…but with the help and encouragement of my friends, we made it!

So here's where I take a minute to thank the generous souls that dedicated time and effort to help make this story what it is!

To Jennia, my fabulous, one-of-a-kind editor…GIRL. What can I even say that hasn't already been said? You are my right-hand woman and your advice, professional eye, and constant encouragement are what keep me going on the days I want to quit! I've tucked so many of your words deep into my heart and go back to them often when I'm questioning if being a writer is something I should even pursue. THANK YOU just for being you and being available!

To my VERY FIRST critique partner on this story, Sophie Toovey, thank you for taking the time to read and give me my first words of encouragement, and to my other critique partners, Latisha, MJ, and Annah, THANK YOU for spending so much time reading and critiquing this story in its entirety. Your friendship means so much to me!

A HUGE thanks to my sensitivity readers, Laken and Aubrey. Your advice and guidance was much needed for this story!

To Charity, my eagle eyes, THANK YOU for being SO willing to jump right in and read like a mad woman to get this story out to the other ARC readers. Your friendship is a blessing!

And to my other ARC readers, you guys are awesome. Thanks for taking a chance on Parker and Jamie's story!

To all of my readers, thank you for being loyal and ready to purchase or borrow my books. I count it a privilege to have my stories on your shelves and in your hands.

A big thanks to my sisters and family for giving me so much material for this one, haha. And to my husband and kids, especially, thanks for allowing me the time and space to work. My husband has held me when I've cried tears over this story and soothed all of my doubts when they arose…he truly should get all the praise for this one!

And to my Jesus for always seeing me through. Only He knows the emotional and spiritual struggle I went through to get this book out during one of the most trying times of my life. He's so good and blesses me beyond what I can even imagine!